*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

I covered my WMLB with a book cover......take some white paper and tape it to it......check the thrift stores for the book you might find it for 50 cents......

But what do you say when they ask you what you're reading. Or they happen to see name of the chapter or one of the rules or something. I guess you would have to lie or change the subject.

So what do you mean by "dating" for 3 years. Were you all ever a serious item or has it been casual the entire time.

Casual....I realize that I had convinced myself that I was a commitment phobe :perplexed...and existed in this relationship without thinking that we should be serious .....I worked on the issue that had me thinking this and know that I deserve more...we both do, this is a long time and something has to give....I was talking to my brother today and explained to him that if we are not engaged by the summer, I am moving on...my frame of mind about commitment has changed. So, the rules and WMLB are going to be my companions and rule book...we will see.....ask on sistas.....:grin:
But what do you say when they ask you what you're reading. Or they happen to see name of the chapter or one of the rules or something. I guess you would have to lie or change the subject.

I dont know.....thinking....come on ladies....we need some suggestions.....
I smile generously, and don't reply.... :perplexed... why the freak are you alll up in what I am reading in the first place... LMAO... Like those peps that close the newspaper extra close so that you are not reading along with them...

nah Actually, I try to seat at a neutral spot so no one can look over shoulder when sitting down... other than that I dont focus on anyone else on train but book... not really expecting to meet mate on public transportation...

I dont know.....thinking....come on ladies....we need some suggestions.....
I smile generously, and don't reply.... :perplexed... why the freak are you alll up in what I am reading in the first place... LMAO... Like those peps that close the newspaper extra close so that you are not reading along with them...

nah Actually, I try to seat at a neutral spot so no one can look over shoulder when sitting down... other than that I dont focus on anyone else on train but book... not really expecting to meet mate on public transportation...

I would say "oh just something personal" and smile. Unless he's a caveman or extremely rude, he won't keep trying to figure out what you're reading.
Look I have the URGE to call my male friend UGH!!!! I read in the book a young lady waited 2 weeks to here from her male friend b/c this dude was not looking for nothing serious. When they spoke she was nice as pie and he proposed to her 10 months later =)! So, when I hear from my male friend again. I will call him by his CUTE little pet name LOL we both gave each other Pet names. So, cute. I will be so happy to hear from him and let him talk which is true. Then I will cut him off in 4 minuets =( Ouch b/c we can talk anywhere from 50 min.to 4 hours ouch =( I broke all the phone rules. I want to CALL him so bad, I will stand firm and keep you ALL Updated so FUN! See that RING in my Avatar I will get it from HIM! If I just play By the Rules !A friend of mine has that same SET!
Look I have the URGE to call my male friend UGH!!!! I read in the book a young lady waited 2 weeks to here from her male friend b/c this dude was not looking for nothing serious. When they spoke she was nice as pie and he proposed to her 10 months later =)! So, when I hear from my male friend again. I will call him by his CUTE little pet name LOL we both gave each other Pet names. So, cute. I will be so happy to hear from him and let him talk which is true. Then I will cut him off in 4 minuets =( Ouch b/c we can talk anywhere from 50 min.to 4 hours ouch =( I broke all the phone rules. I want to CALL him so bad, I will stand firm and keep you ALL Updated so FUN! See that RING in my Avatar I will get it from HIM! If I just play By the Rules !A friend of mine has that same SET!


You have to find something else to do. Uhm... what are your friends doing. Give one of them a call until the urge passes.
What's the rule on text messaging? I haven't seen my SO in two days, and he sent me a few texts asking what's up. Am I supposed to respond or wait until he calls back or what?
Do not call him... Why can't he pick up the phone to call you?? Just remember it take less than a min call someone... Wait till he calls you....Trust me I had to do my friend like that last night..I went 24 hours of not talking to him.. I had to pray and pick up my book to read it....Stay strong...He finally called this morning, I didn't even nag/asked him why he didn't call me. He claimed that he had to go into the city to see him mom, cause she was sick..just remember once again, it takes less than a min to pick up the phone to call someone...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The problem that I have is with text messaging is this.

It's cute if you text message me while I'm at work, but once you know I'm off work, pick up the phone and call me. When someone send me a text message after 5 I do not respond to it, pick up the phone and call me...

Just my two cents....

What's the rule on text messaging? I haven't seen my SO in two days, and he sent me a few texts asking what's up. Am I supposed to respond or wait until he calls back or what?

Okay, I returned a call and some text messages from three days ago. I was pleasant and about to end the conversation at the four minute mark. Didn't want to give him too much conversation. Anyway, he beat me to it. He ended the conversation first because it was his turn to get his hair cut.

I know that isn't a terrible thing, but I felt myself saying, NOOOOOOO! I was thinking about the rules. He asked what I had planned tonight. I told him that I was going out with friends. Said that he would call me back after his hair cut.

Okay, I returned a call and some text messages from three days ago. I was pleasant and about to end the conversation at the four minute mark. Didn't want to give him too much conversation. Anyway, he beat me to it. He ended the conversation first because it was his turn to get his hair cut.

I know that isn't a terrible thing, but I felt myself saying, NOOOOOOO! I was thinking about the rules. He asked what I had planned tonight. I told him that I was going out with friends. Said that he would call me back after his hair cut.

Let him call you back and be busy when he calls. Really be busy, not pretend busy :yep:
So vacation dude sends me this message through the dating site we met on:
Just wanted to say hi to you from Texas. I hope you're feeling better, even though i
know if you're not, it's my fault. I just wanted you to know that you're being thought
of, and I cant wait to see you when i return. Talk to you later.

Erruh, he couldn't pick up the phone and call nobody after 3 days of not even a "hi" and he knew that I was sick? Hmmmph. I didn't respond to his message. I'll wait for a phone call :rolleyes:
NC Lady and other poster...yeah the texting can be cute but if you texting too much i would like to know where you are and why you can't call me.

I am not to keen on the texting and will not be accepting it as a form of communication unless you're in a meeting or at church.

You have to find something else to do. Uhm... what are your friends doing. Give one of them a call until the urge passes.

I know, I hung out with 2 of my girls and I called another:grin:! I will go and Pray! This man is bringing me so much closer to God I tell you! I am always praying for blessings for him and myself! I miss our pet name calling! When he calls me again I will only talk for 4 Min. :ohwell: I guess we both have to put the 4 hour conversations on hold:blush:
Do not call him... Why can't he pick up the phone to call you?? Just remember it take less than a min call someone... Wait till he calls you....Trust me I had to do my friend like that last night..I went 24 hours of not talking to him.. I had to pray and pick up my book to read it....Stay strong...He finally called this morning, I didn't even nag/asked him why he didn't call me. He claimed that he had to go into the city to see him mom, cause she was sick..just remember once again, it takes less than a min to pick up the phone to call someone...:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The problem that I have is with text messaging is this.

It's cute if you text message me while I'm at work, but once you know I'm off work, pick up the phone and call me. When someone send me a text message after 5 I do not respond to it, pick up the phone and call me...

Just my two cents....

The Bolded is so true. I am doing this as I speak! I am having withdrawl here:lachen:! I miss our 4 hour talks and our pet name calling:spinning: Oh well when calls me again I will speak to him actually allow Mr.Man to speak for 4 MINS. then say "Gotta Go"!:blush: This will shock him:blush:
Below is an insert from WMLB

page 93

Attraction Principle #39

Men don't respond to words.
They respond to no contact.

"The two-hour phone calls you love are a big mistake. He likes it the first time because he knows you're interested. After that, he hates it. Don't let conversations on the phone last too long. Don't let yourself be perceived as a tiresome obligation. Keep the phone calls short and sweet-and he'll never get tired of calling."

This is so true.. I met my friend from BPM and we spent hours on the phone. Now, I might get 20 mins out of him.. I'm glad that I picked this book up.When he called me this afternoon, I told him that I was hanging out with the girls..LOL..well I am somewhat..My LHCF girls....
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For me it was spending 7 hours online with him after he got home from work. We played this multiplayer online game called World of Warcraft together. I still want to play the game but I can't because he plays it every night, and he'd know if I was logged in and playing. I can't be too busy to see him but still have time to be at home playing a video game. The one downfall! :laugh:
Lawd have mercy! so many rules. :drunk:

really though, it will help us all determine "is he really into you?". nothing will stand in the way if a man wants something that's for sure.
I'm a 'D' minus Rules Lady{naaahhh..I aint no girl}. I thought I was OK to stop following the rules to a letter then messed up. I like and encourage women to use the RULES. Once you have the man who is right for you...still follow the rules as men are fickle *** characters!! Men are not like us, believe it{we can go years without doing the deed, they feel they are not men unless they are "banging and swanging"--{ever had a man lose all hope over impotence?} The man's thought process is so different from ours-less patience and ability to think beyond the crotch..Mars/Venus.I feel to win you must outsmart them and it's really not too hard to do-women rule but are wise enough to pretend they are second.
Below is an insert from WMLB

page 93

Attraction Principle #39

Men don't respond to words.
They respond to no contact.

"The two-hour phone calls you love are a big mistake. He likes it the first time because he knows you're interested. After that, he hates it. Don't let conversations on the phone last too long. Don't let yourself be perceived as a tiresome obligation. Keep the phone calls short and sweet-and he'll never get tired of calling."

This is so true.. I met my friend from BPM and we spent hours on the phone. Now, I might get 20 mins out of him.. I'm glad that I picked this book up.When he called me this afternoon, I told him that I was hanging out with the girls..LOL..well I am somewhat..My LHCF girls....

I know, I know, it is so hard I am having withdrawl symptoms:lachen::lachen:. However, No more long talks on the phone like that even in person gosh I love to talk that is why I have My girls and that is it with him I will just bask in the art or listening and keeping my big chatter box mouth shut!:lachen:
As, women we must realize that we have POWER it is b/c some give this POWER up so easy that men can take the Booty calls and Friends with Benefits as a result of giving up the POWER! Now once I master my POWER it is going to be wonderful!
Below is an insert from WMLB

page 93

Attraction Principle #39

Men don't respond to words.
They respond to no contact.

"The two-hour phone calls you love are a big mistake. He likes it the first time because he knows you're interested. After that, he hates it. Don't let conversations on the phone last too long. Don't let yourself be perceived as a tiresome obligation. Keep the phone calls short and sweet-and he'll never get tired of calling."

This is so true.. I met my friend from BPM and we spent hours on the phone. Now, I might get 20 mins out of him.. I'm glad that I picked this book up.When he called me this afternoon, I told him that I was hanging out with the girls..LOL..well I am somewhat..My LHCF girls....

Please be sure the long two hour convo isn't turning him off.....alot of men are interested until they get a glimpse of who you are as a person

if he's still interested after a two hour convo....believe there will be more....a man who is truly interested will show it...usually just like us women can meet somebody off the bat we think is cool, until we start to talk to them and little by little we are turned off by them in one way or another.....
SO called! :clap: The conversation went well but I thought I'd messed up when he asked me what I'd been doing this whole time/what I was doing right now. I said, "walking everywhere..." because I don't have a car so it's true! :laugh:

Then when he asked what I was doing at that time I was looking in the fridge... but I told him I was walking around the house 'cause that's what I always do when I'm on the phone... I already had a "Plan B" in my head that when I had to go I'd just say I needed to exercise, practice piano, then by that time it'd be time for bed...

... but he had to hang up first because his phone was running out of minutes. :laugh: I was like, "Dang, we still had eight minutes left on my watch!" :laugh:

He must've said "I thought something had happened to you/I was worried" like 50 times... I felt so bad! But I told him I had been/would be busy and told him not to worry... so hopefully he'll just think I'm a busy bee and not that I'm in the hospital or something.
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You ladies would be proud of me, I went out tonight and tried to use the RULES!

I decided not to sit home (watching ghost whisper) as I usually do on a Friday nite and go out!

I took extra time with my appearance - and looked & felt especially good!

I went to a local "hot" thai spot before meeting some friends at aonther club. A girl has to eat before getting her grove on, right! :yep: I sat in a empty seat besides a very cute guy at the bar and he said HI. Now, the old me would have went to flirt mode - sticking out the twins, playing with my hair, and trying to draw out the conversation! I replied causally but didn't play him too much attention. Did I mention he was TALL (6'5") and FIONE (bald, carmel brown, and built like a quaterback)!!!:lick:

He keep intitating the conversation - giving me his name, aksed for mine, told me he just moved downtown, introduced me to his 2 guy friends, and talking about his favorite sushi restuarants. I answered any direct questions and was friendly but I did not try to monopolize his time or shared too much about myself.

Did I mention that all of his friends were fine too (there was no place to look without landing on muscles, a bald head or broad shoulders). Anyway, I just played it COOL. :spinning: Even when one of them checked out a girl walking by, I just ignore them.

I really think he was tyrying HARDER because I was not pressed. I'm sure he is used to women throwing themselves at him. I just was pleasant, minded my own busines as I finshed my drink.

I declined an offer for another drink, told him I was meeting friend at another spot, paid my tab and got up to leave. He stopped me to say how nice it was to meet me and asked for my number. I gave him a business card and told him to call me if he wanted to grab some sushi.

I could tell he were impressed - one of his friend who was with a white girl (that looked like amy winehouse :ohwell:) complimented me with the rest of the guys nodding in agreement.

I just said a general THANKS and rolled OUT without looking back! I really think he will call, but if not no harm - it was good practice!:grin:

The RULES rock! :grin:
You ladies would be proud of me, I went out tonight and tried to use the RULES!

I decided not to sit home (watching ghost whisper) as I usually do on a Friday nite and go out!

I took extra time with my appearance - and looked & felt especially good!

I went to a local "hot" thai spot before meeting some friends at aonther club. A girl has to eat before getting her grove on, right! :yep: I sat in a empty seat besides a very cute guy at the bar and he said HI. Now, the old me would have went to flirt mode - sticking out the twins, playing with my hair, and trying to draw out the conversation! I replied causally but didn't play him too much attention. Did I mention he was TALL (6'5") and FIONE (bald, carmel brown, and built like a quaterback)!!!:lick:

He keep intitating the conversation - giving me his name, aksed for mine, told me he just moved downtown, introduced me to his 2 guy friends, and talking about his favorite sushi restuarants. I answered any direct questions and was friendly but I did not try to monopolize his time or shared too much about myself.

Did I mention that all of his friends were fine too (there was no place to look without landing on muscles, a bald head or broad shoulders). Anyway, I just played it COOL. :spinning: Even when one of them checked out a girl walking by, I just ignore them.

I really think he was tyrying HARDER because I was not pressed. I'm sure he is used to women throwing themselves at him. I just was pleasant, minded my own busines as I finshed my drink.

I declined an offer for another drink, told him I was meeting friend at another spot, paid my tab and got up to leave. He stopped me to say how nice it was to meet me and asked for my number. I gave him a business card and told him to call me if he wanted to grab some sushi.

I could tell he were impressed - one of his friend who was with a white girl (that looked like amy winehouse :ohwell:) complimented me with the rest of the guys nodding in agreement.

I just said a general THANKS and rolled OUT without looking back! I really think he will call, but if not no harm - it was good practice!:grin:

The RULES rock! :grin:

wow... you are good. i would not have had the will power.
I read The Rules in college. I threw it all out the window when my now husband called and asked me on a last minute date after meeting me a few days earlier, my roomates talking bout, "don't go on the date, make him sweat." He had tracked my number down from a friend and worked up the nerve to call me and years later told me that if I hadn't accepted the date he would have never called me again. We've been together for 10 years and married for five. The Rules is a bunch of crap. As long as you don't act desperate around a man, you'll be all right.