Spin-Off: Husband Hiding A Pic Of An Ex-Girlfriend

natural in ATL

15+ years natural
This seems like a good spin-off from the "BF is hiding a box of nude pictures of his ex-girlfriends" thread.

One of my closest friends has been married for 3 years now. She recently told me that she found a picture of one of her husband's ex-girlfriends on his computer in a folder that was labeled for business. In other words, she wasn't looking for anything or trying to "catch him" doing something wrong, she was simply looking in a folder for something related to their business. Instead of the business documents she was searching for, she found a picture of his ex and she was naked from the waist up in the pic (she had on panties and she was laying on the bed). She could see her face clearly, plus the picture was named the girl's name.

Anyway, she is feeling really torn up about it and doesn't know whether to bring it up or not. She is keeping quiet about it right now, but it seems like it's really affecting her. She called me tonight and asked for my advice about whether to come clean with him and tell him what she found.

By the way, she deleted the pic so it's no longer there at all. I'm assuming if she deleted it, he will realize his wife must've found/erased it and not ever bring it up at all. I doubt he would have the audacity to ask her about it, since he was obviously hiding it in that folder.

So if you were in my shoes, what advice would you give her? Would you recommend she tell her husband about what she found and risk getting into it over her invasion of his privacy? (At least I'm assuming he would spin it that way.) Or would you tell her to keep it to herself and get over it, since it's gone anyway?

This is more serious in my eyes, b/c it's her husband - not just a BF. I don't know what to tell her at this point, I told her I needed to think about it b/c it's complicated....thoughts?
Now that's a catch 22 if I ever heard one. If he brings it up to her, she'll know he's been sneaking peeks at it. If she brings it up, he'll know she deleted it.


Chances are, aint' nobody gonna say NUTHIN.

Just be there for her. Be a good listener, if things do blow up.
Now that's a catch 22 if I ever heard one. If he brings it up to her, she'll know he's been sneaking peeks at it. If she brings it up, he'll know she deleted it.


Chances are, aint' nobody gonna say NUTHIN.

Just be there for her. Be a good listener, if things do blow up.

I agree with the bolded. If one of them does bring it up she still has the upper hand because she is his wife and if he is going to have a naked picture of anyone it should be his wife.
I would let him know I found it. I'm not the snooping type. However, I have had a very FEW instances where my curiosity got the better of me and I looked. (I HATE DOING IT!) Anyway, both times (this was with a past SO) I found something. I was so distraught that I immediately let him know that I looked and asked him WTH it was. One time it was a birthday card mailed to an SO. I was at his place and was downstairs in the kitchen and saw it on the table. It looked romantic...like a couple on the front so I read it and promptly went upstairs and inquired about it. :lol: I cannot hold my water. If I find it, I'm going to tell you I looked and here's what I found.

In my experience, the fact that I looked wasn't an issue....by that I mean, he didn't try to deflect from the real issue at hand by focusing on the fact that I looked.

I'd be telling her to let him know she found it and that she's upset. I wouldn't have deleted it. I would want the proof there. But, what's done is done. I don't understand why she's hesitating. She should be able to let her husband of 3 years know how she's feeling and what happened.
I "think" I would let it go. He will not own up to looking at it even if he was. He will say he forgot it was there. I don't think she has anything to worry about. It's text messages, flirting via facebook, etc. that's a problem. If he hasn't done anything else to make her worry, I think she should let it go. But I do understand how she feels.
I would give it back to him piece by piece every time he asked me for sex.......

SMDH I will never understand why women let boyfriends take naked pics of them. So he can have it forever and ever to blackmail you with? So you can be on the internet under naughty amateur housewives p0rn? :nono:
But Charlotte York has a good point too:). Shoot I can't keep my mouth shut either about anything. I am forever spilling it and afterwards I do feel better. So uhm yeah I say tell him and then they can discuss.
I wouldn't be able to keep that in. I'd ask him about it. If he's in possesion of nude pics of an ex, there's a deeper problem in their relationship that needs resolved.

ETA: I wouldn't suggest that to a friend though. Only she can decide what's best to do in her relationship.
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What is the date of the photo as to when it was saved to the computer? Is it possible it is some left over from when they were married?
Now that's a catch 22 if I ever heard one. If he brings it up to her, she'll know he's been sneaking peeks at it. If she brings it up, he'll know she deleted it.


Chances are, aint' nobody gonna say NUTHIN.

Just be there for her. Be a good listener,if things do blow up.

I think the bolded is key. I may need to just stand back and let her make the decision.
I would let him know I found it. I'm not the snooping type. However, I have had a very FEW instances where my curiosity got the better of me and I looked. (I HATE DOING IT!) Anyway, both times (this was with a past SO) I found something. I was so distraught that I immediately let him know that I looked and asked him WTH it was. One time it was a birthday card mailed to an SO. I was at his place and was downstairs in the kitchen and saw it on the table. It looked romantic...like a couple on the front so I read it and promptly went upstairs and inquired about it. :lol: I cannot hold my water. If I find it, I'm going to tell you I looked and here's what I found.

In my experience, the fact that I looked wasn't an issue....by that I mean, he didn't try to deflect from the real issue at hand by focusing on the fact that I looked.

I'd be telling her to let him know she found it and that she's upset. I wouldn't have deleted it. I would want the proof there. But, what's done is done. I don't understand why she's hesitating. She should be able to let her husband of 3 years know how she's feeling and what happened

See, this was my initial reaction. I personally like to get things out in the open. But it's tough b/c I am not a part of their relationship and there could be a million other variables that I'm not privy to.
I "think" I would let it go. He will not own up to looking at it even if he was. He will say he forgot it was there. I don't think she has anything to worry about. It's text messages, flirting via facebook, etc. that's a problem. If he hasn't done anything else to make her worry, I think she should let it go. But I do understand how she feels.

This is an awesome point and sounds like the "typical" man. To my knowledge, he hasn't done anything else to make her worry.
I'm sorry but I would be asking a billion +1 questions....Why is this pic here? Who is this? etc. :nono: I would not be able to see something like that and then pretend like I didn't see it. It could be a very good explanation why the pic was there (I don't know what that explanation could be :lol: ) But, there is no way I could see that and not say something....to my husband??!!??? No, he would have some explaning to do.
I wouldn't be able to keep that in. I'd ask him about it. If he's in possesion of nude pics of an ex, there's a deeper problem in their relationship that needs resolved.

ETA: I wouldn't suggest that to a friend though. Only she can decide what's best to do in her relationship.

I may have to use this line - exactly. Thanks!
What is the date of the photo as to when it was saved to the computer?

I was wondering this as well...and if it was something he may have 'forgotten' he'd placed in the folder?:perplexed

If it's something that he's intentionally held on to (and would admit that) well, that would need to be addressed asap.

Either way, I would have to say something or it would bother me every time I looked at him and, trusssssst me, I would not be the only one miserable in that house.:nono:
I would tell him I found it and ask him about it. I will tell him that it hurts me that he still have pics of other women, in my house, I consider it disrespectful. Then I will ask him to delete it. If he refuses, that pic will be the only naked thing in my house that he will see.
I would undelete the pic. He needs to be the one to delete it. I would definitely say something as well, I could NOT keep that to myself. Then I would have a heart to heart regarding why he still has said picture, and if they still keep in contact.

I would also take it a step further (and I know this won't be a popular opinion), I would do a bit of detective work to see if they have been conversing. If they have, that is a huge red flag. I would also right click and look at the properties to see when the picture was taken. If the friend has been married for 3 yrs + the number of years they were dating/engaged, dude shouldn't still have naked pics of an ex-girlfriend. Its one thing to have a porn picture of someone that he never met, but he has a naked picture of someone he has been intimate with.

This is something they need to discuss, and discuss asap.
I never buy the, "I was looking for x and found this, I wasn't snooping, honestly". I think she had a feeling something was going on and was casually snooping for stuff and found the picture. I am another one who can't keep my water so I would just spit it out and ask. She isn't going to get a straight story, so she has to make a decision on what she is going to do independently of what he says.

If she is going to stay, then after the discussion she needs to put it to rest and don't bring it up again.
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I'm sorry but I would be asking a billion +1 questions....Why is this pic here? Who is this? etc. :nono: I would not be able to see something like that and then pretend like I didn't see it. It could be a very good explanation why the pic was there (I don't know what that explanation could be :lol: ) But, there is no way I could see that and not say something....to my husband??!!??? No, he would have some explaning to do.
Yup, I can't tell others the best way to handle this issue in their marriages, but this is CERTAINLY how I'd handle it in mine!! :grin:

ETA: I'd do this too... :yep:

...I would also take it a step further (and I know this won't be a popular opinion), I would do a bit of detective work to see if they have been conversing. If they have, that is a huge red flag. I would also right click and look at the properties to see when the picture was taken. If the friend has been married for 3 yrs + the number of years they were dating/engaged, dude shouldn't still have naked pics of an ex-girlfriend. Its one thing to have a porn picture of someone that he never met, but he has a naked picture of someone he has been intimate with...
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I think she should bring it up to her husband because it bothers her and would bother me too. I don't think it should be a huge issue as long as he's not communicating with her, looking at it every single day, or showing signs that he's still pining after her. I hate throwing away photos even of people I hate, so I would give him the benefit of the doubt, but the hubby should still throw it away if it bothers her.
Was the picture there before or recently added? I'm kinda iffy about privacy. I think that you shouldn't hide anything in a marriage but if it was already there...people feel territorial about "their stuff" it's not so much that he HAS possession of the picture, but moreso his ability to have it. Does that make sense? I just think men hold onto random stuff like that. And with the technology age, it's easier to store memorabilia. If It was on his phone, I think that would be another issue but an old pic on a computer, I don't know.

I know that when "looking" or "snooping" and you confront someone about it, the issue of what you found is always null and void because that person focuses on the fact that they felt their privacy was violated.
Thanks for all of the comments, they really helped me fine tune my response to my friend - which was:

- I told her that if it were ME, I would be honest and have the difficult conversation.
- But I also told her that it's HER marriage and she has to make the decision on her own, based on what she and her husband have shared/gone through in the past and currently.

She told me she thinks that she'll bring it up to him tonight. I hope she does, I think in a marriage situation it's always best to be open and honest.

Thanks again ladies - appreciate the advice!
honestly it depends- instead of deleting it, she should've looked at the properties icon to see when it was last opened because it's possible that he has had it there and never opened it. he could've forgotten to delete it after they were married. either way i'm happy she's going to talk to him about it. i know i would've printed that thing out in full color, high def quality and taped it to my refrigerator door to greet him when he gets a snack (assuming our kids weren't home of course haha). i would love to see the look on his face then
I would delete the photo and replace it with a photo a random, generic attractive woman. Like a Halle Berry or a Gabrielle Union. I mean, if it was just a photo for er...time with himself, then it wouldn't bother me. If he has feeling for this person then that is something else...but from the information you have provided it doesn't seem as though that is the case.
honestly it depends- instead of deleting it, she should've looked at the properties icon to see when it was last opened because it's possible that he has had it there and never opened it. he could've forgotten to delete it after they were married. either way i'm happy she's going to talk to him about it. i know i would've printed that thing out in full color, high def quality and taped it to my refrigerator door to greet him when he gets a snack (assuming our kids weren't home of course haha). i would love to see the look on his face then

We are so together with this one. This is exactly what I would have done (found out the last date this folder and file was accessed!)