Talk About Brainwashed...


Well-Known Member

  • It's a misnomer that a husband wanting a second wife means the first wife is not enough
  • You cannot be upset at your husband or fault him for wanting a second wife if the religion is polygamous (Muslim, Hebrew Israelite)
  • Torah defines adultery as man having sex with a married or betrothed woman
  • Adultery depends on the marriage status of the woman not the man
  • 87 schools of thought in Islam
  • The husband doesn't need to consult the first wife to bring along a second wife
  • Cheating is not adultery if the woman is unmarried
  • Men can have an unlimited amount of right hand possessions because the prophet Mohammed said so
  • In their family dynamic the first wife (in Blue) was okay with the husband bringing in a second wife and was aware and consulted
  • Instead of crying about a second wife change yourself first because being a wife is your duty
  • You cannot divorce if the husband does not relieve you of your position
  • You cannot stop being a wife even if your husband stops being husband
  • Just pray, cry and pray
  • If abandonment happens as in starvation, no clothing, no shelter you should be able to leave
Well if that works for their life then cool beans. I'm selfish and don't want to spilt anything with anybody.

It's funny to me how women make so many excuses for men to treat them any kind of way. If a man wrote it why wouldn't he write it in his favor and why would you follow something written in his favor with considering you?
I mean if they like it...

But why are these modern, American polygyny situations so dusty? Where's the sister wife with her own renovated condo and house staff? If I was okay with sharing my man, I'd fare better with a wealthy man who kept mistresses-- at least then I'd be making this video from my beachfront property instead of on a cheap sofa. Good on them for being "enlightened" enough to not be possessive I guess, but I'd leverage my detachment from monogamy into something bigger and better.
The right way to do polygamy is to have him provide each of you with your own house, transportation and a thriving business of your own. There has to be something worthwhile in it for you to be willing to share a man. What happens when the man dies and both of you are stuck in the same house broke sitting on that cheap sofa? At least if you have your own stuff and are self sufficient, you can take your kids, bounce and move on with your life.

Every poor choice has to be worth something. If you must date a married man, then you better come out of it with investments, a condo and car in your name. When he leaves or you get tired, you can cry in your own home and not outside in the streets with nothing but a suitcase of clothes and bags to your name.
Such lies. Polygamy has always been about the first wife not being enough. If you get a SECOND of anything it is because the first was not enough.

Historically men married several wives to have more kids, more sex and more labor, more prestige. They could not get enough of that from one wife so they married more.

In 2018 I just don’t see the allure of dating a broke man let alone sharing a broke man. Unlike back in the day women can work, go to school, pay bills and have their own lives.