Straighten hair the natural way!

Hi Mahalialee4,

Another thing people might consider with limes or lemons if they use them fresh is that each one will have a very different acidic level. I can't tell if that is what is being used. But I do know that the concentrated lemon or lime juice in the bottles seem to be more consistent in terms of the acidic level than can be obtained from fresh lemons and limes.

BabyCurls great to see you had good results with this. After next week I'll get back to this treatment too. Mahalialee's suggestion of cutting back on the lime is a good one. HennaJoy I was about to switch to fresh limes until I read your post on the consistency of the lime coming from the plastic bottle, which is what I now use...
Ditto HennaJoy: I am including these websites showing the Ph scale and it's relativity to skin(which includes the scalp) and to products.
Also included a site that shows how using Natural Spring water in natural products and on skin and hair can have a positive balancing effect An *****Excellent READ the information on shampoos and on skin care
The normal ph for skin is basically 5.5. Too much acid is damaging. Too much alkalinity is damaging. Important to bring hair and skin back to a Ph balance that will retain the health of the skin and hair. Bonjour.
RE: the Natural Mineral Water: This is why some ladies mist their hair with spring water, or rinse their hair in bottled spring water. Some swear by it. Also very important to drink a lot of water. Add this to your file so that when people get too
about the water you drink. After a while, they will stop making comments about your doing "dumb stuff!"
Forgot to say where....On the same site (Natural Spring water) read the page (see bottom of page) that says Skin Functioning.
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BabyCurls said:
Here's the verdict: After using the coconut/lime mixture, that I left on my hair today for an hour, my hair is softer, and my curls are looser than ever. The other day I just did the regular milk only. I wanted to see how it worked before doing the coconut/lime. It works like a charm.

I know for some, the mix makes your hair dry from the lime in it. It didn't dry out my hair because I have 3a/b wavy/curly hair. Just as long as I use a moisturizing shampoo, my Suave Smoothing conditioner, along with my ACV rinse, I'm all squared away. I even use Proclaim 7 Oil Mix while my hair is damp, and combed it back in a ponytail.

All in all, I have excellent results from this natural relaxer. Thanx, Janice, wherever you are!

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Hey BabyCurls

I am so glad this worked out for you
. Let me know how long the results last and if it combats humidity. When I try it in a month or so I will defenitely post my results on here.
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HennaJoy said:
Hi Mahalialee4,

Another thing people might consider with limes or lemons if they use them fresh is that each one will have a very different acidic level. I can't tell if that is what is being used. But I do know that the concentrated lemon or lime juice in the bottles seem to be more consistent in terms of the acidic level than can be obtained from fresh lemons and limes.


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Thanks HennaJoy...I'll remember that the next time I try this. I guess in this case...'fresh' is not 'better'. Also I'll try not to use as much of the lime juice the next time.
Even though it dried my hair out...I decided to rollerset Saturday and I must say my roller set is even softer and looks even more relaxed than before. So I'm gonna try this again on 2 weeks.
THE VERDICT (re: whole milk treatment posted above):

Well, it ACTUALLY did loosen the wave in my new growth!! I was shocked. It worked.

I used regular whole milk (no limes, lemons). I left it on for about an hour (under cap), then did my regular routine (wash, deep condition, rollerset).

While my hair was still wet, I didn't really notice a major difference. It was only after I took out my rollers and was braiding my hair to go to bed that I realized my new growth was stretched out. I examined all my new growth in the mirror and could not believe it! It was MUCH looser.

I love it!!! As I am transitioning, this milk routine will probably become part of my regular routine.

Can I do this weekly? Or will it dry out my hair?

Next time, I might add a little lemon juice (from the bottle) as suggested.
OK.... that does it... As SOON as my braids come out I'm tryin this. (Y'all are makin me wish I could take em out sooner,
) Finally something that works and WON'T make me spend a whole lotta dough.

You ladies are just the BESTEST!

Why'd you make me wait so long for the results

Did you heat the milk first? I plan on doing this Friday per your results and I only wash my hair in the shower, but I'm afraid of pouring cold milk over my hair without jumping up and down from the shock of something cold running down my nekkid body
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
BlkMane said:
Well, it ACTUALLY did loosen the wave in my new growth!! I was shocked. It worked.

I used regular whole milk (no limes, lemons). I left it on for about an hour (under cap), then did my regular routine (wash, deep condition, rollerset).

While my hair was still wet, I didn't really notice a major difference. It was only after I took out my rollers and was braiding my hair to go to bed that I realized my new growth was stretched out. I examined all my new growth in the mirror and could not believe it! It was MUCH looser

[/ QUOTE ]

Girlfriend I told you this stuff works! Now you know I'm jumping up and down for you
Right now all I do is use the whole milk. I've found you can use this weekly. As a matter of fact, the whole treatment is supposed to last until your next wash. I've found the whole milk to surpass the coconut milk as far as straightening is concerned. The milk thing is a runny mess, but the results far outweigh any inconvenience it may cause in applying
To Avoid Too Cold SHOCK TREATMENT ! leave the product: (milk, eggs, yogurt, cream, whatever) out of the fridge overnite. Heating may destroy some of its beneficial properties. When I do my henna treatment, I mix it up in a glass bowl that has a cover, and sit it on the floor register in my bathroom. It maintains it at just the right temperature. I leave my eggs and tiny container of yogurt in a plastic container on the sink counter, ready to add to the mix in the morning. ( I add a few drops of tea tree oil to my beaten egg to which I then add a little castor oil)stir it all together and proceed to set up for the application.) I think that the milk left out overnight would be no different than adding room temp shampoo or conditioner. Hope this works for you. It works for me. Has anyone tried heavy cream yet, so that it is not so runny? (like the milk?) If the milk alone is working so well, I would only add lemon or lime occasionally. (like every 3rd time ) and less worry about any drying effects, but I would use a moisturizing conditioner each time.
I used heavy cream last week (haven't used whole milk yet) noticed softer hair but no straightening. I looked at the carton when I got home and noticed there was no protein in it. So that probably explains it.

(just a tip be sure to wash it all out or else your hair smells like baby spit-up. I didn't get it all out the first time and had to re-wash the next day)
Next time, whole milk!

So I SHOULDN'T add the lime if the milk works well? I thought you said that the lime was needed to adjust the Ph balance of the milk?

Crysdon:Girl, I'm sorry about not getting back to all of you quicker, but it was a BEAUTIFUL weekend and I was out!! Couldn't sit home on the computer with weather like that!

I used the milk STRAIGHT OUT OF THE FRIDGE!! It was cold. I forgot to sit it out, next time, I will be using room temperature milk.

And next time, I think I'll just concentrate on my roots. I won't worry about getting milk on the rest of my hair (relaxed part). I don't want too much protein on my hair...too much protein makes my hair snap.

SkyMist:Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You DISCOVERED this wonderful straightening treatment. I'll be forever grateful!

BTW, I tried the coconut cream first (last week I think) and I agree with SkyMist, the milk is waaaaaaaaaaaay better for straightening. I did not notice a drastic difference after using coconut cream.

I wonder if CANNED milk (evaporated milk) will be even better? It has all the water removed, so doesn't that just leave the good stuff? More concentrated straightening powers?
self quote Mahalialee ("I would gently suggest that you ladies use a lesser amount of limes. Think of how you do the apple cider vinegar rinse. To 1 quart, you probably would add 1/8 cup of AVC max. So to 1 glass on milk, I cannot understand why you would need more that a tsp. or tbl. max. It is an acidic element. Since our hair naturally tends to be drier, we would not want to dry it out with natural products. The coconut lime thing is not my personal recipe. It was of course posted on the site. I use bottled lemon or lime juice, and it is just a tsp or tablespoon at max in what I do depending on what it is. It is for the sole purpose of cutting the drying effects of the protein and bring the PH balance to a greater compatability with my hair and scalp. Protein needs an acid to balance it. I agree with those who suggested that some are are using too much. I do not want to come across as a know it all, just do not want to see anyone ending up with any problems. Hope this helps.
Hairyette: you are welcome! Please keep us updated with your results: We want DETAILS "unquote:
Hey Blackmane: It is not quite that cut and dried. I do not know the Ph of your scalp and hair, nor how much protein or acid in or on your hair strands. If you have been using too much protein you would want to balance it out with using more acidic things. If you have been using a lot of alkaline products on your hair it will again affect your PH balance. My response in that post was based on someone's concern that they had been using too much lime and as a result were not achieving the softeness that their hair needed. PH is not a static thing. It changes, based on what is added or taken away from it, on the individual to which s product is being applied , heat, their health, diet. , shampoos, the alkalinity of other product they use for example relaxers, dye, etc. etc. The one thing that you can go by is the PH scale that gives the "Ideal" ph of something or the scalp or skin. For example: If your hair's Ph is where it should be, and you do not have other added factors that make it too acid, too alkaline, and you add MILK that has the normal balance, MILK ALONE MAY WORK FOR YOU... but if other factors are changed, )different product, example coconut milk that does not have the exact same properties as milk, you may need to add lime to gain the balance that will cause your hair to loosem. That specific recipe "Straighten your hair with milk" I would assume would work for most people or they would not have posted it without adding lime, lemon etc. Some things do not need fixing. Some may have better results with the coconut cream and lime.(but just putting in coconut cream would not do the trick), so perhaps that is why they posted the recipe the way they did. Some would prefer to use buttermilk or yogurt and get excellent results, however...I think that we started out (looking at two basic recipes: MILK; COCONUT CREAM AND LIME;) IF SOMEONE DECIDES TO ADD TO either RECIPE; it will be purely a personal experiment and I have no idea what all the results could be or not be. I am saying if it ain't broke, don't fix it!...and do not add too much acid to anything or overdo the protein. It could cancel out the good results that you could achieve keeping a balance and a good PH balance. Did you read over the PH Chart information? it is excellent reading to keep in mind when we are being creative
Did the explanation help, Blk Mane? I do not want to leave confusion
in anyone's mind of what I mean, and I do not mind explaining myself.
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Thanks Mahalialee--


I'll continue using just the milk (unless I experience dryness, and only then will I add some lime juice.)

Thanks for replying!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
BlkMane said:
SkyMist:Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You DISCOVERED this wonderful straightening treatment. I'll be forever grateful!

BTW, I tried the coconut cream first (last week I think) and I agree with SkyMist, the milk is waaaaaaaaaaaay better for straightening. I did not notice a drastic difference after using coconut cream.

I wonder if CANNED milk (evaporated milk) will be even better? It has all the water removed, so doesn't that just leave the good stuff? More concentrated straightening powers?

[/ QUOTE ]

No problem BlkMane. I'm just very glad everything went so well with you
You can feel your enthusiasm coming through the screen! Now you've got me looking at evaporated milk
I never even thought of it! These natural products are something else aren't they? And who knew that these goodies were located just a hop, skip and a jump away
Here's to happy hair growing
Hey Ladies: People will be asking "What's your hair secret?" and you will just look at them so peacefully and say "Milk....I have to have my milk!"....and people will be drinking milk like mad!!!!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hey Ladies: People will be asking "What's your hair secret?" and you will just look at them so peacefully and say "Milk....I have to have my milk!"....and people will be drinking milk like mad!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Mahalialee you are too much. But what you've said is the truth! We just have to have our milk
I second you Seamist on the milk thing!! I just got back from vacation on yesterday, so I just had to do me a milk treatment. I didn't have any whole milk like before, so I used my 2% milk, and since it wasn't whole milk, I decided to add a little ranch dressing
to the milk ( to give it a little more protein)... It took longer for my hair to dry w/ the added thickness to the milk and my hair didn't feel as smooth as it normally feels when I just rinse it w/ the water.. But let me tell you what!!! Once I shampooed my hair, it felt like silk!! It surprised me!!!
I am loving this milk thing. I think I will do a milk treatment once a week. I'm now into week 13 w/ my relaxer and you can't tell it. I did a roller set yesterday and wrapped my hair last night. I'm loving my bouncy and silky hair today
Ladies, let's keep milking it!!!!
Gives new meaning to that slogan,

Got milk?" doesn't it?


I can see the new ad campaign now...running exclusively in hair magazines...beautiful women of color with healthy heads of hair...holding a glass of milk...all prouding showing their "milk heads"!
Titansgirl the milk thing is toast isn't it! Now you've given me extra ammunition about trying the salad dressing thingy

BlkMane that remark about us women doing those type of milk adds is something to think about eh?
I know if they started sending out casting calls, I'd be the first to apply
I have been espousing natural hair products forever, ad nauseum. You are the first ladies that really took me seriously and it makes me happy to know that alternative methods are rockin! Being pro natural does not make you anti something else, it just means that "natural hair care is your personal prefererence for a variety of earthshaking example where I live, powder shortages are frequent, and sometimes they turn the water off without specific notice (if you weren't watching TV at a certain time on a certain channel you would not be informed).,.think Malcolm X in the relaxer-no water scene. It is one of my "worst case scenario fears about relaxing" breaking from the roots! I love the financial advantages too. Today, I stored my steeped butters, oils, conditioners, shampoo butters etc. in small containers, like 1 application size, in the freezer, labeled and boxed. I still have to do a few more things to do, and then it is carefree hair care with all natural intensive care. Bonjour.
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Mahalialee4 said:
think Malcolm X in the relaxer-no water scene. It is one of my "worst case scenario fears about relaxing" breaking from the roots!

[/ QUOTE ]

: You have no idear how many times I had nightmares about that. I swear!!!! lol, oh my God!
Hi BlkMane,

I kinda went crazy with "milk" when I did my milk treatment. I used Soy Milk, Coconut Milk, condensed milk (non-sweetened), along with the lime Juice, and got excellent results.

I'm gonna try plain whole milk and note the results.

Mahalialee4, I'm glad you have continued to educate people about natural hair products. Just think if you had stopped, we wouldn't be here today experiencing these great results!!
I never knew anything about all of the natural things that I already have in my home that can be used on my hair or even "body" until I started reading on this hair board. I'm glad I joined this board and that all of you ladies are so willing to share
Thank you
Keep the info coming ladies... I'm all eyes(ears)!

I'm late posting my remarks but I really enjoy your natural hair care tips. I started using natural hair care products years ago b/c I am allergic to some of the ingredients in hair products.

Frankly, the natural oils and "kitchen" recipes have saved me from going bald. I have some products in my "stash" by Phyto - Balancing Shampoo. Regulates a sensitive scalp. Gently cleanses. Adds body. Contains ingredients derived from Bran and Milk, and Almond Milk extracts AND a conditioner - PhytoSpecific Restructuring Milk.

So, you definitely have something there with the milk. I'm going to give myself a treatment this week. Thanks for sharing.
Hi. I am new to LHCF and I am loving everything I have read thus far and I've only just begun! I found this group in my search for natraul hair care and I feel I hit a goal mind. Thank You all for your shared experiences and advice.