
Well-Known Member
What are your experiences in dating Pisces...

I am currently involved with one and heard good and bad things about them. Let's share!
The last pisces I dated hit me. I was in high school then. His next girlfriend, he hit her too. She often had nose bleeds as a result.
My baby is a Pices. :-) All is well with us. I am not big on the ZOdiac stuff. I think some of it may hold true but not all of it. I have dated other Pices...but this time is different somehow...we mess well. I am a capricorn.
The last pisces I dated hit me. I was in high school then. His next girlfriend, he hit her too. She often had nose bleeds as a result.

Well, damn. :perplexed

Glad you got out of it.

As for me, I like Pisces men. They're fun to be around, but they're difficult to pin down. Very slippery characters.... like fish. :yep:

I dated one while in college and I don't think I've ever clicked so well with anyone else. I think that if he had chosen to seriously pursue a relationship with me, I would have went along with it, which is saying a lot because I had serious commitment phobia in college. However, he was the type of person where there would be like month-long periods that we would see each other frequently, talk on the phone for hours at a time, and enjoy each others company, and then stretches of time that he might as well have just dropped off the face of the earth.

Looking back, I know its because he wasn't trying to settle down, and I'm definitely a "settle down" type of girl. At the time I just found him shady and unreliable. :lachen:I learned more about him after we stopped dating because we've became good friends.

And they are sensitive! OMGosh, they are so sensitive. And they won't show it.... at least he wouldn't. It took me awhile before I was able to see when he was bothered by something because he kept that type of stuff to himself.
My baby is a Pices. :-) All is well with us. I am not big on the ZOdiac stuff. I think some of it may hold true but not all of it. I have dated other Pices...but this time is different somehow...we mess well. I am a capricorn.

I'm dating one too and I'm a capricorn as well. All is well with us :yep:
My on-again off-again SO is a pisces. On and off since '02.
I'm a leo/fire sign and he's a water sign. And we mix just like fire and water. When I'm up, his elusiveness brings me down and I can get him so angry with the smallest thing.

I'm trying, but it's so aggravating. I never know what's going on. Like, if someone were to ask me where he and I stand right now I couldn't give them a straight answer. He doesn't openly express his feelings to me. And I don't have the patience to try to figure him out. :wallbash:
I'm a Pisces and I briefly dated a friend of mine who was a Pisces. I could talk to him all day everyday about anything. I think we were better as friends. He was a wonderful person.

I'm now dating a Leo and it is really interesting. The good thing is that I'm very open and up front about how I feel.
My SO is a Pisces and all is well with us~ I am a scorpio. Pisceas can be a handful but you gotta know how to handle them :look:
I find them to be very sexy :lick:
My current BF is technically an Aries, but is on the cusp w/ Pisces. I'm a Virgo.

For the most part I see that he means well and does well. I have the tendency to be pretty short-tempered and sometimes I purposely try and get on this negro's nerves :ohwell::look: But he always claims that he can handle it and is patient. And he is...we makeup very nicely :yep::look::lick:

I've always attracted P-men, but they'd get on my nerves w/ they're private/secretive nature. What I realize is that they're just more nonverbal. And actually I am too and tend to just be intuitive about things. So once you have a connection w/ them, things that may seem as private, actually open up in different ways. The best thing you can do is let them chill and come your way. Otherwise they'll curl up like a turtle.
I am a Pisces and have dated a few Pisces and both were very emotionally intense relationships. Pisces are very moody and emotional people. They can also be very flighty and indecisive. They tend to fall in love easily and when they do they fall HARD. They can be very loving and caring but if you hurt them, they will lash out at you. My best match so far has been with Virgos. I'm on number 3 and he is wonderful. :grin:
And they are sensitive! OMGosh, they are so sensitive. And they won't show it.... at least he wouldn't. It took me awhile before I was able to see when he was bothered by something because he kept that type of stuff to himself.

I agree! They will get their feelings hurt in a second. Myself included. You have some who put up a wall and act like it doesn't phase them but it does. And then you have the Pisces that get upset (and possibly cry) all the time because they're too sensitive. The latter usually turns into the former over time.
I agree! They will get their feelings hurt in a second. Myself included. You have some who put up a wall and act like it doesn't phase them but it does. And then you have the Pisces that get upset (and possibly cry) all the time because they're too sensitive. The latter usually turns into the former over time.

This is me...(bolded)
We are very sensitive and you have to handle Pisces with care, especially men. They bottle things up and turn cold on you in a heartbeat.
But we are awesome :drunk:
This is me...(bolded)
We are very sensitive and you have to handle Pisces with care, especially men. They bottle things up and turn cold on you in a heartbeat.
But we are awesome :drunk:

:yep: When I was a child I used to cry at the drop of a hat. Once I got older I grew out of it. My father is also a Pisces and he said he was that way as a child and his father broke him out of it quickly. Now I rarely cry. Unless I'm steaming mad and frustrated. I'll be screaming and you'll see tears streaming down my face.
I dated a pisces and they are fun! Sexually great! unless he has a small penis! Even then you can have a good time as they aim to please. A little close minded people. He was sweet at first but then he was a dog, emotionally unstable, jealous, when he was in a bad mood he would put me in one even if I felt great. He was funny, liked to get up and go out, very curious person but sort of timid when if comes to new things. THis was one guy who if he did you wrong he would more than make up for it; but he would manipulate. BTW I'm a Leo! I got me a Sag now and I'm in heaven.
I have never dated a pisces but does it seem like pisces and scorpios are very similar in some ways? My sis is a pisces and my SO is a scorpio and I always think that their ways are so similar. I have to be careful what I say and how I say it with them. Maybe bc they are water signs. I tease my SO and always say yall are the cry babies of the zodiac signs :).
My baby is a Pices. :-) All is well with us. I am not big on the ZOdiac stuff. I think some of it may hold true but not all of it. I have dated other Pices...but this time is different somehow...we mess well. I am a capricorn.

I'm a Capricorn too and my baby is a Pisces and everything seems to be going TOO well.

I'm not complaining though. :look:
Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.
Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.

Girl, let THAT frustration out!!! hahaha

Well, I've dated a Pisces in my early 20's late teens and he was the BEST. Although we never was in a relationship, his personality was funny, sincere, open-minded. Too bad we were both young and I wanted to date other people and I felt he was cramping my style. I still think about him from time to time though.

My now SO is a Pisces and I can see many similarities between him and the other Pisces. For the most part he is wonderful and seem to know his way with women, he is moody and sometime hard to read.
I'm glad you're having luck with him Blkbeauty. This is the very first time I ever dated one. I'm sorry but when I first saw your thread I HIGH TAILED it right on over here! LOL :lachen:

I have to say they are open-minded and I enjoy that alot in him. But just like someone else said, there will be days when we are talking for hours and hours on the phone and then BOOM, he'll disappear for days. I used to try to keep up with him but not anymore.:nono: And sometimes when your around them they will blank out and go somewhere mentally. I don't appreciate that either. Also he is so preoccupied with his friends and their problems, I'm left there thinking ummm, buddy, you better pay attention to the problems over here with US!
Found this on the internet....


He is very emotional and always allows himself to be very emotional. He can have a good night's sleep and be in a good mood, but less than few hours at work he can become very moody. He does not understand things or try to understand things easily. If you observe him carefully, you will notice what mood he's in. He is a thinker and able to do well at work and always succeed. He may always look at other people's faults, but he will not talk about it. He has the ability to know your thought and is able to tell you what you're are thinking.

Most of the time, he can remember all his anger as well as the love. These are his important secrets and he will keep them to himself and would never let you know. He is not a very ambitious man and does not care less about his position in society. Wealth does not interest him, because he is not greedy man and also he believes that it's not something that will last. He may not be too worried about his future. He does not like to fight against all odds, but instead goes with the flow and tries to simplify his life. Sometimes because he likes to take a short cut/ easy way out, it may result an unsteady future. He is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. He hates rules and regulations.

He will never look down on people. He is a polite guy and can be very aggressive when he is angry. He would love to believe that he lives in a beautiful world and surrounded by nice people. Therefore if he realises his world is cruel and not what he had expected, he will live in his own world instead. He's also a funny guy, and this is his real weapon. He can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his jokes.

Even when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardly tell if he is angry or sad. He prefers to hide his mask and help other people especially those who need a friend or who are lonely. He will be everything that you want and yet also, everything that you do not want. He has that chance either to make it or to fail. He can be determined to make it work and is capable of doing it well, except that he tend to lost his energy with distractions. And that's how he misses many of his good opportunities.

He can be happy and contented just by himself. To him, what is important is not love, but firm status and stability. He is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener. When he is with you, he wants you to be happy. He understands his partner's emotions. But he also like to take a long rest and sometimes be alone. If he needs to be alone, try not to disturb him. He is can be sensitive, quiet, shy and easily hurt. He wants to feel that he is worthy. He can be angry and noisy, but once he calms down, he will be that happy person again. He is not a jealous or possessive guy. But if he's jealous, he'll hide it.

He has many friends of both sexes, and cares about them. He enjoys having lots of friends, so you should not be jealous or else you will lose him. He likes beautiful things, so if a pretty woman walk by, he will look. Don't get angry at him after knowing this fact. When he is lonely or feeling sad, stay close to comfort him. He doesn't fancy taking advice, so if you want him to listen or to follow your advice, you have to be a good example for him first. He likes a cheerful and a smart woman. If you treat him like he is your special one, then he will be that special person for you. He will trust you if he is in love, but try not to over do it and spoil him too much. You have to know that you are worth all the time too.

PISCES (my little observations..)
Endearing/positive qualities: studious, stable, assuring, learned as their sort of intuitive nature lets them picks up subtle cues very fast.
Qualities that can drive you a bit crazy: jokes with you when you want to discuss serious things, dislike confrontations (especially emotional ones).
Suggested ways to show endearment: don’t be too emotionally demanding. They also practice the cave-crawling method like the Virgos (refer the Virgo section).
Zodiac in which they develop mutual understanding: Cancer and Scorpio.
Zodiac in which a bit challenging and need more patience and understanding: Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius
I dated a pisces and they are fun! Sexually great! unless he has a small penis! Even then you can have a good time as they aim to please. A little close minded people. He was sweet at first but then he was a dog, emotionally unstable, jealous, when he was in a bad mood he would put me in one even if I felt great. He was funny, liked to get up and go out, very curious person but sort of timid when if comes to new things. THis was one guy who if he did you wrong he would more than make up for it; but he would manipulate. BTW I'm a Leo! I got me a Sag now and I'm in heaven.

The only positive I can think of...:rolleyes:

Lordy, lordy, lordy where do I begin. Thanks for this thread cuz I need to vent.

I have been dealing with this PISCES MAN for about 3 years now. Its off and on, off and on. He is MOODY, CHANGEABLE, UNRELIABLE, SNEAKY, and they tend to be addicts of....somthing.
Mine, do I dare claim him?, I think its leaning towards alcoholism and I swear he is a sex addict.

He has given me HELL. Do you hear me, HELL. I have a whole diary filled up with him and his antics. And everytime I try to let go. He drags me back in again, somehow, someway. I have changed all my phone numbers twice, but one constant remains the same, my work number, and he always wiggles his way back through that way.

Positives: Great sex partner, artistic, fun.

I've learned to take him lightly for my own emotional safety. He tells me all this good stuff in my ear but can't back it up with action. And I just don't TRUST him. No way, no how.

But not to discourage you too much, cuz we are the enemies in the zodiac. I'm a Gemini.

Are you my other twin??? I swear you took all the thoughts right out of my mind on down to the diary...i went thru it not too long ago and was mad at myself for dealing with the madness.
I am a gemini my ol faithful is a pisces.....:spinning::drunk: is how i felt during the 10yr on again off again relationship......

geminis definitely dont mix with pisces unless it's sexual...that's just great the rest is hell:yep:
My on-again off-again SO is a pisces. On and off since '02.
I'm a leo/fire sign and he's a water sign. And we mix just like fire and water. When I'm up, his elusiveness brings me down and I can get him so angry with the smallest thing.

I'm trying, but it's so aggravating. I never know what's going on. Like, if someone were to ask me where he and I stand right now I couldn't give them a straight answer. He doesn't openly express his feelings to me. And I don't have the patience to try to figure him out. :wallbash:

I'm a Leo too. The guy that is kind of "feelin" me right now is a Pisces, he gets real close and flirty with me and then backs up a little bit so I am not sure where he is right now but I will not invest any real feelings/emotions in him; I don't feel like I can completely take him seriously.
IDK if all Pisces are great sexually because one of the ones I dated was a BIG disappointment in that area. I couldn't believe it. In every other aspect of our relationship he was wonderful but that right there was the deal breaker. I always thought that statement was true until he came along. :nono: