The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

I put my ends in the baggy then put the ponytail holder around the baggy not my hair. Got that idea from the baggy bun link in the op. Then I cover my head with either my satin bonnet or scarf. It's loose but stays in all night.
That's what I do too :yep:
i'm doing an experimental whole head baggy tonight. i've never done it before. i did my standard nightly rosewater and glycerin, healthy hair butter, coconut oil, and castor oil on edges and ends. pinned my hair up into two braids and put a plastic cap on. if i like how my hair feels in the morning i'll come back and officially join/ answer the questions.
Hope it worked out for you ;)
Hope it worked out for you ;)

it did! can i officially join?

How many times a week will you be baggying? 5 days a week
What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using? rosewater and glycerin, healthy hair butter, coconut/castor oil
Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying? whole head!

Baggied last night with Oyin Juices & Berries and Whipped Pudding. Hair is sooo soft today :love: I'll definitely be getting more of this stuff
it did! can i officially join?
How many times a week will you be baggying? 5 days a week
What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using? rosewater and glycerin, healthy hair butter, coconut/castor oil
Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying? whole head!
Good! I'll add you to the list :D
Sorry to hear that Cream Tee. This was the reason for me not continuing with baggying when I initial tried it a year or so ago. I later learned that I was using too much product(moisturizer and oil) and since using less this time around I am have much success w/baggying. Is it possible for you to baggy doing the day with a ponytail?
This is key for a lot of people. Less is definitely more when it comes to baggying. You don't have to drench your hair to get great results :)
I put on a baggy last night. It made my hair really damp even though I tried to wipe it dry. Oh well. I am going to try to baggy today and go for a walk.
Baggied last night with Oyin Whipped Pudding and Juices & Berries. I'm really lovin this combo. My nape is more moisturized than when I use castor oil and aloe vera juice. I didn't think anything could moisturize my nape like that could.
My hair is so soft and moisturized :D
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Baggied last night with Oyin Whipped Pudding and Juices & Berries. I'm really lovin this combo. My nape is more moisturized than when I use castor oil and aloe vera juice. I didn't think anything could moisturize my nape like that could.
My hair is so soft and moisturized :D

I can't wait to get my oyin juices:lick:, sweet baggy treats. I tried to like the whipped pudding but my hair doesn't but it smells divine. Im glad its working for you.
I can't wait to get my oyin juices:lick:, sweet baggy treats. I tried to like the whipped pudding but my hair doesn't but it smells divine. Im glad its working for you.
I loooove Juices & Berries! I haven't even had my botfle for a week and it's already half gone :perplexed

I stay spraying everyone's head in the house :lol: I used it to rollerset and my hair was soooo smooth, light and swingy! Love it!
Baggied last night with my avocado/shea butter spray and sealed with coconut oil in the a.m.
I would like to join this challenge...I currently do full head bag every other nite.

How many times a week will you be baggying? 5 days min.

What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using? Wave Nouveau and Castor Oil

Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying? whole head baggying
Had my baggy on all night with no product. My hair still came out really soft. I don't know what it is about plastic bags, but they really make my hair soft.
Had my baggy on all night with no product. My hair still came out really soft. I don't know what it is about plastic bags, but they really make my hair soft.
I don't know what magic is in plastic, but I lurve it :lol:

Okay, what about this theory: Moisture can't evaporate into the air because it's stuck in the baggy, so it has nowhere to go but into your hair :confused:
I don't know what magic is in plastic, but I lurve it :lol:

Okay, what about this theory: Moisture can't evaporate into the air because it's stuck in the baggy, so it has nowhere to go but into your hair :confused:

That makes sense.

I guess it is like someone said before: it's a greenhouse effect. Whatever moisture you have in your hair just floats on up and ends up back on your hair. Love it.
Just finished bagging with my DT/WR conditioner mix and sealing with Nutiva coconut oil.

Tiffers have you been able to find the GVP amino poo in your area?
For the first time Saturday night - I baggied my whole head. Was very moist in morning and frizzy - so I had to cover with the satin scarf for amount 10 to 15 minutes so my hair would lye down. The only thing I dislike about it is the noise from the shower cap and rubber band around it.
I'm in. I will be baggying, full head under a wig 5 days a week. Hoping for BSL or pretty damn close by 12/09. Come on growth spurt!!!!