My BF deleted all my emails!!!!!!

You're doing a good thing by getting rid of him, but be careful. If he was living there and he can prove that he was paying some rent, he can sue you for illegal eviction.

ETA: Disreguard the above. I just realized he has his own place.

Thanks so much ladies. He's gone. He left last night shortly after I posted here. I am still worried though, because I packed all his things in trash bags and told him to take them with him, but he left them here. He just wants a reason to come back. I would take them to his house and leave them outside but my engine blew. I just want all this drama with him to be over!
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Put his bags outside and let him know that their there. You don't need his negative energy in your space. Lift your hands and say Thank You because you've just received a blessing by letting that loser go.

Good things are in store for you because he's not in your life. :yep:

Just think you could have ha a miserable existence by staying with someone who would choose to disrespect the wonderful woman that you are. :yep:
I would do the same thing to his clothes that he did to your emails DELETE them! I would burn the sh!t. :gotroasted:
I wouldnt even care about his clothes. I would throw whatever he left at my place in the garbage. As immature as it sounds he disrespected you so you should disrespect him. I know we should all try to be the bigger person but I feel like part of the reason men are acting so freaking crazy these days is because they get away with it. The next time he wants to do something crazy and spiteful to another girl he will think about the clothes he lost and restrain himself.
According to the 'tv judges' you're responsible for compensating folk if you put people's belongings outside or throw them away.

Call the local police and tell them the situation and that you have dudes stuff but don't want him to come back to your spot and ask what you should do.

As for the relationship, I think you know what you need to do.