Naturals - why straighten?

I str8n because I dont always wanna wash my hair.. wear twist.. wear a fro.. maybe I want to just pincurl or wrap my hair...instead of twisting it up at night and misting water in the morning.. that's the beauty of natural hair.. it can go any damn way we put it.. I personally love the dumbfounded looks I get when my hair is str8.... I dislike this warped thinking, different strokes for different folks... She needs to open up her mind.
I truely believe that everyone should be free to do what they like with their hair, but this weekend I met a natural who really disagrees with naturals that straighten their hair. I'm relaxed so I disagreed with her opinions on black women with straight hair period, but SHE felt that women who are natural but straighten/press their natural hair still have the 'mindset' that women who chemically straighten their hair do and that you cannot claim to embrace your true hair texture if you use heat to change it. Again, I REPEAT THAT THIS IS NOT MY OPINION, but I was wondering if naturals come across this and what your opinions are.

Some people believe this and will try to force others into their mindset. I straighten my hair once in a while for versatility and to save my hair from single strand knots. The whole point of me even going back to natural hair is to have more options with my hair. I have been natural for almost 3 years and I'm at the point where I really could care less what other people want me to do with my hair. On the internet I've met people that don't believe in gels, hair dyes, butters, mousse, or any hairstyles that will make your hair have curls. They wanna walk around like a HAM that's their problem LOLOLOLOL

Oh and btw, how does she feel about you relaxing your hair?
She is entitled to her opinion just as I am entitled to change my hair as I see fit!

I love changing my hair from fro to straight twists and what not all in between.
im not really bothered by what she said. i can actually understand where she is coming from. but she shouldnt put down others to make herself feel shes right. different strokes for different folks, thats all.
Everyone wants a change now and then, That's like asking someone with straight hair why they use a curling iron. NATURALS are comfortable with there hair. But just like nail polish you just want a change..(your not cutting your finger
I'm not natural yet, but I want to become natural because I believe my hair will be healthier and thicker because of it it. I will continue to straighten it either by twisting braiding or flat ironing because I want to see length! :yep:

I'm growing my hair out so I can have hair that touches my back! What's the use of having long hair that looks like short hair?
I'm 100% natural, I don't straighten or use heat on my hair and I think that line of thinking is RIDICULOUS.

Just because you're natural doesn't mean you "have it all together" obviously. Just because you choose to straighten or relax your hair doesn't automatically mean that you have issues.

I don't pretend to be a psychic or psychiatrist. How does this person think that she knows something so personal about another woman just from the hairstyle she picks?

Sorry... imo that is a very narrow minded way of thinking!
I straighten because 1) I like straight hair 2) Single strand knots were killing my progress and 3) I'm lazy about styling my hair. While I can appreciate my hair texture, what I really appreciate is not using relaxers anymore.

These are my reasons, too.

I don't talk to anyone else about my hair, so I've never had such a conversation. I can guarantee you I wouldn't engage, though. I'd be like, oh, ok :look: and continue on with whatever I was doing. I mean seriously, what's the point?
I straighten for
- trims
- s&d
- reduce ssk's
- versatility / variety
- to give my hair and scalp a break from regular cowashing
- to please myself
wow what a rediculous thing for her to say to you. That is like saying you should never style you hair in anyway, or put any type of product natural or not, in your hair because, it alters your natural curl pattern. Heck you shouldn't even lay on because that changes your hair.

I don't like extremists like that. That is just simply rediculous, it is 2010, women have the right to style their hair with or with out heat.
To me straightening is just another style. Not something I want to do very often because of possible damage, but a style nonetheless.

To me, versatility is one of the points of being natural!
I mean, at the end of the day, it's about wanting to have a variety of looks. You can cut it short, grow it long, wear it kinky, straighten it, bun it, curl it, etc. I don't think there is necesarilly a mindset that comes with it. BTW, she's worrying about the wrong thing.

Just curious... does she feel the same about naturals who color?

ETA: Who died and said that you have to wear your hair EXACTLY HOW you were born with it? I mean geez. People kill me with this "mindset" crap. If you feel you want to change your hair up, it's yours to do.

Nope, she didn't say anything about colour. Just straightening.
:rofl: :rofl:

I embrace my body but I refuse to walk around naked! If I refuse to not wear my hair "naked" it is also MY biz. If I didn't embrace my texture I wouldn't be natural!
Maybe if she learned a proper straightening technique she wouldnt be so "grapes are sour anyway".
The only reason I had never pressed or flatironed is out of sheer laziness and fear of getting burnt with a hot comb by a stylist! :)
Statements like that are why some naturals feel pressured and guilty to stay natural even if they want to relax again. Life is short, she needs to relax (no pun intended) and enjoy HER hair. And stop condemning others.
Hair is your crown whether locked, relaxed, straight, curly etc.
I've never come across it but my thoughts on it is my hair is an accessory not a statement on me embracing my ethnicity or whatever else some people seem to think natural hair stands for. I straighten because every now and then I want to see myself with straight hair.
Some people believe this and will try to force others into their mindset. I straighten my hair once in a while for versatility and to save my hair from single strand knots. The whole point of me even going back to natural hair is to have more options with my hair. I have been natural for almost 3 years and I'm at the point where I really could care less what other people want me to do with my hair. On the internet I've met people that don't believe in gels, hair dyes, butters, mousse, or any hairstyles that will make your hair have curls. They wanna walk around like a HAM that's their problem LOLOLOLOL

Oh and btw, how does she feel about you relaxing your hair?

One of the first things she said to me when I sat down next to her at the party was 'I see you have a relaxer - why do you straighten your hair?'. She then went on to ask me if I feel that I can honestly say I'm a proud black person with straight hair. I told her in no uncertain terms that I know more than enough about my history - I'm doing a Phd in race and ethnicity, specifically focusing on black history and culture and that I've been natural before and I believe that hair is just hair and I can wear it any darn way I like. She kind of left it there with me because I'd had a long day and I think she could tell I wasn't in the mood for her bullish. It was then that she started talking about her own big chop and how she loves her curls and about naturals who straighten and that she felt that we should learn to love our natural black selves. Strangely enough though I witnessed her telling everyone that complimented her on her TWA (about 3 people) that when her hair grows 'it's wavy because she's part Indian and when other black women see it they always give her the side eye'. :rolleyes: So I suspect she seriously needs a mindset alteration.
I am natural, but my hair is curly/wavy. Those kind of people can't ever be satisfied. From them I get, you are mixed or have indian in your family, oh bother, are we still on that! I don't use heat or straighten because I am too darn lazy! That's my mindset ;0)
I actually understand this sentiment. Many black women (even the natural ones) subconsciously think straight -or lengthened- hair looks better than kinky hair. It's hard to change that mindset.

After some time being natural, I had to ask myself why I was striving to achieve curl definition or no frizz, etc. When I was honest about it, I hadn't tryuly accepted natural hair. It's a journey to come to believe nappy hair with no products or manipulation is OK and not "a mess".
I don't straighten my hair PERIOD.

I think this line of thought is foolish.

My hair is incredibly dense and terribly thick in strand diameter. Pressing my 4" long hair takes SOMEONE ELSE DOING IT 3 HOURS! At four inches!

I can't actually do it myself.

Flat-irons? HAH! My hair laughs at such a tool.

Perhaps if my hair yielded to heat, I would straighten more often...and wouldn't look ANY LESS "black" to America at large, for doing so.
I truely believe that everyone should be free to do what they like with their hair, but this weekend I met a natural who really disagrees with naturals that straighten their hair. I'm relaxed so I disagreed with her opinions on black women with straight hair period, but SHE felt that women who are natural but straighten/press their natural hair still have the 'mindset' that women who chemically straighten their hair do and that you cannot claim to embrace your true hair texture if you use heat to change it. Again, I REPEAT THAT THIS IS NOT MY OPINION, but I was wondering if naturals come across this and what your opinions are.
I straighten my hair cause I want to.:ohwell: She needs to grow up.

Some people don't have enough to do in their own life...always in somebody else life, telling them what they should or should not do to their hair.....gettin on my last nerve:nono::nono:
to be perfectly honest. i dont know what i think about straight hair. i dont know if straightening hair is conforming to what most people think "beauty" is. "straight hair is good" kinky hair is "bad" im tired of hearing that.
I love my hair both straight and curly. This person obviously has a limited mindset.
Like others have mentioned here it's for different reasons for everyone and ...because we can do it.
Hate people who try to divide us even more. So she has a problem with people who relax, and then naturals who straighten, what next naturals who color their hair.. I'm sick and tired of people like that.
I truely believe that everyone should be free to do what they like with their hair, but this weekend I met a natural who really disagrees with naturals that straighten their hair. I'm relaxed so I disagreed with her opinions on black women with straight hair period, but SHE felt that women who are natural but straighten/press their natural hair still have the 'mindset' that women who chemically straighten their hair do and that you cannot claim to embrace your true hair texture if you use heat to change it. Again, I REPEAT THAT THIS IS NOT MY OPINION, but I was wondering if naturals come across this and what your opinions are.

I straighten my hair because sometimes, I'm in the mood to wear it straight. When I'm done, I wash it and wear it natural. It's not that serious to me.

I never want to permanently straighten my hair again because I prefer to be natural, but I like that straight hair is one of my many options.:yep:
I don't understand why one would even care how someone else is wearing there hair. Be it relaxed or natural or naturals who straighten/color, it's all about options. It really irritates me when an "extreme natural " talk that sale out bull. Every other race have options with there hair with no problems but the minute we exercise ours then your "blackness" is questioned. Grow up and move on...
lol weather i have straight hair one day or kinky hair the next clearly a black girl no matter how my hair looks.........(:rolleyes:thinking about getting that maxiglide)
You know, I've never met folks like this? Even on the other board that some folks hate, they don't care what others do to their hair. But I find people who have those thoughts are "special"
i do it becasue I want to and becasue Im tired of the last 5 inches of each strand filled with single strand knots and having to constantly wash my hair in below 30 temperatures. Its not that serious :rolleyes: