Thats it!, im done, finish, say what you want i dont care!

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WHAT??????? Your hair looks no different than mine. People might want to think I ahve a texturizer, but no one has ever said it to my face. What the heck is wrong with people? We have all types and textures on this board. They just need to shut up and quit hating.

Girl, don't go nowhere. I need another hair doppleganger on here!
Awww silvergirl don't leave because of those people! :( They have issues with themselves. Don't worry about them. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. Your hair is beautiful. It's obvious to me that that's your natural texture. They don't know what they're talking about. There are other people on the board with 3c hair, I don't see why they're sending you such hate mail.
Kimberly said:
:cry3: :cry3: :cry3: what about those of us who have been inspired by you? Do we not get a say in any of this? You're going to let HATERS decide for you...? That's not right!:nono:

My sentiments exactly. Your hair is beautiful. Please shake them haters off. Make your fotki private so you don't have to deal folks like them. Damn shame that people hate like they do, but what can we do about it? Smile and go on bout ya business.
so sorry you had to deal with all that hate, silvergirl:( It's amazing to me how envious and ignorant some people can be.
Your hair is beautiful! People will hate out of pure jealousy, that's all it boils down to. No way should you let those haters push you out of here, you're only giving them the upper hand if you do. Lock your fotki, ignore the haters, and keep doing you!

Wow. I hate to hear this Silvergirl. :( We transitioned around the same time and I was soooo proud when you BC'd!! :D

I agree with the other ladies-- lock your fotki and put folks on ignore. Then come play with us in the hair section!! :)
I hope you change your mind. I didn't know there were jerks and heifers on here saying stuff like that:mad: . Personally, I can understand how that would upset me but all of us do not feel that way and I love your hair its really lovely. I wanted to say wonderful but my husband says that word a 100 times a day. My cousins hair textures is just like yours gorgeous (sp) curls and it actually blows dry really straight. It doesn't look like a texturizer to me. But you will certainly be missed. Please reconsider:(
Wow. You shouldn't even let these morons get under your skin. You know what your hair's natural texture is, so laugh at anyone who says otherwise since they're just hating and/ or ignorant about the many textures hair can come in. Seriously, maybe you just need a break to unwind and rethink just giving up on the forums or haircare. I think this is the friendliest AA hair forum on the net, although I could understand some people sending you nasty pm's... It's all up to you though, do what makes you happy.
Wow. I hate to hear this Silvergirl. :( We transitioned around the same time and I was soooo proud when you BC'd!! :D

I agree with the other ladies-- lock your fotki and put folks on ignore. Then come play with us in the hair section!! :)

Don't leave girl! I know a million other have said this, but I agree with what others have said, make your fotki private, don't listen to the PMs with the hate. I know this community can't be about hating!

Your hair is beautiful and personally, I think I can learn things from you even yours and my hair are different textures.

Don't let the haters run you off, sister! Don't go!
You can't leave!!! I've been checking your updates from straight to natural for as long as i've been lurking! I'm a 4 but your lovely 3 inspired me to stop cutting and get some length!!!!!! Come on if you weren't doing something right people wouldn't hate and you know it! Ignore them! Shake them off!

:moon: to all the bitter, small minded jealous people!! You're on a hair forum grow yours!
If my hair was that pretty....everybody on this board (or in the world) coulda been a hater and it would not affect me one bit:lol: ! I hope you dont leave cause I like getting tips from your fotki and just lQQking at your hair.
hothair said:
:moon: to all the bitter, small minded jealous people!! You're on a hair forum grow yours!

:lachen: :lachen: But seriously ladies, Silvergirl hasn't been back since she posted this. Please don't really be gone for good SG. :(
cneal said:
wow...i would have never thought that went on here. everyone seems so nice. anyway, don't let them bring you down. your hair is beautiful! password protect your album.

co-sign! We as black/multicultural women have different textures and skin colors and thats what I love about US. I'm sorry that others can't appreciate our diversity. Nevertheless, you and your hair are beautiful and you can't allow this to eat at you. Someone is always gonna hate for whatever reason. So with that said. Shake the haters off girl. Do you but dont leave on the account of jealous girls. And for those who pm'd her with all that bull I want yall to get a life get your own hair together cause yall got too much time on ya hands!
Such Pretty Hair!!!!!!!!
Don't let that run you off. I know how u feel, most of us have gotten dumb comments from time to time. Gotta keep going.. the good outweighs the rotten apples.
*reads thread*

wow. :ohwell:

ITA with JCoily. I'd be putting all kinds of names out there PLUS a copy of the PM because I'm b*tchy that way.

Only you can decide if its worth staying or not, I hope you reconsider.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I love your hair. I never knew people had that much time on there hands to be hateful instead of comment on what is obviously gorgeous hair and the effort you put into it. I didn't even think people did that. Don't leave because of others.

If you do leave, I wish you the best and many blessings in life. I may not of known you but I hate it when people are hurt or mistreated for no reason.

This just wakes me up in wondering whether I want to be part of a board with such hateful messages and people.
MissMadaam said:
lol...who ever was making thoes comments are as dumb as rock!! We as people of color have hair and skin color that has infinite range....I wouldnt let those comments bother me ..F*** em!...Dont give them that power

I agree... please realize that you're obviously dealing with people who don't know that we come in every variation under the sun. Not a good reason to let them run you off.
I think it's really a shame that people would do that to you. I guess I took for granted that everyone knows black hair comes in a variety of textures, but I guess I was wrong.

I do hope you'll stay on the board...I'd hate to see all those hating people chase of someone who is a positive contributor to the board.

I thought there was a way you can pull the IP of the person who posted annon. SG maybe you should look into to that and stop letting the "haters" get the best of you. Don't give them what they want.
Hair Iam said:
No weapon formed aginst you can prosper...Stay and grow ;)

My sentifment exactly. Don't let people get you down Lady! I know how discouraging it can be when you share in the name of love and happiness. Don' let the "Devils" "steal your sunshine." Don't let them. Jesus didn't let them, don't you let them...
OK, I had no idea people on this board could be rude like that! It's silly of them not to believe that your hair texture is God-given. :nono: Don't let them run you off! The variety in hair lengths and textures is what I love about LHCF - we represent the African diaspora. We have so much beauty in our skin tones and hair textures and personalities.

If you do choose to leave, though, I wish you all the best. I would just hate for you to leave under these circumstances.:(
Why are you giving YOUR power away to obvious loosers? The world is filled with rude, mean and low lifes who have absolutely nothing positive to contribute to society. Why are you allowing these people to dictate how you live your life? You have to develop a thicker skin to survive this world because you will find these people at different intervals in your life and you have to learn more about yourself, and who you are so you will never ever let other people drive you away from anything else in the future. Running away is not the answer. Stand firm in your truth!! It will make you so much stronger! Don't take it too personally - this too shall pass. Peace;).
Hi...I'm a newbie...and for starters I would like to say your hair is beautiful! Please do not allow others to stop you from being apart of this forum...I read what others have posted and they agree that you should continue as well. Who cares what others think or say about you; you know the truth and that's what matters. You seem like a nice person...

Mz. Cris
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