~*~*The Newly Natural Thread*~*~

Hi, everyone! I don't know how I missed this! Anyway, here's my info:

When you BCd: 8/18/2010
How many months post-relaxer were you when you BCd: 11 months
Your hair type, preferably your hair's characteristics: Type 3c/4a (S strands, corkscrew curls, and pushpin-sized coils), fine strands, low to med-low density, hair grows out and/or down
Your current regimen: Wash and DC on Sundays; Co-wash on Wednesdays; moisturize and seal daily (sometimes twice daily)
Your favorite styles: Braid-outs and puffs!
Your current length and goal length: Not sure of my current length since I haven't straightened since the chop, but I am extremely confident I will hit SL by December. My ultimate goal is U-shaped MBL
Your photo album, if any: youtube.com/user/davisb88
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I was told the links in my post were not working so here it is again with the proper pics.

I'm still wiggin' it. I just bought 3 more wigs from hairsisters: Opal, Puffy and Valencia Girl. Until they arrive, I will be wearing Oakland Girl by Freetress.



Valencia Girl

I'm thinking about getting my hair professionally braided to go under the wig....but do I really wanna spend more money??
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BiaM I think natural products with the right ingredients can be worth it. Also, you can stretch them by using products that ar already in your kitchen cabinet.

For example, here's the price per oz breakdown of products and items which can use for conditioning, dcing, leave-in, moisturizing, sealing:
aubrey organics honeysuckle rose - .72/oz
trader joes nourish spa - .35/oz

honey - .32/oz
olive oil - .38/oz
coconut oil - .47/oz
castor oil - .62/oz

Evallusion - I was looking at puffy on youtube. Definitely on my short list.

I don't see the point of paying for braids. Just take your time braiding yourself. if they look janky - so what - they're going under a wig!
BiaM I think natural products with the right ingredients can be worth it. Also, you can stretch them by using products that ar already in your kitchen cabinet.

For example, here's the price per oz breakdown of products and items which can use for conditioning, dcing, leave-in, moisturizing, sealing:
aubrey organics honeysuckle rose - .72/oz
trader joes nourish spa - .35/oz

honey - .32/oz
olive oil - .38/oz
coconut oil - .47/oz
castor oil - .62/oz

Evallusion - I was looking at puffy on youtube. Definitely on my short list.

I don't see the point of paying for braids. Just take your time braiding yourself. if they look janky - so what - they're going under a wig!

ITA. AO honeysuckle rose is a little pricey so I normally add honey or aloe vera or something else to it to stretch it out. It's even more of a treat for my hair
Hi all!

*looks at my join date* :nono:

meant to make this post long ago but got busy...then lazy....then busy again

* When you BCd: July 2010

* How many months post-relaxer were you when you BCd: 6 months

* Your hair type: not to good and describing or being sure of my curl pattern yet but very thick with very "wavy" roots. Keeping moisture is also my main challenge/goal

* Your current regimen: low manipulation/maintenance. hiding my hair in crochet braids at least until December (maybe longer) and lots of moisture. I'm also on the Mega-tek and Henna bandwagons

* Your current length: Vtwa (see below) and goal length: MBL stretched
Things are going good with me. I have never retained hair like this in my life! My hair is growing but my length is not showing at all! My hair just gets tighter and tighter. I was hoping to be able to bun by summer of 2011 w/o stretching. But I do not see that happening. I took sosme pics today and I just do not see a difference from my last pics taken in July. But when you feel my hair you can tell that its been growing. I'm also starting to stock up on some new products for the winter. Any suggestions. Also since I have a TWA will wash n go's still be okay? That's really all I can do right now, and I'm not sure if I have enough to get my hair braided often.
I noticed the other day that my hair is starting to feel heavy! It has always grown down for the most part, but now when it's in a bun I can feel it, and when I take my hair down and shake my head I can feel the weight of my hair!! This gives me hope that with more growth my hair will hang down nicely for wash and goes.

Straightening in three weeks!
^^ Ooooh! I don't think my hair will ever feel heavy, but I can't wait until I can feel it on my back again when I wash it!
Another wash and go

Question for everyone:
How long does your wash and go last? Mine lasts for 2-3 days and then I have to wash it and start again.

Another question: How are you all "reviving" an old wash a go? I'm afraid I'm on the road to product build up while trying to "revive" mine.
BiaM I think natural products with the right ingredients can be worth it. Also, you can stretch them by using products that ar already in your kitchen cabinet.

For example, here's the price per oz breakdown of products and items which can use for conditioning, dcing, leave-in, moisturizing, sealing:
aubrey organics honeysuckle rose - .72/oz
trader joes nourish spa - .35/oz

honey - .32/oz
olive oil - .38/oz
coconut oil - .47/oz
castor oil - .62/oz

I've been a MAJOR PJ since I've been lurking so I may end up purchasing some AOHR because everyone raves about it and I'm nosy :lol: I do have some coconut, olive, castor oil and honey in stock and I probably never would have thought about mixing those into my conditioner for a DC.This might be my Sunday afternoon!
BiaM: Awww thanks! I love your TWA... I wish I had the face to pull it off - woulda been so much easier than dealing with those limp ends for so long. :nono:
I can't wait until I like my braid-outs enough to wear down and not always pinned back!
Question for everyone: How long does your wash and go last? Mine lasts for 2-3 days and then I have to wash it and start again.

Another question: How are you all "reviving" an old wash a go? I'm afraid I'm on the road to product build up while trying to "revive" mine.

Mine last 2-3 days also. When I shower I don't wear a shower cap so that allows my hair to get "moist" or "misted". Then I follow up with a spray moisturizer and seal with a serum.

Also so you know initially I literally do a wash & go. I cowash, rinse all of the condtioner out, use spray moisturizer, and seal with a serum. I'm too lazy for shingling and gel, etc.
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Hi Ladies... I miss being in this thread everyday :cry:

Everyone's hair is looking gorgeous! Andromeda, your growth still amazes me. New choppers - congrats and welcome.

All you ladies - Keep Up The Good Work :yep:

My hair's in twists... nothing new except, I can put all of my twists up in one ponytail - :yay:

Enjoy your weekend ladies :bighug:
Welcome LadyRaider and NaturalLibra! :wavey:

Things are going good with me. I have never retained hair like this in my life! My hair is growing but my length is not showing at all! My hair just gets tighter and tighter. I was hoping to be able to bun by summer of 2011 w/o stretching. But I do not see that happening. I took sosme pics today and I just do not see a difference from my last pics taken in July. But when you feel my hair you can tell that its been growing. I'm also starting to stock up on some new products for the winter. Any suggestions. Also since I have a TWA will wash n go's still be okay? That's really all I can do right now, and I'm not sure if I have enough to get my hair braided often.
lovely_locks Congrats on your growth and retention! For the winter, I guess a good moisturizer and heavy sealant are good to have. Whatever ensures that your scalp and hair remain moisturized, inside and out. The cold air outside and dry air from indoor heating can be very harsh. I can't speak to whether wash-n-go's are a good idea for the winter - I would personally stay away from them, but maybe there are people who've fared okay with them. As for the bun, can you pull your hair in a wide secure ponytail, then do little twists and pin them under. I did something like this when I first BCd. Although I had more length than you do now, I still couldn't bun on loose hair, so pulling it back, then stretching my ponytail in large twists and using hair pins allowed me to create a bun.


Did you have your interview yet? Hope it went well! :)

MummysGirl How are things going as a full-time trainer?
Congrats on your twists progress!
I have the spring and summer to thank for my growth and I anticipate that it'll slow down. I'll try to continue to stay on top of my water intake but I usually fall off during the fall/winter.

I finally trimmed my hair. About .5 -.75 inches.

I've been doing bantu knots on my hair. They've been helpful in smoothing and de-poofing my hair.

Although, by the end of the day, some of the sleekness has worn off.

My roots have started reverting, so I guess I'll do some protein, then DC and then go back in braids under my wig - maybe I'll try a beehive pattern this time.
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New WIG!! Her name is Puffy by It's a Wig. My hair is cornrowed underneath and I'm gonna rock out with this for as long as possible. I can't wait for my real hair to be this length!!


It will be a week on Sunday that I have these braids in.This morning I rinsed with V05 and then sliced a gel and creme combon on and left. My male cousin is convinced I am locing my hair (he has them) and my sister keeps saying she is going to buy me a perm.:lachen::lachen: I like my length but I don't feel "right" when it is straightened. It just feels ...unnatural.:lol: So I quickly rewet it as soon as possible.
I don't suppose it's bad if you are not experiencing any ill effects such as dry hair. Sealing is supposed to do just that and seal/lock moisture into the hair which prevents breakage. Perhaps you're using products that contain enough oil to do that.

So what ingredients did you use to make your curly pudding?

Herbal Essences gel, Coconut Oil and Jasons Naturals Conditioner. I was bored. I could literally roll it around like play doh.
BiaM: Awww thanks! I love your TWA... I wish I had the face to pull it off - woulda been so much easier than dealing with those limp ends for so long. :nono:
I can't wait until I like my braid-outs enough to wear down and not always pinned back!

I couldn't stand my scraggily ends either. I wanted so badly to transition longer! That takes a really really patient person!
I couldn't stand my scraggily ends either. I wanted so badly to transition longer! That takes a really really patient person!

I love my hair to death, but I miss having the luxury of being able to pull it back into a bun/ponytail or something if I need a really quick hairstyle on the go, or if I'm having a bad hair day. If I could have gone just like 6 months longer, it would have really made things a little bit easier, but it's fine because I'm hiding my hair anyway. :)