*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

I need a RULES check in, here’s the situation:

I ride a commuter train to/from work most days (sometimes I drive) and noticed a very cute guy that works on the train. We would smile and nod at each other. I started to consider him my “train guy” (……..aka Carrie Bradshaw) nothing serious but just a cutie that brighten up my commute.

Things progressed to brief small talk, but if you know anything about the trains it is a mad dash to just get on and find a seat. Also, since he works on the train, I did not want to “read” too much in him being friendly, but I got the vibe that he was “happy” to see me whenever I rode his train. Well exactly 2 weeks ago I missed my evening train and had to wait over an hour for the next one. I was contemplating getting some food when I saw my “train guy”.

He headed to the same food stand that I (……cough :rolleyes:) decided to get something from. We started talking while in line, he waited for me to get my order and then walked me back to the waiting area, when I went to sit down, he asked me to come into the gated waiting area (which was roped off) and wait with him.

So, we had a GREAT conversation! When I told him my name (which is unusual), he said that he already remembered it from my ticket. He told me about his childhood, parents, and son; his plan to buy a house soon and his career goals..

We talked about books (he is a big reader too), movies and even Star Trek (the SciFi Geek in me was floored).

The conversation was so great and flowing so well; that I forgot to eat…….literally lost my appetite.

He had to leave to prepare for passenger boarding, but told me he would be in the front section of the train. Anyhow, I still did not want to seem like a “train” groupie, so I sat in his section, but not right up in his face – beside he is now working and could not ‘talk” as freely without everyone listening.

I want to interject something here that may or may not be relevant…..he’s white.

BACK to the story…..

So, as I got off the train I handed him my number discreetly on a small slip of paper. I know this is a RULES no-no…but did I mention how great the conversation went. The train continues for more stops and it is late after 10 pm, so I don’t plan to hear from him that night.

He texted me that same night….thanking me for giving him my number and saying that I probably noticed him checking me out for the longest time.

Fast forward........14 days later exactly and he has only “texted” me. Granted the texts are cute (ex....wishing me a good day, miss me on the train, etc.) - we have yet to actually TALK on the phone.

Could I have totally misread “him”? This is why woman should like the guy do the heavy lifting in courtship.:perplexed

COULD THIS JUST BE A TECHIE (I don’t do facebook, my space or twitter) THING THAT I’M JUST NOT GETTING?

I’ve replied to all of his texts (briefly) but to the last one I added “please give me a call when you have some free time”.

Now I'm starting to think that "he's just not into to me" but I really don't think I misread his interest.

SHOULD I BE CONCERNED? I will probably see him for the again tonight for the first time....since my "call me" reply.

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I wouldn't say anything. I mean, I would say "hi", but I wouldn't bring up his lack of phone calls. IMO, I'm not interested in all of that texting. I need to speak to a man and see where his head is. Annnd, I'm not going to be chatting on the phone with him all the time for hours like we're girlfriends. I would chalk it up. He seemed interested at first, but if he truly was, he would've asked you out by now. Don't internalize it, just keep it moving. :)

ETA: I don't know you, but you are too fly to have to be asking some dude to "call you". Trust, he's doing you a favor by letting you know up front that he's "wishy-washy". :)
Ugh....I just broke the "Rules" today. Today during my lunch break I called a guy friend of mine who I have a crush on, because I knew he was feeling down and was going through something. :wallbash: :wallbash:

Ughgh!! Why did I call him?? Was I off my rocker? I wasn't calling so that he would call me back. I was honestly calling him to cheer him up. I hate to see him feeling down/bad. So, I just left him a brief message letting him know that I hoped everything was okay, and that if he needed to chat/vent then that was cool. I honestly do care about him and his well-being.

Anyway...he has YET to call (or even text) me back!! I feel like such an idiot! ugh... Did I break the rules?? I rarely (if ever) call guys in general, and I certainly only call this guy friend that I have a crush on when he has called me first.

*Sigh* I was just trying to be nice/or a good friend. But maybe being "nice" doesn't get you a boyfriend. :look: :cry2:

What is the difference between being that cool "friend" that's a girl, vs. being that desperate/needy chick who's actually pursuing a guy? I need to know the difference, because sometimes I'm so confused, and I definitely don't want to be the latter. :nono: Today, I just honestly went with my gut and my instinct. I would do the same thing to ANY friend (female or male). This friend, I just happen to have a crush on. But should I have NOT called him??

Ugh...it shouldn't really be this much agony and analysis. Sometimes I feel like you should just go with your gut as long as you don't "over-do" it or come across as desperate.

Any thoughts?? :confused:

Now I'm starting to think that "he's just not into to me" but I really don't think I misread his interest.

No....I don't think you misread his interest at all. From what you told me, he was definitely attracted. We women forget that men can be attracted and even interested, but not make a real move...for whatever reason. Either he's got a gf on the side, he just got out of a relationship and is prowling the fields, he's extremely shy (which I doubt), or he has something else that is greater than his attraction for you holding him back.

I wouldn't say he wasn't interested though. He wouldn't have been making those comments or talking to you in the first place if there wasn't SOME attraction there on his part. But now HOW interested he is in you is where the problem lies. The interest may not be that high. But as long as you've been nice and care-free with him, I would say that his actions have nothing to do with you. But if you had been cold, up and down with your behavior towards him, or seemed disinterested then I could see why he would be hesitant to call.

SHOULD I BE CONCERNED? I will probably see him for the again tonight for the first time....since my "call me" reply.
Nope! I wouldn't be concerned at all. Right now, just take everything with a grain of salt. Look at me...I wish I could take my own advice. :nono: lol!

But anyway, you said he was like your "train cutie". Just keep thinking of him like that...nothing more...nothing less. I know it's so hard for us women to forget about a man when we've had an awesome conversation and a great connection. We women are so emotion-driven, so when we have a great time with a man, or have a wonderful conversation where there is obvious chemistry, we can become addicted! I know I can! :lick: But just keep in mind that you guys only spoke once, and that until he makes it a habit of contacting you, you are fly and on the move!


Just say: "hey so-and-so, how's it going?? Seen the new star trek movie yet?" I don't know..just keep it light. If he feels bad about not contacting you, he'll mention it himself. But right now is WAAAY too soon/early to be confronting him about not calling you. You guys are just acqaintances right now.
I'm gonna pick up the book from the book store in a few minutes! Can't wait to read it! I only read a couple of pages of this thread... so I'm dying to know... What does WMLB stand for???? Sounds like a good book as well. Should I read that before the Rules book?
I need a RULES check in, here’s the situation:

So, as I got off the train I handed him my number discreetly on a small slip of paper. I know this is a RULES no-no…but did I mention how great the conversation went. The train continues for more stops and it is late after 10 pm, so I don’t plan to hear from him that night.

He texted me that same night….thanking me for giving him my number and saying that I probably noticed him checking me out for the longest time.

Fast forward........14 days later exactly and he has only “texted” me. Granted the texts are cute (ex....wishing me a good day, miss me on the train, etc.) - we have yet to actually TALK on the phone.


I don't think you should have given him your number. You had already been very sweet and friendly and you guys had already had a nice talk...I think that is enough of an open for him to ask for your number if he wanted it.

I think he likes you but now is waiting for you to make the next move, which I wouldn't make:nono:. Is he really young? Who only texts for a two-week period? Don't really know what you should do with this guy but in the future do not carry on texting conversations, make it clear that you rarely text. But honestly, why should you have to tell a grown man to call you when he has your phone number?

Ugh....I just broke the "Rules" today. Today during my lunch break I called a guy friend of mine who I have a crush on, because I knew he was feeling down and was going through something. :wallbash: :wallbash:

Ughgh!! Why did I call him?? Was I off my rocker? I wasn't calling so that he would call me back. I was honestly calling him to cheer him up. I hate to see him feeling down/bad. So, I just left him a brief message letting him know that I hoped everything was okay, and that if he needed to chat/vent then that was cool. I honestly do care about him and his well-being.

Anyway...he has YET to call (or even text) me back!! I feel like such an idiot! ugh... Did I break the rules?? I rarely (if ever) call guys in general, and I certainly only call this guy friend that I have a crush on when he has called me first.

You should not feel like an idiot, you were being nice, he is the one who is not acting right or maybe he really is not up to talking. Whatever the case, don't regret being a nice person, and don't call him anymore either.
I need a RULES check in, here’s the situation:

I ride a commuter train to/from work most days (sometimes I drive) and noticed a very cute guy that works on the train. We would smile and nod at each other. I started to consider him my “train guy” (……..aka Carrie Bradshaw) nothing serious but just a cutie that brighten up my commute.

Things progressed to brief small talk, but if you know anything about the trains it is a mad dash to just get on and find a seat. Also, since he works on the train, I did not want to “read” too much in him being friendly, but I got the vibe that he was “happy” to see me whenever I rode his train. Well exactly 2 weeks ago I missed my evening train and had to wait over an hour for the next one. I was contemplating getting some food when I saw my “train guy”.

He headed to the same food stand that I (……cough :rolleyes:) decided to get something from. We started talking while in line, he waited for me to get my order and then walked me back to the waiting area, when I went to sit down, he asked me to come into the gated waiting area (which was roped off) and wait with him.

So, we had a GREAT conversation! When I told him my name (which is unusual), he said that he already remembered it from my ticket. He told me about his childhood, parents, and son; his plan to buy a house soon and his career goals..

We talked about books (he is a big reader too), movies and even Star Trek (the SciFi Geek in me was floored).

The conversation was so great and flowing so well; that I forgot to eat…….literally lost my appetite.

He had to leave to prepare for passenger boarding, but told me he would be in the front section of the train. Anyhow, I still did not want to seem like a “train” groupie, so I sat in his section, but not right up in his face – beside he is now working and could not ‘talk” as freely without everyone listening.

I want to interject something here that may or may not be relevant…..he’s white.

BACK to the story…..

So, as I got off the train I handed him my number discreetly on a small slip of paper. I know this is a RULES no-no…but did I mention how great the conversation went. The train continues for more stops and it is late after 10 pm, so I don’t plan to hear from him that night.

He texted me that same night….thanking me for giving him my number and saying that I probably noticed him checking me out for the longest time.

Fast forward........14 days later exactly and he has only “texted” me. Granted the texts are cute (ex....wishing me a good day, miss me on the train, etc.) - we have yet to actually TALK on the phone.

Could I have totally misread “him”? This is why woman should like the guy do the heavy lifting in courtship.:perplexed

COULD THIS JUST BE A TECHIE (I don’t do facebook, my space or twitter) THING THAT I’M JUST NOT GETTING?

I’ve replied to all of his texts (briefly) but to the last one I added “please give me a call when you have some free time”.

Now I'm starting to think that "he's just not into to me" but I really don't think I misread his interest.

SHOULD I BE CONCERNED? I will probably see him for the again tonight for the first time....since my "call me" reply.


Honestly, I think you jumped the gun. Y'all had a nice conversation then *bam* you steal his thunder. Maybe he would have asked for your number that day. Or another day. But we'll never know. I think when women do stuff like that, it kills a guy's drive to hunt. I think you should try to act normally when you see him. Maybe consider not responding to his next text because I think you have to light the fire again. Maybe be a bit more elusive and have him miss you and ask you where you've been. JMO.
Should a "Rules Girl" ever apologize?

I had a date well not perse. Let's just say it was a meeting lol to the resevoir on Wednesday I believe. I had to cancel at the last minute because I had to go pick up my lil nephew from daycare. I apoogized and told him we would go the next day.

I caught a cold the next day and wasn't feeling well, so we didn't go out the next day.

He called, and I didn't answer because I was knocked out from medicine.

I called him back and he didn't answer.

He called me back at 11:30pm last night , but I don't answer my phone after 11pm anymore so.....I didn't answer. He texted me today at 1:30pm, I didn't respond because I was at the mall.

He called me at 7:30pm and I didn't answer because I was asleep from the meds once again. I didn't want him to think that I was being rude or uninterested in him, so I txted him and told him that I have been feeling under the weather, and that's why it has been a lack in communication.

Should I just leave it there? And just make sure to answer the next time he calls. He seems like he could be a very good friend.
I don't think you should have given him your number. You had already been very sweet and friendly and you guys had already had a nice talk...I think that is enough of an open for him to ask for your number if he wanted it.

I think he likes you but now is waiting for you to make the next move, which I wouldn't make:nono:. Is he really young? Who only texts for a two-week period? Don't really know what you should do with this guy but in the future do not carry on texting conversations, make it clear that you rarely text. But honestly, why should you have to tell a grown man to call you when he has your phone number?

I agree with the bolded. It sucks...but it seems like these days guys DO like the hunt! I wouldn't make it too easy on him.

Then again... You did say that this guy was white right? Now, I'm not saying you make "exceptions" to "The Rules" based on a guy's race, but if he's approaching you and you're a different race, then I would tone down the Rules just a tad. Only because he may actually really LIKE you, but isn't sure if you're a black woman who would consider dating outside of your race.

If he's not white (aka if he's black) then do "The Rules" full force. I've realized that black men especially like a challenge. lol* :lol:

You should not feel like an idiot, you were being nice, he is the one who is not acting right or maybe he really is not up to talking. Whatever the case, don't regret being a nice person, and don't call him anymore either.
THanks for the encouragement. Yeah, why should I be feeling bad? I was just doing something nice. I was doing what a friend would do. I shouldn't feel bad or guilty. He's the one acting like a jerk. I barely even call him!! I could see if I called him every week...heck every month. But I don't! So, I shouldn't feel guilty.

Honestly, I think you jumped the gun. Y'all had a nice conversation then *bam* you steal his thunder. Maybe he would have asked for your number that day. Or another day. But we'll never know. I think when women do stuff like that, it kills a guy's drive to hunt. I think you should try to act normally when you see him. Maybe consider not responding to his next text because I think you have to light the fire again. Maybe be a bit more elusive and have him miss you and ask you where you've been. JMO.
I agree. It's sad but I"m starting to think that it's true!! That would explain why all the guys that I have liked have either been lukewarm about me, or not that interested. But the guys that I have NOT liked, or have not even given the time of day to have all been madly in LOVE with me for like years!! :wallbash: It really is CRAZY!!!

I know one thing, the NEXT guy that I'm interested in, I will NOT give him the time of day...but then one day do a switcheroo on him (be flirty), and then act like I don't know him the next. ;) LOL! :giggle: Can't make it TOO easy for these guys! Especially if they are used to having females all over them. Ha! I wish I knew 3 years ago what I know now. It would be a completely different ball game!

Should a "Rules Girl" ever apologize?

I had a date well not perse. Let's just say it was a meeting lol to the resevoir on Wednesday I believe. I had to cancel at the last minute because I had to go pick up my lil nephew from daycare. I apoogized and told him we would go the next day.

I caught a cold the next day and wasn't feeling well, so we didn't go out the next day.

He called, and I didn't answer because I was knocked out from medicine.

I called him back and he didn't answer.

He called me back at 11:30pm last night , but I don't answer my phone after 11pm anymore so.....I didn't answer. He texted me today at 1:30pm, I didn't respond because I was at the mall.

He called me at 7:30pm and I didn't answer because I was asleep from the meds once again. I didn't want him to think that I was being rude or uninterested in him, so I txted him and told him that I have been feeling under the weather, and that's why it has been a lack in communication.

Should I just leave it there? And just make sure to answer the next time he calls. He seems like he could be a very good friend.

LOL! This story is cracking me up!! :lol:

Simple...do you actually LIKE this guy? Because honestly the way you're acting, and the excuses you're giving him are ones that I would usually give a guy that I'm NOT interested in. :look: You see how PERSISTENT a guy can be when he's actually interested and REALLY wants to get in touch with you?? AMAZING!! :shocked:
OMG I'm so glad to find this!!! I just read All The Rules and finished it in 2 days! I've never heard of the book before this past weekend. I was dealing with a difficult situation with this guy I have been seeing and one day I meditated on it and I trusted that the Universe would help me find a solution..the very next day I was in the bookstore for some real estate books and this book caught my eye!

I had already been a Rules girl from the start but sometimes I get to a point with guys where I just let go and I'm way too nice. This book is perfect! If this challenge is still on, I am SO in!

Ooh, ooh, so I have some advice...CURLIDIVA!
I think he was definitely interested in you. I think you should have let HIM ask you for your number. Also, don't respond to his texts. He will most likely call you to see what's up. Then when he calls you, you can answer and continue with The Rules. But if he goes back into texting you again, be very limited about texting back. He will get the message, I think.
LOL! This story is cracking me up!! :lol:

Simple...do you actually LIKE this guy? Because honestly the way you're acting, and the excuses you're giving him are ones that I would usually give a guy that I'm NOT interested in. :look: You see how PERSISTENT a guy can be when he's actually interested and REALLY wants to get in touch with you?? AMAZING!! :shocked:

LMAO I don't like him per se. BUT I don't know him. lol I've just been sick, and when I'm sick I'm out of it honestly. I did go out with him today and I don't like him. It's not my type, but he prolly will be a good friend. This is such a good thing. I used to go out on dates and how I would know if they were gonna get another date from me was if they didn't touch me in a sexual way. If they were a gentleman and didn't try to touch my hips, booty, etc on the sly they were a keeper. That was the only thing :nono:. I got to talking to this guy and he failed all questions. Where do you see yourself in fivee years? I don't know. Excuses for everything like why he's not in school right now but he's going back. He's 26 years old and mama still had to put gas in his car. Nada. lol He was really funny though.
LMAO I don't like him per se. BUT I don't know him. lol I've just been sick, and when I'm sick I'm out of it honestly. I did go out with him today and I don't like him. It's not my type, but he prolly will be a good friend. This is such a good thing. I used to go out on dates and how I would know if they were gonna get another date from me was if they didn't touch me in a sexual way. If they were a gentleman and didn't try to touch my hips, booty, etc on the sly they were a keeper. That was the only thing :nono:. I got to talking to this guy and he failed all questions. Where do you see yourself in fivee years? I don't know. Excuses for everything like why he's not in school right now but he's going back. He's 26 years old and mama still had to put gas in his car. Nada. lol He was really funny though.

Girl, how do you keep meeting these old-butt men with no jobs or cars living at home with their mamas? :lol:

We gotta work on that thing first, because this should not be life!

(Or is it a Mississippi thing? :look: Not trying to stereotype or nuttin')
Girl, how do you keep meeting these old-butt men with no jobs or cars living at home with their mamas? :lol:

LOL I DUNO!! Well at least he has a job. He's been workin at Wal-mart for 6 years lol. And he has a car....but his mama put gas in it loool :lachen::lachen:

We gotta work on that thing first, because this should not be life!

LOL I know!! Maybe life will be better once I get to grad school

(Or is it a Mississippi thing? :look: Not trying to stereotype or nuttin')

It prolly a Mississippi thing lol:giggle: But shoooot NONE of my friends meet the losers I meet. They are losers nonetheless, but for other reasons lol

Maybe it's me *shrugs*
Maybe it's me *shrugs*

Aight, see we just need to tweak your meeting style... I mean, you're gonna meet bammas anywhere in the world (heck, I do), but they don't need to be getting your number just cause they ask for it, ya know?

Dude is working at Wal-Mart for six years and is 26? Aww, hell nah! :lol: Sorry, no phone number, you don't get to pass Go, no $200. You are a college student getting a degree... you do NOT need to be dating Mr. Six Years at Wal-Mart unless he is working there to put himself through school. He should not even have gotten your digits!

My little brother is 25 with a college degree living in Connecticut working as a research analyst for a corporation. That's my standard for dudes in their mid-20s... either have a degree, be darn close to finishing one or be in law school/med school/grad school/whatever.

Less number-giving-out and more focus on quality over quantity should bring you better results! And good luck in grad school! :)
Aight, see we just need to tweak your meeting style... I mean, you're gonna meet bammas anywhere in the world (heck, I do), but they don't need to be getting your number just cause they ask for it, ya know?

Dude is working at Wal-Mart for six years and is 26? Aww, hell nah! :lol: Sorry, no phone number, you don't get to pass Go, no $200. You are a college student getting a degree... you do NOT need to be dating Mr. Six Years at Wal-Mart unless he is working there to put himself through school. He should not even have gotten your digits!

My little brother is 25 with a college degree living in Connecticut working as a research analyst for a corporation. (MICHIGAN HERE I COME!!! looooool) :drive: That's my standard for dudes in their mid-20s... either have a degree, be darn close to finishing one or be in law school/med school/grad school/whatever.

Less number-giving-out and more focus on quality over quantity should bring you better results! And good luck in grad school! :)

Yeah, he is working @ Wally world to pay to go tos chool but still....just other things bother me about him. I asked him why isn't he in a relationship after he asked me the same. He told me people or women in general don't like him. After awhile they disappear. :nono: I asked him does he know why? He told me to just drop it; women don't like him. Yeah you know I haven't really met anyone new as in given them my number lately. These are just old people that I've met awhile back but never took time out to get to know them, but I am focusing on quality, but right now I just wanna have fun and go out more.
Yeah, he is working @ Wally world to pay to go tos chool but still....just other things bother me about him. I asked him why isn't he in a relationship after he asked me the same. He told me people or women in general don't like him. After awhile they disappear. :nono: I asked him does he know why? He told me to just drop it; women don't like him. Yeah you know I haven't really met anyone new as in given them my number lately. These are just old people that I've met awhile back but never took time out to get to know them, but I am focusing on quality, but right now I just wanna have fun and go out more.

LOL at coming up to Michigan. Hey, the Midwest isn't too bad... well, we do get snow. :look: And Detroit has it's share of crazy dudes... :look: but hey, when you do go to grad school, you could consider schools in different areas of the country to get a different perspective on life.

As for these old dudes you met a while back, yeah, I think it's best to just leave them all in the past. You're trying to do some things differently, and these dudes from back in the day reflect a mindset that you don't have anymore. That dude sounds like a mess too -- duh Einstein, women disappear because you live with your mama and she puts gas in your car! :lachen:

Enjoy your summer and enjoy being out and about!
I have a question that wasn't particularly addressed in the book. What do you say if the man you're seeing it thinks you're seeing someone else?
Yeah, he is working @ Wally world to pay to go tos chool but still....

Maybe he's already in grad school, but if not, that doesn't count. So many people have plans for "tomorrow," but never quite get there. These men should really only be evaluated on the basis of what they're currently doing.
Maybe he's already in grad school, but if not, that doesn't count. So many people have plans for "tomorrow," but never quite get there. These men should really only be evaluated on the basis of what they're currently doing.

Right. And there is a big difference between the full-time student at age 20 who happens to have a part-time job at Wal-Mart, and the 26-year-old still in school (and likely not grad school), who's been working at Wally World for six years!

So when is he gonna be done with school again? :lachen:
Ooh, ooh, so I have some advice...CURLIDIVA!
I think he was definitely interested in you. I think you should have let HIM ask you for your number. Also, don't respond to his texts. He will most likely call you to see what's up. Then when he calls you, you can answer and continue with The Rules. But if he goes back into texting you again, be very limited about texting back. He will get the message, I think.

As an update....train guy has sent a few more texts which I've IGNORED. I totally realized that I jumped the gun by giving him my number. I need to keep a copy of this book in my purse :spinning:

Thanks Jade Feria!


1) Why are you personally participating in "The Rules" challenge?

** I believe I need to try something different. I've had success with some of the rules but want to go the whole 9 yards. I'm currently single and would like to meet someone who values me and doesn't take advantage of my good nature.

2) How long do you plan on doing the challenge?

**I plan to do it until it becomes natural to me...until I get married?

3) Has pursuing men worked for you in the past? Yes? No? (Feel free to explain/elaborate if you wish)

**Yes but not for a long lasting relationship. Men like a challenge especially men who are used to women falling at their feet. By using some of the rules I managed to date a lovely man.

4) What do you hope to gain by participating in "The Rules" Challenge?

**I would like to meet a man who understands my worth. Once I tap into it there will be no stopping me. I'm combine the rules with tips from tonyatko's channel.

5) When are you starting the challenge? (If you haven't received your book yet, you can still start the rules by making it a point not to chase/pursue any man)

**I'm starting the challenge today no more chasing. Running is a no no in heels ;-) Waiting for my book...
Right. And there is a big difference between the full-time student at age 20 who happens to have a part-time job at Wal-Mart, and the 26-year-old still in school (and likely not grad school), who's been working at Wally World for six years!

So when is he gonna be done with school again? :lachen:
:giggle: This fall he says he's going back. He had to have 8 eye surgeries since the age of 18, so he hasn't been able to be in school. He's legally blind without contacts. And he tore some ligaments from his knee and got out the army. Sickly child looool :lachen:

I always meet tar tars with so many "excuses." I just wanna meet someone on my level. Good student. Top 20% of the class. Likes school. Works part-time. Is sociable and funny. Likes to help others. Goes above and beyond. Doesn't rely on mommy and daddy. Responsible. Goes to church habitually, you know...the usual. Or so I friggin thought. NOT if you judge people by the ones who approach me ugh.
:giggle: This fall he says he's going back. He had to have 8 eye surgeries since the age of 18, so he hasn't been able to be in school. He's legally blind without contacts. And he tore some ligaments from his knee and got out the army. Sickly child looool :lachen:

I always meet tar tars with so many "excuses." I just wanna meet someone on my level. Good student. Top 20% of the class. Likes school. Works part-time. Is sociable and funny. Likes to help others. Goes above and beyond. Doesn't rely on mommy and daddy. Responsible. Goes to church habitually, you know...the usual. Or so I friggin thought. NOT if you judge people by the ones who approach me ugh.

OMG, now I feel bad for ole boy! Not enough to date him though... ;) But to send up a prayer or two!

Well, anyway, you've gotten our tips about finding better men. They're out there, but you gotta switch up your strategy and all. It'll work out though. :)
As an update....train guy has sent a few more texts which I've IGNORED. I totally realized that I jumped the gun by giving him my number. I need to keep a copy of this book in my purse :spinning:

Thanks Jade Feria!
LOL way ahead of you, I carry this book like I carry my lip gloss...everywhere, every day!

So now that you're ignoring his texts, you can gauge his interest. If he calls you, you know it's there. If not..oh well..NEXT! And no love lost.
Ladies, I finally went and got the book and I have been SKOOLED. I felt so stupid reading all the rules I broke! Luckly, I am already in a Rules relationship because my fiancee was pursuing me while I was going gaga and breaking all the rules with some loser. Now my fiancee absolutely adores me as I do him.

If I ever have a daughter in the future, I will definitely have her read this when she starts dating.