My heart is hurting right now...

I can't imagine how alone and in sorrow your mom must be in.
My deepest condolences and prayers for her and for you! :hug2:
I have no words. I can't begin to imagine the pain my mom would feel if she lost my dad or how I'd deal with it. Just keep being a good daughter is all I can say and have faith God is with you.
I am tearing up...Oh my word.

I really do hope that she gets through this and finds happiness once again.
OP, I am so sorry for what you and your Mom are both going through. Thankfully, your Mom has you. Just keep being there for her. Hug her when she cries and hold her hand when she gets that distant look in her eye. I will be praying for you and your Mom. Helping someone that you are so close with to get through the grieving process can be difficult, so know that we are all here for you.
:( i'm so sorry op, everyone gave you wonderful advice and i'm co-signing on it. it's going to be a long and winding road to her coping with his death and you being there for her as you have planned will make all the difference.
(((((hugs))))) Aww hun, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I will definitely keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
That is so sad. My Mom just recently started dating a very nice man after being single for a very long time too. I wouldnt know what to do for her if he passed...

I'm so sorry for her loss.

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Thank you so much for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. Like another poster stated it's going to be a long road to healing.

But I know with time things will get better. There's nothing I can say to make her feel better. But I think having her here this week was for the best. It's after she gets back I'm most concerned about.
I'm so sorry for your mother's loss. Such a sad story. Hopefully, at some point she will realize that this situation has shown that she can love again and was reminded how great it is to have (romantic) love in her life, and thus will allow her to be open to it again in the future.
OP, do you know any of your Mom's friends where she lives? Can you get their numbers if you don't have them already? That way you know you have people checking on your Mom and that you can get in touch with.
What a wonderful gift she has in you as her daughter.

The love you are giving her right now is the healing that God has for her to see this through. This is not her end, though it may seem so. For God surely gives restored joy dispelling all the pain she feels now.

My heart and prayers are with her and with you. :Rose:
OP, do you know any of your Mom's friends where she lives? Can you get their numbers if you don't have them already? That way you know you have people checking on your Mom and that you can get in touch with.

That's a good idea; she is kinda a "loner type"--so she doesn't have many friends. But her sister (my aunt) will check on her, I'm sure.

Also, she had gotten close to the family and has been talking to his sister all this week. So I think that she'll continue to find comfort in them.