The Best BAGGY CHALLENGE Ever 2010! Cycle One (Jan - June)

Hey ladies... it's been a while!

Unfortunately I'm gonna have to drop out of this challenge... I baggy occasionally but not regularly like I was in the beginning.

I wish you ladies luck!!!
Can any naturals whole head baggying explain their process? I'm trying to understand this so that I can baggy at night. What do you do with your hair the morning after? When are you washing? Thanks. i think my ends will benefit
would like to be in this challenge. Need to even out some layers.
I will be baggying everyday ! I want to use up my stash, so I will be rotating moisture products every 2 weeks.

What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using? I will start with ny Surge Moisture Aide and use that up. I will also be rinsing my hair out with my Ayruvedic teas, coffee rinses,AVC and herb rinses to keep it fresh. I will use my homemade oils to seal my hair and ends. I will also be using my Sulphur Growth Aides every day.

Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying? The front of my hair I keep in a bun and the back is in french braids. So I will be whole head baggying, and covering with a satin scarf or one of my crocheted head Nubian Head Covers. Cute or what?

I rebraid every 2 weeks. I take the bun down every other day to move it around.
One more thing. I will be doing a heavy deep condition under my hair dryer after I take down my cornrows. Let it air dry in a bun, and oil well, aide my scalo braid up and slap on the moisturizer and off we go again!!!!
Gettin' my Grow On!
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Baggied bun today. Baggied bantu knots around the house this evening and whole head baggy to bed. My hair's loving it.

Njoy, I love the way your bun is wrapped - is that a scarf, piece of fabric, headband? Looks so elegant with the barrette! I did check out Chicoro's wrapped bun but yours looks different, more layers somehow...
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Baggied last night with Right On extra-light activator. I need to start using some of my Surge 14 again for a shot of protein.
when i'm not wearing a whole head baggy (like right now), then i've got my ends in a bag! (i baggy bun 7 days a week for now)

the ONLY time my hair is dry is when i purposely let it air dry to do my overnight dc on dry hair.

sometimes the shaft can get normally air dried when i'm out of the house all day, but i've started taking my Mega Tek Avocado Mist and Premium Moisturizer sample size bottles with me when i'm on the go so that i can just hop in the ladies room, spritz, and thus, keep my shaft moist too!
Whole head baggy every night and baggied bun during the day... Still

Njoy, I love the way your bun is wrapped - is that a scarf, piece of fabric, headband? Looks so elegant with the barrette! I did check out Chicoro's wrapped bun but yours looks different, more layers somehow...

Girl, I could've sworn I answered this somewhere. Sorry this is a hundred years late. (pic is in my photo album)

The baggied bun is wrapped in a long rectangular scarf. It's doubled (so that the baggy isn't visable through the fabric), placed over the bun and wrapped. knotted once at the top and once at the bottom. Ends are tucked under the bun and toy added for interest. It's REAL easy and may take a tiny bit of practice to get it to look right.

I love it. I think it looks elegant too. Thanks for the compliment.
Still baggying my whole head but only when I remember, lol. I will try to do them overnight for 2 or 3 days a week - no more.
Haven't baggied in a week because I flat-ironed my hair and I wanted to avoid reversion. I'll baggy tonite with some of my Ayurvedic oils. I may try to henna tomorrow.
I baggied my hair overnight last night with Mizani h2o Night-Time Treatment, BWC leave-in and sealed with Alba Botanica Kukui Nut Oil.
I BC'd last night. I baggied with S-Curl but I don't think my hair or scalp likes it.:nono: My hair feels coated and scalp itches like crazy.:sad:
I baggying faithfully no stopping I buying bags by the week so I can stay stocked up because I like changing my bags like every other day depending on how it feels when I take it off. I am using disposable shower caps.
Been whole head baggying every night since I BC'd. I've been baggying with Worlds of Curls moisturizer and Infusium 23 leave-in. I've also baggied under hats for the last few days. I'm planning to baggy tonight with Maha Bhringol oil, cowash in the morning then baggy with WOC and Surge 14.:yep:
I'm in kinky twists now. I'm baggying 5-6 days a week. Some nights I'm too tired to bother. I spray with Hawaiian Silky 14-1, but since it's creamy and doesn't get everywhere, I do a second spray with African Royale Braid Spray.

Can any naturals whole head baggying explain their process? I'm trying to understand this so that I can baggy at night. What do you do with your hair the morning after? When are you washing? Thanks. i think my ends will benefit

I'd like to know this too. Before I put in the kinky twists I had my hair in cornrows in the front and twists in the back. I just sprayed and put the showercap on.

How are other type 4 naturals doing it?
Still baggying every night. Lately, I've been baggying with Worlds of Curls activator gel. Works great to keep my natural hair soft and moist.:yep:
Baggied buns during the day and whole head baggy at night. Currently sporting Pocahantas braids with baggied ends. :grin:
Wow. Not much action in this thread.:sad: Where is everybody?

I'm trying something new tonight. I'm baggying with Wild Growth Hair Oil. I'm not worried about the scent because I'll probably cowash in the morning.My hair is soft right now and if this feels like this when I wake up, I may consider making this a staple.
Wow. Not much action in this thread.:sad: Where is everybody?

I'm trying something new tonight. I'm baggying with Wild Growth Hair Oil. I'm not worried about the scent because I'll probably cowash in the morning.My hair is soft right now and if this feels like this when I wake up, I may consider making this a staple.

:wave: Platinum, I'm still hanging in here. I have been doing the same thing you're doing, baggying my hair at night with my sulfur/mn mix, moisturized ends and cowashing it out the next morning. At least this way, I get to constantly give my scalp a massage everyday.

My ends were a little dry so today I am using a clarifying poo followed by a moisturizing poo, using Duo Tek Protein Conditioner and following it up with some Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment Lotion to try and get my moisture back. I'll finish off with some Roux PC conditioner as a final rinse and call it a day.

Thanks for bumping up this thread.
:wave: Hi Aggie! I forgot about Duo Tex, I still have a giant bottle of it at home. I'll use that as my next protein treatment. As for Wild Growth Hair Oil, it's a keeper.:yep: My hair was soft with less shrinkage than usual. I'm going to continue using it as an overnight pre-poo and I'll probably some to my next MN mix.

I finally got around to try baggying with Cantu Shea Butter leave-in tonight. This is a from my old PJ stash. It really didn't wow me when I was relaxed so I'll see how it works on my natural hair.