The Official Sexy and Single Thread


Well-Known Member
So I thought I'd start this thread for all of us to share whatever is going on with us as we navigate our way through the single life.

-Had a bad date? Vent about it here.

-Had a good one? Share the juicy details cause you know we're nosy as hell and wanna hear 'em!!

-Feeling lonely and/or discouraged? Get it off your chest!!

-Completely and utterly happy about your singleness? Give the lonely/discouraged ladies some tips on how to be completely and utterly happy!!!

I have been single for a while, but I am at a point where I wouldn't mind dating again. Nursing school has kinda been nuts with my schedule, so it was easier not to date.

Most days being single does not bother me. I can come and go as I please and do what I want to do. There are times though, when I would like to share what I enjoy with someone else, and now that my schedule is a lot more open, I am interested in meeting some people. I'll come back with details as they arise.
Yay for this thread, I've been needing this.

Over the past year I've been up and down with my single-ness. One day I'll really love it, and the next I'm sad and lonely and afraid no one will ever love me. :ohwell: I finally got to the point where I decided that I need to not be so bipolar when it comes to how I feel about my daing situation, and that requires that I work on me, which I'm doing now. Still going out and meeting people, but not as pressed as I was. I think a big part of that was that I moved to a new state and didn't really know anyone and that amplified my loneliness.
I too am an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to being single. But lately I've been feeling really good. I'm actually (dare I say it) starting to like being single. :blush: I've been more active on the dating sites, and going out with friends with my eyes open and my flirty nature on overdrive.

I think the best thing to do is to start talking to guys, and not expect them to come to us. Yes the traditional way is for the guy to make the approach, but if you go into it thinking that all you want is to be friends well nature will take it's course and the guy will make his "important" move.

I know my problem is that I'm always looking for a relationship when I'm really into that person which lately is rare. But now i'm just going to go out date and not sweat it.

I had the weirdest date lately though, it was cool. Homeboy took me to his church gala without telling me. He is a comedian and was supposed to perform at the gala. When we got there it wasn't till then when I realized he was at a family/friends gathering. I'm glad he didn't tell me earlier though cause I would have freaked out, but it ended up being a good night. He never did get to perform, so I can't say if he is really funny or not:lachen:.
I have been single for a while, but I am at a point where I wouldn't mind dating again. Nursing school has kinda been nuts with my schedule, so it was easier not to date.

Most days being single does not bother me. I can come and go as I please and do what I want to do. There are times though, when I would like to share what I enjoy with someone else, and now that my schedule is a lot more open, I am interested in meeting some people. I'll come back with details as they arise.

Definitely keep us posted!!!! :grin:
Yay for this thread, I've been needing this.

Over the past year I've been up and down with my single-ness. One day I'll really love it, and the next I'm sad and lonely and afraid no one will ever love me. :ohwell: I finally got to the point where I decided that I need to not be so bipolar when it comes to how I feel about my daing situation, and that requires that I work on me, which I'm doing now. Still going out and meeting people, but not as pressed as I was. I think a big part of that was that I moved to a new state and didn't really know anyone and that amplified my loneliness.

Ugh, this is so me, LOL.

My feelings about being single change frequently, although I will say I've been pretty alright with it lately.

I saw a couple arguing on the bus the other day and was like "man, I so don't miss that".

I'm really learning to embrace my freedom, but I'll admit, when you come from the bar and 2 in the morning and dont' have anyone to go home to, it kinda sucks, LOL.
I've been single for about 2 years. I would love to date, I've never really dated. I'm young (23) and i feel like i should be going on dates at least a few times a month. I just have a really hard time meeting people. My life consist of school and work, literally. I don't think i'll meet anyone through either of thoes avenues. I need to "put my self out there". I just don't know how.
I love being single but I hate it.

All the guys I date are starting to look the same.:look:

But dangitt, I sure as heck love the free meals. :lol:

At this point I'm either ready for a fully committed relationship or I'm ready for complete dating isolation.

I'm giving myself until my birthday (October) to go one way or the other.
I can so identify with the emotional rollercoaster side of dating. For the most part I am happy with my life. I'm out dating and hanging out with friends, and that is tons of fun. There are days when I am so exhilarated, happy to be free, ready for the next adventure.

However, today, I woke up really bored and restless. This dating thing is becoming more like a job. I get more giddy hanging out with girlfriends than I do before my next date. None of the guys I am seeing is really exciting me. I am so restless I feel I am going to get myself into some trouble looking for some sort of excitement.
:hiya:Hil48figer here, representing I'm single and sexy, deal with it.

But for real, I've been having these thoughts like it would be nice to have a guy to cuddle with, cook for, watch sports, just chill with.

It's frustrating that I have not been on ANY Dates. Few options/prospects. Dudes look but no approach.

Like another thread mentioned, when will be my turn.
:hiya:Hil48figer here, representing I'm single and sexy, deal with it.

But for real, I've been having these thoughts like it would be nice to have a guy to cuddle with, cook for, watch sports, just chill with.

It's frustrating that I have not been on ANY Dates. Few options/prospects. Dudes look but no approach.

Like another thread mentioned, when will be my turn.

Hey Hil!

Yeah, I hear you. Same here. I see guys checking me out but rarely do they ever actually come up to me. But the undesireables do. :rolleyes:
I can so identify with the emotional rollercoaster side of dating. For the most part I am happy with my life. I'm out dating and hanging out with friends, and that is tons of fun. There are days when I am so exhilarated, happy to be free, ready for the next adventure.

However, today, I woke up really bored and restless. This dating thing is becoming more like a job. I get more giddy hanging out with girlfriends than I do before my next date. None of the guys I am seeing is really exciting me. I am so restless I feel I am going to get myself into some trouble looking for some sort of excitement.

Girl I think I already have. :ohwell:
I figure we can post really good tips in this thread also:

This was posted by UmSumayyah...

You need to look for a man like you would look for a job.
Yeah you can read and work on yourself and blah blah blah ( )
But you also need to get serious. If you had a smart, capable friend who wanted a stimulating position at a great company, and she was working at the drugstore and watching VH-1 in all her spare time, what would you say to her?

Would you tell her that great positions fall in your lap when you least expect them, and she should just work on her typing speed in the meantime?

Or would you tell her to turn off the damn TV and start actively looking for that great job she wants?

Finding a dh is serious business and should be treated with the same amount of diligence and care that we give to finding a good job.

Hope that helps.
Ew, now that does sound like trouble. I'm sure you know how to take care of yourself though.

The funny thing, though, is that I think I'm in it BECAUSE I know it's not gonna go anywhere.

I'm not feeling the whole "being in love/relationship" thing and I know that I'm not gonna develop those feelings for this person.

He's kind of my "meantime" dude, I guess.
Checking in!
I have been single for 4+ years. Celibate for that long too.
At first, because of the way I became single, I was miserable. It took a good two years for me to get out of that miserableness! But now, I am enjoying being me! With no one to answer too, no one to cater to but me! I like it. There are times lately (usually when I watch some sappy movie like Love Jones) when I really ache for some companionship. I think that's what I miss the most. Not the sex.

For the most part, I have made so many mistakes and dumb choices with men, that I am cool just chilling. But a date here or there would be nice. I haven't been on a date in 3 years.
I'm almost 22 years old and single. Never had a boyfriend, but wish i did. Sometimes I don't like coming to the relationship forum because there's always a thread that says "what romantic thing your SO did for you", or "How does your SO show you love" etc. *Sigh* I can't stand the dating scene........:sad:
I'm almost 22 years old and single. Never had a boyfriend, but wish i did. Sometimes I don't like coming to the relationship forum because there's always a thread that says "what romantic thing your SO did for you", or "How does your SO show you love" etc. *Sigh* I can't stand the dating scene........:sad:

I know girl, I know..........:sad: