The 2010 Wedding Thread

I'm not getting married, but I thought about this thread because there is a new show on TLC called Battle of the Wedding Designers. This week they're battling it out for a cute young black couple who only have $5000 budget. I thought there might be some ideas there you ladies could use.
Okay so my wedding date changed lol! The hotels I want don't have the dates I want, so I might have to push it a year. Ha. Then it'll be 18 months instead of 8.

Oh well. At least I found my dress on the first try. No need to try on any others lol as I've already ordered it.

This is what my FH would call a "good" problem. So I guess I'll just shut up lol!
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Okay so my wedding date changed lol! The hotels I want don't have the dates I want, so I might have to push it a year. Ha. Then it'll be 18 months instead of 8.

Oh well. At least I found my dress on the first try. No need to try on any others lol as I've already ordered it.

This is what my FH would call a "good" problem. So I guess I'll just shut up lol!

Ohh no. Whats wrong with the dates they have? A year postponememt is a long time.
Ohh no. Whats wrong with the dates they have? A year postponememt is a long time.
Well see...the dates don't correspond with my spring break (I'm still getting my master's at NYU going part time currently). Then I'm back for April, get out in May. In May I have a commitment after school (for two weeks) and in June they say rainy season starts and then tornado in Jamaica (I want a destination wedding). I wanted to go before that.

The next time I would be able to go away for a longer period (as I want a two week honey moon)of time would be during the fall of 2011 or during Jan or any other month in 2012. I'm debating over the two time periods. So really it will be a delay of 6-10 months depending on which time I can iron out with the hotel.
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If you are going for a destination wedding please factor in December and January as high season in the Caribbean. In summer you could double your pleasure for the high rates affiliated with winter.
I'm confused wonderstar. I thought that Summer is hurricane season, and then it seems fall is rainy season....May is a no go for me so that leaves June -Sept (2011) and then possibly Oct/or Nov and also January/Feb/March (2012) of the next year.

What month would you suggest going in the low season? Looking forward to your answer. I love discounts...if I can get high quality (for a discount) I'm on it!:grin:
Summer, the hurricane season is also the low season. December to March is the high season for us; that's when the Europeans and North Americans travel to get away from the cold. I think October would be a good time (children are back in school, wrapping up of the hurricane season, low room rates).
^^^During Oct would you say it rains heavily every day? Or is it short bursts. I've been told it only rains for a little each day. I just wanted your advice on this because I would want the wedding to be outside (maybe the reception inside or in a tent and I realize hotels have back ups but that is my ideal..) Thanks again Wonderstar!
bad bad bad me. Still haven't picked out bridesmaids dresses. It's gotten so bad that now my FH is worrying the heck outta me about it.

maybe i'll go tomorrow
I don't recall October being a rainy month. November is though, but it varies by island. I heard islands like Dominica rains everyday. If you haven't already, get in contact with resorts in Jamaica and let their wedding coordinators advise you. I saw some pics of destination wedding in Jamaica last month. I can try and get the resort location for you and also direct you to the couple's wedding site.
re: engaged ladies support thread

bad bad bad me. Still haven't picked out bridesmaids dresses. It's gotten so bad that now my FH is worrying the heck outta me about it.

maybe i'll go tomorrow

What have you got sorted this far Dee?

Well i'm not dating anyone or married butttt my friend is and she has appointed me the wedding planner in training:ohwell:.........Yikes!!!

So i'll be:sekret: lurking on here while I attempt to help her out.....a few things that I know thus far is it will be late summer/fall of next yr (so i've been told) and her fav color is purple....the destination is Jamaica (so any more input would be great) AND THATS ALL SHE TOLD ME!!!

Groom is in Jamaica so hes supposed to be taking care of most of it:perplexed: but i'm definitely gonna need to talk to him.....i'm meeting up with her on Sunday and we'll have to have him on skype or something

First question that I have is where can I look for bridesmaid dresses.......does anyone have any suggestions on what type of style i should look into...majority of us are short or average so i was think a short dress would be nice since its gonna be hot in JA and thats all i've come up with it:wallbash:

I figure this would be great practice right:rolleyes:

Well i'm not dating anyone or married butttt my friend is and she has appointed me the wedding planner in training:ohwell:.........Yikes!!!

So i'll be:sekret: lurking on here while I attempt to help her out.....a few things that I know thus far is it will be late summer/fall of next yr (so i've been told) and her fav color is purple....the destination is Jamaica (so any more input would be great) AND THATS ALL SHE TOLD ME!!!

Groom is in Jamaica so hes supposed to be taking care of most of it:perplexed: but i'm definitely gonna need to talk to him.....i'm meeting up with her on Sunday and we'll have to have him on skype or something

First question that I have is where can I look for bridesmaid dresses.......does anyone have any suggestions on what type of style i should look into...majority of us are short or average so i was think a short dress would be nice since its gonna be hot in JA and thats all i've come up with it:wallbash:

I figure this would be great practice right:rolleyes:

What a wonderful friend you are...just remember how much you love your friend when it starts getting down to the wire and it seems like nothing is going as planned :lachen: anyway I got my dress and bridesmaid dresses at David's Bridal so I believe that should be a good start for you.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!!
What a wonderful friend you are...just remember how much you love your friend when it starts getting down to the wire and it seems like nothing is going as planned :lachen: anyway I got my dress and bridesmaid dresses at David's Bridal so I believe that should be a good start for you.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!!

I had all my ladies dresses custom made, David's was too expensive and unoriginal for me, but might work for you.
I'm not too fond of davids bridal myself........probably cause i've been in over 15 weddings...but i will check it out cause i havent been on their site or at one of the store locations in a few years.....
5 WEEKS 4 DAYS!!?!?!?! WHERE DID TIME GO!!!!!????????

I get freaked out everytime I see my ticker.

Planning has been really slow for me, i've sooo busy with other stuff that all wedding related things had been put on hold. But i'm back now and slowly but surely getting things ticked off :grin:

Hows everyone else? Where are all the recently married, please post a recap and pics if possible :yep: :yep: :yep:
Hey Amour! Yeah, the tickers are getting crazy low, aren't they?

Our wedding planning is going well. We should be ordering invitations soon, and we'll get them sent out in early October. The big stuff (church, reception venue, etc.) is done and now we're working on some of the smaller things like flowers and cake and decorations. My mom is handling most of that though -- she's semi-retired and has been dreaming of planning my wedding since I was born. :lol:

In some ways, this is a blessing because it's less that I have to do, while in others, it creates problems because our tastes are VERY different! We've had a few fights about ideas -- she wanted the classic black bougie wedding, while I wanted something fun and crazy. :drunk: We got a good compromise!

We're getting excited though... it's gettting closer!
Blessings, ladies! I got engaged May 23, 2010 and will be getting married February 19, 2011. Small wedding. Colors are red/white/gold accents. Keepin' it simple! :grin:
Ooooh congrats ladies....

Our date is April 17 2011!!! (officially engaged for 3 weeks as of tomorrow) Soooo excited.
We took our engagement photos last week. Here's one of my fave:grin:.


BTW I went straight from texlaxed to locs and I'm a little over a year into my journey.
OMG I'm getting married in 5 Days!!! i woke up with a thousand butterflies this actually getting a little nervous..