I was not at all being serious. I repeated it because it's so patently ridiculous.
It's funny cuz, in the bad old six figure garbage man days, my standards for men were called too
It's only since I started saying this... bwe (?) is not on the up and up that I've been approached in this way.
Everybody who reads my posts on the relationship forum knows this. But
somehow, this man-coddling thing is what people choose to go with.
I literally do. not. work.
Of course I expect men to come with it.
Y'all really have to stop confusing sociological conversations with personal ones.
But, in reference to the rest of your post, it's not about you or me. It's about numbers and trends. This is a period with fewer marriageable men. It has happened
many, many times before, in times of war (or mass incarceration
, basically any way of removing men from the population).
Typically, the remaining families rebuild. What
y'all are doing (I group bwe and the Tommy Sotomayors together, two sides of the same coin), issuing a steady stream of wide spread propaganda against your natural mates, has
never been seen before in recorded history. Y'all are acting like it's normal and reasonable
. It's not. I was a history major but let me try to put this in stem terms: the host is destroying itself (the community) vs destroying the parasite (white supremacy).
Did that make sense? Nobody else has done this, and I go way back. It's just not a good