So ladies, I had that date last night

This is fantastic.

First Eliza, now you.

I can't wait to hear about the second date.

Ummm... my friend wants to know what site did you use?
LOL. :lachen::lachen: I have a picture that he emailed me a few days ago but I don't think he'd be ok just yet with me posting it up. I'm not ok with it either at this stage of the game.

Can't blame me for trying.

Congrats, by the way! :yep:
Go Fab, I could read it through the lines how good a time you had, aww, I'm so happy for you. So far so good, hope all goes as well on the 2nd date. You know you gotta keep us posted right?
I absolutely will :)

Yay!! Glad you had fun!

What did you eat? :giggle:

You know you black huh? :rofl: I didn't eat anything because we just met at a local starbucks and hung out. He offered to buy me something but I was sick (sinuses, slight headache, etc) so declined (he won't be so lucky if there is a next time :lachen:). I ended up getting a free large tea and a cookie (which he ate :rolleyes:) from the really really nice young sistah behind the counter. She INSISTED that I have it. He and I laughed about it later.

AWWW!!!! I'm happy for you. How did u guys meet again?
We met online at :)
This is fantastic.

First Eliza, now you.

I can't wait to hear about the second date.

Ummm... my friend wants to know what site did you use?

Mmmhmmmm LOL babe :)

Um, my friend wants to know too....:look:

Congrats Fabulosity! I'm so happy to hear that things are going well. :yep: :) Thanks!!
I'm glad you enjoyed your date now just go with the flow. Don't over think it and have fun with the big ole huggy bear.
Remember on Friday I was supposed to have a lunch date? Well as I told you the plans fell through so I was about to write this brotha off.

Well, we finally met up last night at star bucks and hung out for about 2 1/2 hours. I had absolutely nothing to worry about. We connected instantly like old friends and there weren't too many ackward silences. He's a pretty good looking guy, about 6'2, chocolate, bald head. He made it known several times throughout the night that he liked what he saw. When we hugged at the end of the night and he wrapped his big ol body around mine (i'm only 5'1") I wanted to faint.

He asked me for a 2nd date the same night and sent me a text before I had barely left the parking lot telling me how much he liked seeing me :giggle:

So, is 2008 the year I meet my mate? Maybe, just maybe....:)

I hope so! The dating stage is so awkward at times.