Thats it!, im done, finish, say what you want i dont care!

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Arcadian said:
I'd be putting all kinds of names out there PLUS a copy of the PM because I'm b*tchy that way.

I'd stay quiet for a while, save up a collection, then post all the PMs in one thread.
:grin: :angeldevi :evil: :whip:
That's foul. Jealousy will make people act a natural born fool; but I'll be DAMNED if I'd allow some small minded, jealous people (who don't have productive ways to spend their time) deprive me of the pleasure of being on this board.

Here's to hoping you change your mind.
12 pages later and not a name - it seems to be that if someone is bold enough to send oyu nasty pm's and comments, they should be prepared to face the consequences of their ignorance and rudeness.

I was really looking forward to names. Copy and paste those nasty notes - my students call it being put on blast. I say go for it.

I do hope you're still lurking so you can see the support and consideration others have for you; please notice that the nasties have nothing to say.

I would like to see you keep your fotki because it is helping me with my daughter's hair which is similar in texture. One of the great things about the photojournals is the assistance they lend to others who are still working out the hair deal.

If you're gone, then be well; if you're still hanging about

Gurhl, if I ran every time a hater said something to me, I'd be in great condition and qualified for an Olympic Gold Medal! :lol:

It's an unfortunate truth that our culture is full of envious haters. My Mother peeked over my shoulder while I was looking at a Fotki. She imediately say "....That's a weave, that's not her hair." Nothing, no comparison pics, nothing would make her think otherwise. Why? Because SHE WEARS a weave and/or wig. I realize now that this has been HER Black Hair experience. I've seen Black Women with naturally long hair followed in department stores, while Ghetto Gurhl yells to her friends loudly in the store, "...Gurhl, you know that's a weave!" The Long Haired Lady said nothing and simply walked away.

It's time for a RE-EDUCATION in our culture. For so long we were told what to do, think and/or say. Who we were and how far we could go. Our hair was and is no exception to this way of thinking. There are some, due to their own personal ignorance and abuse of their hair from damaging techniques past on generation to generation, that will venomously object to just any black person being able to grow their afro-textured hair past their ear lobes. To these individuals it's long when it hits your neck line.

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I love your hair Silver! Don't leave! I never once saw ur pics and thought it wasn't natural. My daughter's texture is quite similar. Don't allow aimless. shiftless kneegrows to determine where you hang out and what u do.
silver,silver look at all of this love for you and your hair. look at how many people you have touched. we know that there are going to be folks that hate. let them do that and as they hate, you continue to get better. they are mad that they dont have what you do.

I cannot buhlieve it is really that deep to some black women *shaking head.* I swear I didn't know it was like this here.

Whatever you do Silver, continue to take care of yourself and your hair. We will be behind you.
Oh sweetie, don't go! Your hair is gorgeous, it doesn't look unnatural to me. Stay! We need you here so we can stalk your fotki :)
Girl you should never focus or let the haters get to you:nono: Let the haters focus on you instead. They're wasting their time and energy, while you do your thing. At the end of the day, your hair is still going to be beautiful and curls are still curlier. The haters will have no other choice but to go back to their no life having, lonely selves. Don't go anywhere, stay and do your thing. I'm not sure if you're leaving all hair boards, if not; hopfully I will see you post at the other board.
If your hair was crappy, then people wouldn't hate on you. Girl, your hai is beautiful, and it definitely looks natural to me. I hope you stay and share your knowledge. If you decide to leave, then good luck with everything. I'm sure your hair will survive with or without this board.
i am sorry this has happend to you i didnt even know that there where so call grow people here who did mess like that:( :mad: please change your mind:) dont let them win its a saying what ever you do in the dark comes out in the light:) some people life is so mess up that all they have to do is :swearing: :swearing: like this some thing ant right in their own world and they are not happy and dont want you to be happy you should stay and let it roll off your back:) :) be happy and be bless i belive what go,s around comes around some people need prayer for their self real bad need laying on the hands to get that :angeldevi :angeldevi out their butt:lol:

You have a beautiful family and are loved dearly. People respect and admire you on this board for your dedication on your hair care.

Sorry you went through such a rotten experience. You have many ladies wanting to validate and value you. You will find the right environment for you.

Wishing you would stay. But if you decide to leave, be happy and blessed...
SilverG, I honestly hope you haven't left. :( Just as everyone else has said... Please don't leave because of other people's lack of knowledge. They should be seizing the opportunity to gain some knowledge from you instead of trying to bring you down cause your hair IS BEAUTIFUL AND NAUTRALLY YOURS.:mad:
JCoily[B said:
]If it was me, I'd put they *** on blast publicly.....but that's just me.[/B] :look: :cool:

Feelin u on that one JC....that's some ballsy sh** to be expressing to somebody via PM some ish like that about somebody else's hair when folks need to be concerned with wtf is going on with their own head...if their ish was straight in the first place, they wouldn't have the time or the be informing Silver about hers...


sippin haterade like it's a Snapple in the summertime.....
dayum shame.

Best to you Silver, whatever you decide to do.
Silver, your hair is beautiful and don't let any body tell you anything different. It's so unnecessary that many sista's feel the need to try to bring others down. Our hair runs the gamut from straight to type 5 and everything in between. Who ever is getting on your case needs to just get over it. Please stay, for those of us that do appreciate your contributions and your hair. {{{{{{{h u g s}}}}}}}} sis.

ETA: I totally agree with JCoily and others who have said, that these people need to be put on blast, and made accountable for their venom. Even
if you just forward the PM's to the Mods., those women need to be outed.
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Your hair is absolutely gorgeous...I've always admired it in ur siggy. I'm soo sorry that this has happened to you. Some people can be so petty and so goodness!!! Tell them haters to Do THEM...anyways I hope that you will reconsider and stay a little while longer...:)
Silvergirl: Whenever I would wear a wrap, or a rollerset, even people who know me ask "DO YOU HAVE A RELAXER....YOU HAVE A RELAXER IN YOUR HAIR? sO how did it get like that, then....?" I have hair because of its natural texture that will blow in the wind and have wispy tendrils down the side and if I brush out my rollerset or removes the curls. So I can relate. Forget those folks!!!!!! I would not let anyone run me off over something like that...invisible people.....I have sisters and cousins with 3c hair and if you put a flat iron to their hair it is as straight as a bone,...I am a 3b so mine will eventually curl back up from humidity. Other than the haters....The joke in our families is if we relaxed our hair it would probably just slide right off our heads or a fly would slip on our hair and break its neck. When I go under the shower and rinse out my shampoo, my hair straightens right out as long as it is under the but it starts to wave up and curl up by the time I turn the water off. bonjour
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I'm so sorry this happened to you! I've had mean comments left in my album before so I know how you feel. I hope you'll reconsider.
Silver,don't let other people knock you down.You're hair is purty:)

Seriously,I mean I'am kinda obsessed with my own(ok and others) hair but
not to be *hating* anyways,didn't we had a thread that asked what hating is?I think SG should post her pm's there as perfect example

p.s. When will you let some names drop?:cool:
SG hasn't been on since she started this topic. If she doesn't come back, we'll never know who contributed to driving this poor girl off here.

To Silver: I'm so sorry some petty, callous, catty chicks actually made you leave this site (and maybe others). If you ever sign back on, please go over this thread and realize that the majority of us love your hair and want to do you no harm. :)

Whatever you decide, good luck with things. :kiss:

seraphinelle said:
15 pages and no names!!

Come on people!! LOL
Well I hope she comes back.

I left a comment on her fotki just the other day!! She prompts me to go natural and that's not even my hair texture, LOL..
DON'T LEAVE SILVERGIRL!!! You have BEAUTIFUL hair and you don't have to prove anything to anybody. There are people who are miserable and have nothing else better to do than tear other people down. If they were comfortable with the hair on their heads or their efforts to make it healthy, they wouldn't be criticizing you. COME BACK!!!
has she gone??????

thats just awful, we are here to support one another and encourage each other to attain our hair goals....why is that so hard????
Don't go. we need you here on the board.. I thought this board was about helping and encouraging people not to hurt anyone. You are doing more good than you know.
I know it's tempting, but please do not name names. Calling folx out is a violation of board rules, and will only cause hostility on the board should folx decide to take sides. As other's have recommended you can ignore people, disable pm's, and disable comments in your album, or disable anonyomous comments. If there is a board member who is continously harassing you, then PM one of the mods and we will have you foward us the PM's so we can resolve the issue for you.
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