Tell me you wouldn't have got arrested to!

I believe it. . . some people are just dirty like that.

When I was 14 I went to a salon with my mama and my grandmother for mothers day- before that I had only been in a salon a few other times. My mama told the lady that she just wanted her to wash, deep condition and blowout my hair- that's it. The stylist looks me up and down and tells my mom she could relax it too for no extra charge. My mom said thanks but no thanks. The lady asked her again. My mom said no again. Anyways, my mom ends up getting called back and sitting in some other stylist chair, grandma still waiting up front reading a magazine, and I end up sitting down in this womans chair. Ole' girl disappears for a minute comes back, starts parting down my hair, and next thing I know my mama, who must have be watching me like a hawk comes flying around the corner, hair looking crazy (my guess is that she was getting her scalp based), yanks me out of the chair, and starts going off on this woman, cussing her out. I'm thinking " Huh?":perplexed

Anyways, my grandma walks over takes my smock off, takes my hand and said "Lets go home baby before your mama beats that woman's tail". Grandma, put her hand on my mother's shoulder, said "Donna, let's go" and within minutes we were in the car and then back at my grandmother's house (she lived around the corner), my mama fuming and my grandma laughing the whole time. Turns out Ole' girl was going to relax my hair anyways and my happy little butt had no idea what was going on. :look:

To this day my Grandma loves say that the best (and funniest) mother's day gift she ever got was watching my mama almost beat that woman's a$$. :rolleyes:
I believe it. . . some people are just dirty like that.

When I was 14 I went to a salon with my mama and my grandmother for mothers day- before that I had only been in a salon a few other times. My mama told the lady that she just wanted her to wash, deep condition and blowout my hair- that's it. The stylist looks me up and down and tells my mom she could relax it too for no extra charge. My mom said thanks but no thanks. The lady asked her again. My mom said no again. Anyways, my mom ends up getting called back and sitting in some other stylist chair, grandma still waiting up front reading a magazine, and I end up sitting down in this womans chair. Ole' girl disappears for a minute comes back, starts parting down my hair, and next thing I know my mama, who must have be watching me like a hawk comes flying around the corner, hair looking crazy (my guess is that she was getting her scalp based), yanks me out of the chair, and starts going off on this woman, cussing her out. I'm thinking " Huh?":perplexed

Anyways, my grandma walks over takes my smock off, takes my hand and said "Lets go home baby before your mama beats that woman's tail". Grandma, put her hand on my mother's shoulder, said "Donna, let's go" and within minutes we were in the car and then back at my grandmother's house (she lived around the corner), my mama fuming and my grandma laughing the whole time. Turns out Ole' girl was going to relax my hair anyways and my happy little butt had no idea what was going on. :look:

To this day my Grandma loves say that the best (and funniest) mother's day gift she ever got was watching my mama almost beat that woman's a$$. :rolleyes:

WOW, thank goodness for your grandma because I KNOW your mom was going to whoop the hell out of that woman.

Wow. Just wow! She needs a good lawyer. Flinging relaxer at someone is dangerous. She beat her butt in self-defense - that's what I would argue. She could have gotten serious damage if that had landed in her eye.
i have heard of people saying "you need a relaxer" but to force one on someone is unheard of. i'm 20 and i woulda risked my diploma on that one. LOL
I had to re read the story..

Sometimes.. in life..violence begets violence. I do think the beutician does deserve what she got. But it could've been handled a bit differently.

If I was in her own shoes... I wouldnt use violence.. until I was struck first.

For the fact that the stylist..threw the relaxer..which is caustic...

The stylist.. should have been charged as well... with reckless endagerment or any type of crime.. that would relate to the situation. And also lose her liscence as well. Hell even bring a lawsuit against the salon. or her.
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I know I would have, the poor poor friend. :sad:
This is copied from another board, copied from another board.

Ok group I need to vent...some really heavy drama popped off in the beauty salon the other day and I ended up getting arrested,taken to the county jail...and all that jazz~I'll elaborate shortly.

Now I'm a pretty good kid and I'm not just saying that~ I've actually never done anything wrong except steal a pair of sunglasses but my daddy found them, beat me, and made me give them back. You get the point-good kid.
When I'm not living on campus, home is with my daddy and he doesn't really appreciate the fact that I NEVER do anything wrong. I know my generation for the most part is in total turmoil however, I feel like I'm the exact opposite. I do everything I'm SUPPOSED to do, get arrested once and my daddy wont even speak to me. "Was that something worth fighting over?" was the only thing he said to me on the way home from the I didn't say this to him but after thinking about it..hell yeah!
If I had it to do all over again I would not change a thing. By the way I'm not looking for any justification here, just want you guys to feel me on this one..

So my friend Charlotte and I went to the salon for some professional deep conditioning. We're both natural by the way, and my friend Char who has never had a perm, has this beautiful,thick, curly shoulder length hair like Tracy Ellis Ross. We were both out for a day of relaxation. So she decided to finish up by going to her salon to get our heads massaged and conditioned. Well we go and Char goes before me.

Ironically when the stylist finishes with her, a previous customer comes in complaining about something that wasn't quite right. She asks me if I don't mind waiting a bit so I sit down and I chill. Char has been under the dryer now for like fifteen minutes when she comes out scratching her head like there was no tomorrow asking if it was supposed to itch and burn.

As soon as I walk up on her I smell relaxer. I pulled off her shower cap and the hair that wasn't falling out was just bone straight. Right then all hell breaks- loose Char starts crying and screaming so another stylist grabs her so she can rinse her hair out. I ask the lady who did her hair how could she not know what the hell she was doing- this ***** walks over to Char,who looks a good mess right about now, halfway apologizes and tells her that she will do her a bad *** fusion style and that eventually she'll get over it. At this point I am dumbfounded.

The stylist walks away like she didn't do anything. Char is still crying and everyone in the salon is quiet. I ask her once again how she could accidentally perm somebody's head and put them under the dryer. She looked at me rolled her eyes and said she thought she was using conditioner.

Now I was born one morning and it wasnt that morning so I asked her again~ She walked up to me and got all up in my personal space and said "It's easy to do you know, and a perm would do you some good anyway." Now I can handle words and even though I don't play the dozens...that' s not why I tapped that ***...after she said that she picks up her perm brush and acts like she's gonna run it across my head.

One of the ladies told her to stop acting crazy which would have been wise but she kept going. She even put more perm on it and asked me if I wanted to take a seat in her chair. I told her to get out of my face and to get that brush away from me.

She holds the brush high in the air and starts flicking it right over my head. Now this is when I politely beat that ***. I don't believe in double~teaming but when Char jumped in I didn't mind because I figured she had more rights to that *** than anyone. The police were called and since home-girl... (I never caught her name) owns the shop and police had to basically pull me off of her- Char and I were arrested and taken in. I don't usually fight and I hate that I had to get arrested and everything but I think she deserved it....ugh!

I think its unfair of my daddy to only see me getting arrested and I hate that he is upset but there isn't anything I can do about that...I'm upset too...I had to cut off like two inches of my hair b/c when she flicked her perm brush a big glob of perm fell onto my head and the tips got practically covered.

I had no water to wash it out on the way to the county or in the holding cell so it just sat there until my daddy came to get me out and I ran to the bathroom...I don't think I was wrong~ what do you guys think?

Oh, helllllll naaawwww!!!!! That was deliberate and malicious! So sad!
I would have beat that ASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
There is now way that the "stylist" could have made that kind of mistake!:swearing:She did it ON PURPOSE!!
What a witch.....can somebody say lawsuit...I would sue her for putting perm in my hair then turn around and sue her for making me go crazy and having to beat her butt. I dont condone(sp) violence but what the he$$. This woman is trying to be smart and start flinging perm. Isnt this harrassment. The funny thing about crap like this is that when it comes to black on black violence it come down to people not even want to listen to why people have to do things to defend themselves. Yup I would have beat her down...she deserved it.
I don't know if I would have beat her a** but she definitely would have had a serious law suit on her hands. I hope this isn't a true story because if it is, than its really f**ed up . . . does anybody know what state and city this took place in?
I don't know if I would have beat her a** but she definitely would have had a serious law suit on her hands. I hope this isn't a true story because if it is, than its really f**ed up . . . does anybody know what state and city this took place in?

The OP said Texas but i dont think she knows the details like where and @ what salon
Quick, call everyone you know in Texas, tell them to run to their local beauty shop and report back if there is chick that looks like she recently had a good @** whoopin!

I just don't know what to think about this foolishness anymore. If/when charges are filed and the case is complete, I hope that the name of this place is put up on the web so that women everywhere know not to trust this salon. Plus, any woman in Texas, especially patrons of this shop, should have the option of petitioning their cosmetology board to have that stylist's lisence snatched.

I can understand if someone who has never had a relaxer before doesn't know what the formula smells like. Remember, some of us have had young family members go so far as to put relexer in their hair as a conditioning creme by mistake unphased by the scent. With all of the funky smelling/feeling conditioners out there, I do believe that someone just wouldn't know.

BUT THIS STYLIST.... :gotroasted:

I just want somebody to take a picture of her so that people can administer random beatdowns to this lady for the rest of her life (and with the magnitude of this offense, that may not be long)!
I would have been arrested for attempted murder i would have beat her ass no lye

I'm sorry but that right there. :lachen:

OK back to being serious. Yeah I would have tapped that *** quite a few times and been in jail too. I don't play that ****. :naughty:
Wow. Just wow! She needs a good lawyer. Flinging relaxer at someone is dangerous. She beat her butt in self-defense - that's what I would argue. She could have gotten serious damage if that had landed in her eye.

Monstrously'm not a physical fighter but I have my somewhat legal knowledge intact and I believe in justified court suits...yes, this "malicious, Imma make you have chemicalized hair wench" can be sued for throwing relaxer toward someone...sue the heifer{did I actually use that word?} this is assault. I am disgusted with the tale. Nonsense!!!!!!!
I got a little caught up in the story and forgot to take notice of daddy 'o. I am wondering what his take was on the whole issue. It is really strange that sometime how adults come together and not listen to young people sometimes. I hope the truth comes out. That woman should not be allowed to get away with this. What about the people at the shop? There were witnesses. I guess really they would be hard to track down....without somebody breaking down some cash for attorney fees. That is a sin and a shame. My people have got to do better.
I know I would have, the poor poor friend. :sad:
This is copied from another board, copied from another board.

Ok group I need to vent...some really heavy drama popped off in the beauty salon the other day and I ended up getting arrested,taken to the county jail...and all that jazz~I'll elaborate shortly.

Now I'm a pretty good kid and I'm not just saying that~ I've actually never done anything wrong except steal a pair of sunglasses but my daddy found them, beat me, and made me give them back. You get the point-good kid.
When I'm not living on campus, home is with my daddy and he doesn't really appreciate the fact that I NEVER do anything wrong. I know my generation for the most part is in total turmoil however, I feel like I'm the exact opposite. I do everything I'm SUPPOSED to do, get arrested once and my daddy wont even speak to me. "Was that something worth fighting over?" was the only thing he said to me on the way home from the I didn't say this to him but after thinking about it..hell yeah!
If I had it to do all over again I would not change a thing. By the way I'm not looking for any justification here, just want you guys to feel me on this one..

So my friend Charlotte and I went to the salon for some professional deep conditioning. We're both natural by the way, and my friend Char who has never had a perm, has this beautiful,thick, curly shoulder length hair like Tracy Ellis Ross. We were both out for a day of relaxation. So she decided to finish up by going to her salon to get our heads massaged and conditioned. Well we go and Char goes before me.

Ironically when the stylist finishes with her, a previous customer comes in complaining about something that wasn't quite right. She asks me if I don't mind waiting a bit so I sit down and I chill. Char has been under the dryer now for like fifteen minutes when she comes out scratching her head like there was no tomorrow asking if it was supposed to itch and burn.

As soon as I walk up on her I smell relaxer. I pulled off her shower cap and the hair that wasn't falling out was just bone straight. Right then all hell breaks- loose Char starts crying and screaming so another stylist grabs her so she can rinse her hair out. I ask the lady who did her hair how could she not know what the hell she was doing- this ***** walks over to Char,who looks a good mess right about now, halfway apologizes and tells her that she will do her a bad *** fusion style and that eventually she'll get over it. At this point I am dumbfounded.

The stylist walks away like she didn't do anything. Char is still crying and everyone in the salon is quiet. I ask her once again how she could accidentally perm somebody's head and put them under the dryer. She looked at me rolled her eyes and said she thought she was using conditioner.

Now I was born one morning and it wasnt that morning so I asked her again~ She walked up to me and got all up in my personal space and said "It's easy to do you know, and a perm would do you some good anyway." Now I can handle words and even though I don't play the dozens...that' s not why I tapped that ***...after she said that she picks up her perm brush and acts like she's gonna run it across my head.

One of the ladies told her to stop acting crazy which would have been wise but she kept going. She even put more perm on it and asked me if I wanted to take a seat in her chair. I told her to get out of my face and to get that brush away from me.

She holds the brush high in the air and starts flicking it right over my head. Now this is when I politely beat that ***. I don't believe in double~teaming but when Char jumped in I didn't mind because I figured she had more rights to that *** than anyone. The police were called and since home-girl... (I never caught her name) owns the shop and police had to basically pull me off of her- Char and I were arrested and taken in. I don't usually fight and I hate that I had to get arrested and everything but I think she deserved it....ugh!

I think its unfair of my daddy to only see me getting arrested and I hate that he is upset but there isn't anything I can do about that...I'm upset too...I had to cut off like two inches of my hair b/c when she flicked her perm brush a big glob of perm fell onto my head and the tips got practically covered.

I had no water to wash it out on the way to the county or in the holding cell so it just sat there until my daddy came to get me out and I ran to the bathroom...I don't think I was wrong~ what do you guys think?

Wow! That sylist needed her arse beat if she did all that:blush:
I don't know if I would have beat her a** but she definitely would have had a serious law suit on her hands. I hope this isn't a true story because if it is, than its really f**ed up . . . does anybody know what state and city this took place in?

I know I would have beat it and then sued questions asked. I don't understand this AT ALL.
That stylists....would have needed a hella of a lot of stitiches after I got through. She better not have had any scissors near her that I could reach either. They would need someone to get me off of her. I know this may seem extreme...but I could not have put up with that. :nono: I hope she broke bones. :look:

For some reason...I knew it was in Texas. You can't find a good stylist to save your life here.

Was this on y!answers?
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Now..... I don't like violence and i try to handle things by talking things out, but that is one time i would have to beat dat B@#$ A@# too! am sorry but that was straight up dirty what she did your friend. How is she holding up? how about u as well?

You shoulda pulled her hair out from the root and let her see how it feels!
I know i'm wrong for that one but at this point whatevea.:lachen:
OMG!:nono: I can't believe that someone would be so envious of your hair they'd try to jack it up! That craziness...
Wow! Vindictive stylists... Flinging chemicals at customers... Beat downs... Arrests...

The salon is no longer a safe place. :nono:
What a horrible story. What an awful thing to happen to someone. :nono: I would like to say, though, all the years I got relaxers in the salon...sitting there with all of those salon smells mingling together...I can not recall ever *smelling relaxer even when it was being put on my own head. I rarely recall smelling conditioners, too (apple scented something is the only thing that currently comes to mind) so I can see how someone can have a relaxer put on her hair and not smell it. Also, if she has relaxer on her hair and then is placed under the dryer, could that possibly accelerate the damaging effects (such as hair loss in this case)?

I've not been in a fight in probably 25 years so I can't say that I would have struck the stylist but she would have definitely felt my displeasure.
What a horrible story. What an awful thing to happen to someone. :nono: I would like to say, though, all the years I got relaxers in the salon...sitting there with all of those salon smells mingling together...I can not recall ever *smelling relaxer even when it was being put on my own head. I rarely recall smelling conditioners, too (apple scented something is the only thing that currently comes to mind) so I can see how someone can have a relaxer put on her hair and not smell it. Also, if she has relaxer on her hair and then is placed under the dryer, could that possibly accelerate the damaging effects (such as hair loss in this case)?

I've not been in a fight in probably 25 years so I can't say that I would have struck the stylist but she would have definitely felt my displeasure.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Sorry Kimberly but this line sounded so cute and demure.
I agree w/ yall, I would have forgotten I was a Christian woman, I would have tapped that *** first and prayed later...WOW! Especially cuz relaxers and conditioners smell totally different, yeah that ***** knew the difference. See that's why I don't let every tom, dick, n harry all up in my head!
Girl, I visit Texas once and a year and I want the name and address so I can beat that @$$. Any time a hair board member is anywhere near the city, we'll just tell our friends "oh, I need to stop by this salon for a minute. no, no you don't have to get out of the car. actually, stay in and keep it running. i'ma just go in and beat someone's @$$ right quick, be right back!"

But I will say this story is a tad suspicious. Had the friend never been exposed to relaxers and didn't know they smell and feel real different from conditioners? Was the stylist not using gloves? Anyway, if it really did go down like that, and I say this with the quiet sincerity of a Truth you have always known deep within you, I would have beat her @$$ until the last drop of my @$$-beating-ness had been drained from my body.[/quote]


Yes, I might have put my professional reputation and license on the line that day and beat her, and beat her, and beat her.
she said that char had never had a relaxer b4 in her life so maybe thats why she couldnt tell it was relaxer the stylist was puttin in her hair coz she didnt know what it smelled like? and also the friend might not have been paying attention to what the stylist was doing to char and seeing as its a salon it might already smell like relaxer from a previous customer or something so she didnt take notice of the smell.
she said that char had never had a relaxer b4 in her life so maybe thats why she couldnt tell it was relaxer the stylist was puttin in her hair coz she didnt know what it smelled like? and also the friend might not have been paying attention to what the stylist was doing to char and seeing as its a salon it might already smell like relaxer from a previous customer or something so she didnt take notice of the smell.

Yeah, plus its kinda hard to mess up a wash and deep condition. So their guard was probably down.