The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

I'm whole head baggying with coconut milk mixed with Design Essentials Express condish, few drops of peppermint EO and Avocado/Perilla Oil mixture to seal. :grin:
Baggied last night with Whipped Pudding and my last little remnants of Juices & Berries :sad:
Haven't baggied for a few days. Will get back into it tomorrow... my updates won't be as often coz of exams.
Baggied last night with my homemade spritz mix(several conditioners w/water in a spray bottle) and sealed w/coconut oil.

ETA: baggied last night with spritz mix and sealed with oil.
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Baggied the night before last with Juices & Berries and Whipped Pudding. Baggied last night with aloe vera juice and Whipped Pudding
Hi all - I wasn't posting for a couple days... my PC did a booboo on me "crashed" had to replace my hard drive - anyhow I have been baggying - full head using Long Aid and HB Olive Oil Creme everynight. My hair is doing great!
Still have the same baggy on as last night :perplexed So by default, I'm baggying with aloe vera juice and Whipped Pudding :lol:
I didn't baggy last night cause it was wash day and I just threw my hair back in a wet bun.
Will baggy just for a few hours with some Mega-Tek and then seal before bedtime with my mixture of coconut, olive and avacado oil.:grin:
Baggied whole head, NTM same products. I did purchase one of those head scarves that have the moisture/plastic feature. Have not used it yet, but I am this weekend.
I'm going to whole head baggy tonight with a mixture of coconut milk, suave condish avocado oil and a few drop of peppermint eo.