A drop of golden sun
Okay, so she was playing a joke on me still natural!
Your mom is hilarious
Okay, so she was playing a joke on me still natural!
Ladies I'm on the internets lol
I'm on the August now and then feature on
I'm under ev'yan I believe that's her name, she's the model looking chick
I feel as though I asked this question already ( or maybe I just thought about asking it?) but when you braid your hair, does it stay braided or does it begin to unravel? If it unravels, is there something your can use besides bands to get the braid to stay put?
Steph, you are always on point with your styling transitioning and now natural. I love this, actually I'm HATER with . I'm still style transitioning trying to figure out what products will give me a twist/braidout. Well as of today 7 months natural I finally figure out shea products don't do it. I have 3 textures so now I got to figure out what/how much. Beautiful lady and hair:notworthy
I'm six months post today!!!:bouncegre
to commemorate...i decided to try flat twists... they weren't the best...or anywhere near it but i'm proud of myself for completing the whole set.
In other news...i think i'm out of the twa stage... i read on nat.curly that when you are past 2 inches and can braid/'re into the "SA/Small Afro" that's pretty encouraging. I have about 3 in. stretched...which means i'm right on target with my 1/2 in per month
I co-washed tonight with a stocking cap on my head. They are still intact, but I gotta get over this anxiety that they'll unravel. I plan to wear a twistout so I'm hoping they hold out until then!
This wash and go lasted for a whole week. A record for me lol. I usually only make it one day.
How did you do it? I can't even get 2nd day hair erplexed
I dont' know if this has been asked before or even I asked it but does anyone use S curl or Curl Free Curl Gold
I used to use those when I stretched between relaxers and loved it. I think I'm gonna give it another shot. I haven't really been moisturizing and only wash once a week, I've gotten real lazy. Time to step it back up
I've tried both. Many of the ladies swear by them but I don't think my hair likes those products. SCurl has cones in it and my hair doesn't like cones. CFCG is good but always leaves my hair sticky.
I dont' know if this has been asked before or even I asked it but does anyone use S curl or Curl Free Curl Gold
I used to use those when I stretched between relaxers and loved it. I think I'm gonna give it another shot. I haven't really been moisturizing and only wash once a week, I've gotten real lazy. Time to step it back up
Welcome to all the newly natural ladies!
Conqueror I agree with Steph, your flat twists came out great! Post pics if you do a twist out.