So My Niece Says She Hates Men...

No one ever said theyre werent good men...but if her niece can sense this nonsense NOW she goodt. She'll pick wisely, spare her uterus, her wallet, trips to the clinic, heartache, and a few diseases until she finds the right one. This day in age you will pay severely for being naive, gullible, and ignorant to these degenerate ass men out here. Its not worth it.

This is the truth. Society teaches girls and women to be docile and naive despite the fact that it makes it easy for them to be used and abused. The reality is that most men aren't good. They may not be physically violent but they can be dangerous to women in other ways the young lady mentioned. This one has the right idea and nobody needs to tell her to ignore what she sees with her own eyes and to be trusting and naive.
No one ever said theyre werent good men...but if her niece can sense this nonsense NOW she goodt. She'll pick wisely, spare her uterus, her wallet, trips to the clinic, heartache, and a few diseases until she finds the right one. This day in age you will pay severely for being naive, gullible, and ignorant to these degenerate ass men out here. Its not worth it.

I guess I thought "I hate all men" implied "not good."
Oh. Well I agree. I'm not too enamored of young men outside of my family.

She sounds smart. When she does settle down, I predict that she will choose well.

Sidenote, but I'm noticing a lot of young bw have their heads on straight, or at least straightER when it comes to men and their foolishness.
Men hate women, and that's well known and well documented. But of course when women feel that way, it's terrible and awful and we're doomed.:lol:

Call me when we systematically oppress them, rape them, murder them, and create laws that disadvantage them. Until then, meh.

This times 1000.
No one ever said theyre werent good men...but if her niece can sense this nonsense NOW she goodt. She'll pick wisely, spare her uterus, her wallet, trips to the clinic, heartache, and a few diseases until she finds the right one. This day in age you will pay severely for being naive, gullible, and ignorant to these degenerate ass men out here. Its not worth it.


I'd rather her hate men now and be proven wrong than be all doe-eyed and naive and get her life screwed up by some bum ninja.
And some women don't help this situation. My colleague at work's son was murdered. Seven and a half months later his girlfriend had a baby for him. She drags that girl to hell and back. And I sit there thinking water meets its level. His daddy (her first husband) was a drug dealer who was murdered Water meets its level! Her second husband has a child by another woman and when she got with him, the girl's mom told him he needed to call his daughter. This witch told him if he called HIS DAUGHTER she'd leave him. Water meets its level! Her son impregnated a girl with two OOW kids for two different men. Water meets its level! Her son had been arrested for check fraud. Water meets its level! And, people are saying that he got shot in a drug deal gone bad. Water meets its level!

Then, I sat there in my office listening to her telling a young man who works in the building "these hoes ain't loyal!" And all I could think is that she's sitting there ruining another young man!
And some women don't help this situation. My colleague at work's son was murdered. Seven and a half months later his girlfriend had a baby for him. She drags that girl to hell and back. And I sit there thinking water meets its level. His daddy (her first husband) was a drug dealer who was murdered Water meets its level! Her second husband has a child by another woman and when she got with him, the girl's mom told him he needed to call his daughter. This witch told him if he called HIS DAUGHTER she'd leave him. Water meets its level! Her son impregnated a girl with two OOW kids for two different men. Water meets its level! Her son had been arrested for check fraud. Water meets its level! And, people are saying that he got shot in a drug deal gone bad. Water meets its level!

Then, I sat there in my office listening to her telling a young man who works in the building "these hoes ain't loyal!" And all I could think is that she's sitting there ruining another young man!

This made my head hurt.
Oh. Well I agree. I'm not too enamored of young men outside of my family.

She sounds smart. When she does settle down, I predict that she will choose well.

Sidenote, but I'm noticing a lot of young bw have their heads on straight, or at least straightER when it comes to men and their foolishness.
But if she's totally turned off by the behavior of men at this point, i don't think she has the interest or energy to sift through the trash to find one of the decent ones.

Granted, i don't completely understand what she is going through, but i don't want her to waste her beauty years being turned off by the behaviors of men.
But if she's totally turned off by the behavior of men at this point, i don't think she has the interest or energy to sift through the trash to find one of the decent ones.

Granted, i don't completely understand what she is going through, but i don't want her to waste her beauty years being turned off by the behaviors of men.
It will preserve her beauty actually:2inlove:. Men will age the hell out of you if you let them. Im turned off and im in a relationship:abducted:.

@Southernbella. knows whats up and shes married. Being aware and making smart choices will not make her incapable of having a relationship. She'll be fine.
But if she's totally turned off by the behavior of men at this point, i don't think she has the interest or energy to sift through the trash to find one of the decent ones.

Granted, i don't completely understand what she is going through, but i don't want her to waste her beauty years being turned off by the behaviors of men.

I know you mean well, but this is the type of comment that makes some women feel like they need to settle for whatever- people in their ear putting pressure on them because they're getting older.

She has every reason to be turned off. But I don't think that means she won't be open to or recognize a good one if/when he crosses her path.
If that is the kind of men she knows, then she needs to hang around some other men. Perhaps of a higher caliber.

Is this really fair though? It's like acknowledging the mistreatment of POC by whites, and having someone suggest that if only POC hung around compassionate, aware, 'woke' white folks, then their view of whites would change. Really? You can hang around all of the kumbaya, BLM-supporting white people you want, it doesn't change the fact that most of the white people you are forced to deal with on a daily basis won't fall into the progressive category. Just like racism is a part of the white experience, misogyny is a part of the male experience. These 'quality men' aren't the ones making the laws, running the corporations, or controlling the media. They aren't the majority. All men have an agenda, even the so-called good ones. And until these 'high-caliber' men are willing to stand up against misogyny, and shed blood on behalf of the millions of women around the world who are mistreated, then I consider them no different than the average male-- except they are a safer choice for partnership and procreation. That's it. Because let's be real, most men only see worth and value in women they are either related to, or are sexually attracted to. And even then, they aren't above completely screwing up.

But I agree that hate is a strong word.
This is the truth. Society teaches girls and women to be docile and naive despite the fact that it makes it easy for them to be used and abused. The reality is that most men aren't good. They may not be physically violent but they can be dangerous to women in other ways the young lady mentioned. This one has the right idea and nobody needs to tell her to ignore what she sees with her own eyes and to be trusting and naive.
. As long as he doesnt cheat or hit her he's a "good man"o_O thats pretty much the standard these days.
The girl's eyes are wide open. Good for her. The man who wins her will be better than average.
But how will someone win her heart if she's not dating?

I am seeing the other side of this where i have friends in their 40s who had a similar outlook on men and now they are alone without children. I know it's great that she has her head on straight and is observant about the realities between the genders, but i dont want her to end up just like my girlfriends in their 40s.

Where is the balance? How can a young woman have a healthy and vibrant dating life if she has to sift through so much trash?
Is there a link? Im treated better than my brother:lachen: he's trash too. Seriously.
I think if you're smart and aware of injustices then see it perpetrated even at home by your dad or your parents letting things slide cause your brothers a man even when he doesn't deserve it you start building resentment.

There's just too much negative out there with regards men and it sometimes makes it hard to remember there're good ones
But how will someone win her heart if she's not dating?

I am seeing the other side of this where i have friends in their 40s who had a similar outlook on men and now they are alone without children. I know it's great that she has her head on straight and is observant about the realities between the genders, but i dont want her to end up just like my girlfriends in their 40s.

Where is the balance? How can a young woman have a healthy and vibrant dating life if she has to sift through so much trash?
Ok, well gee. NOW, I feel obliged to say that a woman can have a rich, fulfilling life without a husband or a child. It's the truth, although some men and, especially women have a hard time accepting it. Back on track, though, I think your niece was just venting. She's what? Twenty-seven at most? She has time to figure out what she wants to do with her life. Remember that the harder you push your agenda on her, the more she'll push back. Oh, and please recognize that you do have an agenda. It's the agenda that puts pressure on women of a certain age to hurry up and settle down and make babies and all they end up doing is settling on a guy or making kids they weren't ready for or lying to avoid questions. :look: Please don't do that. With :heart:
But if she's totally turned off by the behavior of men at this point, i don't think she has the interest or energy to sift through the trash to find one of the decent ones.

Granted, i don't completely understand what she is going through, but i don't want her to waste her beauty years being turned off by the behaviors of men.

You should be very proud of your niece. She sounds very smart. You don't want her sifting through trash do you? She deserves better than that. And her possibly not getting married and wasting her beauty years don't really have anything to do with anything. She will age regardless and she can still be beautiful. She can spend the rest of her life healthy, happy, and successful with or without a partner. Please allow her to vent, to speak her truth. Be there for her when/if her heart gets broken. Encourage her to feel whole and beautiful singularly.

I think you want her to be more hopeful than she probably should be. I think you want to save her from your friends' lives. No one can change misogyny and how much men hate women. She is trying to work things out, figure things out. She will be just fine. She just needs your love and support, to be heard. It's a tough world out there and husbands don't always make it better. But whatever you do please never encourage her to sift through trash. Please do not be overly worried about her either. Be optimistic for her and her future whether she marries or not.
Ok, well gee. NOW, I feel obliged to say that a woman can have a rich, fulfilling life without a husband or a child. It's the truth, although some men and, especially women have a hard time accepting it. Back on track, though, I think your niece was just venting. She's what? Twenty-seven at most? She has time to figure out what she wants to do with her life. Remember that the harder you push your agenda on her, the more she'll push back. Oh, and please recognize that you do have an agenda. It's the agenda that puts pressure on women of a certain age to hurry up and settle down and make babies and all they end up doing is settling on a guy or making kids they weren't ready for or lying to avoid questions. :look: Please don't do that. With :heart:

Yeah. Thanks for this. :look: