I am a cancer, and I have dated/engaged to two pieces men. I prefer them. They treat me the way I want to be treated(like a spiled princess :grin:). My FH is a pieces, born in March. He is AWESOME. He is everything on my wishlist. He works, and he is very giving. His motto is "whatever keeps a smile on my face". We will be married August 4, 2012.

My last pieces man, I was also engaged too. He was born in February. We dated for over five years. I left him. I was young and dumb (we met when I was twenty-one) I did not realize what a good main I had. I was his first girlfriend, I was able to mold him, so to speak, into the way that men should treat women. He spoiled me,was very giving, I never had to worry about him cheating. When I broke up with him, it was one of the things in life I regret. I prayed to the Lord, that if he ever sent me another man like him, I would not mess it up. Well twenty years later he did, and I could not be happier.

They may not be for everyone, but for me :up: Plus they both had good, strong parents which I think helps.
This thread is funny :lol:

I'm a March Pisces; replace "he" with "she" and I fit the majority of these posts. :look:

Throughout my life most of my female friends have been fellow Pisces but there ain't no way in hell, I'd date a Pisces man. No.effin.way. Not never. I mean never. I need someone stable & sane....
I totally agree, I'm also a March Pisces and dating another pisces would be a nightmare, I'm very emotional myself and dating an emotional man is ugh to me :nono:
My ex is a Pisces, lord he put my through some things with his wishy washy sensitive ***! I'll never date a Pisces again unless the Lord LITERALLY smacks me in the face and says he's the one for you!!
This is funny because Capricorns and Pisces are supposed to be very compatible. The most compatible for a Capricorn is a Virgo (God help us) but Pisces comes a close second or maybe third. Apparently they balance us out..

The most compatible man Ive ever dated was Pisces. I want another one :yep:
Scorpios are great with Pisces. Back in the day I dated a pisces. Boy needy was an understatement. If I did not say I love you after each phone conversation it was an issue. If I wanted him crying and not sleep at night all I had to do is end the conversation with just BYE. .

Sounds totally like a Cancer male :barf:
I'm a Libra and l dated two piscean men.The February ones are cool. But the March ones? oh hell no!!!!. Too much drama and headache. can't trust them. Sneaky, conniving a holes. l would rather dig my own eyes out than date another one. Just crazy:pullhair::pullhair:
I am a pisces to the core.

I am IN LOVE with a pisces man. I have never felt like this about anyone before. I have loved this fool for the past several years. He knows it, but alas has shunned my advances for various reasons...we eventually became friends, although he was initially adamant about keeping his distance. That barrier was broken after some persistence. I learned a lot about him. We have a lot in common. We get along great. I only grew to like him more as we started to hang out. I used to be all touchy feel with him and he hated it....then, he started accepted it. We have kissed a couple of times. One of those times we are full out making out, but I don't think he thinks I remember because, of course, drinking was involved. We've held hands and been affectionate, but still, he's like, "we are friends..." but last year he amended that with, "I don't know what the future holds..." ...LAME.

Well, I ended up moving far, far away. Neither of us are phone people so we don't call each other, but we text now and then. He recently drunk texted me (I could tell by the time, the typos, and the fact that he said he was out at one of my favorite bars) and he said he was ashamed he never treated me the way I should have been treated.

I miss the knucklehead and although for all those years, he wouldn't give me the time of day, he ALWAYS knew if I was dating someone even though I was never the one to tell him first. He also would get really jealous if we were out and I was talking to my male friends....on one occasion, my ex walked over to me at the bar, we started to chit that, and my Pisces got up and LEFT. He said I was ignoring him to talk to my "boyfriend"....WTF??? lol. Yeah, okay, Mr. "You aren't what I'm looking for right now, but I also don't want you talking to anyone else either." ....lol.

Sigh....he's been an amazing friend and has helped me out a lot. I have met his family and he's met some of mine. I am still head over heels for that fool. Like for real, I think about him every single day. Hell, when I was dating other guys, it was hard not to think about him. I remember waking up from a dream about he and I coloring and ladies, I kid you not, I had to change my drawers when I woke up. He turns me on. There is no doubt in my mind that he's good in the sack, but of course, I am in love with him for his psyche....lol.

Anyway, he is a March Pisces, toward the end. Brilliant, kind, funny, artistic, but definitely secretive and he has mentioned in his past that he had a way with the ladies, which I don't doubt because the man sweeps me off my feet without even trying....sigh and swoon. I love my Pisces and I miss him. I don't know if we will ever give it a try, but I click with him. Maybe because in many respects, we are alike.
Another Scorpio woman with a Pisces man here. This combo, when it works, is supposed to be THE match of the zodiac. My Pisces man is a good compliment to most of my intense Scorpio traits. Sometimes his sensitivity and willingness to fall back and let me lead and be in charge gets on my nerves. He needs more testosterone sometimes. Very needy, but all men are IMO. OTOH, he is thoughtful, kind, considerate, affectionate and he just gets me. We are both very gentle and tender with each others' spirit.

I think specifically Scorpio man and Pisces woman is supposed to be the match of the zodiac.

I think the bolded would be better in the previously mentioned couplig since it kind of plays into gender roles.
This is funny because Capricorns and Pisces are supposed to be very compatible. The most compatible for a Capricorn is a Virgo (God help us) but Pisces comes a close second or maybe third. Apparently they balance us out..

I tihnk this is also a match that works better if the Pisces is a woman and the Capricorn is a man. It is also said it works even better when the man is several years older than the woman.
I think this is also a match that works better if the Pisces is a woman and the Capricorn is a man. It is also said it works even better when the man is several years older than the woman.

Ahhh, ok. I can see this working. Because for me, I was the Cap, he was the Pisces and older. So sometimes it felt like I had to always look after him! He was such a big baby.
This is very interesting. I'm a Scorpio. Guy3 from my online dating adventures is a Pisces (so were guys 2 and 4), and he does not seem emotional or needy AT ALL. He is very typical male alpha agressive-ish (but not in an unpleasant way). To be fair we have only gone out on a handful of dates, so I don't know what he's like in a serious relationship. I do know he was with his ex for 5 years, but I don't know why they split yet. He is rather into sex, as others have mentioned. Apparently things got "boring" with his ex :lol:
I dated a Feb. Pisces for four years. I agree that they're overly sensitive. They get so sensitive that they have to go retreat in isolation for days to lick their wounds. #ridiculous:nono:

The Pisces men I know are extremists though. One day they're the most caring, considerate men or they're the most selfish, self-centered a#$@*&*!
I'm a Sag and seriously like a Pisces (March 18) this is the first guy who literally makes me weak in the knees. I'm trying to take things slow because I've only been single for about 6 months after a long term relationship but there is so.much.want. LOL
Oh my god, you are living my life. I just called it quits with my Feb Pisces because he wrote me a letter, talking about how he'll always love me as his closest friend but he doesn't know what the future holds and when its right, he'll know but it doesn't feel right and so on...I loved him more than anyone else, but I had to let go...Im now talking to a Sagittarius from work, but i dont know how that will go. Regardless....my heart will always be with my pisces.

I am a pisces to the core.

I am IN LOVE with a pisces man. I have never felt like this about anyone before. I have loved this fool for the past several years. He knows it, but alas has shunned my advances for various reasons...we eventually became friends, although he was initially adamant about keeping his distance. That barrier was broken after some persistence. I learned a lot about him. We have a lot in common. We get along great. I only grew to like him more as we started to hang out. I used to be all touchy feel with him and he hated it....then, he started accepted it. We have kissed a couple of times. One of those times we are full out making out, but I don't think he thinks I remember because, of course, drinking was involved. We've held hands and been affectionate, but still, he's like, "we are friends..." but last year he amended that with, "I don't know what the future holds..." ...LAME.

Well, I ended up moving far, far away. Neither of us are phone people so we don't call each other, but we text now and then. He recently drunk texted me (I could tell by the time, the typos, and the fact that he said he was out at one of my favorite bars) and he said he was ashamed he never treated me the way I should have been treated.

I miss the knucklehead and although for all those years, he wouldn't give me the time of day, he ALWAYS knew if I was dating someone even though I was never the one to tell him first. He also would get really jealous if we were out and I was talking to my male friends....on one occasion, my ex walked over to me at the bar, we started to chit that, and my Pisces got up and LEFT. He said I was ignoring him to talk to my "boyfriend"....WTF??? lol. Yeah, okay, Mr. "You aren't what I'm looking for right now, but I also don't want you talking to anyone else either." ....lol.

Sigh....he's been an amazing friend and has helped me out a lot. I have met his family and he's met some of mine. I am still head over heels for that fool. Like for real, I think about him every single day. Hell, when I was dating other guys, it was hard not to think about him. I remember waking up from a dream about he and I coloring and ladies, I kid you not, I had to change my drawers when I woke up. He turns me on. There is no doubt in my mind that he's good in the sack, but of course, I am in love with him for his psyche....lol.

Anyway, he is a March Pisces, toward the end. Brilliant, kind, funny, artistic, but definitely secretive and he has mentioned in his past that he had a way with the ladies, which I don't doubt because the man sweeps me off my feet without even trying....sigh and swoon. I love my Pisces and I miss him. I don't know if we will ever give it a try, but I click with him. Maybe because in many respects, we are alike.
Beekay305 said:
I dated a Feb. Pisces for four years. I agree that they're overly sensitive. They get so sensitive that they have to go retreat in isolation for days to lick their wounds. #ridiculous:nono:

The Pisces men I know are extremists though. One day they're the most caring, considerate men or they're the most selfish, self-centered a#$@*&*!

I agree with this whole post!

I'm talking to a Pisces now. I've successfully managed to avoid them until this guy. He has this image of me that I'm the complete opposite of who I am which is funny because alot of guys have the same exact image of me. However, a part of me thinks he's attracted to my underlying strength and I kinda get the feeling that I want to care for him (I don't think I've outwardly shown it yet)

Lucie what happened with the pisces guy?
I was recently talking to one of the nicest men I know. Point blank period.
He's a pisces, which surprised me, and he is generous and chivalrous. There is nothing that I could have asked for or just wished that he wouldn't either get me or try and help me with.
He was consistent and just all around good.
Only thing I am kicking myself about is that I was not attracted to him (physically)... I gave myself some time to let the attraction grow... And it wasn't.

I found myself getting annoyed, more than anything,and that isn't fair to him, so I had to stop talking to him.
They have the narcissistic trait in that they are Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo daymn needy! You can NEVER give them enough attention and they have an addictive trait. Yes...they are cheaters because they CRAVE 24/7 attention. On the other hand they really have a gentle heart but hide it BUT they can be touchy and up and down about the smallest thing. A pin fell on the floor...oh oh, he comes the mood swings! LOL!
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pisces men= insecure,irrational, overly emotional, delusional, they exaggerate stories and are extremely self loathing. They can also be very sneaky. If you are a woman who is a fire sign it will be hard to deal with them and can be overwhelming. You WILL feel like you are in a relationship with a nagging woman and they will come off as weak to you. the funny thing about them is they are very emotional but tend to play a lot of emotional games, and watch out for the double standards. Yes they are very charming and sweet, but its usually when they have an ulterior motive.You will never be able to figure them out because they are very secretive and mysterious. They go from hot to cold really fast. This is why I think they are psychotic

All I got on this one is...CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is why I've refused to date one up to this point :lol: all men are crazy is what I've concluded so now it's a matter of can I put up with HIS crazy a-s

All the Pisces men I know are pretty sweet and nice, I am Pisces gal so you know :)