The Truth ABOUT Hair Relaxers..... you cant have healthy hair if you relax.

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Once again this is a misconception that doesn't merit any real discussion. For as many ladies that unhealthy hair that are relaxed you have the same number of naturals with unhealthy hair. We have to stop this pervasive ignorance all the way around. Healthy hair can be relaxed or left in its natural state. That's it that's all.
exactly both relaxed and natural heads have damaged hair. Bottom line if you dont take care of you hair in general it wont be healthy.
Hair is not alive, so it cannot be "healthy."

After learning how properly to relax and care for my hair, I think it is about 75% as "healthy" as it was napptural. And I can enjoy it more because it looks bigger.

But I am pro-nappy hair, too.
Once again this is a misconception that doesn't merit any real discussion. For as many ladies that unhealthy hair that are relaxed you have the same number of naturals with unhealthy hair. We have to stop this pervasive ignorance all the way around. Healthy hair can be relaxed or left in its natural state. That's it that's all.

Exactly :yep:
I agree, why must it be Unhealthy, Just because you are natural does not mean Healthy hair or better condition, I have seen some nappy heads that look like they just rolled out of bed and came on out and vice versa, When I relax my hair is just fine, either way works for me, it is all in how you care for it, This stuff need to stop among black women about the Natural/Relaxed Battle!
Please forgive my ignorance but how can relaxed hair be healthy? As soon as you put that stuff on your hair aren't you permanently damaging it? I was under the assumption that no topical protein treatment in the world could truely replace what was lost during the relaxing process. If relaxers are the harshest chemical service used on the hair how can the hair then be healthy? Someone please explain. Are you all implying that protein treatments and DCs bring it back to a healthy state?

Also I do not assume just because you are natural your hair is healthy. I have experienced first hand unhealthy natural hair growing up.
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You have to damage the hair in order to relax it...period. The damage is what makes it straight.

I will venture to say that most people have some type of "damage" just from everyday manipulation.

..and this is coming from someone who bonelaxes every 2-3 months.
Umm.. again stupid shock TV.. people have been relaxing hair for years and still getting length.. I knew my hair could be healthy relaxed before LHCF and now after LHCF I am totally convinced..all these tailbone folks running around here with relaxers.. Ain't nobody thinking bout her.. I stopped watching somewhere in the middle.

Creamy crack! Creamy crack!

And if she's so smart..why did she misspell "pronounce"... (I know a cheap shot...) :D
People will relax because they want to, some people choose not to because they want to..

At the end of the day, any kind of chemical that has contact with your skin will have some effects on your body.

I do think that relaxer's are bad for your scalp, as they can seep through your hair follicles, and it is such a powerful chemical. And I think we all know that if something is not bad for you, you wouldn't have to time how long you left it on your hair- for fear of damage or burning.

But there is nothing anyone can say or do- people will do what they want- because they want to, some people do care about the harsh chemicals in relaxer's some do not.

There's not much you can do about it really- is there?
Why is this up for discussion again?

OK... I am natural now...But - I have had problems as a natural too....


These kinds of posts need to stop... I had my last relaxer in November 1998.... I am personally - totally again a relaxer for MY HAIR...
But - let us not BASH people over the HEAD!!!!!
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This debate is so tired... *sighs* Do whatever you want with your hair. It's YOURS.
... It seems it doesn't really matter what the topic is, we black folk have to fight over it. lol
Once again this is a misconception that doesn't merit any real discussion. For as many ladies that unhealthy hair that are relaxed you have the same number of naturals with unhealthy hair. We have to stop this pervasive ignorance all the way around. Healthy hair can be relaxed or left in its natural state. That's it that's all.
Well said!!
I don't watch these types of videos. Actually I don't watch anything that is going to make me upset anyway. I would say to the ladies that relax their hair, just ignore it.

I know that if relaxers ARE unhealthy to your body and can lead to consequences later on its probably too late for me cuz I did it for 26 years. I know that I can't force anybody to think like me. Beating something over their head over and over again just makes this person look like a crazy radical and nothing else. Its almost like that crazy guy in Downtown Boston that has a sign about how we're all going to hell, yet I've never heard a word that crazy boy says.
That video completely reminds of PETA ads with the grotesque animal footage. I dont think thats nice to relaxed heads. Im not discounting the serious chemicals because that is part of the reason that I went natural. Although, I feel that the tide is turning on natural vs relaxed and I dont want to jump on the bandwagon of hating on relaxed heads like society jumped on natural heads. YES I believe relaxers are not the safest thing but there are a lot of unsafe things in the world and if I wanted straight hair all the time then I would relax, cause done "properly" the damage should be minimal. I hope that we all go natural one day but until then...videos like this are too much, theres better ways to bring people over than denengrating them

however you spell denengrate...denagrate??whatever lol
Oh gosh when i was natural,I didnt beat the natural belief's into people...just please spare me with the relaxed vs natural argument..I am sooo over it..
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