The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

I have been putting my baggy on top of my silk scarf at night, and so far so good! My hair feels nice and moisturized.:grin:
Last night I did a dry braidout and :nono:, I prefer doing them on wet hair..Anyway, I'm sitting here w/ my braidout pulled back into a bun and a baggy on the end. :yep:
I've been baggying everynight and I have to say that my hair feels soft and I end up using less styling products on my non-co wash mornings!
whole head baggying as i type. i actually look forward to taking my bun down, moisturizing, and putting my plastic bag on every night.
Sorry, I have not checked in. I have baggyed Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today. I have recently begun to put my hair in 4 large twists underneath the baggy. It's working great. My hair is most, and I am seeing a lot less tangles and knots. My hair is so happy right now!
Ladies, I've only baggied once in the last week and a half. I've been soooo lazy with my hair.

Just washed it today and I did a twist 'n curl, hopefully it turns out cute. If not, I'll baggy tonight :lol: