Thats it!, im done, finish, say what you want i dont care!

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Well, I've been on other forums, one a skincare forum, the other a politics forum, and i've seen some members that'll make "goodbye" threads repeatedly just to get attention, but then comeback like two days later and start posting like nothing happened. I don't percieve what silvergirl did as a "drama queen stunt", because she's not the first person I've heard who's had negative comments posted anonymously(yeah, real brave) about them. Perhaps she's the first to get fed up enough, to let everyone know what was really going on, to the point where she no longer wanted to be a part of the forum. And another thing I noticed was that people would rate hair progress threads with only one star as a form of hating. I wish there was a way to see everyone who rated on a certain thread, and I guarentee you that all that 'one star' nonsense would cease...
I am so sorry that this happened to you. :(

We can deny this until Jesus comes back, but this very thread is a REALLY GOOD INDICATOR that some black women are not happy with themselves.
I would not leave. Some ppl are just uneducated about the many types of hair textures and diversty that can be found here. Everyone hair is different some ppl did not believe the length of women on this site till I show it to them or even though it was possible. Your hair is not the same as other natural, nor is mine. Your hair is very beautiful and dont worry about ppl that hate you are natural
Man pluck them trollz with they hiding behind a pc dont have a life or hair probably so they wanna hate on yours and rain on your parade but spray some raid on those roaches and keep it moving....whew...that felt good...SG, don't let em run you off...I'm having the same issues right now at work/school but everyday I come in stronger because I hold my head of high and kill em with kindness. Don't go SG, you see all the luv you got girl...drop some names so we can exile they arse:lol: or spray some raid on em atleast:grin: and when they try to come back...guess what???? YOU GOT PEOPLE (LHCF) real soldiers baby:lachen:
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as long as u know what u are that matters...i get texturizer alot too its rather frustrating because your always like im natural 100 percent no texturizer , there are soo many different types of textures and curl patterns to black hair. i wish people would jus realize that and move on and stop hating just shake the haters off and do u ..HHG :-)
cupcake said:
Wow. This thread has over 9,000 views and only 180 some replies. Sad. :(

I've been checking the thread too. All that needs to be said has already been said. Based on the fact that she hasn't reposted it doesn't seem she plans too to come back. Or perhaps she'll be back in a few days/weeks. Silver girl, I do agree with the others though, your hair is very beautiful. I read an article on yahoo news this morning about cyber bullying. Its become a big thing because people know they can say what they want without fear of retribution in real life. It is happening all over the internet on myspace and facebook. The best thing to do is just block that person or ignore them.
cupcake said:
That's probably true. I wish there were names. :mad:

As much as many of us would like to know who the idiots were i doubt that we would ever know..The LHCF Moderating Staff is all about keeping harmony on this board site and having a list of those idiots would end in some of us blasting those folks which will contribute to breaking the harmony even tho those idiot women have done it by upsetting SG. The MODS will prob handle it on thier own if they know who they were...I just wanna see if SG comes back I think she just needs to take a breather for a bit then realize there is alot of good here
Please reconsider, Silvergirl! You have been an inspiration. I have enjoyed watching your progress and have appreciated the encouragement you have given me. You are indeed a valued member here. Just look at all of these responses in only one day! (At first glance, because of the number of comments, I thought this was an old thread and didn't look at it right away.)

Ignore people who are negative and concentrate on the good that you contribute and the good that you receive.
ITA, I hadn't considered lurkers or unpaid members.

2. Thousands of posts in this thread wouldn't 'achieve' much, per se, but it really saddens me that this kind of negativity exists on LHCF. The moderators will handle this I'm sure, but I hope Silvergirl ignores the haters. :)
sweetwhispers said:
A) Members who haven't paid/lurkers

B) What would thousands of posts in this thread achieve?
Silvergirl, I am late reading this thread but truely shocked at what you have said. Your hair is beyond gorgeous and anybody commenting negatively is not just a hater but a troll. Please stay!!
silvergirl said:
yes this is a "good"bye thread.
silvergirl said:
yes its actually about hair, thats why its posted here.
yes i am finished here.

im tired of ppl accusing me im pm, in my comment box on fotki, and private msg there and other messege boards, of having a texturizer.

its so impossible to believe that maybe, god created hair that can lay flat when its wet, and curls when dry??? seriously take 4a hair,. its has smallish curls that when texturizer become wavy and thiner, due to the curl pattern. now those ppl are emulating the look of 3c hair.

so why is it so hard to understand that 3c hair would naturally have those charateristics are well???

its freaking retarded.

and im tired of having to explain to ppl, that YES, THIS IS my natural texture!

im tired of natural headed ppl telling me . im not really natural, or that my opinion is worth jack because im not a true nappie.

im tired of relaxed heads telling me , that i must have used a chemical to get my hair "like that".

i didnt subcribe to this board to get hate mail. so im done with this.

to those that supported me, and encouraged me, thank you , i appreciate it

see you around.

I admire your hair picture that's in your aviator. I saw you in other threads and read your posts. As a newbie, your fotki was one that I studied even though I was texlaxed and you were natural. I still had to know your regimen. I admired your hair pictures in your siggy. I also noticed when you said "100% natural". I never questioned that. I don't question any of the people with beautiful heads of hair who say that they are natural whether their hair is a 4 type or a 3 type. I know some members have had others question their regimens—what kind of mess is that? how can another person say what someone else--who they don't know-- does or doesn't do? I believe you-- because my baby girl has beautiful thick curly hair; when it's wet or moisturized well, it looks just like the pic that you have in your siggy (a bit shorter though :lol: )--and I hope no one would accuse me of putting a texturizer or relaxer in that baby's head, especially when I say I don't and furthermore since she's a baby (only 1) I know better than to do that. Plus I have a best-friend who has 3 type hair like yours. Please don't leave because of a few ignorant people.
Think about all the wannabe natural newbies or already natural newbies who may want to use you as a hair inspiration or use all your regimen info as a guide. I know how you feel because I am a grown woman and if I say something is true, I hate for someone to call me a liar. What do I have to gain by being dishonest?

You/I wouldn't think that members of this forum would be so rude and disrespectful :eek: . Now out in public, I know some members are used to being accused of wearing weaves and wigs & fusion hair even after they've told people the truth and it is that same type of ignorance that's pushing you away. All people have to do is look at each 3c member hair and know that you don't have to lie about your hair. So...just dust "them" off and stick around please. :)
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let me be the first to welcome you back every body has sent you warm hearted notes hope you are reading and enjoying them happy growing and be bless:) :rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: :thumbsup: :wave: :wave: :clapping: :clapping:
Silvergirl, I've been a member of this board for quite some time now and I've see this kind of thing happen a lot. Initially when a member's feelings get hurt, their first reaction is always to leave, but I hope that after thinking it over (and reading this thread and seeing how many MORE people support you than not), I hope you decide to stay. I enjoy reading your posts.
I haven't posted in a while but I kinda know where you are comming from. From where I sit your hair is obviously natural. I have never once thought differently. I stopped updating my fotki because I kept getting asked if I had someone else take pictures. As if I'd find a hair stunt Anyway I really hope you don't leave due to random people that have too much time on their hands to be worried about your head.


So...... ive been informed by some members of a diff forum that i should come back here to read a few msgs.

i declined and told them. that my time was better spent elsewhere, cause i dont need another headache with ppl hamering crazy remaks my way.

then i was pm'med to death (which is a good thing ;) thanks) in fotki, asking me to, well telling me i need to come back and read this thread.

so here i am. 21 pages later.
and all i want to do is give you guys a big hug! im such a baby sometimes lol. but i had no idea there was this much support. i should of known.. but i didnt expect this much!

i love you all. most of you anyway ;) i really enjoy this board. i couldnt imagine leaving it for good. but i really needed to take a break. i still do.

while i can understand innocent questions about my hair, those i dont mind answering. but when ppl pm you asking why your lying about being natural, or accusing me of having put product, in my no prodcut pictures. or having a texturizer. i even got a pm accusing me of lying, saying im really biracial and thats why my hair is the way it is. riduculous. like i wouldnt know my own hair and where i come from.

but thank you all whove shown the love and support. im still going to take a lil bit of a break. and post here and there.

im still going to stalk all your fotkis lol. that i cant do without. so ill see yall there.

there wont be any names as per mods request..

but to the haters. you know who you are. 1 even had a set of mini balls to pm me again. im not going to pound a b!tch slapping into you even though thats what you deserve. instead ill ask you to start loving yourselves. love what god/goddess/the creators giving you. accept it. care for it , and it will grow and blossom into beautiful hair too.

take charge of your own hair and dont hate on me or anyone else just because we have what you want. .

we've worked our asses off for it

do the same!
good day
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