Tell me you wouldn't have got arrested to!

OMG! WTF! I feel so bad for this girl.. my chest hurts just imamgining it...THIS IS A BIG FEAR OF MINE! and the reason I do my own hair.. Everysince the time a friend of mine was growing his hair out and his mother put Nair in it so that he would cut it I have been on alert!... This makes me nervous. I don't even allow my friends to joke about perms and my hair in the same sentence!

I don't believe violence solves anything but damn it, It would have made me feel better. To not only make a mistake like that but threaten to do it again :nono:
she said that char had never had a relaxer b4 in her life so maybe thats why she couldnt tell it was relaxer the stylist was puttin in her hair coz she didnt know what it smelled like? and also the friend might not have been paying attention to what the stylist was doing to char and seeing as its a salon it might already smell like relaxer from a previous customer or something so she didnt take notice of the smell.

That's what I'm thinkin as well, not to mention you don't have to part hair if your using co and if the stylist deliberately used relaxer she might have just slapped it on the woman's head w/plastic cap n under the dryer.
Ya'll not all relaxers smell right off the bat especially the pro no mix (not all but sum).
dang y'all are making me even more paranoid. i'mma start walking into salons and requesting to see certificates before i even say hello...

all i know is, she wouldn't have been able to talk by the time the cops got there. she'd be lucky if her jaw and ribs weren't broken. (and i'm so serious, i've done this before to someone.) AND they're in a salon? she's lucky she didn't get stabbed with some scissors. i guess then that's assault with a deadly weapon and attempted manslaughter so let me stop before i make myself sound like a murderer :lachen:
OMG! WTF! I feel so bad for this girl.. my chest hurts just imamgining it...THIS IS A BIG FEAR OF MINE! and the reason I do my own hair.. Everysince the time a friend of mine was growing his hair out and his mother put Nair in it so that he would cut it I have been on alert!... This makes me nervous. I don't even allow my friends to joke about perms and my hair in the same sentence!

I don't believe violence solves anything but damn it, It would have made me feel better. To not only make a mistake like that but threaten to do it again :nono:

That' a shame :nono:If you can't trust your own momma who can you trust!!
dang y'all are making me even more paranoid. i'mma start walking into salons and requesting to see certificates before i even say hello...

all i know is, she wouldn't have been able to talk by the time the cops got there. she'd be lucky if her jaw and ribs weren't broken. (and i'm so serious, i've done this before to someone.) AND they're in a salon? she's lucky she didn't get stabbed with some scissors. i guess then that's assault with a deadly weapon and attempted manslaughter so let me stop before i make myself sound like a murderer :lachen:

Nope, you don't sound like a murderer. I read this to DH and he felt that they were completely justified in beating the stylist down. It will take years for the bone straight relaxer to grow out and lets not even talk about the likely chemical burns. DH thinks that the stylist should get a beat down each week until all the relaxed hair is cut off and the victim back at her prior natural length.
Damn, at first I thought this was a story of a trim gone wrong when I was directed to this thread from its spin-off thread and my initial reaction was "it's just hair...i wouldn't go to jail for that." However, after reading this, I would've either done the same thing or I would've started howling, cursing the day the stylist was born, and threatening the woman. That's crazy. How can she 'mistake' conditioner for relaxer?! I hope her license is revoked. She was being malicious.
This story sounds good, but very halfway:look:! There are two sides to every story.:ohwell: Why couldn't Char take care of herself? She DIDN't know that was a perm?:perplexed I mean, you know the difference between sweet smelling conditioner, and chemical relaxer. The girl should take responsibility, because I just don't think she didn't know. Even though the stylist put it in, ultimately she should have known. I dunno, if the story happened like that, I would be p***** also.:ohwell:

Well, perhaps no one in Char's family relaxes or she's never seen anyone have their hair relaxed, so she doesn't know what it smells like. Honestly, I think the lesson here is do not just try out any old beauty shop, no matter how 'small' the style, treatment, etc., without getting a referral from a trusted source, i.e. a friend, a hairboard member you trust, family, etc. Stylists, no matter the training, can be crazy, vengeful, spitful, or just plain ol' schizophrenic, so it would be smart to have someone vouch for their personality and skill prior to trusting them with your hair.
I got a little caught up in the story and forgot to take notice of daddy 'o. I am wondering what his take was on the whole issue. It is really strange that sometime how adults come together and not listen to young people sometimes. I hope the truth comes out. That woman should not be allowed to get away with this. What about the people at the shop? There were witnesses. I guess really they would be hard to track down....without somebody breaking down some cash for attorney fees. That is a sin and a shame. My people have got to do better.

I also think b/c he's a man, he's probably not as understanding. My boyfriend has very little understanding of what a relaxer does. He just knows it makes it straight, but I'm not sure if he knows that it's permanent and/or my natural texture is not this texture. Mind you, he's Black. Also, men, even Black men, don't realize how much Black women obsess over our hair, so perhaps that's why the Dad wasn't as sympathetic. I wasn't allowed to perm my hair till I was 12 and I know if I returned from the beauty shop with a perm instead of a press before the age of 12, the stylist would've gotten a strong 'talking' to by my mom, whereas my dad would've just shrugged and kept it moving, lol.
OMG, I am sitting here in uber shock! WTH??? I have had a BC I didn't ask for and was pissed but if anyone put chemical in my hair w/o my permission, I'm sorry I'd not be the only one going to jail but I'd also be getting paid. Who on earth does she think she is deciding for people what they need? blood's boiling. I haven't even read everyone's response but that bloody stylist asked for it.

(I'm just now counting my blessings because the lady that gave me a BC kept trying to suggest a texturizer to me. We must've argued for like ten minutes. I saying no, she saying it'd be best for me. WTH? Then she moved on to suggesting color--and I think I've heard of people get looser curls that way, n'est-ce pas?--and again, I made it crystal clear I wasn't interested. What if she'd been a hard head like this stylist??? *SMH* I feel so sorry for that girl. Someone needs to enlighten her father coz he so doesn't get it.)
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dang y'all are making me even more paranoid. i'mma start walking into salons and requesting to see certificates before i even say hello...

all i know is, she wouldn't have been able to talk by the time the cops got there. she'd be lucky if her jaw and ribs weren't broken. (and i'm so serious, i've done this before to someone.) AND they're in a salon? she's lucky she didn't get stabbed with some scissors. i guess then that's assault with a deadly weapon and attempted manslaughter so let me stop before i make myself sound like a murderer :lachen:

:perplexed I hate to admit this about myself, but she would have had some scissors in her side FIRST :censored: thing. FIRST. Oh. My. Gods. I could have cut her like her slap my momma!

And, I can totally see not knowing that she was putting a relaxer in her hair - the tingles from a DC would be 'normal' - at least to start with - and if she didn't part her hair, it most likely wasn't on her scalp the whole time, and ANY time I've walked into a black salon, the whole place smelled like relaxer and fried hair, so - I can totally see this happening, and not realizing it til your scalp started buring.
And the **** told her she would give her a nice 'fusion'?!?!?!?!?!?!? Oh, that's just hate, deep and pure.
This story is a tad suspect. :rolleyes: Most salons would not DC on dry hair. The application of a relaxer is not a haphazard thing like slapping on DC. Parts have to be made, scalps have to be based. At least the last time I got a relaxer...

Never the less I would have gone to jail for the ass whoopin. It would probably give me more satisfaction than a costly lengthy lawsuit.
This story is a tad suspect. :rolleyes: Most salons would not DC on dry hair. The application of a relaxer is not a haphazard thing like slapping on DC. Parts have to be made, scalps have to be based. At least the last time I got a relaxer...

Never the less I would have gone to jail for the ass whoopin. It would probably give me more satisfaction than a costly lengthy lawsuit.

But that's when someone was actually trying to properly relax your hair, not trying to purposefully :censored: your hair up.
Now, I'm not saying I know it's true, but I'm saying - if that level of hate was in some womans heart, I can see it happening.
I cant see a stylist hating on a lil teen girl's natural hair that much... some ***** she knew from round da way...maybe... but someone she never set eyes on before?? would she risk her life & limb over that?? I dont see it
This story is a tad suspect. :rolleyes: Most salons would not DC on dry hair. The application of a relaxer is not a haphazard thing like slapping on DC. Parts have to be made, scalps have to be based. At least the last time I got a relaxer...

Never the less I would have gone to jail for the ass whoopin. It would probably give me more satisfaction than a costly lengthy lawsuit.

Sometimes I deep condition my hair dry. As a matter of fact, before I do ANYTHING to my hair, I slap a ton of conditioner on it to detangle. Plus, if she simply didn't want to do her hair and wanted to do some damage, she wouldn't be parting her hair - she certainly wouldn't WANT her to know she was using relaxer.
Sometimes I deep condition my hair dry. As a matter of fact, before I do ANYTHING to my hair, I slap a ton of conditioner on it to detangle. Plus, if she simply didn't want to do her hair and wanted to do some damage, she wouldn't be parting her hair - she certainly wouldn't WANT her to know she was using relaxer.

your thinking like a LHCF member ( DC on dry hair) , not your avg chick walking into a salon :grin::grin:
I cant see a stylist hating on a lil teen girl's natural hair that much... some ***** she knew from round da way...maybe... but someone she never set eyes on before?? would she risk her life & limb over that?? I dont see it

The original post said Char's salon. So she wasn't unknown.

I'm not saying the story is true . . .
Nope, you don't sound like a murderer. I read this to DH and he felt that they were completely justified in beating the stylist down. It will take years for the bone straight relaxer to grow out and lets not even talk about the likely chemical burns. DH thinks that the stylist should get a beat down each week until all the relaxed hair is cut off and the victim back at her prior natural length.

:lachen: I think every DAY...

If I knew that salon or stylist, I'd offer the beatdown FOR poor girl. :boxing:

That's a horrible thing to do to someone... :nono:
Ok, its not that hard to mistake conditioner for perm because it happened to me too. I thought I had the Nacidit Olive deep conditioner but I accidently bought the relaxer. I applied it to one section of my hair and instantly smelled the chemicals. I ran, made my grandmother get me a neutralizing treatment. I managed to save my hair.

But, this ***** had a beatdown in store for her. She needed an arse-whooping and a good old-fashion shanking.
Honestly, I do not see how one can get conditioner and relaxer mixed up. To me, they smell nothing alike. My nose knows the smell of a relaxer and my eyes can read both so to confuse the two is a hard sell for me.
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I remember when I first got my relaxer I didn't smell a thing, I didn't feel anything different until it was time to rinse. Then add the shampoo and that horrible smell and I felt like I was completely bald. I remember everything as if it was yesterday and it was like 30 yrs ago. So I can believe this and she said her friend had never had a relaxer in her life. I would have been fighting that day too. I don't fight, I think I would be appalled and completey upset but when she put the relaxer on me she was asking for me to do something. Yeah I would have had no other choice, at that point. I don't know, but sue her yes I would without a doubt.