The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

Will baggy just for a few hours with some Mega-Tek and then seal before bedtime with my mixture of coconut, olive and avacado oil.:grin:

Doing the exact same thing tonight!:yep: Applying Mega-Tek Directly to scalp baggying while I am visiting with you all and then will Seal with the same Penetrating Oil Mixture before bed.
How many times a week will you be baggying?
5 days

What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using?
NTM Silken and EVOO

Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying?
I will use the ponytail roller method.
I joined cause I did this last night. I may use different stuff on different days.
NTM Silken moisturizer and topped it off with EVOO/Castro Oil. Put it in a roller and baggy with a shower cap over my roller.
Baggying tonight with Black Earth Protective Bodifying Mist :heart2: and Jane Carter Hair Replenishing Cream

Can't wait to see how my hair turns out tomorrow using this mix!
Okay ladies, is there anyone who joined that I haven't added to the list? If so, please pm me or tell me here :)
Baggying tonight with Black Earth Protective Bodifying Mist :heart2: and Jane Carter Hair Replenishing Cream

Can't wait to see how my hair turns out tomorrow using this mix!

I really want to try that jane carter cream but its only 4oz, Ive heard some great reviews on it. The nourish and shine did not work out for me. I don't know, ill have to think about this one.
Just going to baggy tonight with no product... tomorrow is a big day for my hair - doing a henna and deep condition afterwards.
I really want to try that jane carter cream but its only 4oz, Ive heard some great reviews on it. The nourish and shine did not work out for me. I don't know, ill have to think about this one.
I like it! I like the texture and smell better than N&S. Tonight is my first time using N&S though, so I'll know how I like it tomorrow.

You only need a teeny little bit, so they'll both last me a while
Oops. I thought I joined this challenge a month ago but don't see my name. Anyway, I have been doing the full head Baggy Method since mid-May, 7 days a week, 24/7 basically. Wearing under a wig. I am using Beauty Without Cruelty Leave In Conditioner (more watery than creamy so I might change this to something else), and then sealing ends with castor oil. I only take the bag off to apply my Megatek/OCT daily regimen, and to apply the conditioner/oil.

I will stick with this routine until the challenge is over. Sometimes my hair feels mushy and/or wet, so I guess that means I am using too much conditioner. My ends aren't breaking so does it matter if I'm under a wig anyway? Either way, my hair seems to love this method so far and I am experiencing little breakage (10 hairs a day maybe, and 9 of ten are bulbed). Unfortunately/fortunately :drunk: I'm on so many challenges and vitamins now that I won't be able to attribute my growth to any one thing. (biotin, Megatek/Ovation, 4000 mg of MSM, baggy, other vitamins, oils, lots of water, minimum combing, no brushing, healthier eating, more protein, no silicones, lots of sex- only kidding on the last one.:lachen: )
Count me IN please!!

How many times a week will you be baggying?
Everyday at Night

What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using?
Mango butter and coconut oil

Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying?

I am still doing and will until end of year...moisturizer alternating between above and black castor oil
I didn't baggy last night. Didn't get to bed until after 1 am and was too exhausted to do anything
Oops. I thought I joined this challenge a month ago but don't see my name. Anyway, I have been doing the full head Baggy Method since mid-May, 7 days a week, 24/7 basically. Wearing under a wig. I am using Beauty Without Cruelty Leave In Conditioner (more watery than creamy so I might change this to something else), and then sealing ends with castor oil. I only take the bag off to apply my Megatek/OCT daily regimen, and to apply the conditioner/oil.

I will stick with this routine until the challenge is over. Sometimes my hair feels mushy and/or wet, so I guess that means I am using too much conditioner. My ends aren't breaking so does it matter if I'm under a wig anyway? Either way, my hair seems to love this method so far and I am experiencing little breakage (10 hairs a day maybe, and 9 of ten are bulbed). Unfortunately/fortunately :drunk: I'm on so many challenges and vitamins now that I won't be able to attribute my growth to any one thing. (biotin, Megatek/Ovation, 4000 mg of MSM, baggy, other vitamins, oils, lots of water, minimum combing, no brushing, healthier eating, more protein, no silicones, lots of sex- only kidding on the last one.:lachen: )

Aw, my little sisters name is Courtney and our last name starts with a D! What a coinky-dink!!!! :D
Full head baggied last night with coconut hair butter sealed with vatika frosting. Will full head baggy again tonight with almond glaze and seal with hibiscus hair oil.
Ponytail baggied on a purple roller with nothing on it LOL. Does that count? If not I will count it as one of my off days. (#1 for the week.)