Spinoff: Naturals, Would You Relax Your Hair For $1M??

Would you relax your hair for $1M?

  • Heck yes, it's just hair! Gimme the money!

    Votes: 291 92.4%
  • No, I love my natural hair too much to do that.

    Votes: 13 4.1%
  • Other (explain in thread)

    Votes: 11 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wait... where and who is this money coming from?
Seems like Lucifer might be involved :heated::angeldevi

I was thinking the same thing!

As broke as I am and as much as my hair is frustrating me right now- I'd relax my coochie hair for a million dollars let alone the hair on my head. As a matter of fact, I'd do it for much less.....Lord I need some money

Hahahaha...girl, I'm laughing but I know the feeling!:perplexed
Lol yes. I'd just grow it out. I'm not far along. And shoot, i'd have a million dollars. So i'd be able to afford what ever it is that I need to enjoy my HHJ. Yup. Thanks 1mil please.
I didn't read the entire thread but I going to assume anyone who said no is already well into the 8 figure club.

And yes, I'd relax it now. Just make me an offer. :)
LOL guys!!! Don't read too much into it, it's just a fun question. No, no one is going to take back the money. No, it's not monopoly money, yes it's TAX FREE, NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Just slap on some fire cream one time and you're set!

I wonder who said no,and will they come explain why?
Are you guys picturing one million one dollar bills stacked up liike I am??!! It helps to do that.:yep:
i said no and im serious about it. a million is nice but it would be just my luck i would relax and burn my scalp so bad i couldnt grow hair at all. keep in mind i have never had a scalp burn but i am so afraid of having one. i do not play with my scalp. ive seen pictures that have scared me straight for real.
i always tell people when they try to get me to do something "it would be just my luck" lmao.
LOL guys!!! Don't read too much into it, it's just a fun question. No, no one is going to take back the money. No, it's not monopoly money, yes it's TAX FREE, NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Just slap on some fire cream one time and you're set!
:giggle: people wanna know about these monies:lol:
No strings attached money? Lay that creamy crack on my strands until they dissolve completely then! Hair grows, money doesn't!!!!
I sure would. And after all my affairs with school and whatnot were set in order, I'd buy some banging lacefronts and loads of conditioner to start transitioning back.
Hell yeah!:grin: No checks...cash only (10's and 20's please). Then I would start my transition immediately, complete with lots of hair vitamins and growth aids.
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:giggle: people wanna know about these monies:lol:

Shoot....Next thing you know
I get "Yes We Can" bills instead of the real thing

You bet your booty I would! I'd transition afterwards then buy as many hair products as possible off of the interest I would earn :yep:
To add one caveat to the initial question:

What if you were told you had to keep your hair relaxed for 1 year?
That's still a shorter time than it would take me to pay off my student loans. So the answer is still yes :yep:

To answer all other possible questions. Haircut? *Coochieness voice* My bangs b!tch. Color? Get the bleach, heaux. Bad weave? Throw some tracks on that ish. I will be Permedb@ldhe@dedbleachedweavedup-storm in this mugg :look:
As long as I didn't have to commit to being relaxed for life but it was just this one off dare and I was going to get that dough right now, hell yeah! You have no idea how much I hate bills.

If it weren't for the fact that relaxed hair isn't as versatile as natural 4B (and therefore rather boring to me)...and the fact that staying relaxed (to me) means always
  • having to deal with two textures not too long after a touch up :wallbash:
  • having to worry about whether the next touchup would be perfect (not under- or over-processed) :crazy:
  • dreading having a burned scalp :perplexed
  • hoping that the formula of the relaxer never changes so I can get the same results every time :look:
  • feeling like my hair now with broken bonds needs extra TLC that my natural one wouldn't
  • having to rely on someone for the maintenance of my hair coz I can't see my entire head to avoid overlap during touchups...

...I really have no issues with relaxing. As crazy as this may sound, the chemicals don't even scare me as much as "all the work" I just mentioned that goes into maintaining relaxed hair. When I relaxed my hair in the past, it was only because I believed that's how I'd be able to grow my hair long because the straight hair would not get caught in my comb and break the way my natural hair used to before I learned to never comb it dry.

So yes, I'd sacrifice my hair once for a million bucks to be rid of bills for life. *Nonie lights up after an orgasmic scream of excitement :yahoo: having lost herself in the fantasy that bills could be history for such small price* :dork:

Edited to add:
To add one caveat to the initial question:

What if you were told you had to keep your hair relaxed for 1 year?

@Incognitus Yes, I'd put up with the relaxed hair for a year.

That's still a shorter time than it would take me to pay off my student loans. So the answer is still yes :yep:

To answer all other possible questions. Haircut? *Coochieness voice* My bangs b!tch. Color? Get the bleach, heaux. Bad weave? Throw some tracks on that ish. I will be Permedb@ldhe@dedbleachedweavedup-storm in this mugg :look:

nappystorm, you and I are so >>here<<. :grin:
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Um yes sir ree bob! I'm rocking a twa right now so it would be nothing to start all over again! I'll take a mil, probably less too...
i said no and im serious about it. a million is nice but it would be just my luck i would relax and burn my scalp so bad i couldnt grow hair at all. keep in mind i have never had a scalp burn but i am so afraid of having one. i do not play with my scalp. ive seen pictures that have scared me straight for real.
i always tell people when they try to get me to do something "it would be just my luck" lmao.

Meh, thats what lacefronts are for:giggle:
I'd just like to say: with the recession we are in, the college loans owed and the pertinent need for some money. As long as it's a legitimate offer, and I see the money in my bank account first, yep..let's go!!
This is not a would I, but a: I better take it!! Heck it's hair, it will grow back. Besides with all the tips I've learn't here, who knows I could rock it for as long as the deal entitled and have it be ultra healthy too.

yessir, gimme the dough!
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To add one caveat to the initial question:

What if you were told you had to keep your hair relaxed for 1 year?
Shoot, I would still do it and cut that mess off right after the one year mark. :lachen:Plus, I would stretch my relaxers so I wouldn't have to do it often.

This thread is awesome by the way.:lachen::lachen:
Like most people said, YES!

Pass me the Affirm and my check while I take my butt to the bank and then to the Audi dealership!!
i said no and im serious about it. a million is nice but it would be just my luck i would relax and burn my scalp so bad i couldnt grow hair at all. keep in mind i have never had a scalp burn but i am so afraid of having one. i do not play with my scalp. ive seen pictures that have scared me straight for real.
i always tell people when they try to get me to do something "it would be just my luck" lmao.

it might be just your luck that the hair would burn, but girl think about the luck of someone paying you 1,000,000 (count the zeros girl) to perm your hair. that's a once in a life time opportunity! slather it on for 5 minutes and wash it out. you can buy as much Alter Ego and whale sperm as you need to deal with any possible shedding afterwards. :lachen:

ETA: If you get that offer and choose to pass it just PM a sister. i'll show you what to do with $1,000,000 :yep:
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:lol: Fun question. On the one hand, I'm not the kind to do anything for money period, so probably not. On the other hand, since relaxer never really "took" in my [low porosity] hair, transitioning back would be easy. But then again, whoever is giving the million might not believe that I relaxed in the first place, :lol:.
Even if I didn't need the money myself I would perm my hair, crotch and underarms if it was required. I could pay some bills of loved ones who are struggling, set up scholarships for needy students, work with my church to help people in need, pay someone's medical bills, help famililes who lost everything in a fire or other catastrophe, etc, etc etc. And since I don't have it like that, I could pay all my bills, invest a little and still help others around me. I think it is easier to respond "no" to a hypothetical situation but if this situation presented itself in real life, 100% of us would take the perm and the check.

Someone check me into the nearest psych ward if I ever turned down a mil for some hair!!!!
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:sekret: ya'll know someone that's making this offer?

lol but yes in a heartbeat, i'd do it for way less to. Heck i'd even rock the relaxed hair for a while. I don't know if I'd do another transition, so maybe a bc and if i didn't like it with a mil i could buy some nice wigs