The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

I barely baggyed last week, but I am not giving up. I baggyed last night with a mix of honey, conditioner, and Vatika oil. My hair loved it.
I barely baggyed last week, but I am not giving up. I baggyed last night with a mix of honey, conditioner, and Vatika oil. My hair loved it.

Girl you better keep that baggy on ,you know we trying to grow some hair. I got my eye on you :sekret:.

Im leaving my baggying on from yesterday, i don't feel like foolin with my hair today.
does anyone baggy when they have their hair braided for a braid-out? those are the only nights i don't, but i'm wondering if i could...
same whole head baggy and con tonight. My hair's really been building up to a really moisturized state because of this :yep:!! 'Coz even when I let it air dry without anything else applied, it doesn't dry out like it used to and go hard and cruchy ... it stays soft and moisturized, it can do better tho'.
Count me IN please!!

How many times a week will you be baggying?
Everyday at Night

What moisturizers and/or oils will you be using?
Mango butter and coconut oil

Will you be ponytail or whole head baggying?
I have baggied every day spraying my glycerine mix on my cornrows and the putting mtg in the parts.
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does anyone baggy when they have their hair braided for a braid-out? those are the only nights i don't, but i'm wondering if i could...

I am still in my baggy from last night, why I don't know. My hair is braided, but not for a braidout. I braided so I could seal my ends really well. I don't focus on them everytime I baggy, last night I did.
I've been baggying everyday and I'm in love with my results. I have been wearing a phony pony and mostly dry baggying...I've decided to do a braid out or rollerset but,not sure how the baggying will work with braid-out.
Sigh. I've been so lazy you guys. I can't remember the last time I baggied :nono:

My hair has been in the same uncombed, unmoisturized bun for days and days :shocked:
I baggied last night with nothing but a plastic cap. Hey, I don't want to risk waking up in the morning with soaking wet hair and I just got my blowout:look:. Give a sista a few days and I'm back on it:yep:.
Tonight my hair is pulled back with the baggy on the ends. I put Seyani (Shescentit) on the ends before baggying. This stuff makes my ends feel like silk so we'll see how it acts in the morning.
Baggying with OEVCO and NTM. I had meetings yesterday, so I did not co-wash as I normally do, however, I will make up for it this evening before I go to work. Hair feels great! Added plus: hot weather, I wash more, my hair loves it. Have a great day ladies!
I MADE myself baggy last night, I had to do something with my hair. It was a mess! :lol:

Since I haven't combed my hair in days, I carefully parted in small sections, sprayed on Aquage Moisture Mist to each section and then carefully detangled each section. After I was done, I put on the baggy :D
will definitely be baggying tonight with rosewater/glycerin, healthy hair butter, coconut oil, and a smidge of castor oil. i've been doing a few braidouts this week so this weekend will be only cowashing and baggying.