*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

I am in a dire situation ladies... There is this good guy that I have kept in contact with after things didn't particularly work out... I randomly asked him at the beginning of this week (monday) to go to movies... as platonic friends... He has that I am too focused on career mode... texting me at 3 am telling me he is at work, etc, etc... So yesterday, he calls and I don't know if I should be playing the rules with him.... I may chicken out and send him a text a lil later...

He is going for his masters, and working with a very prestigious company... I am at a lose...

i say play the rules. when somebody is interesting in something they make time. just as you made time to ask us what to do because you are interested in him. i understand he is studying but he should be able to contact you at a reasonable hour.:nono:

wait for him to respond to going out to the movies.
I am in a dire situation ladies... There is this good guy that I have kept in contact with after things didn't particularly work out... I randomly asked him at the beginning of this week (monday) to go to movies... as platonic friends... He has that I am too focused on career mode... texting me at 3 am telling me he is at work, etc, etc... So yesterday, he calls and I don't know if I should be playing the rules with him.... I may chicken out and send him a text a lil later...

He is going for his masters, and working with a very prestigious company... I am at a lose...

I agree with Sweetg...but if you want him to be a platonic friend then the rules or WMLB wouldnt apply....So are you wanting more or asking how you should respond to a man that you only want friendship with....
I am in a dire situation ladies... There is this good guy that I have kept in contact with after things didn't particularly work out... I randomly asked him at the beginning of this week (monday) to go to movies... as platonic friends... He has that I am too focused on career mode... texting me at 3 am telling me he is at work, etc, etc... So yesterday, he calls and I don't know if I should be playing the rules with him.... I may chicken out and send him a text a lil later...

He is going for his masters, and working with a very prestigious company... I am at a lose...

Ok AnjelLuvsUBabe,I going ask some probing questions based on your post:How did things 'didn't particularly work out"? Did you guys date? Who broke up with whom? Are u friends with "benefits"?Even if you are really just "platonic friends", texting you at 3 am is inconsiderate unless he knows that you work the night shift.Why is this situation is DIRE? If he can't make it, pick another friend to hang out with or go by yourself.We should be shown RESPECT and RECIPROCITY from friends (female and male), too!You don't have to post answers, but something to think about.....
I was talking to my friend yesterday, trying to keep the conversation short and sweet. I was like, “Call me when the game goes off”. Do you know he said, “I’m not going to let you get off the phone with me first"..:look::blush:. I was so tickled; thinking to myself, does he know that I'm reading WMLB...LOL.. He also said that I was so nice and sweet in the beginning and now that I acting like that other person…:lachen:LOL..we just laughed , but I knew what he wanted to say, but he know if he would have, it would not have been good…He keeps saying wait to we meet, cause he needs to put me in my place… We just laughed it off and I was like call me back….:grin:
OK....we should be just as nice, fun and flirty when interacting with a guy, while using these tips BUT view the RULES as a way to leave him wanting "more"!Make sure to keep your love energy/mojo/confidence HIGH! Your guy's attitude should be .........."she's so COOL, I can't wait to talk or spend time with her again" .............not "is aunt flo in town because you seem moody"!
Alright so i've been following this thread since it started and I'm in. Right now i'm reading WMLB and I just finished AOS by Robert Greene.

So I want to join in on this because before I met my current ex I always done these things, whether it was in a relatioship or not. When I started dating my ex, everything went out the window. I can say he is my first love and I just wanted to please him, make him happy, and spend every second with him. Although we are not together we still talk to each other every single day and before I moved out of my dorm, we was seeing each other every day maybe for the whole day.

So just last week he made a couple of things clear to me that I was just too blind to see. Did it hurt? Yea...But after reading this thread, listening to beyonce suprisingly and some other songs, and reading some books can see my attitude about things changing big time.

It's crazy because in all the books i'm reading...my ex is basically doing everything to me that the book stated...no wonder he had me wrapped. Well he made a promise to meet up with me and dude stood me up. So instead of calling him non stop or picking up my phone when he called, I read my books, worked out, cooked, and went to bed early. I think he knows I might be following something though because my attitude about things changed quick. I'm really just trying to get my dignity and self confidence back.

Yea i'm in love with him but I do love myself more. If he doesn't want me whatever. If in the future he tries to try and be with me again...he wont be able to have me that easily and he will have to work for it.
He had something of mine and I went to go get it...and he was like, "I just had a couple of more songs to download can you get it later?" The old me probably would of caught a bad attitude and come back to get it. Instead I was calm, said aww that sucks, and got it when i told him I was going to get it.

I wish I read this book a long time ago though.

Oh yea..we broke up due to arguments and when we broke up I still felt like we was dating because we spent every min. together and I was still introduced as his gf. So my mind was messed up for a while. He said he wanted to be with me, next time we date he wants to get married, and so on....So like i said my mind was all messed up, things seemed to be on his terms all the time, and the arguments, and the neediness I was showing got worst.

I think with my music, hobbies, books, and girls (online or off) I should be good.
So I broke the rules big time last night because of the situation in my other thread... but I def. want to go back on them ASAP.

It's been hard getting out and doing things because I don't have a car or many friends, and my parents don't really like to take me places (they're used to me being at home or with SO all day.)

It's a toughy. Hmm.
You ladies would be proud of me, I went out tonight and tried to use the RULES!

I decided not to sit home (watching ghost whisper) as I usually do on a Friday nite and go out!

I took extra time with my appearance - and looked & felt especially good!

I went to a local "hot" thai spot before meeting some friends at aonther club. A girl has to eat before getting her grove on, right! :yep: I sat in a empty seat besides a very cute guy at the bar and he said HI. Now, the old me would have went to flirt mode - sticking out the twins, playing with my hair, and trying to draw out the conversation! I replied causally but didn't play him too much attention. Did I mention he was TALL (6'5") and FIONE (bald, carmel brown, and built like a quaterback)!!!:lick:

He keep intitating the conversation - giving me his name, aksed for mine, told me he just moved downtown, introduced me to his 2 guy friends, and talking about his favorite sushi restuarants. I answered any direct questions and was friendly but I did not try to monopolize his time or shared too much about myself.

Did I mention that all of his friends were fine too (there was no place to look without landing on muscles, a bald head or broad shoulders). Anyway, I just played it COOL. :spinning: Even when one of them checked out a girl walking by, I just ignore them.

I really think he was tyrying HARDER because I was not pressed. I'm sure he is used to women throwing themselves at him. I just was pleasant, minded my own busines as I finshed my drink.

I declined an offer for another drink, told him I was meeting friend at another spot, paid my tab and got up to leave. He stopped me to say how nice it was to meet me and asked for my number. I gave him a business card and told him to call me if he wanted to grab some sushi.

I could tell he were impressed - one of his friend who was with a white girl (that looked like amy winehouse :ohwell:) complimented me with the rest of the guys nodding in agreement.

I just said a general THANKS and rolled OUT without looking back! I really think he will call, but if not no harm - it was good practice!:grin:

The RULES rock! :grin:

WOW...you get the "Rules Girl of the Week" award! LOL! BEcause I would NOT have had the will-power! :lachen:
WOW! Keep up the good work ladies! :up:

Remember:The key is to LOVE yourself, and improve on your feeling of fulfillment contentment (with or without a man). :yep:

Okay, as I promised...here is my "story". It's long, but I'll try to make it somewhat brief. I'll put the "Rule breakers" in bold so that you ladies can pick out and learn from the mistakes that I made. ;)

*PS---Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent... :giggle:

*MY Story...*

Okay, 2 years ago I met my guy friend *Jason. He's one of those handsome, flirty, manly play-boy type of guys that all the girls like (the kind of guys I SWORE I would never like in the first place). To be honest, at first when I met him I didn't even like him like that! I was too busy with school, so I didn't have any guys on the mind at the time. But he kept showing me attention, complimenting me, and basically showing "interest signals". It wasn't long before I started to see him in a NEW light. :scratchch Well, thinking that he was a little shy/reserved (afterall, he was younger than me), I figured that maybe he needed a little "encouragement", and so since he was new to the area I took it upon myself to invite him places with a group of my friends. He didn't even have to get my number because I asked him for HIS number so that I could invite him some place fun with some friends of mine.

My sister was dating her now-husband at the time, and I saw her happiness, and wanted what she had so bad! I was about to graduate college, and so I was now starting to look at guys as "prospects". I lost focus. After speaking with my sister's boyfriend about my interest in Jason, he suggested that I call him/text him and invite him some places with us. So, silly me, I would call and invite him places with me, my sister, and her boyfriend. Oddly enough, he would come! So, at the time I was thrilled! It was like we were "double-dating", but...not quite. I can't even explain it. He would go with us to the movies, out to eat, and one time I even had 4 free tickets to a baseball game, and my sister's boyfriend invited him to come along too! Ugh... :nono:

I always wondered why I never felt "secure" whenever he would come with us. I always felt on edge. I'd be afraid to speak my mind, afraid to offend him, I was trying to be SOOO "nice", and I was too nervous to really be myself. Him on the other hand...even though he would come with us, he would never really let his guard down. He'd be quiet, nervous (or so it seemed), and always on guard with me. Definitely not the same guy I would see when he'd be flirting/talking with OTHER girls. :rolleyes: Silly me, I thought that he was just "shy" or "nervous" because he "liked me" (or so I thought), and so I tried even harder! :wallbash: I wouldn't call him all the time, but I would text him sometimes. I figured hey...we were "friends" right? So what was the big deal?? I noticed however that I was the one doing most of the initiating. Not always...but most of the time.

It wasn't until later on after months had gone by, that I realized that he was actually interested in 2 other girls. :( Things didn't work out with the first girl, but he was always friends with the 2nd girl, but the girl would always deny that she had any interest in him!! Silly me, I thought she was telling the truth, so I felt that Jason was still fair game. Some embarassing things I did: I invited him to a formal (granted, he came...but he wasn't really "into it"...now I know why!), I would initiate long-drawn out e-mails...at one point I asked him if he was mad at me! :wallbash:, I would invite him places, initiate texts, and some phone calls, etc. :nono: It wasn't until a year went by that I finally started to put two and two together. He and the other girl were interested in each other. By now I was fuming mad, so I started treating him like dirt! I would give him the cold shoulder, ignore him, not really act happy to see him if he came and said hello to me, etc. :( He would then be upset with me that I wasn't giving him the time of day. I think he felt somewhat guilty for somewhat leading me on, but at the same time didn't want to completely lose my friendship (if you can even call it that :rolleyes: ).

At one point I just got too fed up with the tension between us, that I initiated a heart-to-heart talk with him. I didn't berate him, but I just asked him if I had done anything to offend him since I could tell he had changed around me. He swore up and down that I had never done anything to offend him at all. Yet, still I could tell that when we were around each other there was always this unspoken "tension". It wasn't until earlier this year that I just told myself to stop acting mean, be cordial, but "forget about him". I stopped inviting him places, I stopped initiating contact with him (even though I had quit long time ago), I didn't even approach him to say hello whenever we would see each other with mutual friends. It's almost like something happened late last year because when I stopped trying, he started doing MORE. Yet, I couldn't help but notice that he still wasn't dating me. :ohwell:

To add insult to the injury, as well as add to my utter confusion, I would pick up on the fact that Jason would always get weird/jealous/moody if another guy was interested or flirting with me. He would turn almost downright territorial at times. :shocked: Earlier this year, a mutual friend of ours started showing interest in me romantically. I'll call him Billy. Word started getting around that Billy was interested in me. One time, after a group of us had gone to the movies Billy and I were laughing and talking casually. Then, out of the corner of my eye I see Jason looking over at us with a disappointed look on his face. I noticed in the car on the ride home everyone else was really happy and having fun, but Jason was real quiet. Hmmm... :look: I knew he was jealous, but I just let it go. I'm thinking, make up your mind dude! :wallbash: Pretty soon, it got to the point where Billy started inviting me places, and Jason would get wind of it, and would want to come along too! Umm....okaaaayy... talk about awkward! I noticed that Jason seemed a lot more "pursuity" (if that's a word! :lol: ) than usual now that he sensed that Billy was interested in me. (I'm telling you ladies....men like the HUNT! They love the chase!)

With Jason, I never gave him "the chase". All he would have to say is: "hey, what do you have planned today?" and my knees would go weak. One time, Jason called me up and invited me last minute to watch a movie over his house. Silly me, I went. I didn't even pretend like I had other plans. :rolleyes: Or, Jason would invite me places, and I'd ALWAYS be free. I'd usually ALWAYS reply to his text messages or phone calls.

That's why I'm doing "the Rules". I'm no longer going to be on the "backburner" or as a back-up plan just in case things don't work out with him and this other girl he's casually dating. No way. :nono:

Now days, I sit back, relax, and let Jason (and OTHER guys) do the work. It's funny because ever since I've been doing "The Rules", and have started to really get over Jason, it seems like he's more so seeking me out. I really don't know why since he basically has a girl that he's dating & interested in. :rolleyes: I just sit back, smile, and play coy these days. No more initiating conversations with him, no more trying to draw him out, no more being too available. If he invites me places, I'll say I have other plans. ;) This may sound mean, but I believe that if a guy really wants you, he won't quit very easily.

Believe me ladies...I have now learned my lesson!

[*END of Story]

Congrats if you've made it down this far.... Or, if you skipped the whole "story", I'll just paraphrase everything in a nutshell: MEN LIKE THE PURSUIT! That's all I'll say plain and simple. I now see this very loud and clear. I am soooo ashamed at what I wrote above. It really hurts to read what I wrote above. :cry3: I can't even believe some of the silly, embarrassing things I did while I liked my guy friend Jason!

Trust me, when men know you like them, then they have the upper hand. So these days, I don't even give Jason the time of day. I figure hey...if he wants me as more than a friend, I will know eventually. I don't really pay attention to him flirting with me, inviting me places, trying to start conversations, etc. In fact, these days I try my best to avoid him! But he always seems to "pop up" sometime eventually. :rolleyes: After reading "The Rules" however, I just feel like I have soooo much power now. Before, every little thing he did/said would have me analyzing. Now days...I don't even give it a second thought. I'm just thinking to myself: "Whatever". :rolleyes: I'll know if he wants a relationship with me by his ACTIONS.

So ladies...please don't make the mistake I made. Please don't. I have learned SO much over the past 2 years regarding guys and how they think. After reading WMLB and "The Rules, I now see all the mistakes I made.

So...you live and you learn!
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This thread is a spinoff to RedRiot's previous post. Some of us ladies are sick and tired of pursuing/chasing guys, only to have him run away, get scared, act lukewarm, or dump us. :(

That's why this thread is dedicated to experimenting with "The Rules"! :D What are "The Rules" you ask? "The Rules" is a book by authors Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, who advocate NOT chasing/pursuing a man in hopes of getting him to like you, start a relationship with you, or convincing him to marry you. Basically, the bottom line goal is to allow men to chase YOU! http://www.amazon.com/All-Rules-Tim...sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1223318064&sr=1-1

Afterall, if you "chase" a man, all he can do is run away from you. But if you don't chase him, then he is left to chase you.

This isn't about playing games, but more so about knowing your own self-worth and realizing that you as a woman DESERVE to be pursued!

So...who's willing to get on "The Rules" challenge with me? Who's at least willing to try it out? I used to think this book was pure rubbish, until I realized that what I was doing (ie. calling guys, texting guys, inviting guys to hang out, treating guys like my friends, giving guys cards, making it "easy" for a guy to pursue me, etc.) wasn't working. :nono: So, that's why I'm trying "The Rules".

In order to know "the rules" well, you really should get the book. But for those of you who haven't bought the book yet, here are some simple things to try out:

-Don't call men (unless it's in response to their call)
-Don't chase a man (let him pursue you!)
-Don't initiate conversations/dates with a man (let him notice you!)
-Don't accept last-minute dates (you DO have a life!)
-Don't make it too easy for him, but don't make it impossible either (he should feel like you have other options, and that he is privileged to be able to steal you away from YOUR busy schedule just to take you out)

Remember: YOU are the prize! Not him!

I'm telling you, I've been doing "the Rules" for just about 2-3 weeks now, and already I feel very empowered. Some women may scoff at the rules and say that it's game-playing/it's anti-feminist or whatever. But I'm telling you, for the first time in 2 years I feel like I have my self confidence back! :woot:

So, what do you say ladies?? Who's with me?

thanks for sharing your story. As I was reading the book I kept getting mad at myself. There were times where I just wanted to throw the book because I was so aggravated that I was doing all the nice girl things. I can't believe I was so blind to realize I was pursuing a guy HARD. But like you said, we live and we learn.
I was waiting to hear your story Crystalicequeen, thank you so much for sharing. That was very brave. :kiss:

I want to thank you for starting this thread and trying to help all of us. I bought the book and read most of it one sitting. I feel so empowered after reading it. I have made many, many of the mistakes that they speak about in the book. Some more recently than I care to remember.:ohwell: I have become marriage minded in the past year or so and really needed some help to prepare, especially when I found myself slipping back into old habits.:nono: I wish I had read this book 10 years ago. Would have saved myself a lot of trouble and wasted time.

I can't wait to hear about the transformations that are going to take place. I see that some are already happening.:yep:
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thanks for sharing your story. As I was reading the book I kept getting mad at myself. There were times where I just wanted to throw the book because I was so aggravated that I was doing all the nice girl things. I can't believe I was so blind to realize I was pursuing a guy HARD. But like you said, we live and we learn.

Thanks SoSweet. :) Yeah, it was pretty hard to write all of that, because I'm still going through all of that right now as I type this. It's also embarrassing to go through a play-by-play of the different mistakes you have made in the past. :ohwell: But I've been doing "the Rules" for about 3 weeks now, and so far I dont' regret it at all. In fact, just a week or two ago I finally came to grips with the whole Jason situation. I no longer resent him. I just realize that he's just young, a bit immature, and doesn't really know what he wants right now. I now see that although he may be attracted (otherwise, I don't think he'd give me the time of day in the first place! ), he's not serious about a relationship with me. And I'm not going to wait for him to become serious in the future. However, at least I don't take his "wishy-washiness" too personally anymore. I just do "The Rules". ;)

I was waiting to hear your story Crystalicequeen, thank you so much for sharing. That was very brave. :kiss:

I want to thank you for starting this thread and trying to help all of us. I bought the book and read most of it one sitting. I feel so empowered after reading it. I have made many, many of the mistakes that they speak about in the book. Some more recently than I care to remember.:ohwell: I have become marriage minded in the past year or so and really needed some help to prepare, especially when I found myself slipping back into old habits.:nono: I wish I had read this book 10 years ago. Would have saved myself a lot of trouble and wasted time.

I can't wait to hear about the transformations that are going to take place. I see that some are already happening.:yep:

Thanks MizAvalon! :D Yeah, I agree this book is helping me to feel sooo empowered. I'm kinda glad I started this thread too because I had no idea that other women were going through the same thing! :ohwell: I don't want ANYONE to have to go through the same thing I went through, or make the same mistakes I made. That's why I put my story out there.

I too have become more marriage-minded within the past year or so, and this book is helping me to prepare as well. :yep: I really wish I had read this book 2 years ago. It would have saved me a LOT of heartache and anguish. :wallbash: BUT! I know that I cannot change the past. I can only learn from the past, and make sure that I don't make the same mistakes in the future.

I still have to see Jason every week (we're in an environment where we still have to see each other) , but ever since I started doing "the Rules" it's getting easier and easier to just be myself around him. It's almost to the point where I can be completely comfortable with him now instead of "on edge" and constantly analyzing every single thing he does.

I've come to grips with everything, and I now feel like I FINALLY have the power. ;)

Thanks for sharing Crystalicequeen123!

How does things stand between u and the other (Billy) guy?

Haha! Funny you ask CurlDiva! Well.....to be honest, I wasn't really interested in Billy. I DID give him a chance however. I let him pursue me completely. But after getting to know him a little, I didn't feel like we really clicked. There were some aspects of his personality (slight sarcasm, disrespect, anger management issues??, etc) that I didn't really like at all that seemed to give me red flags, and we weren't even really seriously dating!! :shocked: But he's not a "bad guy" in general. The problem too was that I wasn't attracted to him physically, emotionally, or even intellectually. In fact, he seemed a little TOO shy/unconfident for my taste in some areas. :( But I haven't completely pushed him to the side, because you never know what can happen in the future. I just do "the Rules". ;)

If he calls/texts and I want to talk, then I will pickup/respond. If he invites me some place that I REALLy want to go, then I will go...no high hopes or expectations. But since I know that he likes me and I don't like him like that, I'm also trying VERY hard not to lead him on.
"The Rules" isn't about settling for just any guy who's interested in you!! :lol: There has to be a mutual interest. But I at least wanted to give Billy a chance before just writing him off. In the past I wouldn't even give a guy a chance if I wasn't immediately attracted to him. Now that I'm older, I realize that sometimes it may take a little time for women to fall in love, or fall for a guy. That's why its' good to do "The Rules"...even with guys you ARE into. Time can really show you who a person is...trust this ladies!

I'm still open to other guys, and I'm talking to many different guys. I hang out with different friends, and in turn I get introduced to thier friends. But I am no longer chasing/pursuing any guy. :nono:
Crystalicequeen123 :yep:

I waited very patiently for your experience and it is well worth it. I am so glad I read your story before I got that serious with my new friend.:yep: You, save me a whole lot of heart-ache b/c that is how it would of felt if I kept on pursuing him. By reading "The Rules" I regained my balance back from giving this man all of my energy. I used to have URGES to call him now that I have been praying over him I am like I am letting it Go. Now he wants to hang out so I just apply "The Rules", and take my time. :yep: Now, this man will work for me like he has to for a job and a interview. I am not dogging him at not at all. I am just pacing myself and the realtionship.:yep:

Thank you for sharing wonderful story. I can tell and feel that your are becomming and Empowered Woman!:grin:
Crystalicequeen, thanks for sharing and starting this thread. it came right on time for me like you wouldn't believe. We are all going to do better in our relationships as we continue to grow and share our stories. THANKS!
i am also a pursuer witha particular friend of mine and found other things to do this weekend when i had the urge to call.
Dreamer, I think you're over-analyzing the rules a little bit. It's NOT OK to "go missing" for a couple of days if you're in a loving relationship and your SO hasn't done anything to warrant your absence. How would you feel if he did that to you?

Of course we should always keep a little bit of mystery in a relationship, you don't have to be available to him everytime he calls or want to go out or come visit you. You're in a relationship so maybe you can do an 80/20 be available 80 percent, but leave that 20 percent for your own "me time". Even if you're busy a short, sweet call to your SO it's not a "bad thing". Just make sure you're pursuing your dreams/goals, loving yourself, and living your life to the fullest. I think that's what The Rules are all about. Don't turn any man into a demi-god.
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Dreamer, I think you're over-analyzing the rules a little bit. It's NOT OK to "go missing" for a couple of days if you're in a loving relationship and your SO hasn't done anything to warrant your absence. How would you feel if he did that to you?

Of course we should always keep a little bit of mystery in a relationship, you don't have to be available to him everytime he calls or want to go out or come visit you. You're in a relationship so maybe you can do an 80/20 be available 80 percent, but leave that 20 percent for your own "me time". Even if you're busy a short, sweet call to your SO it's not a "bad thing". Just make sure you're pursuing your dreams/goals, loving yourself, and living your life to the fullest. I think that's what The Rules are all about. Don't turn any man into a demi-god.

I think that this was well said.
After reading this whole thread I decided that I need to get my hands on these books quick! From what is already mentioned in this thread so farI can clearly see where I've made some wrong turns. :blush:
I had to write myself a mean letter today...heck I made myself cry.
But I'm back to my rules self, which is great.
I did not read this entire thread so please do not jump down my throat if I repeat something someone already said . . . . Anyway, I always talk about this with my friends because I am very confused about "the Rules". On the one hand you have women who play by the rules and men chase them because as we all know, men (people in general) love a challenge. However I know many women who nag, chase, beg, plead, cry, let a man cheat a thousand times, and thier man chases them too....So is it "The Rules" or the TYPE OF MAN that you are involved with in which you decide how to treat him?
I did not read this entire thread so please do not jump down my throat if I repeat something someone already said . . . . Anyway, I always talk about this with my friends because I am very confused about "the Rules". On the one hand you have women who play by the rules and men chase them because as we all know, men (people in general) love a challenge. However I know many women who nag, chase, beg, plead, cry, let a man cheat a thousand times, and thier man chases them too....So is it "The Rules" or the TYPE OF MAN that you are involved with in which you decide how to treat him?

Good question. I say do what works for YOU? i know that the way i've been operating for the last little while (years!!!) it didn't work for me obviously because i am happily single right now.

My "game" needs to change and being the pursuer just isn't happening. good for them girls that nag and stuff and the men still chase. I don't know too many men who chases a nagger/begger/pleader.
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Question... what do you do if the man asks you why you havn't been calling without seeming disinterested? I mean I want him to know I'm interested in him and he should continue to pursue.
Question... what do you do if the man asks you why you havn't been calling without seeming disinterested? I mean I want him to know I'm interested in him and he should continue to pursue.

I think you have to temper the rules with maintaining a friendly personality, rewarding good behavior (ie agreeing to go out with him when he asks you in advance), not yelling or getting upset, etc. The key is balance.

And if he specifically asks why you're not calling him as much, that might be a cue to back off the rules just a touch. I don't believe in being 100% predictable. Men bore very easily.
I did not read this entire thread so please do not jump down my throat if I repeat something someone already said . . . . Anyway, I always talk about this with my friends because I am very confused about "the Rules". On the one hand you have women who play by the rules and men chase them because as we all know, men (people in general) love a challenge. However I know many women who nag, chase, beg, plead, cry, let a man cheat a thousand times, and thier man chases them too....So is it "The Rules" or the TYPE OF MAN that you are involved with in which you decide how to treat him?

I don't think the women in the latter category are really happy :ohwell:

I think you have to temper the rules with maintaining a friendly personality, rewarding good behavior (ie agreeing to go out with him when he asks you in advance), not yelling or getting upset, etc. The key is balance.

And if he specifically asks why you're not calling him as much, that might be a cue to back off the rules just a touch. I don't believe in being 100% predictable. Men bore very easily.

Overall that is really the point of it all. It's so easy to get caught up in the lovey-dovey and want to be consumed :love: And not to say that there isn't a time and place for that...but not everyday on the regular for a sucessful relationship. At the end of the day, it's two balanced people who love each other and are making it work.

IMO, the most valuable lesson of the rules is moreso knowing when to pull back and when to give. It's learning how to sense a balance and keep things reciprocal (but still a slight overhang of him wanting more so he stays attracted). Something like that.
Question... what do you do if the man asks you why you havn't been calling without seeming disinterested? I mean I want him to know I'm interested in him and he should continue to pursue.

Hopefully, you are answer that you have been busy (with your life, hobbies, friends, etc......don't give him all the details just say you've been busier lately) but you are so happy that he called you.

If you were doing most of the calling before, then YES homeboy is going to notice that you have lacked off....but that's ok.

Ladies, let not forget that men used to do ALL THE CALLING AND PURSUING in relationships! They are not these fraigle creatures.....help to feed their ego by "letting" them chase you. :grin:
I'm a little confused as to The Rules as well. I want to do them, but I'm hearing that it may not be beneficial for my relationship. Hmm. Are the ladies who are doing them mostly unhappy in their current relationships?