So Wrong


Well-Known Member
So my friend calls me and tells me of a couple that we know is getting divorced.

The husband owns a business and many years ago he hired a secretary. The wife did the interviewing and chose the secretary. Turns out he was having an affair with the secretary and had TWO CHILDREN with her. The husband apparantly is so in love with the youngest child born out of this affair that he wants the child to come live with them (he told his wife of the affair 4 yrs ago). The wife said no. So he put her out, took away her car and cell phone. She is penniless because she was dependent on him for 26 yrs and never saved any money. Yes when she gets the divorce she will get paid but still this is so wrong.

I am so sick and tired of hearing stories like this coming out of Jamaica. Ladies please save your money!!!!!!!
I might have mis-read ur post so let me know if I am on the wrong track. If the wife knew 4 yrs ago about the affair and that kids came from it I guess she should not be surprised if he wants his kids near him. Is he tacky as h*ll for bringing it up and putting her out because she does not agree - I would say absolutely 'yes' However, if she knew for 4 yrs I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
Wooooooooooooow. That's horrible. :nono:

I've always stressed for my friends to always have your own in case something like this happens. My ex's Mom told me no matter WHAT always have your own money. Your own bank account, your own credit cards, and even a secret bank account.

Still SMH @ that!
also, I got to say to all the trusting ladies out there - if ur man is stepping out on u and bringing other kids into the world - u should prepare urself for the worst. Either start squirrling away any exxtra funds he gives u or getting urself together to be on ur own and take care of urself. Actually, woman should be getting themselves together anyway whether in a good relationship or bad one because u never know what will happen.
also, I got to say to all the trusting ladies out there - if ur man is stepping out on u and bringing other kids into the world - u should prepare urself for the worst. Either start squirrling away any exxtra funds he gives u or getting urself together to be on ur own and take care of urself. Actually, woman should be getting themselves together anyway whether in a good relationship or bad one because u never know what will happen.

Preach it. Man men do some dirty ish!:nono:
This is not to say women dont do their thing either
My mom taught to never let my left hand know what the right one is doing. I've been married for five years and have invested and saved every spare dime that I have come across out of fear that this very thing would happen to me. I'm going through a divorce now (not due to infidelity though) and I'm happy to say that I am fairing very well financially...not to mention emotionally I'm finally HAPPY!
Didn't anyone besides me see "Diary of a Mad Black Woman"? Same plot; happens all too often.
There are some women that never get anywhere near cash... their husbands give them credit cards, set up accounts at the grocery store, etc. but don't give them any money. Can't stash what you never get. :(

I had an aunt who couldn't balance a checkbook when my uncle passed -- after more than 40 years of marriage! He handled EVERYTHING (and did it well) so she never needed or wanted money. Obviously their situation was a happy one, but the woman in the instant case might have thought after the "confession" four years ago that everything was done between her husband and his secretary. I don't think most men get busted and then say "I'm going to keep seeing her." The men swear undying love for the spouse and vow to never see the jump-off again.
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What if it was your friend who did that and put his A@@ out. What goes around comes back around! Her husband will pay. My heart goes out to this woman. However, ITA with the ladies here, Save, save, save!
you see this is the problem i have women depending solely on men. She should have never and even if she did she shouldve been stashing money for that rainy day i cant believe it.

He need some licks with a broom stick right now this is some crazy sh*t
but the woman in the instant case might have thought after the "confession" four years ago that everything was done between her husband and his secretary. I don't think most men get busted and then say "I'm going to keep seeing her." The men swear undying love for the spouse and vow to never see the jump-off again.

I'm sure that's what he told her four years ago. But after not one, but two children, she really should have had something saved, so that in the event she wanted to tell him 'f-off' she wasn't stuck wondering what her next move would be. If the wife interviewed this (jump-off) woman, I wondering how old she is and what she looks like; cause if it were me, I would have hired a hag.
He is wrong for cheating on her and putting her out like that. I do have an issue with wives that won't accept their husbands outside children.
okay why is acting like she can't do anything about it...HE can't put her out like that...she needs to contact the police because that is illegal...
He is wrong for cheating on her and putting her out like that. I do have an issue with wives that won't accept their husbands outside children.

I don't. I have no problem with children BEFORE our relationship. During our relationship--there's no way I'm going to be faced daily with evidence of his deceit. What, now I'm not suppose to hold onto the last vestige of pride I have left?

If I'm not leaving for whatever reason, I'm just suppose to welcome all....a gaggle?
I won't accept his outside children or him if it happens during our relationship.

I wont be around his assss or the child.