*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

This is the book I have read it is similar to The Rules.

Date Like A Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out by Myreah Moore and Jodie Gould
I have been locked out of the entire forum for a minute....dang....missed you ladies. I have not been doing well at all with regards to the Rules or WMLB....but today is a new day! A with each new day a new start, so Im starting!!
This is the book I have read it is similar to The Rules.

Date Like A Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out by Myreah Moore and Jodie Gould

I am going to look for this book today and also the Rules II. I need to get back in the game the right way! Thanks for this!
Hello my fellow "Rules Girls"! :wave: :wave:

Well, as promised... I have an update on what took place at the formal evening affair that I attended last weekend! :grin: Hope you have some time... lol*

I'll put "The Rules" in bold purple so that they stand out. I'm trying to follow "the Rules"!

Well, overall the formal dance was really NICE!! :D One of my girl friends threw a nice formal last weekend, and there were SOOO many people there. I had read "The Rules" all throughout the week to give myself a confidence-booster, as well as a "refresher course" so that I made SURE not to break any rules that night. ;)

[*sidenote*:] My "guy friend" and I were kind of on the outs the previous weekend...he was mad at me for treating him meanly I guess... LOL* Now days I really do act like I could take him or leave him, and it drives him NUTS!! :lachen: But I'm just being a "Rules Girl"! Anyway, my girl friends wanted me to call him the day of the formal and "make up" with him and ask him to drive us to the formal in order to make amends. Ummm...NOT!!! :naughty: I'm so glad I fought back this urge to call him! even though I did feel bad for how I treated him, and I DID want to make sure that there wasn't any bad blood between us. But...being a "rules girl" and all, I don't initiate calls anymore with men I'm interested in unless it's a DIRE DIRE emergency! :up: So, needless to say, I didn't take their advice. (See, your well-meaning girl friends will sometimes unknowingly lead you to the slaughter! ROTFL!! ) [*end of sidenote*]

Anyway, so I got to the formal, and I made sure I was looking nice. I had on a slammin dress, my makeup was on point, and I was really happy and having fun! I spoke to the women at the party first, and engaged in conversations with some friends that I knew. Basically minding my own business having fun, laughing and talking.

Well, in walks my guy friend, and instead of going over to greet him or acting like I see him...I just continue my conversation with the rest of the people at my table. I figured...if he wants to come say hello, he will. Eventually, he came over to my table, and said hello. Our interaction was kind of awkward at first (hmmm...he's still kind of mad at me I guess. :rolleyes: ), but I was sweet, smiling, and looked genuinely happy to see him. (see! "Rules Girls" are nice! We just don't pursue!) After my friendly receptance towards him however, he loosened up considerably shortly afterwards.

My guy friend hesitantly asked everyone at the table if he could sit at our table to eat food. (Notice...HE asked...I didn't ask him to sit down or have a seat, or offer to move things for him to sit. Please!) He ended up sitting right next to me, but I didn't let it phase me at all. He was just talking to his buddies and friends anyway at the table. I'm there thinking: "why sit right next to me and then act like you don't see me?" :rolleyes: Ugh... Weird. Anyway, I didn't really care, I just started talking to some other girl. Then, after eating, hahahaha... I did the "Rules Girl" thing and walked around the room, mingling, laughing and talking. The "old me" would have probably kept sitting right there next to him, TRYING to engage him in some sort of conversation. HA! That was the "old me". ;) I noticed that as soon as I left the table, some cute little thing went and sat herself right next to my guy friend. (<-----hmmmm....she must not be a "rules girl" :look: ). I didn't even care. I was so at ease with myself, that NO girl could make me "jealous" that night. He spoke with her briefly, but I didn't see him make any effort to continue to speak with her throughout the night.

Soon, everyone got up to dance. I didn't care WHO I danced with, or whether or not any guy asked me to dance. I was just going to have fun regardless. I LOOOOVE to dance, and I can have fun dancing even by myself, so it wasn't any skin off my back. Anyway, so I just started dancing, and people started partnering up, but I wasn't worried. I was having fun! Then, all of a sudden, this guy who is a friend of my guy friend asks me to dance, so I accept. We're having sooo much fun dancing! Mostly because I didn't know how to dance the dance right, so I was looking like a crazy girl trying to salsa dance. LOL! :lol: But I was having fun with him regardless.

THEN! As soon as that dance is over, my guy friend comes from out of NOWHERE, and then approaches me and holds out his hand asking me to dance. I'm teling you, I was almost taken aback! Anyway, we start dancing, and I have to admit, I'm like on cloud 9. LOL* I play it off though. I was sweet, and we were talking, but I wasn't acting like a giddy school girl. I was just having fun. At one point he mentioned about how he goes dancing at times with friends all the time. The "old me" would have been all excited and invited myself to go, but I didn't. I refrained. I just smiled and kept quiet. If he wants to invite me to go dancing with him sometime, then he will invite me. I don't need to "make things happen".

I don't know what it was about that dance, but I almost got the impression that he was being more flirty than usual. Hmm... I don't know if he felt *something* during that dance, but I know that something definitely felt *different*between us. Can't really explain it. Maybe it was the way we were looking at each other, I don't know. :look: Actually he's been acting a bit "different" lately ever since I stopped pursuing him, and started being really really happy with myself and my life. After we danced, I felt so dizzy.... :dizzy: lol* We were soooo close...hmmmm... :lick: :love: But I didn't stand around hoping he would ask me to dance again. I just continued to dance with other people. He danced with other girls that night too.

Overall, the night was a sensation! I danced with many different guys, and had fun! I didn't ask for any guys' number, and I didn't have to ask not ONE single guy to dance. ;) I was dancing up a storm! Sometimes solo, sometimes with a group of other girls, and sometimes with other guys. ;) Either way, I had a blast! :woot: :woot:

The next day, I happened to see my guy friend, and (yet again) he approached me, and we had a nice conversation. He asked me if I had fun the night before, and I told him I did.

*~*End of Update*~*

I'm telling you ladies, I have done a complete 180 in the past month or so. I am SOO much happier! I feel more like my "old self" again. The same self that I was 2 years ago before I met my "guy friend" and pursued him, and all that other mess. :rolleyes: I now have soo much more self-respect. :yep: I don't worry about what some guy does anymore. Not as much at least. :giggle: I'm just going with the flow these days.

It's funny, because I was just at the party to have a good time, hang with my friends, and meet some new people, and so I wasn't thinking: "Oh woe is me...I don't have a boyfriend...I'm single, I'm not dating anybody...boo hoo hoo...". :nono: No way! I'm enjoying the single life!

I know to some of you ladies my little *update* may sound silly, or trivial. Some of you may be wondering: "what's the big deal??" But I'm telling you ladies...I have come a LONG way. I have improved SOOO much! I used to break almost every single rule in that book without even realizing it. So, seeing how I've made even a little improvement makes me giddy! :grin:

I find it so funny that now that I've backed off and have still maintained a positive attitude, my guy friend has changed too. :yep: That WMLB book is right on point. It's like a reverse magnet with guys! You pull back, he'll come to you....if he's somewhat interested. If not, then forget about him! Just continue to be positive! I firmly believe that positivity attracts positive things to yourself. But bitterness, resentfulness, and negativity does not. :nono: I'm just sorry that I didn't realize this sooner.

I can't wait to be invited to more things so that I can practice "the Rules" again!!! ;)
Yay Crystal! :clap:

I know exactly how you feel. For all of those folks who say the Rules cause you to act "fake" or hide your true self, I say, "NUH UH!" The Rules make me feel better about myself and more confident because I AM NOT STRESSING ANY MAN!!!

I have some recent examples -- now I admit, at home I will get frustrated if a dude doesn't call when he said he would, but at least I don't call my girls and debate whether I should call him, or even worse, call him! Noooo!

Okay, so there's this fine 6'5" dark chocolate brotha who is a lawyer and used to play college basketball and drives a great car. Basically, that IBM everyone drools over. Apparently, he told his longtime girl friend (not GF, girl friend... they've known each other since preschool) that he was interested in me. So we've been texting and e-mailing a little, but nothing major.

So on Nov. 10 (last Monday) he says, "We need to connect soon." Mind you, he's never asked me on a date or actually called me. I said, "Okay cool, you just set up some dates and times and then get back to me when you have a plan in place."

Has this fool gotten back to me at all? Nope. And do you think I care? Nope. One of those well-meaning, but misguided female friends said I should have told him that I would be in town that weekend and said, "ooh, we can meet on Xday because I'll be in town," but I said no, he can ask me out formally and we can plan something.

Meanwhile, I met some other interesting guys recently at parties and they asked for my number, but they haven't called. Some other friends say I should call them, but I'm like, no way. If they wanted to call, they would have called.

All that means is that I'll just move on to the next ones! :)
THEN! As soon as that dance is over, my guy friend comes from out of NOWHERE, and then approaches me and holds out his hand asking me to dance. I'm teling you, I was almost taken aback! Anyway, we start dancing, and I have to admit, I'm like on cloud 9. LOL* I play it off though. I was sweet, and we were talking, but I wasn't acting like a giddy school girl. I was just having fun. At one point he mentioned about how he goes dancing at times with friends all the time. The "old me" would have been all excited and invited myself to go, but I didn't. I refrained. I just smiled and kept quiet. If he wants to invite me to go dancing with him sometime, then he will invite me. I don't need to "make things happen".

Love it :yep::yep:

And it really is a different type of zone that you get into when you focus inward and enjoy you and your life. Even in the WMLB book, Sherry mentions how we sometimes look for something from the man and/or relationship that we should be giving ourselves. Alot of that love, attention, admiration, adoration that we're looking for outwardly, we can find ways to give that to ourselves (i.e. - attention to your appearance, enhancing skills and talents, engaging in self-enpowering activities, and overall enjoying yourself)

And I'm so happy that you didn't take your friends' advice!
I'm telling you ladies, I have done a complete 180 in the past month or so. I am SOO much happier! I feel more like my "old self" again. The same self that I was 2 years ago before I met my "guy friend" and pursued him, and all that other mess. :rolleyes: I now have soo much more self-respect. :yep: I don't worry about what some guy does anymore. Not as much at least. :giggle: I'm just going with the flow these days.

It's funny, because I was just at the party to have a good time, hang with my friends, and meet some new people, and so I wasn't thinking: "Oh woe is me...I don't have a boyfriend...I'm single, I'm not dating anybody...boo hoo hoo...". :nono: No way! I'm enjoying the single life!

I can't wait to be invited to more things so that I can practice "the Rules" again!!! ;)

:giggle: Good for you! I really enjoyed reading your update- it was very engaging! (You should blog :yep:) I'm excited for ya girlie!

Yay Crystal! :clap:

I know exactly how you feel. For all of those folks who say the Rules cause you to act "fake" or hide your true self, I say, "NUH UH!" The Rules make me feel better about myself and more confident because I AM NOT STRESSING ANY MAN!!!

I have some recent examples -- now I admit, at home I will get frustrated if a dude doesn't call when he said he would, but at least I don't call my girls and debate whether I should call him, or even worse, call him! Noooo!

Okay, so there's this fine 6'5" dark chocolate brotha who is a lawyer and used to play college basketball and drives a great car. Basically, that IBM everyone drools over. Apparently, he told his longtime girl friend (not GF, girl friend... they've known each other since preschool) that he was interested in me. So we've been texting and e-mailing a little, but nothing major.

So on Nov. 10 (last Monday) he says, "We need to connect soon." Mind you, he's never asked me on a date or actually called me. I said, "Okay cool, you just set up some dates and times and then get back to me when you have a plan in place."

Has this fool gotten back to me at all? Nope. And do you think I care? Nope. One of those well-meaning, but misguided female friends said I should have told him that I would be in town that weekend and said, "ooh, we can meet on Xday because I'll be in town," but I said no, he can ask me out formally and we can plan something.

Meanwhile, I met some other interesting guys recently at parties and they asked for my number, but they haven't called. Some other friends say I should call them, but I'm like, no way. If they wanted to call, they would have called.

All that means is that I'll just move on to the next ones! :)

This is so true. It's not at all about hiding your true self. It's about putting your true self first.:yep: Especially for the IBMs that aren't humble. He is more than used to getting female attention- and is probably waiting for you to chase (which is why he put out that little 'bait' text message, b/c he wants you running after him). Lol. Little does he know!

Love it :yep::yep:

And it really is a different type of zone that you get into when you focus inward and enjoy you and your life. Even in the WMLB book, Sherry mentions how we sometimes look for something from the man and/or relationship that we should be giving ourselves. Alot of that love, attention, admiration, adoration that we're looking for outwardly, we can find ways to give that to ourselves (i.e. - attention to your appearance, enhancing skills and talents, engaging in self-enpowering activities, and overall enjoying yourself)

And I'm so happy that you didn't take your friends' advice!

ITA :yep:
Thanks ladies for the encouragement! :up: :grin: :grin:

I agree, it's about letting your "true self" shine through! :yep:

It really is getting easier and easier to do "The Rules". It's been at little over a month since I started, and it is definitely getting a LOT easier. It has become my personality now. I never chased/pursued guys before, but when I met my guy friend I think I kind of lost my mind for a little bit cuz I liked him so much. :lol: Not anymore! I'm just glad I'm still doing "The Rules" because I have to work harder at being more "coy", "mysterious", and "flirty" with guys. I think I have the tendency to get too jokey-jokey/or "buddy-buddy" with guys if I don't watch myself. Ummm...not cute!! :nono: Not with a guy you're romantically interested in at least. You dont' want to become like "one of the guys". :look:

I'm keeping with The Rules over here too. No more going out of my way to catch a guy's attention. I've been hit on QUITE a bit just out and about doing my own thing, minding my own business, so I know that if a man's feeling you, he'll speak first.

Yes! Yes! :clap: Exactly! That's the best part that I'm loving about this challenge. I don't have to do anything!! Just smile, be myself, and keep the mystery alive. ;)

I've been trying to school my friend on The Rules, but she isn't hearing it.

I explained The Rules to her but she isn't hearing it. According to her, sometimes men need a push in the right direction...okay:rolleyes:

Well, you did the right thing. Some people just don't want to hear it. My mom thinks I'm being "mean" just because I don't pursue a guy. LOL!

If I were you, I wouldn't say anything about "the Rulse" to your girl friend anymore. Just sympathize with her, and keep it brief, but I wouldn't mention anything to her. Sometimes people have to come to the conclusion themselves that what they've been doing all along is NOT working, and that maybe it's time to try something "different" on for size. You dont' want to force-feed her "the Rules". :lachen: You've told her about "The Rules", so she may come around when she starts seeing your success. :D

Yeah...seems like the trick is catching them after they're ready. Otherwise from what I've seen, it won't matter whether the woman is perfect for him or not, he's not looking for his wife yet.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Some man stated this too. I don't remember if I read it somewhere, or heard some man say it, but he basically stated that you can't FORCE a man to want to get married. Either he's ready, or he's not. And if he's not ready, then it doesn't matter WHO he's dating at the time, he's NOT getting married. I found that to be very interesting!
Me and my dh were became good friends for about a year, then he told me his intentions to marry me, and THEN we went out on our first date. :yep: During the friendship/getting to know you phase, I never called him unless I was returning his call. I didn't date at all, so the only time he got to see me was when we were out in a group or at church. It was very hard for both of us, but I'm glad I did it because even my dh said that it challenged him to be a better man.

See, this is where I need help because I think with my guy "friend" or guy "friends", I tend to be too much of a buddy-buddy with them. Not tom-boyish mind-you, but more so just jokey jokey. I'm not sure how some of them view me. I'm goofy by nature, intelligent, and quite analytical, so maybe guys find that somewhat intimidating/a turn off. TRUST ME...I've already toned it down quite considerably ever since doing "The Rules". I've basically learned that guys just like a "fun girl" (ie. no drama) for the most part when they're getting to know her. The rest can follow. So, I'm trying to show more of my fun side without seeming ditzy or too buddy-buddy with the guys.

I would LOVE to have a friendship with a guy that developed into something more. That's my ideal. Those are some of the best relationships I think. :yep: But I'm not sure I will ever have this. I think I may just end up with some guy that approached me with romance on the brain from the get-go. :ohwell:

:giggle: Good for you! I really enjoyed reading your update- it was very engaging! (You should blog :yep:) I'm excited for ya girlie!

This is so true. It's not at all about hiding your true self. It's about putting your true self first.:yep: Especially for the IBMs that aren't humble. He is more than used to getting female attention- and is probably waiting for you to chase (which is why he put out that little 'bait' text message, b/c he wants you running after him). Lol. Little does he know!

YEP!!! I don't know what "IBM" stands for, but based on the description you gave, my "guy friend" is like this! OMG! He's got the "package" I must admit to some degree. He's handsome, hard-working, athletic, smart, well-rounded, and a handy-man. ;) But he's one of those guys where if you're not careful, you would think he was "shy" and needs a woman to pursue him. HA!!! NOT! It's just a front. Many girls (like myself in the beginning) fell for the "shy" act and made the mistake of pursuing him. Many girls still to this day practically perch themselves up in his face allllll the time. LOL! He doesn't mind (of course not...he's a guy!), and he can be flirty just like the rest of them. BUT!!! Let me tell you something, he is NOT shy. He KNOWS how to pursue! Ladies, let me tell you, these guys are the most dangerous of them all! :lol:

I've now learned that although he may seem like he loves the girl attention (which he does I'm sure :rolleyes: ), these girls are NOT the ones that he chases after. These girls are NOT the ones that keep him interested. I always found it funny how whenever I wouldn't give him any attention it would drive him absolutely nuts! He'd then have to approach me. Why?? Because I wasn't giving him the time of day anymore. See how it works? ;)

Even so-called "shy guys" like to pursue. Dont' get the impression that just because a guy is so-called "shy", reserved, or the "strong silent" type that he doesn't know how to go after a woman. Puh-leeze!
If I were you, I wouldn't say anything about "the Rulse" to your girl friend anymore. Just sympathize with her, and keep it brief, but I wouldn't mention anything to her. Sometimes people have to come to the conclusion themselves that what they've been doing all along is NOT working, and that maybe it's time to try something "different" on for size. You dont' want to force-feed her "the Rules". :lachen: You've told her about "The Rules", so she may come around when she starts seeing your success. :D

A-M-E-N :worship2:

YEP!!! I don't know what "IBM" stands for, but based on the description you gave, my "guy friend" is like this! OMG! He's got the "package" I must admit to some degree. He's handsome, hard-working, athletic, smart, well-rounded, and a handy-man. ;) But he's one of those guys where if you're not careful, you would think he was "shy" and needs a woman to pursue him. HA!!! NOT! It's just a front. Many girls (like myself in the beginning) fell for the "shy" act and made the mistake of pursuing him. Many girls still to this day practically perch themselves up in his face allllll the time. LOL! He doesn't mind (of course not...he's a guy!), and he can be flirty just like the rest of them. BUT!!! Let me tell you something, he is NOT shy. He KNOWS how to pursue! Ladies, let me tell you, these guys are the most dangerous of them all! :lol:

I've now learned that although he may seem like he loves the girl attention (which he does I'm sure :rolleyes: ), these girls are NOT the ones that he chases after. These girls are NOT the ones that keep him interested. I always found it funny how whenever I wouldn't give him any attention it would drive him absolutely nuts! He'd then have to approach me. Why?? Because I wasn't giving him the time of day anymore. See how it works? ;)

Even so-called "shy guys" like to pursue. Dont' get the impression that just because a guy is so-called "shy", reserved, or the "strong silent" type that he doesn't know how to go after a woman. Puh-leeze!

This is so true too!

IBM = Ideal Black Man :lol:
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Hey Crystalicequeen :grin:

I'm so proud of you! You worked that party, girlfriend!

I'm so glad that we are learning how to "treat" ourseleves first like the way that we want men to treat us!

It sounds like your "friend" is realizing that he needs to step UP or you will leave him behind!

Good luck!
Ladies, I'm reading a new book (yeah, I'm a fast reader and putting my library card to good use) called The List: 7 Ways to Tell if He's Going to Marry You in 30 Days or Less.

The point of the book is not to get marry in 30 days, but to stop waiting time in dead-end, pertually "dating" relationships.

The book lays out the differnce between COURTSHIP leading to MARRIAGE, and dating for the sake of dating.

As someone mentioned earlier that most men when they are "ready" for marriage (his timing has to be right) will know that a girl is the ONE (within a few dates).......there is no need to test the waters for months.....living together for years.....to "see" if it is right.

If you are not the ONE, he is never going to marry you no matter how long you have been dating and trying to "prove" yourself.

This book is a easy read, and follows several women through their dating lives as they realize which men in their lives are "List" worthy.
I'm telling you ladies, I have done a complete 180 in the past month or so. I am SOO much happier! I feel more like my "old self" again. The same self that I was 2 years ago before I met my "guy friend" and pursued him, and all that other mess. :rolleyes: I now have soo much more self-respect. :yep: I don't worry about what some guy does anymore. Not as much at least. :giggle: I'm just going with the flow these days.

It's funny, because I was just at the party to have a good time, hang with my friends, and meet some new people, and so I wasn't thinking: "Oh woe is me...I don't have a boyfriend...I'm single, I'm not dating anybody...boo hoo hoo...". :nono: No way! I'm enjoying the single life!

I'm very happy for you!!!! Thank you for sharing your experiences :yep:.
This is so true. It's not at all about hiding your true self. It's about putting your true self first.:yep: Especially for the IBMs that aren't humble. He is more than used to getting female attention- and is probably waiting for you to chase (which is why he put out that little 'bait' text message, b/c he wants you running after him). Lol. Little does he know!

You nailed it! And this dude also comes from a family that's prominent in my area, so that probably has his head so big that it can't fit through the door! :lachen:

I never try to prejudge anyone, but I'm so in agreement that he probably has women chasing him all over town and that he expects that from me. And yes, little does he know... tee hee!

Taking a break from men this weekend... I gots to work!
I have a bit of an update too ladies! :yay:

So I bought the Rules II because Borders only had that option. But once I started reading it I felt like I was missing something so chased down another Borders and got ALL THE RULES..... So as I started to read I felt like "why do I have to play all these games???" but I kept reading. Lots of these rules are common sense things that our mother's teach us that get thrown out the window (at least for me anyway). It is very hard for me to be a "Rules Girl" because I feel morally wrong for being mean; i.e. not returning calls, playing hard to get, etc.

Anyway, so I started reading ALL THE RULES a week ago and BOY HAS MY ATTITUDE CHANGED:drunk:. I am not in a relationship but I have been "involved" with someone for quite sometime. The relationship is very wierd and confusing so I dare not go into detail BUT I will say that a **** (me) is sick and tired of being sick and tired.... So anyway, I just started following the rules and I feel so GOOD. I have been telling my bff that I am in SUCH a great mood and how amazing I wake up feeling. She keeps asking me "Whats wrong with you? Did you get some last night?" :lachen:

I don't know whether its the feeling of finally being in control, or not getting played, or simply coming into grips with what the :angry2: a REAL man is suppose to do or what, but a sista is so content with just being with ME. So the SO that's been around for forever is feeling the FLUKS. Oooooo, he can't stand the new me. He don't know what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on. I simply follow the rules and he comes-a-following me- :whois:. I don't call but answer when he does or call him back after about an hour or two. I don't text unless he texts and even then I try to wait in between texts. I don't ask the where you goin', what you doin', who you wit, and what time you doin it questions...:amen:....I'm just busy being me while being nice and quiet and he be on my voicemail like :callme:.....:lachen:

Its sooooooooo hard to follow the rules because like I said, morally I like to treat people how they treat me; if you're nice to me, I am nice to you. But that got me no where but in my bed eating oatmeal cookies and slightly frozen milk and twenty pounds heavier than I was in January of this year :down:. Now I am working out two hours a day, if possible, busy working on manuscripts, school, etc. Basically keeping busy so I won't be worried about him or poundering on the fact that I am not married when I would LOVE to be. And when I get down and my mind starts to cry about my singleness, I pick up ALL THE RULES, and start reading just to snap myself back into reality.

This, amongst other things in life, is just like studying for school and/or being saved. And I don't mean to compare something so trivial, a relationship, to God or school, but for alot of women, having God present you to your other half at some time in your life is just as important. But just as in school or loving the Lord, these things just don't come, you have to study hard, work hard, and prepare yourself for the finale.
Anyway, so I started reading ALL THE RULES a week ago and BOY HAS MY ATTITUDE CHANGED:drunk:. I am not in a relationship but I have been "involved" with someone for quite sometime. The relationship is very wierd and confusing so I dare not go into detail BUT I will say that a **** (me) is sick and tired of being sick and tired.... So anyway, I just started following the rules and I feel so GOOD. I have been telling my bff that I am in SUCH a great mood and how amazing I wake up feeling. She keeps asking me "Whats wrong with you? Did you get some last night?" :lachen:

YAYAYAYAYA!!! Way to go Weavologist!! :clap: This is EXACTLY how I feel! :yep: Thanks for your update!

I don't know whether its the feeling of finally being in control, or not getting played, or simply coming into grips with what the :angry2: a REAL man is suppose to do or what, but a sista is so content with just being with ME.

Yep! I think that's what it is! *cyber high-five* I'm telling you, I feel so refreshed, so renewed after reading this book. I didn't realize how in a "funk" I had been for two years chasing after this guy friend of mine. :nono: I was so down and depressed. :( Now I feel like I finally have control over myself again.

So the SO that's been around for forever is feeling the FLUKS. Oooooo, he can't stand the new me. He don't know what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on. I simply follow the rules and he comes-a-following me- :whois:. I don't call but answer when he does or call him back after about an hour or two. I don't text unless he texts and even then I try to wait in between texts. I don't ask the where you goin', what you doin', who you wit, and what time you doin it questions...:amen:....I'm just busy being me while being nice and quiet and he be on my voicemail like :callme:.....:lachen:

That's right girl! :up: I'm telling you, my guy friend has done a complete 180 too! I didn't realize just how much things had changed until I recently read over some old journal entries of mine. Back in the day, I was chasing him, initiating things with him, giving him cards, not really being myself, afraid to offend, acting weird around him, etc. Ha! Not anymore! :nono: Now days, I don't do anything...I just sit back, relax, and let him come to me. Now look...HE's the one inviting ME places! HE's the one calling ME! :giggle:

These days I just relax and let the guys come to me. I feel so free. Of course, I'm still nice, I flirt, I smile, etc. But I don't chase. Oh no...

Thanks for your update Weavologist! It encourages me to continue on with "The Rules". ;)
YAYAYAYAYA!!! Way to go Weavologist!! :clap: This is EXACTLY how I feel! :yep: Thanks for your update!

Yep! I think that's what it is! *cyber high-five* I'm telling you, I feel so refreshed, so renewed after reading this book. I didn't realize how in a "funk" I had been for two years chasing after this guy friend of mine. :nono: I was so down and depressed. :( Now I feel like I finally have control over myself again.

That's right girl! :up: I'm telling you, my guy friend has done a complete 180 too! I didn't realize just how much things had changed until I recently read over some old journal entries of mine. Back in the day, I was chasing him, initiating things with him, giving him cards, not really being myself, afraid to offend, acting weird around him, etc. Ha! Not anymore! :nono: Now days, I don't do anything...I just sit back, relax, and let him come to me. Now look...HE's the one inviting ME places! HE's the one calling ME! :giggle:

These days I just relax and let the guys come to me. I feel so free. Of course, I'm still nice, I flirt, I smile, etc. But I don't chase. Oh no...

Thanks for your update Weavologist! It encourages me to continue on with "The Rules". ;)

It's great to hear your updates about this friend of yours, Crystal. I'm so happy that you've come to a good place with this, since I completely understand that dynamic. It's amazing how much we can lose ourselves in chasing someone. I hope things keep going well for you!
I went out last night. First time since I started reading All the Rules. I HAD A BALL:yay:! Usually I go out and enjoy myself but have a crappy time because I am either sulking about having to be out as a single women or I am complaining about the quality of men in the building. I didn't go out with the rules in mind but since I have the rules mentality everything went into play so naturally. First of all my SO, really EX SO, called and blatently ignored that call only because lately I feel like I only want to talk to people that are positive or bring positivity into my life. And that ain't him right now so blah. Then I was just set on going out and doing me. I met a homegirl at this lounge. There was a nice crowd. Very nice looking men I might add. But I did me. Bought my own drinks.... :ohwell: About four Long Islands (Being a rules girls is expensive :lachen:)... Danced by myself and with my home girl. Didn't look twice at any attractive man. I noticed how the other women were dancing to gain attention as men walked by and/or throwing themselves at men:perplexed. It was kinda sad. I watched how the men treated them and was like "I'm straight" so I just sat at our table laughing with my friend, eating, drinking, and having a good time....... When I did walk around, not only did the men approach me like I was the hottest thing on the block in a RESPECTABLE and ADMIRABLE way, the WOMEN were even complimenting me.... Whew I had such a good time......

Going to lay down so I can do it all over again tonight!:yep:
I went out last night. First time since I started reading All the Rules. I HAD A BALL:yay:! Usually I go out and enjoy myself but have a crappy time because I am either sulking about having to be out as a single women or I am complaining about the quality of men in the building. I didn't go out with the rules in mind but since I have the rules mentality everything went into play so naturally. First of all my SO, really EX SO, called and blatently ignored that call only because lately I feel like I only want to talk to people that are positive or bring positivity into my life. And that ain't him right now so blah. Then I was just set on going out and doing me. I met a homegirl at this lounge. There was a nice crowd. Very nice looking men I might add. But I did me. Bought my own drinks.... :ohwell: About four Long Islands (Being a rules girls is expensive :lachen:)... Danced by myself and with my home girl. Didn't look twice at any attractive man. I noticed how the other women were dancing to gain attention as men walked by and/or throwing themselves at men:perplexed. It was kinda sad. I watched how the men treated them and was like "I'm straight" so I just sat at our table laughing with my friend, eating, drinking, and having a good time....... When I did walk around, not only did the men approach me like I was the hottest thing on the block in a RESPECTABLE and ADMIRABLE way, the WOMEN were even complimenting me.... Whew I had such a good time......

Going to lay down so I can do it all over again tonight!:yep:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Yes it is. :look:
Glad you had fun!
Hey ladies! Glad to hear you all are having a great time! :)

I feel good too and Weaveologist inspired me to share... I've been cutting people off on the phone when they try to go on and on and on... same with texts. I do it politely, but I make my point.

Well one dude just asked me out, so we're getting sushi tonight! Now, I'm not all geeked about him or anything, but hey, he's a nice guy and we have good conversation, so it should be a nice evening. It seemed like he quickly pushed for the date after noticing that I was not going to engage in lengthy conversations with him!

Also, I met with another guy I met in a social group. He's a financial planner and we met to talk about that, but he's also a young single guy dying to get out and have fun. He invited me to dinner next week... don't know if that's a date, but again, at least it's some interaction with the male species! :)
Hey ladies! Glad to hear you all are having a great time! :)

I feel good too and Weaveologist inspired me to share... I've been cutting people off on the phone when they try to go on and on and on... same with texts. I do it politely, but I make my point.

Well one dude just asked me out, so we're getting sushi tonight! Now, I'm not all geeked about him or anything, but hey, he's a nice guy and we have good conversation, so it should be a nice evening. It seemed like he quickly pushed for the date after noticing that I was not going to engage in lengthy conversations with him!

Also, I met with another guy I met in a social group. He's a financial planner and we met to talk about that, but he's also a young single guy dying to get out and have fun. He invited me to dinner next week... don't know if that's a date, but again, at least it's some interaction with the male species! :)

Oooh, I can't wait to hear how it goes.

I just got off the phone with a guy I met last night. He seems very nice. Not my usual type of guy (meaning he didn't appear to have any edge to him at all, but maybe that's a good thing.) He actually called me when he got home to make sure I got home okay. Shouldn't be a big deal, but I've had plenty of guys not even think to do that.

As far as the rules, I think I did okay. He beat me to punch as far as ending the convo first, though. :wallbash:

He told me he'd call me later this week to set up a date, so we'll see.
It's great to hear your updates about this friend of yours, Crystal. I'm so happy that you've come to a good place with this, since I completely understand that dynamic. It's amazing how much we can lose ourselves in chasing someone. I hope things keep going well for you!

Thanks so much Nicola! Yep, I've definitely come a VERY long way. :yep:

I think I may need to re-read the book again and get a refresher course, because I've been finding lately that I've been thinking about him... a LOT. NOOOO!! :wallbash: :wallbash: This wasn't supposed to happen! :nono: It's like, I get to this point where I'm fully comfortable with myself and what we have between us, and I'm not even thinking about him. But then other times, he's on my mind constantly. Having to see him every week doesn't help either. :look:

What his level of attraction/interest in me is, I really don't know. Plus, I have to keep drumming in my head that he's REALLY interested in another girl right now, so I don't to be beating my head up over whether or not he likes me. :rolleyes: Ugh... For some reason it's been really hard for these past couple of weeks to keep a level head.

Whatever it is, I really need to get a grip. :lol: *sigh* Sometimes mentally pursuing a guy can be just as bad (if not worse) than physically pursuing him. :ohwell:

*going back to reading "The Rules*

I went out last night. First time since I started reading All the Rules. I HAD A BALL:yay:! Usually I go out and enjoy myself but have a crappy time because I am either sulking about having to be out as a single women or I am complaining about the quality of men in the building. I didn't go out with the rules in mind but since I have the rules mentality everything went into play so naturally.

Awesome girl! That's great news! :up: I used to be like that too...complaining about how there aren't any "eligible men" around, or going to a party with the sole purpose of "catching a man". Not anymore! Now days, my MAIN purpose of going to a party, out with friends, etc, is to just have FUN first and foremost. It's that simple. I'm telling you, it takes sooo much of the pressure off of you!

First of all my SO, really EX SO, called and blatently ignored that call only because lately I feel like I only want to talk to people that are positive or bring positivity into my life. And that ain't him right now so blah. Then I was just set on going out and doing me.

That's right girl! Don't waste your time on negativity. When you're positive, it usually brings MORE positivity to your life. ;)

There was a nice crowd. Very nice looking men I might add. But I did me. Bought my own drinks.... :ohwell: About four Long Islands (Being a rules girls is expensive :lachen:)... Danced by myself and with my home girl.

That's great! But ummm 4 long-islands?? :eek: Ummm....I can barely get down a cosmo without feeling kind of buzzed. :look: :giggle: WOW! Go 'head...go on with your bad self! :lachen:

Didn't look twice at any attractive man. I noticed how the other women were dancing to gain attention as men walked by and/or throwing themselves at men:perplexed. It was kinda sad. I watched how the men treated them and was like "I'm straight" so I just sat at our table laughing with my friend, eating, drinking, and having a good time...

:lachen: HAHAHA!!! That's so funny! I love it! Isn't that the greatest? I noticed the same thing when I went to that evening affair my friend threw. After my guy friend came to sit down next to me at the table, I eventually left and as SOON as I left this girl came and sat right next to him and struck up a conversation. I don't know if they've had something in the past together or what, but she looked kind of jealous that he was sitting next to me. I'm like..."what?? we're not together!" :look: But anyway, after their brief interaction, I noticed that he didn't exactly try to continue the conversation (in fact I believe he left the table himself!), and he wasn't following her or trying to be around her all night either! Hmmm...

I felt kind of bad for the girl actually, because I know that in the past I would have done this very thing. Trying to strike up a conversation with some dude. Sometimes it MAY work, but other times...it's best to let the guys come to you. There are ways to show that you would be "approachable" (smile, flirty eye-contact if you want, laughing, etc.) without actually approaching the guy. What if the guy is taken already? You would have gone up to HIM and perhaps made him feel uncomfortable or something.

When I did walk around, not only did the men approach me like I was the hottest thing on the block in a RESPECTABLE and ADMIRABLE way, the WOMEN were even complimenting me.... Whew I had such a good time......

Going to lay down so I can do it all over again tonight!:yep:

Wow! That's great Weavologist! Didn't you feel better that night as opposed to other nights when YOU were chasing after guys? I don't know, something about "The Rules" just makes me feel like I'm "hot stuff". lol* I feel sooo self-confident. :grin:

Hey ladies! Glad to hear you all are having a great time! :)

I feel good too and Weaveologist inspired me to share... I've been cutting people off on the phone when they try to go on and on and on... same with texts. I do it politely, but I make my point.

ROTFL! :lachen: I know what you mean! Some people just like to talk and talk and talk. Usually after about 10 minutes, if the conversation isn't picking up anywhere, or the person is just going on and on about themselves, then I usually will cut the convo short in a polite way. Of course, if they are my close friends, then I won't do this. Usually we have relevant things to talk about anyway.

Well one dude just asked me out, so we're getting sushi tonight! Now, I'm not all geeked about him or anything, but hey, he's a nice guy and we have good conversation, so it should be a nice evening. It seemed like he quickly pushed for the date after noticing that I was not going to engage in lengthy conversations with him!

Good for you! :up: Keep us updated on what happens.

I find that it builds some type of anticipation/excitement/mild frustration when you don't give the guy TOO much conversation. You HAVE to keep the guy on his toes! Give him just a little bit LESS than what he wants (conversation, time spent with him, not pursuing him, etc.), and he will ALWAYS be wanting more! ;)

Keep up the good work ladies!
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^^^Oh yeah! Sorry!

The sushi date was nice. The guy is very nice and our conversation is good. Spent a lot of money too. :eek:

Some concerns -- I don't really feel attracted to him. Now, normally that would make me completely dismiss him, but I'm trying to be more careful now in how I evaluate dudes... not toss them immediately because there are no sparks.

There are two things that do worry me a little. He seems to like to go out and drink a lot -- a lot of times with his co-workers at his law firm. Now I'm not against drinking or anything (not at all, hee hee), but it just seems like he talks about going out A LOT. After the meal, he asked if I wanted to go somewhere for a drink but we'd just had a bottle of wine at dinner... I took a rain check (plus the weather was bad), and then he asked me this week if I wanted to meet up for a drink. I said maybe we could do coffee and he said that would be fine.

The other thing is that he's short. Now hear me out... I'm also getting past the "must be tall" requirement, but the problem is that HE'S self-conscious about being short. He makes about 3 short comments every time I see him and that's turning ME off more than him actually being short! Like one time at a bar (see where this is going, lol), we ran into some friends of his and talked with them. As we were leaving, he said, "Those guys are cool." I said, "Yeah, they are." Then he said, "They're all really tall though." I hadn't even really thought about it until HE said something. Then at the sushi restaurant, he made another comment about his height... ick.

Anyway, I'll keep it light for now while I date other people. Again, he's a gentleman and has some potential, but the partying (at age 34) and the insecurity kinda rub me the wrong way. So we'll see!
^^^Oh yeah! Sorry!

The sushi date was nice. The guy is very nice and our conversation is good. Spent a lot of money too. :eek:

Some concerns -- I don't really feel attracted to him. Now, normally that would make me completely dismiss him, but I'm trying to be more careful now in how I evaluate dudes... not toss them immediately because there are no sparks.

There are two things that do worry me a little. He seems to like to go out and drink a lot -- a lot of times with his co-workers at his law firm. Now I'm not against drinking or anything (not at all, hee hee), but it just seems like he talks about going out A LOT. After the meal, he asked if I wanted to go somewhere for a drink but we'd just had a bottle of wine at dinner... I took a rain check (plus the weather was bad), and then he asked me this week if I wanted to meet up for a drink. I said maybe we could do coffee and he said that would be fine.

The other thing is that he's short. Now hear me out... I'm also getting past the "must be tall" requirement, but the problem is that HE'S self-conscious about being short. He makes about 3 short comments every time I see him and that's turning ME off more than him actually being short! Like one time at a bar (see where this is going, lol), we ran into some friends of his and talked with them. As we were leaving, he said, "Those guys are cool." I said, "Yeah, they are." Then he said, "They're all really tall though." I hadn't even really thought about it until HE said something. Then at the sushi restaurant, he made another comment about his height... ick.

Anyway, I'll keep it light for now while I date other people. Again, he's a gentleman and has some potential, but the partying (at age 34) and the insecurity kinda rub me the wrong way. So we'll see!

Da hell? :perplexed That's very strange behavior.

Well, I think your strategy is a good one. If you enjoy his company, no harm in going out but definitely keep your options open.

Well, I have a date on Saturday. :blush:

It will be interesting because it turns out my girl went to high school with the dude and she said he was kinda corny. She said he seems a little better now though (she was with me when I met him) because back then, I wouldn't have given him the time of day. I've spoken to him on the phone a few times and I definitely got that vibe. But I'm so used to dealing with guys that are a little rough around the edges that maybe I'm mistaking niceness for cornyness (is that even a word?) LOL. It's funny because he lives in one of the most hood areas of Boston. IDK, maybe I need corny in my life at this point.

Anyhoo, we haven't finalized all the details yet, just the day, so I will be sure to let y'all know how it goes.
Da hell? :perplexed That's very strange behavior.

Well, I think your strategy is a good one. If you enjoy his company, no harm in going out but definitely keep your options open.

Well, I have a date on Saturday. :blush:

It will be interesting because it turns out my girl went to high school with the dude and she said he was kinda corny. She said he seems a little better now though (she was with me when I met him) because back then, I wouldn't have given him the time of day. I've spoken to him on the phone a few times and I definitely got that vibe. But I'm so used to dealing with guys that are a little rough around the edges that maybe I'm mistaking niceness for cornyness (is that even a word?) LOL. It's funny because he lives in one of the most hood areas of Boston. IDK, maybe I need corny in my life at this point.

Anyhoo, we haven't finalized all the details yet, just the day, so I will be sure to let y'all know how it goes.

Sounds good on the date!

One thing that I've never really done is casually date a lot of people, so I'm trying to do that now. Keeping stuff light UNTIL one of them starts asking for more and then if I'm feeling it, I'll talk to him more about his intentions and all of that.

It's been interesting. I went out with a cop a few weeks ago, and he's really cute, but he has two kids and I can tell is still getting past his divorce. He was saying he really wants to settle down again, but I was a bit turned off when we talked about kids (in general) and he said, "Having another kid would be like deja vu for me," or then said he really believed he'd need to live with his next GF before marriage just to really make sure it was right because he's gun shy. I don't like the idea of being someone who has to jump through extra hoops that the first wife didn't have to because you're gun shy... so I'm kinda backing away from him. I told him I wouldn't mind getting coffee though the next time I'm at the airport. (He's an airport cop.)

The lawyer guy, I'll see next week at a party for the social group we're in and we both happen to be going to Orlando at the end of the month for the Capital One Bowl, so we're going to meet up there. He's already suggesting places to go out, lol. I don't want to seem like I'm against going out, but I dunno... I just don't want to be with a dude who's gonna ALWAYS be out when he needs to have his butt at home sometimes, especially since he does so much work for his firm and all that.

Anyway, I'm glad you're giving this guy a chance! I think it's good for us to step outside of what we usually want in a man. Just because we may like it doesn't mean it's good for us!
I swear this book is so on point. Its kinda scary. I remember one part of the book saying how when you end phone calls first its better because they are wondering about what you are doing. Then the author gave a scenario about how when a woman she knew ended a call with her SO and then he called right back saying how he wanted to see her more....

So this week I have been doing alot better with the ending of the phone calls. It does sound childish but when they end the call with you that does leave you wondering. Espiacally when they say "I'll call you back" and never do! So this week the SO/EX-SO whatever (cuz I'm still confused:nono:) has been calling and I give him a chance to talk, I am really nice, keeping busy, blah, blah, blah, then I get off the phone nicely.....Now you don't think that staying on the phone with someone is even noticeable but he had the audacity to tell me one day that I never get off the phone with him. NEVER. Though that may be true, I wouldn't even think he noticed who got off the phone with who first and how much....So anyway, I did that a couple of times but I was so nice about that he didn't know what the hell was going on. Plus I hung out this weekend HARD w/o including, inviting, acknowledging, or missing him, so he is so damn confused.

The point! Right! Okay so I pulled the get off the phone within five minutes moves on him Monday while I was at work. He texted me all freakin' day after that. It was nonchalant texts but obvious texts to see what it was that I was doing that kept me from talking to him. He has been in heavy contact lately. Even used the word marriage and my name in the same sentence last night...:blush:...I damn near pee'd on myself.
Sounds good on the date!

One thing that I've never really done is casually date a lot of people, so I'm trying to do that now. Keeping stuff light UNTIL one of them starts asking for more and then if I'm feeling it, I'll talk to him more about his intentions and all of that.

It's been interesting. I went out with a cop a few weeks ago, and he's really cute, but he has two kids and I can tell is still getting past his divorce. He was saying he really wants to settle down again, but I was a bit turned off when we talked about kids (in general) and he said, "Having another kid would be like deja vu for me," or then said he really believed he'd need to live with his next GF before marriage just to really make sure it was right because he's gun shy. I don't like the idea of being someone who has to jump through extra hoops that the first wife didn't have to because you're gun shy... so I'm kinda backing away from him. I told him I wouldn't mind getting coffee though the next time I'm at the airport. (He's an airport cop.)

The lawyer guy, I'll see next week at a party for the social group we're in and we both happen to be going to Orlando at the end of the month for the Capital One Bowl, so we're going to meet up there. He's already suggesting places to go out, lol. I don't want to seem like I'm against going out, but I dunno... I just don't want to be with a dude who's gonna ALWAYS be out when he needs to have his butt at home sometimes, especially since he does so much work for his firm and all that.

Anyway, I'm glad you're giving this guy a chance! I think it's good for us to step outside of what we usually want in a man. Just because we may like it doesn't mean it's good for us!

I feel you on that first situation. One of my exes was divorced with a kid and even though he definitely wanted more children, he wasn't all that gung ho about getting married again.

I'm definitely learning that what you want isn't always what you need, which is why I'm like okay, let's give this brotha a chance. He was very respectful in his approach and while he made it clear how attractive he found me physically that he wanted to learn more about me on a mental and emotional level. He was telling me about this drama his boy was going through and asked what I thought, so I told him-straight, not chaser. When we were getting of the phone he was like "well, I love a woman with an opinion and you certainly have plenty of them!" :lachen:
Bunny you look like Joan from Girlfriends in your siggy
The hair has me ova here drooling!

Man the Rules suck....well they suck because they break me out of bad habits that I love doing. I hate never getting to call guys cuz I'm bored anymore. I really gotta find a hobby.... Anyway, I have decided that I really need me time right now. I need to focus on me me me and not guy 1 guy 2 guy 3. So far so good. I still talk to this guy though who is a real sweetie. i dont' see us going anywhere, but he is a good friend. I try out all "The Rules" on him. So far so good. The more i pull back, the more he comes towards me......the more I act nonchalent, the more he wonders why.... I still dun see any sparks flying, but I kinda like it like that....and the saga continues