Tell me you wouldn't have got arrested to!

Hmmm....I agree...this is a fishy story, especially since relaxer has a DISTINCT smell AND you apply it to dry hair with gloves. 1) If you haven't relaxed your hair in years, you can smell relaxer a mile away and 2) I've never seen a professional stylist apply conditioner to dry hair. Too many holes in the story.
i wouldnt have been arrested but I would have demanded my money back and sued her *** to kingdom come. Lets start with emotional damage, mental stress, assault (I would say putting a cuastic chemical on someones head when they asked for a simple conditioner would qualify.), and possibly malicious neglecence (any hairdresser can smell relaxer versus conditioner. and she should NEVER have put her under the dryer with relaxer on her hair).
This is jacked up and yeah I woulda been arrested too.

On the real this just ruled out me ever setting foot into another salon again. My two bad experiences were nothing compared to this.
They were right to beat that behind--how dare you? She knew what she was doing and then, mentioned she would add fusions--to further even make the girl bald.
It's just hair. It will grow back. She had every right to be upset, but no right to attack the hairdresser. Now because they couldn't control their anger they're going to have a criminal record following them the rest of their lives... I would have just sued :ohwell:
I would have been arrested for attempted murder i would have beat her *** no lye

OKAY?? I have law degree, and I STILL would have beat that _substitute whatever word you want_ down to the ground. I did not go natural for some crazy person to throw that nasty mess on my head "by accident."

And maybe the girl's friend had never had a relaxer before, but it does smell distinctive and you can feel it working almost immediately.

Btw, I never go to the salon unless it's for a trim because I'm secretly scared of having this happen to me. I can't believe my fears were just confirmed :nono:
I know I would have, the poor poor friend. :sad:
This is copied from another board, copied from another board.

Ok group I need to vent...some really heavy drama popped off in the beauty salon the other day and I ended up getting arrested,taken to the county jail...and all that jazz~I'll elaborate shortly.

Now I'm a pretty good kid and I'm not just saying that~ I've actually never done anything wrong except steal a pair of sunglasses but my daddy found them, beat me, and made me give them back. You get the point-good kid.
When I'm not living on campus, home is with my daddy and he doesn't really appreciate the fact that I NEVER do anything wrong. I know my generation for the most part is in total turmoil however, I feel like I'm the exact opposite. I do everything I'm SUPPOSED to do, get arrested once and my daddy wont even speak to me. "Was that something worth fighting over?" was the only thing he said to me on the way home from the I didn't say this to him but after thinking about it..hell yeah!
If I had it to do all over again I would not change a thing. By the way I'm not looking for any justification here, just want you guys to feel me on this one..

So my friend Charlotte and I went to the salon for some professional deep conditioning. We're both natural by the way, and my friend Char who has never had a perm, has this beautiful,thick, curly shoulder length hair like Tracy Ellis Ross. We were both out for a day of relaxation. So she decided to finish up by going to her salon to get our heads massaged and conditioned. Well we go and Char goes before me.

Ironically when the stylist finishes with her, a previous customer comes in complaining about something that wasn't quite right. She asks me if I don't mind waiting a bit so I sit down and I chill. Char has been under the dryer now for like fifteen minutes when she comes out scratching her head like there was no tomorrow asking if it was supposed to itch and burn.

As soon as I walk up on her I smell relaxer. I pulled off her shower cap and the hair that wasn't falling out was just bone straight. Right then all hell breaks- loose Char starts crying and screaming so another stylist grabs her so she can rinse her hair out. I ask the lady who did her hair how could she not know what the hell she was doing- this ***** walks over to Char,who looks a good mess right about now, halfway apologizes and tells her that she will do her a bad *** fusion style and that eventually she'll get over it. At this point I am dumbfounded.

The stylist walks away like she didn't do anything. Char is still crying and everyone in the salon is quiet. I ask her once again how she could accidentally perm somebody's head and put them under the dryer. She looked at me rolled her eyes and said she thought she was using conditioner.

Now I was born one morning and it wasnt that morning so I asked her again~ She walked up to me and got all up in my personal space and said "It's easy to do you know, and a perm would do you some good anyway." Now I can handle words and even though I don't play the dozens...that' s not why I tapped that ***...after she said that she picks up her perm brush and acts like she's gonna run it across my head.

One of the ladies told her to stop acting crazy which would have been wise but she kept going. She even put more perm on it and asked me if I wanted to take a seat in her chair. I told her to get out of my face and to get that brush away from me.

She holds the brush high in the air and starts flicking it right over my head. Now this is when I politely beat that ***. I don't believe in double~teaming but when Char jumped in I didn't mind because I figured she had more rights to that *** than anyone. The police were called and since home-girl... (I never caught her name) owns the shop and police had to basically pull me off of her- Char and I were arrested and taken in. I don't usually fight and I hate that I had to get arrested and everything but I think she deserved it....ugh!

I think its unfair of my daddy to only see me getting arrested and I hate that he is upset but there isn't anything I can do about that...I'm upset too...I had to cut off like two inches of my hair b/c when she flicked her perm brush a big glob of perm fell onto my head and the tips got practically covered.

I had no water to wash it out on the way to the county or in the holding cell so it just sat there until my daddy came to get me out and I ran to the bathroom...I don't think I was wrong~ what do you guys think?

OMG you should go back and beat her AGAIN!....and please go to small claims court and sue her for your grief...and btw....I DONT EVER go to the salon without MY STUFF. To save a dollar they will use any crap on you.
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It's just hair. It will grow back. She had every right to be upset, but no right to attack the hairdresser. Now because they couldn't control their anger they're going to have a criminal record following them the rest of their lives... I would have just sued :ohwell:
she had every right. she put a relaxer on a lady's hair and then sat her under the dryer. people suffer serious burns without heat and you telling me that it is garanteed that her hair will grow back? i think not. not only that but the lady proceeded to put relaxer on the other girl. not only is that not professional but she violated her space. putting a relaxer on someone is a serious matter because it can cause alopecia along with burns. along with having to transition. it takes a lot mentally and emotionally to transition. so its NOT just hair. and its NOT garanteed that her hair will grow back.
being the nice and sweet person i am i probably would have tried to walk away but to have someone act as though its not a big deal when they cause physical damage to someone and its not an easy mistake to make which causes me to think that it wasnt a mistake at all. and then to have her try and dump relaxer on me...i would have torn her a new ***. that trick would never forget the size of my shoe. there are all kinds of wrong that i didnt even mention that that stylist did.
It's just hair. It will grow back. She had every right to be upset, but no right to attack the hairdresser. Now because they couldn't control their anger they're going to have a criminal record following them the rest of their lives... I would have just sued :ohwell:

That is not true at all--the case could have been dropped. It is a misdeamnor.
Girl, I visit Texas once and a year and I want the name and address so I can beat that @$$. Any time a hair board member is anywhere near the city, we'll just tell our friends "oh, I need to stop by this salon for a minute. no, no you don't have to get out of the car. actually, stay in and keep it running. i'ma just go in and beat someone's @$$ right quick, be right back!"

But I will say this story is a tad suspicious. Had the friend never been exposed to relaxers and didn't know they smell and feel real different from conditioners? Was the stylist not using gloves? Anyway, if it really did go down like that, and I say this with the quiet sincerity of a Truth you have always known deep within you, I would have beat her @$$ until the last drop of my @$$-beating-ness had been drained from my body.

Ditto :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Swinging a comb with perm on it towards a person who clearly did not want to be near it was assault and the minute that perm got flicked onto the girl it turned into battery. When someone is battered or even threatened with assault they have a right to self defense so the way i see it she was totally justified in beating her A**. and she needs to sue not only the salon but the hair dresser as well.
i wouldn't say the story is suspicious just cause she didn't know what a perm smelled or felt like. I'm 27 and I've never had a perm, I don't know what they smell like and I dont know what they feel like.
Ummm, doesn't relaxer have to first be mixed with some sort of 'activator' just before it's used? ... Well if all relaxers work this way the she DEFINITELY did this on purpose coz she'd have had to have mixed it first, right?

If this story is true, this "stylist" will most probably get her licence revoked. Can you imagine the damage you can do to someone ... relaxer AND heat???

Meh... story sounds a little fishy tho' ... there's always 1 party's version, the other party's version, then there's the truth ...
Ummm, doesn't relaxer have to first be mixed with some sort of 'activator' just before it's used? ... Well if all relaxers work this way the she DEFINITELY did this on purpose coz she'd have had to have mixed it first, right?

If this story is true, this "stylist" will most probably get her licence revoked. Can you imagine the damage you can do to someone ... relaxer AND heat???

Meh... story sounds a little fishy tho' ... there's always 1 party's version, the other party's version, then there's the truth ...
Salon relaxers don't have to be mixed up. but yeah the story is fishy lol and it's pretty old so her hair probably grew back by now
I know what perm smells like so um yeah...I would have stopped her in her tracks. But the stylist deserved the arse cutting she got.
Salon relaxers don't have to be mixed up. but yeah the story is fishy lol and it's pretty old so her hair probably grew back by now

Oh I see. Thanks for clarifying.

I guess if you're that careless, you shouldn't have a license anyway. I mean she apparently said that "it's easy enough to do" ... so you'd think she'd be a bit more careful :ohwell:
I know that stylist knew she put that relaxer in that poor girls hair cause if she did, then her hands had to have been burning, unless she were wearing gloves, and from my experience, what stylist puts on gloves when they are putting conditioner in your hair.

When people go to a salon and choose to get a relaxer, they immediately should know that this is a serious chemical and could be a danger to health. Many people are aware and it is their right to determine whether or not they want a relaxer reguardless the risks..
Char is natural and it saddens me that her right to stay natural was not respected. I mean come on now!!! WTH is wrong with people these days.
And because her hair was relaxed without her knowledge she should have sued for direct endangerment of a chemical.
And the other girl that got the relaxer flicked at her should sue the stylist's a$$. What if it had gotten into her eyes!!! That's assault right there!!!
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I shouldn't have read this thread. Regardless of whether it's true or not (and I can see both sides of the argument), this is going to be in my nightmares tonight. I might wake up swinging on my husband or something.
OMG I have never gotten more than a speeding ticket BUT I WOULD BEAT HER UNTIL HER MAMA CRIED. That story better not be true cause I might go looking for that stylist right now. How could someone be so ignorant and brainwashed to think everyone has to be relaxed? I have gotten similar "you gotta relax" attitude from hair stylists on the rare I occasion I have gotten a press, and that's why I will never go back to the salon. :mad:
Oh heck yeah she deserved it. They should have given the "stylist" a BC too and maybe next time she will think before making such a huge "mistake" like that again!
Old thread or not that was crazy! The stylist must have been jealous of the young lady's looks and hair.
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It's so sad how we resort to violence and are judged for being sooo aggressive;but, I can honestly say that I would have reacted the same way! Some things bring out the worse in us-that is one of those things. I really hope this stylist gets her license revoked, and is never allowed to perform a chemical service again. I hope that they will pursue a lawsuit and not allow her nor the owner of the salon get away with such practices! This is so sad and I have much empathy for the young ladies involved.