*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

They don't got phones in Texas these days? :lachen: :rolleyes:

You know!

Negros really should know by now that with all this technology, they have NO excuse for being M.I.A.

Traveling? You got a cell.
Don't wanna use up your minutes? Send a text.
Don't have unlimited texting? Find a computer and send an email.

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Mr Vacation just sent me a message after having not picked up the phone since he's been back in town. Of course I haven't called him :)

Here's his message:
Out of curiousity, was it something I said?

My response:

I didn't get the impression that you were feeling me. A woman knows when a man is truly interested and I didn't get that from you. I deserve to be courted, not have a man kind of fit me in to his schedule. I made it a point to call you to stay connected whereas you didn't do the same besides a few text messages in the last few weeks. I'm looking for someone that is able to make me a priority, not an option.

In any case Jay, good luck with your search. I hope you find that special someone :)


That's what I'm talking about. I told someone something like that once.
Couldn't shake that dude for a minute after I said that.
Mr Vacation just sent me a message after having not picked up the phone since he's been back in town. Of course I haven't called him :)

Here's his message:
Out of curiousity, was it something I said?

My response:

I didn't get the impression that you were feeling me. A woman knows when a man is truly interested and I didn't get that from you. I deserve to be courted, not have a man kind of fit me in to his schedule. I made it a point to call you to stay connected whereas you didn't do the same besides a few text messages in the last few weeks. I'm looking for someone that is able to make me a priority, not an option.

In any case Jay, good luck with your search. I hope you find that special someone :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Awesome response.
Okay, I'm super duper late, but I just bought the book, so I'm game. I read Why Men Love B's, and LOVED IT! It works!

My status- single, not-looking for a man, 22 years old, just graduated college, currently in the process of trying to get out of *** backwards SC in the next 2 months

1) Why are you personally participating in "The Rules" challenge?

Because I'm tired of men playing games, not wanting to commit, wasting my time and emotions, I'm just drained from it all...

My breaking point was when my ex was engaged to be married to another woman after just 8 months of meeting me, granted he was cheating on her, until she conveniently got knocked up.
2) How long do you plan on doing the challenge?

Until marriage

3) Has pursuing men worked for you in the past? Yes? No? (Feel free to explain/elaborate if you wish)

H*** NO!! I set myself up for failure.

4) What do you hope to gain by participating in "The Rules" Challenge?

More common sense and freedom when it comes to dating. I learned alot from Why Men Love B's, it worked for the last guy I dated. Too bad we were in different phases of our lives.

5) When are you starting the challenge?

Well, I will be going to a formal evening affair this weekend. :grin:

Yet, another chance to practice "The Rules"!! :up: I want to see if what the rule book says about not asking men to dance, not looking at men first, and not "hanging around" hoping a guy will ask you to dance is really true. :giggle:

I'll be seeing my infamous "guy friend" I believe at the dance as well. :rolleyes: I'll definitely make sure to apply "The Rules" on him!

I made the mistake of e-mailing him some little joke earlier this week. :wallbash: I guess I felt guilty. (Looong story) But anyway, "The Rules" have been working, because I've been in the BEST of moods lately for about a month! :grin: I finally feel genuinely happy, and I feel like my old self again. I think my guy friend (and guys in general) has definitely noticed! I'm telling you ladies, being happy, care-free, bubbly, and genuinely comfortable with yourself is intoxicating to a man! :lick:

Yeah, so I made a mistake in e-mailing him earlier this week, but I'm dusting myself off and moving on again. I'm really looking forward to the formal affair this weekend. You know, it's funny...ever since I started doing "the Rules", I actually look forward to more "outings" and settings where I can apply "The Rules". ;)

***I'll come back later with an update on how the formal went, and whether or not applying "The Rules" worked in my favor! :D
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IN TOTAL AGREEMENT, and I'm a huge SATC Fan!

Carrie is the least "Rules" girl out of the 4 main characters and that why she "allowed" Mr. Big to string her along for 10 (........I repeat ....:nono:...TEN ..:nono:...long years) long years!

I was so disappointed in the movie for still portarying Carrie as the typical needy woman that had to accept LESS (movie spoiler......he left her at the alter because he did wantn't a big wedding with carrie...yet Mr Big had a big engagement party at the Plaza and public wedding along with Scoiety page announcement with the other chick) just to GET her man!

If the situation was reverse....Mr. Big would never had hang around (thru affairs and even a marriage to someone else) "hoping" that someday Carrie would come to her senses and "chose him". :blush:

Movies like this can spoil things for women. I used to think that you had to really work to get a man interested.

Love and Basketball is another example. My "Rules" persona just isn't feeling the ending.
Too much exposure. Overtime, if you're the one doing most of the talking, it doesn't leave him wanting more; there's no mystery, and you begin to look like an open book :look:. If he's the one doing most of the talking, you'll probably start seeing him as chatty man and begin losing respect for him :drunk:. At some point, it will all become too much, and one of you will begin to avoid the other person's phone calls. Or one will begin to force the conversations to end sooner, and the other person will feel hurt because they'd gotten used to the long phone chats. They may even think the other person doesn't like them as much anymore or is seeing someone else, and it probably will be true.

Also, when you spend so much time talking with someone, especially if you do it frequently or too early in the relationship, you run a higher risk of "baring your soul" and sharing your deepest wishes, fears, and secrets. This makes you highly vulnerable to emotional pain/trauma if the relationship doesn't work out the way you'd hoped it would. This risk is the same for anyone you correspond with in that way, not just male suitors.

If a man, a potential husband, wants to spend 10+ minutes talking with you, keep the phone conversations short so that he will requests more dates with you. You want to see each other's faces (and demeanor) while you bond. That is how you will truly be able to determine whether the person is right for your or not. If he's not inviting you to meet with him via dates, you don't want to waste your time with him because he's not into you.

I used to be into long conversations, but after doing the casual dating thing, I'm tired of it. I actually prefer to keep things short and sweet.

I have friends who will always keep me on the phone for hours. So sometimes when they call and I know I have stuff to do, I don't answer. I also watch when I call them back because I know that it'll be a long evening on the phone. I think men might see it the same way. In the beginning it's fun, but it's easy to get tired of talking to someone for hours on the phone every night. With exes we'd run out of stuff to talk about, and the excitement of hearing their voice on the phone would fizzle. When you know the convo will be short and sweet, you are always looking forward to catching that person on the phone.
Well, I will be going to a formal evening affair this weekend. :grin:

Yet, another chance to practice "The Rules"!! :up: I want to see if what the rule book says about not asking men to dance, not looking at men first, and not "hanging around" hoping a guy will ask you to dance is really true. :giggle:

I'll be seeing my infamous "guy friend" I believe at the dance as well. :rolleyes: I'll definitely make sure to apply "The Rules" on him!

I made the mistake of e-mailing him some little joke earlier this week. :wallbash: I guess I felt guilty. (Looong story) But anyway, "The Rules" have been working, because I've been in the BEST of moods lately for about a month! :grin: I finally feel genuinely happy, and I feel like my old self again. I think my guy friend (and guys in general) has definitely noticed! I'm telling you ladies, being happy, care-free, bubbly, and genuinely comfortable with yourself is intoxicating to a man! :lick:

Yeah, so I made a mistake in e-mailing him earlier this week, but I'm dusting myself off and moving on again. I'm really looking forward to the formal affair this weekend. You know, it's funny...ever since I started doing "the Rules", I actually look forward to more "outings" and settings where I can apply "The Rules". ;)

***I'll come back later with an update on how the formal went, and whether or not applying "The Rules" worked in my favor! :D

I'm keeping with The Rules over here too. No more going out of my way to catch a guy's attention. I've been hit on QUITE a bit just out and about doing my own thing, minding my own business, so I know that if a man's feeling you, he'll speak first.

I've been trying to school my friend on The Rules, but she isn't hearing it. She was in the library and saw this cute guy and spoke to him first. They chatted for a good while and he didn't ask for her number. She calls me and is upset that he didn't make an effort to keep in touch with her. She said he really looked like he wanted to ask for her number, and she questioned if she should have made the first mood because he looked too nervous to ask.

I explained The Rules to her but she isn't hearing it. According to her, sometimes men need a push in the right direction...okay:rolleyes:

Just because he was nice to her and they had a nice long conversation doesn't mean he's into her like that. She spoke, and he engaged in what he considered a friendly and cordial conversation. Men do that. Women do that. I do that. I've been fooled too many times thinking that a man being overly nice means he's into me. Let him be a man and do the work.
Today, I overheard a guy saying that he knew within 3 dates with his fiance that she was the one. They were engaged 3-4 months after they first met. It's not that hard. If a guy wants you, nothing will stop him from getting at you! There's no need to rationalize that men need a "push." If a guy needs a push to talk to me, then I'm not the one for him and he's a next! The problem is we as women want what we want and will do anything to "get him to notice us." Unfortunately, even if that works short term, he will leave you when he finds what he was really interested in all along.

Ladies, we are fabulous and men are wired to respond to us i.e. chase us, not the other way around.
^^^I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of short courtships, seriously....

I used to think it would take years to get comfortable enough to marry someone. Then I realized that we all change over time. What you need to know before you marry someone are their values and character, and MOST importantly if you both have similar goals in life. That doesn't necessarily take more than 6 months to figure out. I keep hearing of people with similar stories. A classmate of mine was introduced to his wife through their parents and after a short courtship of figuring out if they wanted the same things in life, they got engaged and married a year later.

I would not be surprised if I became engaged to someone within six months of dating. :yep: However, I would still probably opt for a year long engagement.
I used to think it would take years to get comfortable enough to marry someone. Then I realized that we all change over time. What you need to know before you marry someone are their values and character, and MOST importantly if you both have similar goals in life. That doesn't necessarily take more than 6 months to figure out. I keep hearing of people with similar stories. A classmate of mine was introduced to his wife through their parents and after a short courtship of figuring out if they wanted the same things in life, they got engaged and married a year later.

I would not be surprised if I became engaged to someone within six months of dating. :yep: However, I would still probably opt for a year long engagement.

I'm too young to be getting married within the next few years, but I'd really like to know if SO has the same goals as I do by month six... I'm just so wary of talking to him about it since it's too early to get married and I don't want him to think I want that right now and run off.

Ahh well.
I used to think it would take years to get comfortable enough to marry someone. Then I realized that we all change over time. What you need to know before you marry someone are their values and character, and MOST importantly if you both have similar goals in life. That doesn't necessarily take more than 6 months to figure out. I keep hearing of people with similar stories. A classmate of mine was introduced to his wife through their parents and after a short courtship of figuring out if they wanted the same things in life, they got engaged and married a year later.

I would not be surprised if I became engaged to someone within six months of dating. :yep: However, I would still probably opt for a year long engagement.

Yeah... I'd have no problem with an engagement that soon and then there's still time to plan the wedding and all of that. So it would still end up being at least a year for me!

Like you said, if two people are on the same page about where they are in life and where they want to be (and are of similar character), then why wait for years (unless you're in undergrad)?

Looking back at some past relationships, I've said, "Wow, there's no way I would have accepted an engagement ring from him after six months!" But I realize it's because there were red flags MUCH earlier that I simply ignored and we weren't on the same page in terms of goals for the relationship, so no wonder I was hesitant!

But with the right one, there wouldn't be that type of concern (as those who've been through a quick courtship always tell me)!
Yeah... I'd have no problem with an engagement that soon and then there's still time to plan the wedding and all of that. So it would still end up being at least a year for me!

Like you said, if two people are on the same page about where they are in life and where they want to be (and are of similar character), then why wait for years (unless you're in undergrad)?

Looking back at some past relationships, I've said, "Wow, there's no way I would have accepted an engagement ring from him after six months!" But I realize it's because there were red flags MUCH earlier that I simply ignored and we weren't on the same page in terms of goals for the relationship, so no wonder I was hesitant!

But with the right one, there wouldn't be that type of concern (as those who've been through a quick courtship always tell me)!

I think that being older has something to do with it. When you have lived a little and matured, you have such a greater understanding of yourself and your needs. What you thought you had to have at 20, you realize you dont need at 30. And you can weed those guys out who dont fit. :yep: Im not even the same person at 28 that I was at 21. When I think about some of the dudes I obsessed over :wallbash:
MOST men I know have admitted to this: they knew within days whether or not they wanted to marry their wives. The reverse is true too.

A man knows what he wants when *he* is ready to get married. Either the woman has it or she doesn't (if she is grown and not still in school). That is why a lot of men marry and hope that their wives don't change while a lot of women get married hoping he'll change x,y,z about him.

Today, I overheard a guy saying that he knew within 3 dates with his fiance that she was the one. They were engaged 3-4 months after they first met. It's not that hard. If a guy wants you, nothing will stop him from getting at you! There's no need to rationalize that men need a "push." If a guy needs a push to talk to me, then I'm not the one for him and he's a next! The problem is we as women want what we want and will do anything to "get him to notice us." Unfortunately, even if that works short term, he will leave you when he finds what he was really interested in all along.

Ladies, we are fabulous and men are wired to respond to us i.e. chase us, not the other way around.
MOST men I know have admitted to this: they knew within days whether or not they wanted to marry their wives. The reverse is true too.

A man knows what he wants when *he* is ready to get married. Either the woman has it or she doesn't (if she is grown and not still in school). That is why a lot of men marry and hope that their wives don't change while a lot of women get married hoping he'll change x,y,z about him.

Yeah...seems like the trick is catching them after they're ready. Otherwise from what I've seen, it won't matter whether the woman is perfect for him or not, he's not looking for his wife yet.

Don't know what I think about people who say that a man will change and become ready for the right woman, though. Maybe that's more true of men in their late 20s and beyond.

As far as short courtships are concerned, it seems like getting that question answered (either directly or just by picking up the clues) helps people to quickly sort out exactly what they're looking for from one another and whether the other person fits.
Great thread! I was an unofficial rules girl, and my dh said chasing and getting me was the hardest thing he's ever had to do. :lachen:

What I love most about rules dating is that it not only weeds out the losers, but it trains you to have higher expectations, which then leads to better treatment.

Me and my dh were became good friends for about a year, then he told me his intentions to marry me, and THEN we went out on our first date. :yep: During the friendship/getting to know you phase, I never called him unless I was returning his call. I didn't date at all, so the only time he got to see me was when we were out in a group or at church. It was very hard for both of us, but I'm glad I did it because even my dh said that it challenged him to be a better man.
I used to think it would take years to get comfortable enough to marry someone. Then I realized that we all change over time. What you need to know before you marry someone are their values and character, and MOST importantly if you both have similar goals in life. That doesn't necessarily take more than 6 months to figure out. I keep hearing of people with similar stories. A classmate of mine was introduced to his wife through their parents and after a short courtship of figuring out if they wanted the same things in life, they got engaged and married a year later.

I would not be surprised if I became engaged to someone within six months of dating. :yep: However, I would still probably opt for a year long engagement.

:yep: My dh said he knew I was the one after about a month of knowing me. It took me a few months, but that's because I was fighting it.:lachen:Once he told me his intentions, we dated for a few months, got engaged, then got married about 8 months later.
Ok....someone else may have mentioned this, but I picked up the RULES II book from the library this weekend and it is great!

I just started reading it last tonight, but the first chapter was on the DO's and DON'T OF GETTING BACK WITH AN EX......this is a godsend for anyone who tend to start reminiscing during the upcoming holiday season.

Other useful “real world” relationship topics include office romances, long distance relationships, the engagements, etc.

Just wanted to share! :grin:
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What's the rule:

If you go on a lunch date and the guy asked you out to happy hour the same day. Do you go or do you say you have plans?
What's the rule:

If you go on a lunch date and the guy asked you out to happy hour the same day. Do you go or do you say you have plans?

I haven't read the whole book, I'm sure it would probably say not to do that.

The guy is supposed to assume that you have a busy life and he can't expect you to just be available for him without advance notice.
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What's the rule:

If you go on a lunch date and the guy asked you out to happy hour the same day. Do you go or do you say you have plans?

According to the book- you have plans. He can't enjoy your company without at least 2-3 days notice (someone correct me if I'm wrong on the time frame).
Ok....someone lese may have mentioned this, but I picked up the RULES II book from the library this weekend and it is great!

I just started reading it last tonight, but the first chapter was on the DO's and DON'T OF GETTING BACK WITH AN EX......this is a godsend for anyone who tend to start reminiscing during the upcoming holiday season.

Other useful “real world” relationship topics include office romances, long distance relationships, the engagements, etc.

Just wanted to share! :grin:

I have it, but haven't picked it up to read yet- glad to know it's just as good! :grin:
Today, I overheard a guy saying that he knew within 3 dates with his fiance that she was the one. They were engaged 3-4 months after they first met. It's not that hard. If a guy wants you, nothing will stop him from getting at you! There's no need to rationalize that men need a "push." If a guy needs a push to talk to me, then I'm not the one for him and he's a next! The problem is we as women want what we want and will do anything to "get him to notice us." Unfortunately, even if that works short term, he will leave you when he finds what he was really interested in all along.

Ladies, we are fabulous and men are wired to respond to us i.e. chase us, not the other way around.

You hit the nail right on the head with this one. I just told someone last week, if a man wants you then he will go through hell and high water to get and keep you. Period.
I don't know if this has been touched on in this thread or not but I read two books similar to "The Rules". They are titled "Why Men Love B&*ches" and "Why Men Marry B&*ches".... Don't take the titles literally. The author, a woman, is not teaching you how to be a b&*ch nor is she implying that men love actual b&*ches. The tone of the books basically show and prove how when women are less clingy, "applying the rules", men chase them.

Here is a link to her site: http://www.whymenlove*****es.com/

I don't know if this has been touched on in this thread or not but I read two books similar to "The Rules". They are titled "Why Men Love B&*ches" and "Why Men Marry B&*ches".... Don't take the titles literally. The author, a woman, is not teaching you how to be a b&*ch nor is she implying that men love actual b&*ches. The tone of the books basically show and prove how when women are less clingy, "applying the rules", men chase them.

Here is a link to her site: http://www.whymenlove*****es.com/

I've owned both these books for quite some time now.
I love them.
I don't know if this has been touched on in this thread or not but I read two books similar to "The Rules". They are titled "Why Men Love B&*ches" and "Why Men Marry B&*ches".... Don't take the titles literally. The author, a woman, is not teaching you how to be a b&*ch nor is she implying that men love actual b&*ches. The tone of the books basically show and prove how when women are less clingy, "applying the rules", men chase them.

Here is a link to her site: http://www.whymenlove*****es.com/

Yeah, there's a different thread about WMLB somewhere in here.

I really enjoyed it.
So why did I just notice yesterday that the book I have contains The Rules I and II, LOL. I had no idea.

The further I get into this book, the more I'm like "damn, I did that. And that. Whoa, did that like 5 times. :wallbash:

I swear, I will NOT be making these same mistakes next time around.