Straighten hair the natural way!

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sassygirl125 said:
I didn't use lime juice. Sea Mist posted that she used regular cow's milk and no lime jiuce and saw results. I figured I'd try it with just cocunut milk. Actually I was afraid the lime juice would be drying... I'll use it next time. I like the way the plain coconut milk made my hair feel, though.

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The lime juice is drying. When I do this again, I plan on either adding some oils, or doing a deep moisturizing treatement(with an oil) afterwards...
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sassygirl125 said:
I saw the site. I just wanted to wait and see exactly how much lime juice and coconut milk people were using. Only a few folks here posted actual measurements.

That's something I've notice on a lot of natural product recipe sites. They will list the ingredients but no measurements.
They will say "Mash one avocado..." I wanna know how big the avocado is supposed to be!

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I used 1 cup of coconut milk and the juice of 3 limes( I have an electric hand juicer).
I mixed with a hand mixer(only cause my blender is missing)...
I then let it set in the fridge overnight. The cream(foam) seperated and rose to the top.
I applied this to my roots with a touch up brush. I then poured the rest directly from the bowl over my hair. I lightly wrung out the excess then wrapped saran wrap around my hair, I followed this with a plastic cap and then a turbie twist for a half hour(I kept a towel wrapped around my neck). Then I removed everything and let it air dry another half hour... I shampooed this time, but I think the next time I'll shampoo first.
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SeaMist said:
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SassyGirl said: I just shampooed mine out. My hair was soft and slippery , but it didn't look any looser.

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I'm wondering why this is? Could it be the lime juice was the missing link? I used grocery store milk and with all the additives included in it, I'm not surprised my hair went straight. The two great things that came from out of this is that your hair was soft and slippery---&gt; translation: tangle-free
I'm going to try that salad dressing thingy. I know, I'm just an experimentin' fool, but I'm gonna be sure to post my results on that one... yall can count on it!

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I was going by seamist's routine and another person this board used milk as well not coconut and lime just regular milk and had good results. There was also a link I believe on this thread as well that mentioned milk only as a part of the routine. MILK RECIPE

I believe this is the similar recipe that seamist and others were using and got good results with. I didnt see lemon or lime mentioned in either of their post or the recipe so I was wondering if with the regular milk the lemon/lime was necessary.
God bless you all.
Hi Crysdon, my hair is relaxed. I'm 10 weeks into my lye relaxer. I have used the regular whole milk on my hair twice already. I haven't seen any problems w/ my hair. It is very soft and bouncy... I'm really liking this milk thing.. Yesterday when I put the milk on my hair w/ the spray bottle, I put a plastic bag on my hair like Sweetcoca for about 30 min, and then I let my hair dry w/ the milk on it for about 45 min. Then I did the regular routine of washing, etc... I let my hair air dry in a ponytail. It was so straight
So, I decided to wrap it and wear it down. My roots feel very straight....

I think I'm going to do this twice a week. I don't know if I would try the lime and coconut milk combination because I have permanent color treated hair.
thank you I was wondering about how it was applied. I saw the site said a spray bottle but i was wondering how people prevented it from dripping. I guess the plastic wrap/bag and then air drying it for some time also helps. I will have to give this a try. Thanks so much.
God bless you all.
Just how straight did the lime and coconut mixture make your hair. Example: Did it change a 4a to a 3c? I have unrelaxed 4a hair. I am afraid to put something in it that will change my hair texture too much. I am looking for an easier comb through.

What texture did the coconut &amp; lime change your hair to?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
AFashionSlave said:
Just how straight did the lime and coconut mixture make your hair. Example: Did it change a 4a to a 3c? I have unrelaxed 4a hair. I am afraid to put something in it that will change my hair texture too much. I am looking for an easier comb through.

What texture did the coconut &amp; lime change your hair to?

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I had a 3c section that I was afraid wouldn't curl at dried wavy. My 4a sections were looser curls.
Yall I'm sitting here chuckling at these last two posts. Though straight hair isn't desirable for everyone, and certainly not wanted by me, people would kill to find a natural alternative to straighten the hair without using any chemicals. AFahionSlave and Sweetcocoa isn't it a blessing that we have found a natural combination that can straighten the hair w/o us worrying about any damage? For a change, we can now start saying this product or that product straightens really well without us having to worry about any adverse effects at all
Thanks Titansgirl
, I'm going to try this next weekend. We have the same hair type, so it'll probably work for me too.
Despite all the trolling going on.. I trust this recipe. I may give it a try within the next few washes. After all, its just milk
I've been following the thread forever!
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Could it be the lime juice was the missing link?

[/ QUOTE ] Lime Juice is acid.
QUESTION?!! Hope someone here can answer.

I want to quit using relaxers. Now if my memory serves me well I was born with 3C hair. I want to use henna and this milk formula to help quit the relaxer habit.

My hair is currently just past BSL &amp; sitting at 28". I am due for a relaxer. I can tell when my ends get drier than usual and of course I can't comb my hair as easily, oh and the shrinkage is worse.

So do you think the henna &amp; milk method could work without having to chop off all my hair??

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beana3 said:
Despite all the trolling going on.. I trust this recipe. I may give it a try within the next few washes. After all, its just milk
I've been following the thread forever!

[/ QUOTE ]

Just be careful with the lime is drying. definitely wouldn't do it 3 times in one week. When I do it again I may just use the coconut milk. I would use only one lime to 1 cup of coconut milk. Start out small.
If I use the limes again, this is what I would do..

Can I just pour coconut milk over my hair as a final rinse, then do my usual rollerset with water?
Re: Straighten hair the natural way! TRUE

Sassygirl some of us experienced the same frustration of not knowing what proportions of the mix to use,

THIS IS WHY I wrote the Webmaster of the site w/the coconut milk/lime recipe, and posted the Webmaster's response here -- the response clarified the recipe more.

Then, when I tried it myself I posted that I used 1 cup coconut milk &amp; 1/4 cu lime juice, with good results. Afterwards, Sweetcoca tried it and she too posted her proportions.

Personally I will prolly just do it once per week until I'm done with the henna because the henna takes up a great deal of my time!

Sassygirl said:
I saw the site. I just wanted to wait and see exactly how much lime juice and coconut milk people were using. Only a few folks here posted actual measurements.

That's something I've notice on a lot of natural product recipe sites. They will list the ingredients but no measurements. They will say "Mash one avocado..." I wanna know how big the avocado is supposed to be!

I'm in the same boat as you (transitioning with brastrap length hair).

This weekend, I bought a box of coconut cream from the Indian store and mixed it with water (the cream is concentrated and like a thick paste until you mix with warm water).

I applied it to my roots with an applicator brush, then brushed it down to the ends of my hair.

Before pinning up each section, I combed thru from roots to end with a fine-tooth comb. Let me tell you, that coconut cream made my new growth STRAIGHT.

I left it in for 4 hours with a plastic cap. Didn't mean to leave it on THAT long, but it happened.

After drying, I noticed that my new growth WAS looser. Not straight, but the waves were looser.

I plan to try whole milk next time as recommended by SeaMist.

BTW, I got my last relaxer touchup in early December.
I was wondering if you could buy coconut cream! Thanks for thr post Blkmane! The coconut milk was good, but so runny! Also the lime juice seemd to dry my hair out. How did your hair feel after the coconut creme? Was it moisturized? Do you feel it'll help the frizz? Thanks!
You can buy coconut cream at the Indian stores and Asian stores that carry these products. Some Health Food Stores carry coconut cream as well.
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Mahalialee4 said:
You can buy coconut cream at the Indian stores and Asian stores that carry these products. Some Health Food Stores carry coconut cream as well.

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Thanks! Have you ever used it? You are the 'guru' when it comes to the natural recipes..I value your opinon...
Okay STOP IT!!!!! The only thing you guys are doing is making me hungry!!!!!!

Okay...and a little part of me wants to try this recipe but I'm scared of how my scalp will handle it-----

Okay...I need some coconut dessert now---I'll even settle for coconut grease at this point.

Ummm...did I say "okay" enough times?
Coconut cream is the base of my homemade shampoos and conditioners. I like it for it's moistuizing qualities, and I like that it thickens and creams my natural recipes. I use the Maggi pure coconut powder from the Indian store. It is pure coconut cream and being a powder it does not go to waste, because you use what you need..and it smells heavenly ..natural coconut. Bonjour.
There might be some truth to this coconut milk/milk phenom. About 6 mos ago I used to do pre-treats with coconut milk once a week and I could go 9-10 weeks b/4 a touch up. Now at week 7 I'm struggling. I have a can of coconut milk in the cupboard now I'm very curious....I think I'll experiment.
I would be happy to know that any of these recipes or natural products benefitted confirmed naturals, children and women, those who have allergies and sensitivity to chemicals, transitioners and supported those who choose to relax and would like to continue doing so but would like to extend the time between touchups.
Happy Hair Growing.
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There might be some truth to this coconut milk/milk phenom. About 6 mos ago I used to do pre-treats with coconut milk once a week and I could go 9-10 weeks b/4 a touch up. Now at week 7 I'm struggling. I have a can of coconut milk in the cupboard now I'm very curious....I think I'll experiment.

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Free2bme the whole milk works really well. I just used plain grocery store milk, and I was very surprised at how it straightened my hair
This post is so interesting &amp; intruiging to say the least.
I will try this later in the month (once I take down these corn-rows) &amp; post my results.

Mahalialee...Your words of wisdom &amp; knowledge is priceless! Thank you so much for your kind heart &amp; UNselfishness!

Has anyone tried the canned coconut cream ? Do they all have sugar in them or is it just the brands at my grocery store? Goya had the largest selection--coconut milk, coconut cream, water, soda, etc. But they all had water and other ingredients besides coconut milk in them. I ended up getting the "Thai Kitchen" brand. Coconut milk and guar gum (an emulsifier) were the only igredients.
Is the Milk way of straightening permanant? Sometimes I like to wear my hair straight, but I don't want to lose my naps. This milk thing sounds interesting, but I'm afraid I will lose my 4ab hair texture permanantly.