Spinoff: Pisces Women, What Sign is your SO/DH?

He is a Cancer.

All of the astrology sources say we make the perfect complimentary couple and that our sex is off the hook.

My husband is a cancer and we've been together for about six years. My SO in my last relationship of seven years was also a cancer and the similarities are astounding between the two men, whom have never met. They both like a lot of attention and/or love being the center of attention and have very big egos. I find that they also seem to be very arrogant, although my husband tends to be more on this trait than my ex.

A guy I dated in high school was an Aries and he was a complete a!$. Not a good match at all. I do have to say I once felt a very scorching heat with a Scorpio man. The one that got away for me was a Taurus.

Dang, the bolded is my husband but I don't mind. We give each other the things we need so it all works out.

"Mushy, sexy, spiritual, raunchy, drug-drenched, sensual, hallucinatory and wildly bewitching. (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

For Cancer: You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Although you can comprehend one another you can also play emotional games and hurt each other. This connection can work if you communicate openly and honestly. ( Source: Love Test )

For Pisces: You belong together. You are both sensitive, weepy and love to dwell in self-pity. This is a great match, certainly lasting, however someone negative and moody. ( Source: Love Test )

Together they can make their dreams a reality. Both are emotional and sensitive to each others needs. A harmonious match. An affectionate, sensitive couple. The two can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides the love and Cancer provides the protection and together they feel secure. Both are responsive sexually. Cancer must take the lead but Pisces will willingly follow. A wonderful match. Cancer devotes itself exclusively to insecure Pisces, and , in turn, Pisces idolized Cancer. A very compatible pair. ( Source: Astrology Fun )

Cancer Man & Pisces Woman
The Pisces lady will melt in his warmth and he will drown himself in her considerable charms. One of the very best combinations. ( Source: AquarianAge Romance )

This is tied with Scorpio as the number-one soulmate match for you. Together, a Pisces girl and a Cancer boy add up to a deeply romantic pair. The love, passion and tenderness that can happen in this relationship are so incredibly, wonderfully romantic that it’s almost unreal. You will be very attracted to each other physically, so the kissing will be sweet and sparkling. He will also see all of your hidden, special qualities and he will idolize you and make you feel like the most special girl on earth. Together, you can tune out the world and create a dreamy love nest for two. This is a perfect emotional and romantic match for you. A soulmate love match. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

There's comfort in having someone in your life who shares the same worries and concerns, and that's exactly the case when Pisces girl joins up with Cancer guy. The only potential problem? You both have a tendency to dwell on the negative when things aren't perfect, and someone needs to lighten the mood. As long as you can do that, this relationship can be smooth and wonderful. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology ) "
My former, longtime SO was a Cancer. Very dark personality (sometimes volatile), strong sense of family, terrible at managing money. My new SO is a Capricorn. He's very attentive, spirtual, a sensitive lover, BUT a workaholic.
Gotta put that energy somewhere or you ladies would be watching me on Law & Order. Or that show Snapped! LOL!
That is interesting about Cancer men...my great college love affair was with a Cancer man...great lover...but we could not last any longer than 2 weeks without him playing games! My best friend is a Cancer man..I like them...wish we could get along romantically long term..I do think it's because my mom is one and when I see anything remotely reminding me on my mom...I blow up like a firecracker! (LOL)

Yes I wish I could make it work with a Virgo because I meet one who likes me weekly...it's crazy! Great friends but the over analytical stuff and non romantic ways is soo unsexy to me..if I could find some balance

Aaah the Scorpio...if he would have budged just a little we would have still been together...but he wanted to get married after 2 months and sulked pouted and became cranky when he did not get his way...passionately sexy crazy but eventually he gave me an either/or after 8 months..marry me OR nothing..I took nothing because the secretive, moody, cranky, MOODY my way or the highway was grating on my nerves. He told me that I would not meet anyone else who was soo real...I say real cranky :)
That is interesting about Cancer men...my great college love affair was with a Cancer man...great lover...but we could not last any longer than 2 weeks without him playing games! My best friend is a Cancer man..I like them...wish we could get along romantically long term..I do think it's because my mom is one and when I see anything remotely reminding me on my mom...I blow up like a firecracker! (LOL)

Yes I wish I could make it work with a Virgo because I meet one who likes me weekly...it's crazy! Great friends but the over analytical stuff and non romantic ways is soo unsexy to me..if I could find some balance

Aaah the Scorpio...if he would have budged just a little we would have still been together...but he wanted to get married after 2 months and sulked pouted and became cranky when he did not get his way...passionately sexy crazy but eventually he gave me an either/or after 8 months..marry me OR nothing..I took nothing because the secretive, moody, cranky, MOODY my way or the highway was grating on my nerves. He told me that I would not meet anyone else who was soo real...I say real cranky :)

The Virgo attraction thing is freaky. It's like they are drawn to us like moths to a flame. And I don't know about you, but I can usually tell them right off. They seem to be in total awe of me from the second we meet. They stare and hang on to every word. After a few minutes I'm like "you are a Virgo, right?" "Yeah, how did you know that?":rolleyes: "Lucky guess."

Your Scorpio sounds like my Scorpio. In the end he was so pissed at me that he told me that I was gay. His logic was that any woman would have been thrilled to have what he was offering. Now that's an ego for you. I think he ended up importing his bride from Bosnia. I'm sure she was terribly grateful for all he had to offer.
The Virgo attraction thing is freaky. It's like they are drawn to us like moths to a flame. And I don't know about you, but I can usually tell them right off. They seem to be in total awe of me from the second we meet. They stare and hang on to every word. After a few minutes I'm like "you are a Virgo, right?" "Yeah, how did you know that?":rolleyes: "Lucky guess."

You are sooo right...I can always tell that the person is a Virgo...Usually after a while of staring at you like you are a million dollars..they say "I'm a Virgo" and I'm thinking to myself..."of course you are" I wonder why that is the case...my best friends are Virgos too...during the month of September, I get a box of bcards to mail out :)

Your Scorpio sounds like my Scorpio. In the end he was so pissed at me that he told me that I was gay. His logic was that any woman would have been thrilled to have what he was offering. Now that's an ego for you. I think he ended up importing his bride from Bosnia. I'm sure she was terribly grateful for all he had to offer.

TYPICAL! My Scorpio was very similar...he did not say I was gay but "off" because I did not want "all of this" :)
The Virgo attraction thing is freaky. It's like they are drawn to us like moths to a flame. And I don't know about you, but I can usually tell them right off. They seem to be in total awe of me from the second we meet. They stare and hang on to every word. After a few minutes I'm like "you are a Virgo, right?" "Yeah, how did you know that?":rolleyes: "Lucky guess."

My first bf was a Virgo and so was this other guy I dated but they were both romantic. Hmm....
Cracking up at the bolded. I have found that Virgo men are strangely attracted to Pisces women although it rarely works out. The love us and they irritate us. My virgo man would go downstairs for a glass of water and return 30 min later. His excuse? I saw a scratch on the floor so I decided to mop and wax it. Crazy crap like that.

:lachen: ...cause i'm a virgo and understand

love virgo men though.
My last relationship was with a pisces man. He drove me crazy! But all my pisces girl friends are cool, sweet, and helpful ppl.
Im a pisces and my best guy friend (soon SO hopefully!) is a pisces too. He is the sweetest most caring guy I have ever met. Before meeting him I always was attracted to Libras but they and I didn't have the chemistry that I have with this guy. His birthday is 4 days before mine :-)
My ex was a capricorn - VERY manipulative and kind of controlling in a "my way or nothing" kind of way. I won't say they all are like that, but from what I can tell most have that ability

My ex fling was a gemini - What a mess!