So My Niece Says She Hates Men...

This thread is both hilarious and sad. Married women and women with men coming in here to say men ain't spit. But y'all man is good tho, right? :lol: It's like that joke where everybody hates Congress but looooooove their particular congressman. It would be funnier if it weren't so destructive.
I think if you're smart and aware of injustices then see it perpetrated even at home by your dad or your parents letting things slide cause your brothers a man even when he doesn't deserve it you start building resentment.

There's just too much negative out there with regards men and it sometimes makes it hard to remember there're good ones
Thats their fault Not ours:look:. Also no ever said there were not any good ones, even i acknowledged that earlier.
Is this really fair though?
I think it is really important, from childhood, that parents have their kids around and interacting with the kids and people they want them to be around. I think this also translates to adulthood. Your circle is only as big as you make it and/or expand it to be.

It's like acknowledging the mistreatment of POC by whites, and having someone suggest that if only POC hung around compassionate, aware, 'woke' white folks, then their view of whites would change. Really?
You can hang around all of the kumbaya, BLM-supporting white people you want, it doesn't change the fact that most of the white people you are forced to deal with on a daily basis won't fall into the progressive category.
Well, I don't know if there are really any truly "woke" white folks...but to your point, no, hanging around "woke" white people will not change the systematic and historical racism in America. However, you get to choose what kind of white people you want in your life and that you hang around.

Just like racism is a part of the white experience, misogyny is a part of the male experience.
This statement I agree with.

These 'quality men' aren't the ones making the laws, running the corporations, or controlling the media.
To me, this has more to do with racism than anything else. Both quality and non-quality white men are the ones making the decisons. That is the history of our country.

They aren't the majority. All men have an agenda, even the so-called good ones.
So to look at this from another perspective, do you think all white people have an agenda? So can there really be any "woke" ones?

And until these 'high-caliber' men are willing to stand up against misogyny, and shed blood on behalf of the millions of women around the world who are mistreated, then I consider them no different than the average male-- except they are a safer choice for partnership and procreation.

Isn't that the point though? If all men are bad, wouldn't you want to surround yourself with the "safe ones?"

That's it. Because let's be real, most men only see worth and value in women they are either related to, or are sexually attracted to. And even then, they aren't above completely screwing up.

Well, no man or woman is perfect. I think words and statement have power. Blanket statements using all, always, never, only and etc. are rarely useful and are used as declarations that can be harmful to the person or group using them.

I am in no way trying to minimize the challenges with dating/marrying that we as Black women have more than any other group. Or deny that we have a generation of men, that were raised without fathers, which in turn created a lot of immature, *****azznes men. However I think it is easy to say, "Well all men are dogs and all suck and thus is my fate." Well, no, it doesn't have to be your fate. Sometimes changing your view, your position, your surroundings, your friends, your goals, etc., is all that is needed to change your perspective.

Yes, women need to be cautious and careful when it comes to men, but women also need to control the parts of their lives that they can. If all you know are a bunch of misogynistic, baby making men, then maybe, you need to meet some new men.

Of course there are thousands of scenarios and variables that play into all of this, but if you believe that there are no "quality" men or that you hate men, that will become your reality and truth.

But I agree that hate is a strong word.
Yes it is.
Hes aiight. I call his ass out too. And what?
And... grown people gender warring on sm is probably not the best way to socialize young people to their future roles. Especially not when the grown people in question are happily booed up irl. It's everywhere and the babies are noticing, hence sentiments like the Op. :look: That's what.

[You don't find it odd that even here, where we know the demographics- higher incomes, married- that all we talk about, thread after thread, is how much men suck? It's the equivalent of talking down the stock market while you're still invested. :spinning: :lol: That's not strange to you? We used to have useful discussions here, older women dropping game. We used to actually note at the time, 'Wow, this was useful, you dont get this no where else.' :lol: No more. That's a loss for all of us.]
And... grown people gender warring on sm is probably not the best way to socialize young people to their future roles. Especially not when the grown people in question are happily booed up irl. It's everywhere and the babies are noticing, hence sentiments like the Op. :look: That's what.

[You don't find it odd that even here, where we know the demographics- higher incomes, married- that all we talk about, thread after thread, is how much men suck? It's the equivalent of talking down the stock market while you're still invested. :spinning: :lol: That's not strange to you? We used to have useful discussions here, older women dropping game. We used to actually note at the time, 'Wow, this was useful, you dont get this no where else.' :lol: No more. That's a loss for all of us.]
No its not strange because my life opinions honestly arent shaped from what i learned in SM or on here. And again as I stated earlier 90% of them do suck, that leaves 10% of them that dont. My dude can leave that 10% category hes in now and easily go to the 90%. You said in another thread you are a male coddler, so of course this thread isnt for you. I cant relate but i dont tell you how strange and weird that is. I also dont view this discussion as useless. Not my loss its theirs (men).
You said in another thread you are a male coddler, so of course this thread isnt for you. .
O_o I was not at all being serious. I repeated it because it's so patently ridiculous.

It's funny cuz, in the bad old six figure garbage man days, my standards for men were called too high. :lol: It's only since I started saying this... bwe (?) is not on the up and up that I've been approached in this way. :look: Everybody who reads my posts on the relationship forum knows this. But somehow, this man-coddling thing is what people choose to go with. :spinning: I literally do. not. work. Of course I expect men to come with it. :lol: Y'all really have to stop confusing sociological conversations with personal ones.

But, in reference to the rest of your post, it's not about you or me. It's about numbers and trends. This is a period with fewer marriageable men. It has happened many, many times before, in times of war (or mass incarceration :rolleyes:, basically any way of removing men from the population). Typically, the remaining families rebuild. What y'all are doing (I group bwe and the Tommy Sotomayors together, two sides of the same coin), issuing a steady stream of wide spread propaganda against your natural mates, has never been seen before in recorded history. Y'all are acting like it's normal and reasonable. It's not. I was a history major but let me try to put this in stem terms: the host is destroying itself (the community) vs destroying the parasite (white supremacy). :lol: Did that make sense? Nobody else has done this, and I go way back. It's just not a good plan. :nono:
And... grown people gender warring on sm is probably not the best way to socialize young people to their future roles. Especially not when the grown people in question are happily booed up irl. It's everywhere and the babies are noticing, hence sentiments like the Op. :look: That's what.

[You don't find it odd that even here, where we know the demographics- higher incomes, married- that all we talk about, thread after thread, is how much men suck? It's the equivalent of talking down the stock market while you're still invested. :spinning: :lol: That's not strange to you? We used to have useful discussions here, older women dropping game. We used to actually note at the time, 'Wow, this was useful, you dont get this no where else.' :lol: No more. That's a loss for all of us.]

Finally, someone to let me know I ain't losing it :rofl: I've been reading this thread confused since it was posted :lol:
What's SM?

Very interesting thread. It's rare that I read every response, however I did today. Thanks to all who posted their opinions and experiences.
o_O I was not at all being serious. I repeated it because it's so patently ridiculous.

It's funny cuz, in the bad old six figure garbage man days, my standards for men were called too high. :lol: It's only since I started saying this... bwe (?) is not on the up and up that I've been approached in this way. :look: Everybody who reads my posts on the relationship forum knows this. But somehow, this man-coddling thing is what people choose to go with. :spinning: I literally do. not. work. Of course I expect men to come with it. :lol: Y'all really have to stop confusing sociological conversations with personal ones.

But, in reference to the rest of your post, it's not about you or me. It's about numbers and trends. This is a period with fewer marriageable men. It has happened many, many times before, in times of war (or mass incarceration :rolleyes:, basically any way of removing men from the population). Typically, the remaining families rebuild. What y'all are doing (I group bwe and the Tommy Sotomayors together, two sides of the same coin), issuing a steady stream of wide spread propaganda against your natural mates, has never been seen before in recorded history. Y'all are acting like it's normal and reasonable. It's not. I was a history major but let me try to put this in stem terms: the host is destroying itself (the community) vs destroying the parasite (white supremacy). :lol: Did that make sense? Nobody else has done this, and I go way back. It's just not a good plan. :nono:

I think because women are less dependent on men to survive now days. It's the same reason divorce rates went up once more women started entering the work force. I think women back in the day probably felt the same way but most of them were financially dependent on men so they had to put up with a lot of men's shenanigans.
And... grown people gender warring on sm is probably not the best way to socialize young people to their future roles. Especially not when the grown people in question are happily booed up irl. It's everywhere and the babies are noticing, hence sentiments like the Op. :look: That's what.

[You don't find it odd that even here, where we know the demographics- higher incomes, married- that all we talk about, thread after thread, is how much men suck? It's the equivalent of talking down the stock market while you're still invested. :spinning: :lol: That's not strange to you? We used to have useful discussions here, older women dropping game. We used to actually note at the time, 'Wow, this was useful, you dont get this no where else.' :lol: No more. That's a loss for all of us.]


What's also mind boggling are the threads/posts about how men can't be trusted around kids because they are all potential pedophiles...but we procreate with them o_O

I noticed the women vs. men debate as if the aint ish men outnumber the aint ish women. We're always the victims I guess?
Just food for thought. For the women in here who have been consistently been "unlucky in love" (for lack of a better term), you don't think this mindset could be an impedent to landing a "good" man? :scratchchin:

What's also mind boggling are the threads/posts about how men can't be trusted around kids because they are all potential pedophiles...but we procreate with them o_O

I noticed the women vs. men debate as if the aint ish men outnumber the aint ish women.
We're always the victims I guess?
Doesn't it though? Aren't the overwhelming majority of murderers, thieves, rapists and child molesters etc men? Or am I missing something?

Just food for thought. For the women in here who have been consistently been "unlucky in love" (for lack of a better term), you don't think this mindset could be an impedent to landing a "good" man? :scratchchin:

It seems that most of the women with this mindset in this thread are married or in committed relationships. The mindset probably helped them choose good men, they probably sifted through the undesirables and found their gold.
Just food for thought. For the women in here who have been consistently been "unlucky in love" (for lack of a better term), you don't think this mindset could be an impedent to landing a "good" man? :scratchchin:

As a woman that carried the 'men are bums' mindset since high school, it never was an impediment in dating. It's not about hating men, it's about realizing that most are not worth my time. Since I was aware that a lot of guys only wanted sex and were not serious about dating, it helped me focus on myself, which in turn made men pursue me. The lazy and unserious men gave up pretty quickly since they were only looking for an easy lay. The men that kept up the chase even after I placed multiple barriers earned my interest. My DH said when we first met, he grew more interested in me because I initially refused to give him the time of day.
A good analogy would be a health conscious individual who has conflicts with the quality of today's food ( a woke woman). They are aware that most food in America is full of unhealthy toxins and chemicals that will do their body harm in the long run (men ain't ish). However, they are not advocating anorexia (I don't hate all men). Instead, they spend their time and energy in researching and procuring good, quality foods (a la some men are good).
A good analogy would be a health conscious individual who has conflicts with the quality of today's food ( a woke woman). They are aware that most food in America is full of unhealthy toxins and chemicals that will do their body harm in the long run (men ain't ish). However, they are not advocating anorexia (I don't hate all men). Instead, they spend their time and energy in researching and procuring good, quality foods (a la some men are good).
Great analogy
Doesn't it though? Aren't the overwhelming majority of murderers, thieves, rapists and child molesters etc men? Or am I missing something?

And while we're at it, someone please point me in the direction of female mass shooters, female dictators, female-run societies where men are treated like 2nd class citizens, female-run human trafficking rings where men are bought and sold like chattel, and the list goes on. You're not missing anything. The niece mentioned overall misogyny. No amount of halfway decent men who are fit to be husbands, fathers, and pay all of the bills makes up for the sizeable number of women in the world suffering under misogyny. I know many great men, but I'm realistic about the true nature of 99% of them. Even in the spiritual world it is universally accepted that masculine energy is destructive, and that feminine energy exists to contain it and stop men from destroying themselves :lol:. There are more ain't ish men than women because society accepts and often encourages bad behavior from men because "boys will be boys". Meanwhile, women are expected to be proper, and unacceptable behavior is called out and corrected early. This is because our patriarchal society prepares women to be the companions of men and not the other way around.
A good analogy would be a health conscious individual who has conflicts with the quality of today's food ( a woke woman). They are aware that most food in America is full of unhealthy toxins and chemicals that will do their body harm in the long run (men ain't ish). However, they are not advocating anorexia (I don't hate all men). Instead, they spend their time and energy in researching and procuring good, quality foods (a la some men are good).
This is a brilliant analogy.
I'm a true girl's girl. I get along best with other women and am mostly friends with women with few exceptions (2 guys from childhood, 2 guys from work, and several gay men). I dislike men despite being attracted to them. Most are boring, superficial, and useless. I read an article the other day about how millennials are having less sex than previous generations so I believe this sentiment is increasing along with the rise of social media (as previously stated) which allow sociopathic tendencies to run rampant amongst men.
I think because women are less dependent on men to survive now days. It's the same reason divorce rates went up once more women started entering the work force. I think women back in the day probably felt the same way but most of them were financially dependent on men so they had to put up with a lot of men's shenanigans.
That's exactly what it is. Women who aren't dependent have a different mindset.