They are sneaky and manipulative. I will never date another one

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Thank is not even enough. Yes they are very sneaky( well the men). My son father is a pisces and honey the hell I went through with that man. I was reading an article can't remember where but it stated that most con artist are born under the pisces sun , month of march. Not my words only stating what I read but I can't help but to agree because of what I went through with my ex pisces. I am Aquarius with a cancer rising so I could see why him and I got on ok, pisces and cancers mesh together. But the Aqua in me said when I started to notice his ways you got to go NOW.

Sorry for derailing your hread Lucie but lawd I felt the heat rised up in me when I saw the thread title:lachen:. They are such charmers, good with words I can go on but I end here cause I would end up giving you a thieses on them pisces men.
I'm a Scorpio dating a Feb born Pisces. He's sensitive as all get out. I've told him twice in the past month to grow a pair. :look: (His quain sister is always needing him to do something for her.)

He is very sweet though, accomodating, gentle, and affectionate. He's extremely laid back- almost aloof until I've learned to read his eyes.

I'm waiting on the other shoe to drop honestly. He almost seems to be the ying to my yang personality wise.

you sound so much like me right now. i am in like with this pisces man. but i cant read him for nothing. he is very laid back, i really cant call it. i am a scorpio too.
Look y'all. I'm tired of y'all talking bad about Pisces men. I know they can't be THAT bad. :lol:

I am a Pisces. Pisces women are GREAT! How can the men be that different from the women? I've never known a pisces man though.:look:
OMG my first love was a Pisces, he wasn't that bad that I could tell but then again i was young, and we did move fast or maybe it was him. The dude i just was with, my ex was a Pisces. After awhile the thrill and excitement was gone and i was sick of him. He was ready to run get married, have kids which was a big turn off considerin the fact that he wasn't ambitious or goal oriented, didn't have a career that could even support a family on(and wasn't motivated to even strive for more) and had a roommate. We met in April and lets just say by May he was wanting me to come to a cousins wedding and family reunion in July. He was smothering, emotional, sometimes lazy, was a liar, could be a *itch to his friends and pull *itch moves, oh and when he thought he was right about something, he wanted to go against authority(managers, cops etc)= mouthy, addicted to drinking, don't get me wrong i dont mind having a drink every now and then but every restaurant or place we would go to in one night he had to get a drink. And I knew he addicted to drinkin because one time we were hanging out and I had i think some Moscato or some other wine in my refrigerator, he asked me if he could have some, lets just say i took a nap and woke up and this idiot was drinking the wine like it was a beer and finished the bottle. Now that I look back on the relationship both of them were rushed. I'm prayin now after close to a year of us not being together that he will get the hint that we are not getting back together--because yes he has been texting me every month to get back together since we broke up last year in December. And this one was 32 years old. Like someone said if the woman is a fire sign that a Pisces man may not work. I'm a Virgo.

Sorry so long. Don't have problems with Pisces women.
They are dreamers (they don't have a realistic bone in their body), creative, romantic, elusive and sneaky. Givers to a fault and very self sacrificing. They love pretty women. Love making is amazing.

They would rather you take the lead not them. In my experience they don't like to deal with money because of the effort it takes to manage it.

They don't like confrontation and will shut down on you.
you know what, i dated a pisces last year. March 1. After a few weeks of dating, he was talking about getting married and saying he loved me (he didn't really). and he had a gambling addiction! wow..
My ex BF was a pieces. I'm a capricorn and I co-sign with most of the problems/traits identified. Emotional, insecure, jealous, a dreamer etc. He was/is a good guy, but capricorns are practical and don't like overly emotional people. I just couldn't deal with all that drama
They are dreamers (they don't have a realistic bone in their body), creative, romantic, elusive and sneaky. Givers to a fault and very self sacrificing. They love pretty women. Love making is amazing.

They would rather you take the lead not them.
In my experience they don't like to deal with money because of the effort it takes to manage it.

They don't like confrontation and will shut down on you.
Exactly. The bolded is why I could never see myself with one. I've dated 3 Pisces and it never got very far because of that. The emphasis of idealism only makes it worse given the influences in my chart. What's funny is Scorpio women/Pisces men are called one of the more compatible pairings, maybe the other way around but I think a Pisces guy is one of the worst matches for a true Scorpio woman.:yep: Certainly me.:nono:
My ex BF was a pieces. I'm a capricorn and I co-sign with most of the problems/traits identified. Emotional, insecure, jealous, a dreamer etc. He was/is a good guy, but capricorns are practical and don't like overly emotional people. I just couldn't deal with all that drama

:yep: I could've written this myself. Word for word.
I'm a Scorpio dating a Feb born Pisces. He's sensitive as all get out. I've told him twice in the past month to grow a pair. :look: (His quain sister is always needing him to do something for her.)

He is very sweet though, accomodating, gentle, and affectionate. He's extremely laid back- almost aloof until I've learned to read his eyes.

I'm waiting on the other shoe to drop honestly. He almost seems to be the ying to my yang personality wise.

you sound so much like me right now. i am in like with this pisces man. but i cant read him for nothing. he is very laid back, i really cant call it. i am a scorpio too.

Funny you two say this. My mother is a scorpio and my father is a pisces. They've been married 35 years. They're good together. My dad is very laid back and also sensitive, though he tries not to show it.
pisces men= insecure,irrational, overly emotional, delusional, they exaggerate stories and are extremely self loathing. They can also be very sneaky. If you are a woman who is a fire sign it will be hard to deal with them and can be overwhelming. You WILL feel like you are in a relationship with a nagging woman and they will come off as weak to you. the funny thing about them is they are very emotional but tend to play a lot of emotional games, and watch out for the double standards. Yes they are very charming and sweet, but its usually when they have an ulterior motive.You will never be able to figure them out because they are very secretive and mysterious. They go from hot to cold really fast. This is why I think they are psychotic

Agree 100%. I used to be madly in love with one. I know I dodged a bullet with that one because our fights would have been epic.
Oh Lord...oh btw I am a November Scorpio dealing with March Pisces. His bday 3-11-85.

My Pisces guy is the biggest flip flopper alive. His mood swings are worse than mine, and hes incredibly manipulative. I try to support and love him(because hes not all the way there mentally). One minute, hes this cocky bastard and making undermining jokes about me in public. The next minute, he's this giant baby, wanting to cuddle and kiss all the time.

Yeah, i agree with all of you. Pisces men can be a real pain in the "arse." The lies, the grown baby attitude, the manipulation, against authority, not willing to exert any effort....my goodness *facepalm* He is the only man that has been able to get under my skin and stay there.
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Another Scorpio woman with a Pisces man here. This combo, when it works, is supposed to be THE match of the zodiac. My Pisces man is a good compliment to most of my intense Scorpio traits. Sometimes his sensitivity and willingness to fall back and let me lead and be in charge gets on my nerves. He needs more testosterone sometimes. Very needy, but all men are IMO. OTOH, he is thoughtful, kind, considerate, affectionate and he just gets me. We are both very gentle and tender with each others' spirit.
My ex BF was a pieces. I'm a capricorn and I co-sign with most of the problems/traits identified. Emotional, insecure, jealous, a dreamer etc. He was/is a good guy, but capricorns are practical and don't like overly emotional people. I just couldn't deal with all that drama

This is funny because Capricorns and Pisces are supposed to be very compatible. The most compatible for a Capricorn is a Virgo (God help us) but Pisces comes a close second or maybe third. Apparently they balance us out..
Scorpios are great with Pisces. Back in the day I dated a pisces. Boy needy was an understatement. If I did not say I love you after each phone conversation it was an issue. If I wanted him crying and not sleep at night all I had to do is end the conversation with just BYE. Cheating was not an issue cause "game recognized game". There is no one more manipulative than a Scorpio. The always say scorpio women leave a trail of broken hearts and they are usually pisces men.
I've been dating a March pisces man for nearly 3 years and almost all of these descriptions are true minus the cheating and sneaky part. I'm an aries and dont like that he's overly emotional, i also feel like i wear the pants, but he definitely loves very deeply..
Ima Pisces dating a Pisces man. He's emotional, and he's tried to sneaky but I read him very well. He would give me his last, and then some. And I would do the same. He's thoughtful. But very laid back. He's also younger than me and doesn't have much experience with relationships so I have to lead him or tell him when he's doing something ridiculous. Sex is good. He ha me feeling very very rushed when we first started talking. And I feel like he gets into this weird guilt trip thing when we have issues and try to work through them. He just agrees with whatever I say and smirks his face up before retreating into a sulky mood. Then gets fussy when I don't accept his foolishness. Surely insecure, but he has good reason to be. He can't make up his mind for nothing, a classic Pisces issue. I struggle with that too. So I have been stepping back and making him take the lead. He's doing an amazing job too. He really wants to be all that I need. My last bf was a Capricorn. He was/is the SNEAKIEST person I have ever met in my life. Ugh.

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I am a March Pisces and I am dealing with a February Pisces. His good traits are actually amazing, the bad ones - I deal with....and I think I'm the only one who knows how to deal with them, being so similar in personality to him.

He is creative, artistic, passionate, affectionate, self sacrificing, thoughtful, wears his heart on his sleeve. laid back, exceptionally calm temperament, super friendly, playful, fun a complete sweetie.

But then he is also elusive, can't figure the man out, depressive, super sensitive, highly emotional, self critical, insecure, "some-time-y" , can't make a decision to save his life, and I've come to the conclusion he likes alcohol and sex more than I think is healthy....

We are not dating ...because he is so self critical, he thinks I'm too good for him...So I'm the friend that...somehow he loves...but wants to make the right "decision" so he hasn't done anything. (WTF.) So....This is a pisces for you.They can be some of the sweetest, fun, understanding men in the zodiac (In my experience) But you have to decide if dealing with the bad is worth the good...Because I'm a pisces too, I think I "get" him...
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This thread is funny :lol:

I'm a March Pisces; replace "he" with "she" and I fit the majority of these posts. :look:

Throughout my life most of my female friends have been fellow Pisces but there ain't no way in hell, I'd date a Pisces man. No.effin.way. Not never. I mean never. I need someone stable & sane....
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This thread is funny :lol:

I'm a March Pisces; replace "he" with "she" and I fit the majority of these posts. :look:

Throughout my life most of my female friends have been fellow Pisces but there ain't no way in hell, I'd date a Pisces man. No.effin.way. Not never. I mean never. I need someone stable & sane....
Exactly. I'm also a March Pisces.

Although the ONE person I probably ever truly loved and would've done just about anything for was a Pisces. :look:

They are dreamers (they don't have a realistic bone in their body), creative, romantic, elusive and sneaky. Givers to a fault and very self sacrificing. They love pretty women. Love making is amazing.

They would rather you take the lead not them. In my experience they don't like to deal with money because of the effort it takes to manage it.

They don't like confrontation and will shut down on you.

And this is me to a t minus the romance. Ya know how they say that if a toddler is too quiet something is awry? If I'm too quiet in a relationship, it probably means I'm planning my transition. :lol:

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^^Fortunately/Unfortunately alot of these posts describe my March Pisces behind too. However, I can be rather selfish and am still searching for my artistic gene that we are supposed to have.
At the toddler comment...YESSSSS!!! Another thing. If a person thinks I'm mean, it's because I don't like them. I can be with a group of ppl and treat one person mean and they will know the difference but no one else will. I can be sneaky. But I'm not the type to engage in confrontation. I also have to deal with my escapism. SO is just like that as well. We are both march Pisces

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I have never known a male Pisces to my knowledge... But I just read numerous websites say they are PERFECT for aries females.. interesting.
Im a Scorpio dating a February Pisces. This is possibly the best relationship Ive ever had in my life. He is kind, sensitive (sometimes too much), affectionate, loving, and a good talker and listener at the same time. If he wasnt my bf, he would definitely be on my best friend list. He is truly the Ying to my Yang.

I date a March Pisces before him and it was an absolute nighmare. Ive never met someone more manipulative, senaky, and paranoid. The lies were just outrageous! I dont think I can ever deal with a March Pisces again. They make a lot of promises, and talk a good game, with little to show for it in the end.
Im a Scorpio dating a February Pisces. This is possibly the best relationship Ive ever had in my life. He is kind, sensitive (sometimes too much), affectionate, loving, and a good talker and listener at the same time. If he wasnt my bf, he would definitely be on my best friend list. He is truly the Ying to my Yang.

I date a March Pisces before him and it was an absolute nighmare. Ive never met someone more manipulative, senaky, and paranoid. The lies were just outrageous! I dont think I can ever deal with a March Pisces again. They make a lot of promises, and talk a good game, with little to show for it in the end.

This is truth. My ex was a march pisces and he is exactly how you described your ex to be.