Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with kids??

Have or Would you ever let go of a GOOD MAN because he's not the BEST MAN for you?

  • Yes, in a heartbeat

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Yes, only after counseling and exhausting all other options

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • No-If he's a good husband/father then we'll make it work

    Votes: 17 63.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
This is a Spinoff of another thread about leaving a Good man to find the Best man for you....I'm curious to know from a different perspective-Ladies who are married with kids....

You're married to an excellent husband and father to your children but something is just not there fully to click it all into place? The relationship between the two of you is just no longer working out but all else is good. You work well together as a family and partners in life.

Have or Would you ever let go of a GOOD MAN because he's not the BEST MAN for you?

Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

As a wife & mom, I don't see myself being able to walk away from my marriage and upsetting the entire family unit just because there weren't fireworks anymore. In marriage, you don't (or aren't supposed to) have the same luxury of just giving up as you would unmarried.

If he was an excellent husband, certainly we could find a way to reconcile any disconnect between us and do what was neccessary to both be happy.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

This is a Spinoff of another thread about leaving a Good man to find the Best man for you....I'm curious to know from a different perspective-Ladies who are married with kids....

You're married to an excellent husband and father to your children but something is just not there fully to click it all into place? The relationship between the two of you is just no longer working out but all else is good. You work well together as a family and partners in life.

Have or Would you ever let go of a GOOD MAN because he's not the BEST MAN for you?


He's not just a good man, he is your husband. Regardless of the differences, you are supposed to work it out. Why introduce other people( boyfriends, girlfriends, step kids, etc.) in the mix?

Get some therapy, read some books, do whatever it takes to make it click again. Now if he is crazy and mollywhopping you upside your head, that's another thread.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

This is how I ended up with my dh. His ex stepped out on him thinking the grass was greener. By the time she learned her lesson it was too late.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

This is how I ended up with my dh. His ex stepped out on him thinking the grass was greener. By the time she learned her lesson it was too late.

I think this is a problem with people (male & female) believing that there is something more exciting out there... When you go to the other side to check out the grass it turns out to be fake manufactored:lachen::lachen: u get my drift.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

I think it would honestly depend on what the problem was between us. If we were going through a down period, then no. If it was more serious, something that counseling couldn't fix, I might have to think about it.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

A "good man" wouldn't hit or cheat on you. I'm not married but with regard to this thread I think if it ain't broke, don't fix it. How would you know something is better than what you have unless you''re looking, something I don't individuals should do if they're married(by looking I mean something more than glancing at someone you think is attractive. To think someone is "better" for you, you have to get a little more in depth than a look).
This question also makes me think of Tyler Perry's movie Why Did I Get Married and the 80/20 rule.
I'm just saying that that's a lot to put your family through because you may POTENTIALLY want something else and if you have that attitude, you shouldn't have gotten married to begin with.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

This is how I ended up with my dh. His ex stepped out on him thinking the grass was greener. By the time she learned her lesson it was too late.


Hilarious!!! I have this discussion with friends and some women do think the grass is greener and believe in fantasy relationships-which is why I posed this question. I thought I was the crazy one :perplexed
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

My first instinct is to say no. As a married woman I believe you should do everything to make it work. I do believe the children involved has a right to grow up in a two parent home. Why would you deprive the children of that if you didn't have to. I do believe children are better off in life in a two parent home. I do believe there are numerous of ways to make a relationship work sexually, emotiontionally, physically, common goals, hobbies, I think there are ways that you have to sacrifice and still come out happy. BUT IF you must leave and depending on how old the children are I believe it is better to leave now rather than later. If this man doesn't satisfy you anymore physically or whatever reason you feel you aren't compatible anymore, I don't feel that you should have to live the rest of your life unsatisfied. Sometimes you may be missing out on what you really want in life. Life is too short for you to stay somewhere or do something that you don't want to.
It is a gamble so just beware that what you are looking for may not be close around you, in the same city, etc. I think about this all of the time.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

If he is a good man, he would do anything in his power to make it work and you should do the same.

A lot of woman throw away the good man and then when they get dogged out they want that good man back and he has moved on to a real good woman.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

If he is a good man, he would do anything in his power to make it work and you should do the same.

A lot of woman throw away the good man and then when they get dogged out they want that good man back and he has moved on to a real good woman.

:yep: I so agree....
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

No, we were in love when we married right? If he's a good man and father, then why would I throw all that away? We will have to work on finding out what made us fall in love in the first place and go back to that. Starting dating each other again.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

this is when we would start doing stuff like counseling and tantric sex lessons lol.
But the idea of a man being a great father is always a turn on for me so I cant see that happening with my fdh
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

Nope. I would just haver to keep at it to make it work. It would be just my lucky that I would leave him and the next dude would seem perfect for a while then all of a sudden he's not a fit either...nope..I cant even set my self up for that kind of mess.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

My first instinct is to say no. As a married woman I believe you should do everything to make it work. I do believe the children involved has a right to grow up in a two parent home. Why would you deprive the children of that if you didn't have to. I do believe children are better off in life in a two parent home. I do believe there are numerous of ways to make a relationship work sexually, emotiontionally, physically, common goals, hobbies, I think there are ways that you have to sacrifice and still come out happy. BUT IF you must leave and depending on how old the children are I believe it is better to leave now rather than later. If this man doesn't satisfy you anymore physically or whatever reason you feel you aren't compatible anymore, I don't feel that you should have to live the rest of your life unsatisfied. Sometimes you may be missing out on what you really want in life. Life is too short for you to stay somewhere or do something that you don't want to.
It is a gamble so just beware that what you are looking for may not be close around you, in the same city, etc. I think about this all of the time.

Absolutely. I'm not sticking around the rest of my life being unhappy to keep up some façade of a relationship. Once you've exhausted all of your options and gave the relationship ample time to correct itself (I'm talking a year or two, not just a few months) then it's time to dump the dead weight. Life's too short and if your mate doesn't want to do the things to make you happy, IMO he's not considered a really good man for you. His actions speak for themselves.

And this is someone talking from experience.
Re: Spinoff from another thread-Would you leave a Good Man if you are married with ki

I would not. For me, it's more than just about me. My kids haven't done anything to deserve not having a father in the home. For me, I feel as though I could give up many years for my life to insure that my kids have the childhood I feel they deserve.

Now, this is said for a good man as in good father, good, faithful, non abusive, hard working husband not just a husband. Now once the kids have grown up and moved out then at that time I might reconsider.

As a child from a divorced home with many stepparents I will do anything in my power to insure my child are raised in a two parent home with their two parents.