The BUY NOTHING for May 2008 Challenge

Good for you for putting the hair stuff DOWN!!!!!

I've decided to focus all my attention on clothes this month. :yep: That way, I'll be too busy to think about buying/trying new stuff on my hair.

:sekret: I still haven't taken my pictures. Just digging it all out is going to be the unfun. But I REALLY do need to figure out all of what I have - I was looking for something to seal my hair with last night, and was drawing a blank - til I got on here, and someone mentioned Vatika oil, and I was like - DAMN! I have a bottle of that AND a bottle of Brahmi oil in the cabinet that I haven't TOUCHED.

And we ain't even gonna TALK about the fact that I got some Amla and Shikakai delivered to me from India today. :look: One of my coworkers hubbys was coming back from over there, and I asked her to ask him to pick me up some stuff. :lachen: That doesn't count though, cuz I didn't pay for it. :look: :lol:
ok here's the thing. im just going to buy some vitamins tomorrow and then im in. and a tub of keracare humecto and two bottles of suave coconut conditioner:lachen::sekret:
Ladies I do have to buy something after all. I have a $10 gift certificate for BeautyFirst that expires this month.

I have to use it. Also for the next two Tuesdays there everything is 20% off for Gold Club members. I think I can walk out of there with a bottle of something FREE if I do it right. see my point.:look: FREE does not count right?

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Ladies I do have to buy something after all. I have a $10 gift certificate for BeautyFirst that expires this month.

I have to use it. Also for the next two Tuesdays there everything is 20% off for Gold Club members. I think I can walk out of there with a bottle of something FREE if I do it right. see my point.:look: FREE does not count right?

No you didn't take pics of the coupons as if we need proof.:lachen:What-you thought we'd see those and understand...get me something and I won't say nothin'...
Diary Day 1...
The first step is admitting that there MAY be a problem...
I'll finish uploading pics in the morning..





ooOOHwee Elle, that's one nice stash you have!

So, how's it going ladies?? I know how the weekend can be - so many errands, so many BSS's to drive by!

I've been good - haven't brought anything new for my hair, but my sewing set-up is getting the hookup. :look: :lachen:

And I have to admit, I went through my stash, and discovered a bunch of stuff I didn't remember still having (like a stash of Feria - color, I rebuke thee!) and organized things SO much better, based on my current regimen - it was really fun. And free! :lol:
Thanks JustKiya,I can't bring myself to post pics of the rest...

I don't know how I'm going to do when hair2heaven opens, ya'll...:look::ohwell:
Im doing good so far.. though I have a problem... I have enough Nexxus Biotin to get me thru at least 2 weeks but maybe not the month...

I had the BSS order some and it came in...

I will wait til the 2 weeks is up and see if I can stretch it another week or so... maybe..

Ive been making guinea pigs of my kids and husband... giving them all of the products I didnt like or want to use anymore

I really think I can make it all summer without buying anything for my hair
( with the exception of the Biotin creme)
I haven't even felt any pain. I bought shears and gloves on April 29 and don't need anything else. I have so many products (as I'm sure all of you do too) so if one thing runs out (which it won't) I have something else. I don't think I'll need to make a purchase until at least September. And this counts for DD's hair too.

Maybe I should take some stash pics.

Oh yeah--going through and organizing does help. It cured me of my PJism. I love the way my closet looks with all my good stuff all lined up. Getting out the unnecessary items really made a difference. It made the good stuff look more important.:yep:
the only thing I want/need to buy in June is scrunchies & ouchless bands.... I bought a bunch but I also have 2 teen thieves I mean daughters in the house

I even went to Walmart yesterday and wasnt tempted to go into the hair supply aisle
Im doing good so far.. though I have a problem... I have enough Nexxus Biotin to get me thru at least 2 weeks but maybe not the month...

I had the BSS order some and it came in...

I will wait til the 2 weeks is up and see if I can stretch it another week or so... maybe..

Ive been making guinea pigs of my kids and husband... giving them all of the products I didnt like or want to use anymore

I really think I can make it all summer without buying anything for my hair
( with the exception of the Biotin creme)

Well could you sell or return something else to come up with the money for the Nexxus Biotin stuff? If you did that I dont think it would count as "buying" anything. Its more like an even exchange. :lachen:
I'm not feeling pain per se......but I have already started making a list of things I will buy in June :grin::grin::grin:

I'm doing the samething! :blush: I can put off most everything except for MT. I'm praying I can make that stupid bottle of OCT last me but I don't think it will. :nono:
the only thing I want/need to buy in June is scrunchies & ouchless bands.... I bought a bunch but I also have 2 teen thieves I mean daughters in the house

I even went to Walmart yesterday and wasnt tempted to go into the hair supply aisle

You all are better than me. I have my list of things I am going to buy in June and I was up in Bed, Bath and Beyond the other day walking through the hair products isle. I was opening bottles and smelling stuff like a plain, ole junkie. I didn't know BBB had such an extensive hair selection.

The good thing is while I haven't taken pics yet, I did put together a bag of stuff to give to my sis. She is newly natural and she doesn't know what to do. Little sis to the rescue. I will take pics soon - I have to wait until I'm alone. I live with a house full and they are always in and out of the bedroom. LOL
We are selling our house/buying a new one asn having to really declutter. It has forced me to realize that I have way too many hair products!! I am forcing myself to throw out the ones that don't work and use up what I have before buying anything new.

I could easily co wash daily and not have to buy any new conditioner!!

I have issues:grin:!!
This has been really hard for me. It has not even been a week and I'm having dreams about buying a tube of Redken All Soft Heavy Cream and doing a DC... this is going to be a looong month for me...:sad:
I didn't realize that we had to post up pics of our products. I think I will make time for that on Sunday. Too tired to do so tonight.
i failed:ohwell::nono::look::lachen:.
i couldnt help it.
but im gonna try again. its only day six and i think i have everything i need. so im back on.:look:
They almost got me. I had the castor oil in my cart on was on my way to look for some glycerine. Then I thought about this thread. I said to myself, "Self, that is for those women on the board, the ones with the problems." Then the angel on my shoulder said, "That is YOU!" I put back the castor oil and came home and started a list...
They almost got me. I had the castor oil in my cart on was on my way to look for some glycerine. Then I thought about this thread. I said to myself, "Self, that is for those women on the board, the ones with the problems." Then the angel on my shoulder said, "That is YOU!" I put back the castor oil and came home and started a list...

OMG!!!!! Now I want to order a tabletop steamer. I didn't know I was this bad. It's only May 7th and I am fiending, jonesing, itchin' for a hit. I had no idea I have this problem so bad. Have mercy...talking all that mess a couple of days ago...I should be ashamed!