The BUY NOTHING for May 2008 Challenge

We can hold out, ya'll!!! I actually went to Walgreens today, and didn't even think about strolling down the hair products aisle. (True, true, I had scoped it out throughly the last week of april, but still.....) :lachen:
It is nearly impossible to stay on this challenge when all I see on this board is products review. I have so many products to buy on June 1st :ohwell:
I've actually been doing pretty good. I was only tempted when the warehouse dollar store link was posted. This month is going by pretty fast. Although, I have my list of goodies I will get in June.
Today I went to Ulta and all I came out with was a bottle of nail polish.:yay:

However, someone on the exchange board has offered me some of my beloved discontinued conditioner. That won't count, right? It's not made anymore. I must get it. If I pay for shipping only it won't count, right? RIGHT???
that JC Penney sale tempted me... Im defiitely doing this challenge again in June....

Oddly what I need vs what I want is vastly different... I NEED accessories, ouchless bands & hair clips....I want a bunch of stuff that in reality I wont get a chance to use anytime soon ( cept the leave in conditioner)
It was admittedly hard for me today. I saw some VO5 conditioners today that I don't have in my collection and I said to myself, "self, now you know you want those conditioners, go get them and repent later with your sistas on the board". Then I thought, hmm, do I really need them? Well guess what, *reaches back and pat self on the shoulder* I did it! I didn't buy anything! I am so proud of myself.
Today I went to Ulta and all I came out with was a bottle of nail polish.:yay:

However, someone on the exchange board has offered me some of my beloved discontinued conditioner. That won't count, right? It's not made anymore. I must get it. If I pay for shipping only it won't count, right? RIGHT???

Also does it count if I get something that I will use exclusively for DD? I'm being serious.
I have failed miserably. I have bought 3 things and we are only midway through the Challenge. I did return something howwever. Lol, I hope that somewhat reconciles my purchases.
I'm still doing good--so far!!

However, I almost gave in and bought some of that Sabino Moisture Block the other day.

My willpower is the strongest when I don't log onto this board. I find that my pj-ism kicks into high gear when I start reading various threads...or even click on fotki links and read different ladies' product lists in their journals.

But I'm doing okay so far.
I didn't even flinch when I read yesterday's sale's paper and saw that CVS has that John Frieda glaze on sale---buy one get one free. :blush: The sale goes off on Saturday---but I'll be traveling.
Give me strength Lord.
I'm holding off from buying anything else ..(although I drive by the BSS everyday on my way home from work...:wallbash:). Plus I just got my tax refund...:wallbash:. I'll be fine... :angel:
I was in Walmart & just was throwing cheapie conditioners in my cart like a bad habit... when I got to the register I was like... :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I do know for June I need bigger sized magnetic rollers ( yeah hair growth) and hair clubs & ouchless rubberbands...thats all I NEED... my list of wants is another issue but I really think I will fight it off and do another challenge for June
THIS CHALLENGE WILL END AT NOON ON FRIDAY MAY 30th in order for everyone to get their weekend fix to be ready for the June Challenge ( more details on that to follow)


Im hoping more ladies will join ( and complete) the June challenge....
:drunk: :spinning: :drunk: :spinning:

I'm going to Chicago this weekend! I might be able to get some dominican stuff! I so could, I so could (despite the fact that I don't really WANT nor need any dominican stuff, and considering their obsession with super straight shiny hair, it's most likely full of cones, and I don't need any good heat protectants and lord KNOWS I've got enough conditioners and besides the cones, the cones!!) but I can't go out of town and buy NOTHING hair related, can I? :look:


*talks herself down*

Maybe a hairtoy? :rolleyes:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
:drunk: :spinning: :drunk: :spinning:

I'm going to Chicago this weekend! I might be able to get some dominican stuff! I so could, I so could (despite the fact that I don't really WANT nor need any dominican stuff, and considering their obsession with super straight shiny hair, it's most likely full of cones, and I don't need any good heat protectants and lord KNOWS I've got enough conditioners and besides the cones, the cones!!) but I can't go out of town and buy NOTHING hair related, can I? :look:


*talks herself down*

Maybe a hairtoy? :rolleyes:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

But if you got something I could use we could trade and then you wouldn't have bought anything.
THIS CHALLENGE WILL END AT NOON ON FRIDAY MAY 30th in order for everyone to get their weekend fix to be ready for the June Challenge ( more details on that to follow)


Im hoping more ladies will join ( and complete) the June challenge....

June Challenge?:look:

oh nooooooo....

I most definitely will not be participating in that one! This month has been trying, but I believe I will make it these next few days.

This has actually been a good experience for me--and I believe it has curbed my taste for buying hair products unnecessarily.

However, I can't commit to this 'nobuy' for another month! :nono: :lol:

Good luck yawl! :grin:
THIS CHALLENGE WILL END AT NOON ON FRIDAY MAY 30th in order for everyone to get their weekend fix to be ready for the June Challenge ( more details on that to follow)


Im hoping more ladies will join ( and complete) the June challenge....
I think I could do another month because I get a day pass to buy what's been on my wish list for this month. I can get those items and be able to go another month easily. Thanks for the day pass honey. I could definitely do and certainly use another month.
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But if you got something I could use we could trade and then you wouldn't have bought anything.

:lachen: Get thee behind me, temptation!!!! :lachen: :look: You ain't right. :)

I'm so in for another month! This month was REALLY good for me - and I actually have a list of what I want/need - it'll be simple for me to stock up on Saturday, and be good to go. :lol: I might get a couple of deliveries in June, but otherwise I'll be good. :yep:
THIS CHALLENGE WILL END AT NOON ON FRIDAY MAY 30th in order for everyone to get their weekend fix to be ready for the June Challenge ( more details on that to follow)


Im hoping more ladies will join ( and complete) the June challenge....

Thank GOODNESS!!! I was just about to post that I was gong to have to cheat on the 31st. Now I don't have to! :grin:

There are so many things I want to get and try but the tax man has not been good to me so I only have a few things I'm getting on the 30th after noon, unless my check shows up between now and then.:rolleyes:
I fell off the wagon yesterday, but I will try again for June. ThatDe Louise Ayurveda Growth Elixir kept callimg my name :perplexed
Thank GOODNESS!!! I was just about to post that I was gong to have to cheat on the 31st. Now I don't have to! :grin:

There are so many things I want to get and try but the tax man has not been good to me so I only have a few things I'm getting on the 30th after noon, unless my check shows up between now and then.:rolleyes:

Girl belleama, I am feelin' you on this.
I'm in for another month. I fell of the wagon this month and bought the Sabino Moisture Block Serum. I really need to stay off of the board to get through this. :ohwell::nono::sad: