So Where Are The Late 20s, Early 30s Professional Black Men That Are Interested In Black Women?


Well-Known Member
i'm on a mission to get some of my younger relatives hitched within a year or two. They are gorgeous, fit, educated, and successful. It is a family effort at this point to find them suitable bachelors. Specifically we are looking for men with advanced degrees, doctors, engineers, lawyers, MBA holders, executives etc. My girls are white collar professionals and are looking for their equal.

However, frequently i come across a prospective young black man and search his social media to discover him hugged up with an array of non- black women. My girls are reporting similar findings at professional/social events for young black professionals. They mention the black men are flocking to the few mixed, non-black women in the room

Where can my girls find a concentration of suitable professional black bachelors actually interested in black women darker than a paperbag? It's such a shame these young bw don't have adequate male conunterparts. Their non black collegues don't seem to have as many issues securing commitment, marriage etc. from men that are their equal. Should we abandon our mission and just tell them to date non black? It is really a lost cause at this point?
Not falling for it...

  • 10 Places to Meet Young Black Professional Men

1. Sports Bars on Sunday Afternoons and Monday Nights
Are your ready for some football? No just ready to meet men, alright gotcha. Men definitely come out in droves to cheer on their favorite team. So grab ONE of your girls and (pretend) to care.

2. Fraternity Events
Alpha, Kappa, Que, Sigma, and Iota graduate chapters all host events throughout the year. You’ll be surrounded by men that want to prove their organization is the best but be wary of the wedding ring imprint. Don’t want to get caught up in that old skool swag.

3. Grocery Stores on Sunday Afternoons
Men gotta eat too right? Meet your future boo while he’s browsing the Whole Food or Trader Joe’s aisles looking for next week’s lunches.

4. Gyms
While he’s pumping iron, you can casually walk in your spandex headed to spin class. He’ll be sure to catch you after class as you cool down.

5. Book Stores
He reads, you win.

6. Bars in the Financial District During Happy Hour
After a long day of crunching numbers, he’s going to need to blow off some steam at the bar around the corner from the office. Be there with an inviting smile and a listening ear.

7. Intimate Events
As I told you before “day parties are not the solution” but small events like BBQs or game nights allow both parties to put their guard down and get to know each other better under the watchful eye and cosign of friends.

8. Professional Conferences
The days are long and the workshops are boring which is the perfect segway for, “hey you wanna grab a drink after this?” Thank me later.

9. Corporate Building Food Courts or Courtyards During Lunchtime
First off, you know he has a job (can’t get in there without security clearance) and doesn’t mind eating out. Sounds like the beginnings of a wonderful dating-ship to me.

10. Men’s Stores
Shoe shine shops, clothing stores, electronic stores, hardware stores, and sneaker shops are all bursting at the steam with the opposite sex. Just be careful his girlfriend isn’t in the next section over helping him shop too.

BONUS: Pet Stores
I AM A DOG PERSON. Anyone who loves and takes care of a pet automatically get cool points in my book. So if you see a cutie walking his doggie, don’t be afraid to say what’s up.

  • 10 Ways to Meet Young Black Professional Men

1. Leave the house

I know this seems like common sense but all sense ain’t common. Going straight home after work every day or binge watching Netflix on a Saturday night while texting your bestie about her adorable new baby will not get you a boo.

2. Don’t turn your nose up at online dating or social media hookups

I know plenty of people (yes Black people) who have met their mate on the world wide web. There are plenty of dating apps that are viable options for meeting someone new from the safety of your smartphone. Think about it this way, how you met is only the first chapter in a love story. It’s the other stuff that really counts. Still not comfortable? Just lie and say you met him at a bar.

3. Day parties are not the only answer

We all know that MUST LOVE BEARDS bring the boys to the yard. But it’s still difficult to strike up a conversation while getting turned up. Try a few quieter event options to connect.

4. Stop hanging out with your girls

You love them. Hell I love mine too! But if you keep going out with the same people to the same places your chances of meeting someone new are very low.

5. Roll solo dolo

It takes a lot of courage to approach a lovely lady in the middle of a party. It’s 10 times worse, when he has to break through the girlfriend barrier and endure side eyes just to say “hello.” Make it a tad easier and go out alone every once and a while. This is a tough one for me too. My cheat is to arrive early to wherever my friends and I are meeting, bag some numbers and then chill with the girls.

6. Put your phone down

No seriously, you won’t die, I promise. Leave the iMan in your purse and give a real one some attention.

7. Be nice to everyone

He’s not “future husband potential.” So what! His friend, co-worker, or teammate might be. You never know who someone can introduce you to, be pleasant so they refer you.

8. Don’t scowl

Yes I know. I hate it when people tell me smile more too. But a recent Google Hangout with my friend Dennis, made me re-think some thangs. In my defense, I wasn’t clutching my bag, simply holding it. But you do catch more flies with honey #imjustsayin

9. Make new friends

That other Black girl in the office that invited you to her game night but you’ve always had something better to do? Yeah her. Next time she extends the offer, go, be merry, and bond! Joining a co-ed professional organization or sports team will also help.

10. Go out without an agenda

It’s an unconventional idea lol but try going out without the sole purpose of meeting a man. Take the worry and stress out of it, you’ll have more fun and less wrinkles.
I always wonder why people dismiss this question. Sure, there are e-trolls that are looking for drama and are anti-black, but for many millennials (late twenties to mid-thirties), the pickings are quite slim. Should people pretend it's not happening in real time to people? Do we wait for research to confirm it, years down the road, once the issue has embedded itself and those people who were complaining ten-years prior are in their 40s/50s? Do we just keep ignoring it? Or do we actually get ahead of something for once?

I've noticed this a lot, that when an unpalatable issue arises, we just ignore it or dismiss it. I don't get how that helps. If people keep bringing it up every other week, maybe it's because they want help or solutions, rather than denial?
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I always wonder why people dismiss this question. Sure, there are e-trolls that are looking for drama and are anti-black, but for many millennials (late twenties to mid-thirties), the pickings are quite slim. Should people pretend it's not happening? Wait for research to confirm it, years down the road, once the issue has embedded itself? Do we keep ignoring it? Or do we actually get ahead of something for once?

I've noticed this a lot, that when an unpalatable issue arises, we just ignore it or dismiss it. I don't get how that helps. If people keep bringing it up every other week, maybe they want help or solutions, rather than denial?

This board certainly doesn't dismiss this issue, and a good percentage of current threads seem to cover this topic so I don't think the vast majority of members are against this rhetoric. In fact calling out BM is basically the board's raison d'etre at the moment.
She's a troll. And an unimaginative one at that. 'She' (gender yet to be confirmed) posts the exact same thread with different titles and it's annoying.
This board certainly doesn't dismiss this issue, and a good percentage of current threads seem to cover this topic so I don't think the vast majority of members are against this rhetoric. In fact calling out BM is basically the board's raison d'etre at the moment.
She's a troll. And an unimaginative one at that. 'She' (gender yet to be confirmed) posts the exact same thread with different titles and it's annoying.
Thanks for the insight. I didn't notice that and when I looked, I still don't see the threads?
This board certainly doesn't dismiss this issue, and a good percentage of current threads seem to cover this topic so I don't think the vast majority of members are against this rhetoric. In fact calling out BM is basically the board's raison d'etre at the moment.
She's a troll. And an unimaginative one at that. 'She' (gender yet to be confirmed) posts the exact same thread with different titles and it's annoying.

Tis definitely a woman :look:
She's a troll. And an unimaginative one at that. 'She' (gender yet to be confirmed) posts the exact same thread with different titles and it's annoying.
Y'all now noticing this?

I think it's a dude looking for advice on women
Ohhhh ok. Cuz I was wondering why y'all got upset when she's asking legit questions about stuff we know to be true.

Issa man :lol:
Ohhhh ok. Cuz I was wondering why y'all got upset when she's asking legit questions about stuff we know to be true.

Issa man :lol:
even if this is a bait/troll thread... we never actually get to the solutions part. Just pages of denial and blame :look: