So mad and hurt right now...

OP - I wish you the best with handling the situation and I will keep you in prayer.

I would only caution you to follow your GUT instincts and not let your heart lead you. The hearts tells you what you WANT, the GUT tells you what you NEED. Find that voice of needs and not wants.

All the best!

Thanks ladies for the hugs and advice. Turns out after watching the DVD with his mother, 7 sisters, and other family. The girl is related to him. He did it to get her here. I can't give details to what they are "trying" to do because I don't understand it. Plus with me studying and working in the legal field I don't want to know. I'm still confused. In the DVD he did look like he wasn't there and he wasn't happy at all. He didn't even touch the girl when they danced. His close family and friends weren't there. I spoke with the girl and she said that they were trying to get her to the states so she could go to school. I have heard of this and I'm sure you all have also. But I don't understand why he wouldn't tell me this. CRAZY.

Let me also clear the money issue. When we met he was having a hard time with money because he was supporting his family. Being the only male child; he's responsible for his parents and sisters. I helped him a lot but now that he's back on his feet he is helping me. We live together and he is supporting me through grad school. I don't pay any bills at all. All my money goes to me and books for school. He really isn't a bad guy at all. I was very hurt when I found the DVD. I'm still very confused by it and don't know whether to believe him and his family or not.

I have trust issues. Once you lie to me, you get the side eye I'm still working this out. Thanks again ladies. You are all so sweet and funny as well. I have no sisters so you ladies have given me good "sisterly" advice. (And enough crazy stories...LOL)

OP - I wish you the best with handling the situation and I will keep you in prayer.

I would only caution you to follow your GUT instincts and not let your heart lead you. The hearts tells you what you WANT, the GUT tells you what you NEED. Find that voice of needs and not wants.

All the best!

Thanks for even providing an update even if you knew you would get negative feedback or backlash for YOUR decision. Everyone has an opinion but at the end of the day you have to make YOUR decision and live with it. Like NicBenny commented I wish you the best. It is quite a funky situation but if your willing and have the strength to go through it then more power to you. Just never forsake what you got to do for you for anyone and dont hesitate to walk away if you feel you need to, despite any deep feelings you obviously have for him.