Straighten hair the natural way!

Hi AFashionSlave, the milk thing isn't permanent. It just loosened my curls. I still have a wave pattern to my hair..
When I pulled my hair back and let it airdry, it came out very straight, but today I let my hair airdry just hanging down, and it came out wavy, but w/o thick waves.. I can't say enough about this milk thing.. I think my hair is going to overdose on it
I just did another milk treatment last night.... I guess I better give this milk thing a rest...
So, within 7 days I have performed three milk treatments.....
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Titansgirl said:
Hi AFashionSlave, the milk thing isn't permanent. It just loosened my curls. I still have a wave pattern to my hair..
When I pulled my hair back and let it airdry, it came out very straight, but today I let my hair airdry just hanging down, and it came out wavy, but w/o thick waves.. I can't say enough about this milk thing.. I think my hair is going to overdose on it
I just did another milk treatment last night.... I guess I better give this milk thing a rest...
So, within 7 days I have performed three milk treatments.....

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Does your hair still feel moisturized? The limes dried my hair a bit. I was thinking about just using milk the next time or coconut milk, minus the limes. Did you use whole milk?
Definitely, Sweetcocoa!!!
My hair feel very soft and moisturized even when I'm rinsing the milk out of my hair!! My hair has a very strong and soft feeling to it!! I make sure I use a moisturizing conditioner everytime I do a treatment even though it's still soft w/o using the moisturizer. I just don't want to take any chances w/ the affects of not moisturizing.. Yes I used whole milk(Vitamin D) the Golden Gallen brand(I'm sure it doesn't make a difference what brand, I just thought I would mention it anyway...)
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Titansgirl said:
Definitely, Sweetcocoa!!!
My hair feel very soft and moisturized even when I'm rinsing the milk out of my hair!! My hair has a very strong and soft feeling to it!! I make sure I use a moisturizing conditioner everytime I do a treatment even though it's still soft w/o using the moisturizer. I just don't want to take any chances w/ the affects of not moisturizing.. Yes I used whole milk(Vitamin D) the Golden Gallen brand(I'm sure it doesn't make a difference what brand, I just thought I would mention it anyway...)

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you're not the only one using whole milk! i tried it last night. i put 1/3 cup of milk and a spray bottle and sprayed it all over my head. then i covered my head with a heat cap for 30mins (i think next time i'll wait a little longer if i have time). when i rinsed my head it was so soft! i followed the rinse with a moisturizing conditioner as well. when my hair dried my new growth was so much more looser and easier to comb through!
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Hi AFashionSlave, the milk thing isn't permanent. It just loosened my curls. I still have a wave pattern to my hair..
When I pulled my hair back and let it airdry, it came out very straight, but today I let my hair airdry just hanging down, and it came out wavy, but w/o thick waves.. I can't say enough about this milk thing.. I think my hair is going to overdose on it
I just did another milk treatment last night.... I guess I better give this milk thing a rest...
So, within 7 days I have performed three milk treatments.....

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I think you can get better results with whole milk as far as a straightening effect is concerned, than coconut milk. I don't know if it's the extra fat or the particular kind of fat that is making the difference, all I know is that whole milk as far as straightening my hair, is here to stay!
Titansgirl and Patticake I'm glad you are having great success with this milk thing
I still have to try that salad dressing thingy though
SeaMist, you are toooooo funny!
My family would definitely look at me like I'm crazy if I start putting salad dressing in my hair
Girl if it works, let me know.(Psst I want tell anybody
Now let me get this right....
...the price of a quart of milk vs the price of a relaxer, wash and set? over a 12 month period one could save......$$$!!!!!!
Do NOT share this with your grocer!!!!!
Ok, I did this last night and didn't notice a difference. Hmmm, maybe cause I couldn't resist and did it while my hair was in interlocks. But I still thought I would see something.
ok just wanted to post my results with this. i a 4a/3c. i used regular milk: i just sprayed it on but it was taking to long to get saturated, so then i just poured it on and covered my hair with saran wrap and left it on for about 1 and 1/2 hours. then rinsed,shampooed, conditioned. my hair was very soft but no looser curls.
coconut milk: i used one can coconut milk and two limes. i let mixture sit in the fridge for about 8 or so hours. then i applied it to my hair and left in 4 hours. about half and hour under heating cap. then i rinsed,shampooed, conditioned
again my hair was very soft but noticed no looser curls. Lastly i tried the hennalucent. i mixed in alittle of my homemade oil blend with boiling water. let it cool alittle then added the hennalucent. i let it cool alittle more then applied and left on for 4 hours. i only did a strand test(about a 3 inch wide section) i didnt notice any difference at all, good or bad. i think that i may continue to do the whole milk/coconut milk treatments for the softness effect. i may try the hennalucent again.
Mahalialee you got some serious points going on in that thread of yours
We all could save bundles if we continued with the milk process and I don't plan on telling any of my grocers why I buy so much whole milk. As you said, they just might get some funny ideas

Sassygirl these threads go so fast, sorry I missed that question about coconut cream. I have tried it but the whole milk by far works better for me

Titansgirl, Faith and Jacquai and Pandora- Each time you use the hennalucent it loosens the curl. I didn't notice any dramatic results either on my first try. BUT, I have nothing but raves on every try afterward
I don't know what to say about the milk thing except that I really saturated my strands with the whole milk. The results are not permanent and it is an excellent alternative to relaxers
Pandora give it a try. It's affordable, safe, and I think you just may be very happy with your results
Hi, everybody! I found this milk thing to be very intriguing, so I decided to post my results. I happened to have lime juice and whole vitamin D milk in my fridge, so a couple of days ago I just put some milk in a bowl and added some lime juice. The milk immediately started to curd, so I put the mixture in my hair, put a plastic cap on it for about 30 minutes, then shampooed &amp; conditioned like I normally do. I did my normal bedtime routine of plaiting, and the next day I noticed that my hair was very soft &amp; shiny. The mixture also got rid of most of my frizz problem.

That same night, I mixed a half cup of whole milk, and about a 1/3 cup of lime juice. I also added some fenugreek powder to it, and let it sit in the fridge until the next night. It turned into a cream, and I rubbed this into my hair &amp; scalp, but I didn't use the plastic cap. I just let it sit on my hair for about an hour. When I was washing the stuff out, my hair felt so soft and there was a lot less shrinkage. So basically, I've had good results with this. On that mind revival website, it said to do this three times a week, so this will definitely be part of my regular hair routine.
Hey, Janice!
I read this interesting thread and I think it's a great idea. I know that it's a natural alternative to chemical relaxers, and not only that, it's cheap!

Unfortunately, I was unable to do the henna treatment yesterday because our
landlord illegally cut our power off Monday, and were freezing our bodies off and left me and my family in the dark for 2 days. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!
But I am going to try the natural cream relaxer on my hair tomorrow. I just bought some coconut milk the other day and I still got my fresh limes to use for the cream. Can't wait to try it. BTW, my hair is 3a with waves and curly ends, and I don't press my hair often, let alone using heat like I had done in the past. I really want to straighten my hair so I can wear it up or straight down. I sure hope this works.

I'll post you with the results Friday. Sorry this is long for me to post this, Janice.
Ipanema I'm glad it worked out for you! How much of the fenugreek powder did you add to your mix?

BabyCurls I'm telling you some people are very insensitive to the needs of others. I'm sorry you had to go through this nonsense. Whenever you get the oppty, please post your milk/lime results because I'll be looking for it
Important thing about Research: and why you do what you do? It is important to have a Rationale: What is the (reason for using this product and not another? remember what I was saying about proteins and acids: Okay, Here are a couple of sites to check out, so that when your family tries to drag you off to the funny farm
; you can tell them that what you are doing is scientifically based. That there is a rationale to why you are using coconut milk, milk and limes. Here is some imput on coconut:
Now here is some info on milk: Now the things we take for granted, some people really appreciate it as a gift from God! So now you see that that these simple foods are heavy hitters! (smile). Someone needs to check out the limes (which incidentally come from Africa. In South Africa they WERE referred to as kafir limes! Well check you later! Bonjour.
Mahalialee I see I'm going to enjoy having a good read
with these links. Thanks for posting them!
Hi guys just wanted to say I love you guys! No, I don't know most of you but ya'll have helped me so much. Lately I've been leaning towards trying to find more and more natural products to replace my unatural ones and things like shea butter and oils have been amazing! I am a big fan of S-curl, that will never change (thanks Adrienne) and I will more than likely continue to get a relaxer until I reach my hair goals and then concider transitioning as some of you are doing. If I keep gathering great info like this I will be well prepared for the challenge if I decide to take the reins. At the least, if I am ever forced to go natural before I'm ready for any reason I know where to turn to. I am paying close attention! this milk thing is a great addition to my files I'm trying to create so thanks! I'm really learning a lot.
Seamist, I opened three capsules of fenugreek and added the powder to the mix. I used it mainly to scrub my scalp.
Of course Cici. Some cultures, use buttermilk and yogurt to smooth frizzy hair and to soften it. But for asesthetic reasons some would prefer sweet milk and the smell of lime.I personally use yogurt and a couple of eggs when I want my hair really soft and fluffy, and I have maxed out on the oiling cyle. because of the convenience or accessibility and because of the variety of textures of yogurt. If you do, let us know your experiences. Bonjour.
You know what? You gave so much information, that I need you on my bookshelf.
You are an example of really knowing your stuff, Mahalialee4. I am so glad to run into you. I have a question, though. Can you also use goat's milk to get the same straightening results as cow's milk?

I'm sure you might have knowledge on that one. I'm going to add my homemade yogurt to the coconut/lime mixture, then do the mayo deep conditioner afterwards. Again, thanx for your inspiration that you give on this board, and to get us interested in your homemade concoctions. I want you in my kitchen when no one is around.
I'm off to the kitchen until next time. Bonjour.
Hey BabyCurls, That's okay. I am sorry about your landlord situation. I still haven't been able to find the time to try it as well with school and work. Besides my hair is in extensions, but I was thinking about taking a couple of braids outand doing it but I think I will wait instead.

Anyhow, good luck with your results BabyCurls.As soon as you post your results though please let us know.

I just had another idea though, since the milk straightens hair, maybe it could be a new alternative to replace setting lotion with when doing rollersets I guess.
Thanks for your reply Ipanema. I think I may start adding herbs to my mix too
That's a great idea!
I don't have setting lotions in my possession, and I think it's a natural alternative to the drying stuff our moms have when they did their rollersets. I think I'm going to add a little herb oil and distilled water to the milk for more added moisture without the stiffness. Way to go, Baby, yeah!!
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My hair was soft and slippery , but it didn't look any looser.

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Could it be the lime juice was the missing link?

[/ QUOTE ] No, lime juice is for fine/baby hair which is soft and smooth. Looser? Once I use a lemon juice on my pressed hair too straight.
Hi everybody!

I'm about to try the coconut milk/lime treatment but I don't have a blender or hand mixer...did anyone just mix it with a spoon? Does it make a difference? Thanks
Phoenix: You may have to use the old fashioned method: The way po folks made butter: Put it in an old glass jar, make sure the lid is tight and shake it till your arm gets tired.
(takes a little longer for butter though!) But do not let the fact that you have no blender etc. prevent you from doing this. Bonjour.
Re: Straighten hair the natural way! (MSM)

Pandora please forgive me if you have posted about this previously, but I have heard elsewhere about MSM loosening the curl. Do you take it orally or put it directly on the hair?
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sweetcocoa said:
I was wondering if you could buy coconut cream! Thanks for thr post Blkmane! The coconut milk was good, but so runny! Also the lime juice seemd to dry my hair out. How did your hair feel after the coconut creme? Was it moisturized? Do you feel it'll help the frizz? Thanks!

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The coconut cream did not dry my hair out. The drying effect you experienced WAS probably due to the lime.

My hair felt fine. It didn't really feel much softer than normal, but it was soft. I don't think any kind of milk can dry out your hair.

BTW, if whole milk does wonders, wouldn't half&amp;half or heavy cream be better?