small TWEAKS for big RESULTS

I started wearing a wool cap over my baggie at home - it helps to warm up my head, keeps the baggie in place and just looks cuter (less ghetto) than the plastic cap.

I may not be able to do this during warm weather, but for now I'm happy!
I started wearing a wool cap over my baggie at home - it helps to warm up my head, keeps the baggie in place and just looks cuter (less ghetto) than the plastic cap.

I may not be able to do this during warm weather, but for now I'm happy!

Good idea! I could do this while I'm DC'ing.
Ladies, I've realized that I need to take my TIME and FCOUS when I handle my hair. Sometimes, I'm just in a rush to detangle or just on auto pilot when I'm dealing with my hair. :nono: I realized that my hair needs to have my entire focus (no tv or something else), trying to multi-task and hair care just does not work for me!
1. Pulling my hair up so that the ends of my hair rests on the top of my head when DCing under the hood dryer. Really zaps these ends into shape.
2. Applying DC with a color applicator brush.
3. Putting my shampoo in an applicator bottle and applying onto and massaging only my scalp then working it down the shaft. Keeps me tangle-free.
4. Blotting my hair with a tee shirt not as rough as towels.
5. Taking my Evening Primrose pills with Vitamin E boosts the affects.
heating my deep conditioner in the microwave and put on a plastic cap. I do this when i am too lazy to sit under a hair dryer.
When doing a Saran Wrap after rollersetting- use a plastic DC cap rather than saran wrap.
I have always had a hard time getting the saran to cling, and getting the top of my head covered.

Put the DC cap on, cover with a silk scarf. This works like a charm.
I'm so glad you started this thread. I have been thinking about this for a while. The small tweaks that work wonders for my hair:

1. Wetting the roller when roller setting. Can't remember who gave this tip but this has helped to keep my ends straight on the roller. Since my ends are flat and smooth when I take out a roller set now, it's easier to style (no tugging or pulling, the comb glides through and I don't feel the temptation to flat iron or blow dry them straight).
2. Leaving my deep conditioner on for 30 minutes or more with heat. An hour or more is better. When I leave the conditioner on longer, it's like my hair cuticle relaxes and my hair is easier to detangle and smoother.
3. Soaking up excess moisture with a towel before I put on conditioner.
4. Thoroughly wetting my hair and adding conditioner to the ends before I shampoo. There's less friction when I shampoo and the ends get less tangly.
5. Putting on a little piece of cloth to protect the top of my head when I go under the dryer.The airflow of my bonnet dryer would get the top of my hair dry and leave the bottom damp, eventually leading to some dryness and splits on the top. Now I've fixed that problem and my hair dries evenly.
6. Being mindful of the right side of my hair. This "tweak" might be a little silly but it works for me. My right side was shorter, dryer and had more splits until I realized that I treat the right side a little rough -- I am constantly on the phone on that side, sleep on that side and for some reason I was always putting conditioner or moisturizer in my left hand but not distributing evenly between my palns. So, there'd be enough conditioner/moisturizer in the palm of my left but only a little on the fingers on my right and less conditioner and moisturizer was getting on the right side. Maybe I'm thinking about this too much? :lachen:

You just narrowed down why my hair is longer on one side than the other!!! I mentally pictured my routine in my mind and I do baby the right side of my head and tend to the left side last. I don't know why but I do! Thanks!!!
I hate shampooing my hair so finding a good shampoo for when I do need it hasn't been very successful (not enough trial and error). What I do now is take a butter knife and shave off some pieces of castille bar soap, I mix this with a lil water to dissolve it, and then mix it with conditioner for a great poo that doesn't strip my hair. When I am worried about getting out a heavy product or a cone that I was testing, I will let this mixture stay on my hair overnight before cowashing.

I also keep a ketchup dispenser type bottle in my shower. It usually has a vinegar and honey/molasses mix in it so I can do an ACV rinse after washing but I have also used it for baking soda/conditioner mixes to clarify and homemade dc's like caramel mixed conditioner or some yogurt or sour cream mix. It helps make these messy mixes so easy to apply.
Erm I'm sorry if this sounds dumb but how do u do an oil rinse and what the heck is bagging??? They sound like benefitical techniques whatever they are LOL
When doing a Saran Wrap after rollersetting- use a plastic DC cap rather than saran wrap.
I have always had a hard time getting the saran to cling, and getting the top of my head covered.

Put the DC cap on, cover with a silk scarf. This works like a charm.

Really?! I have always wondered about this. I'm sick of fighting with my saran wrap!

Thanks for the tip!
Bumping this thread because it's great.

I don't have a real stable reggie but I've added DC'ing with heat on dry hair, adding a little Aphogee 2 min to my moisturizing conditioner when I DC and rinsing with lukewarm water (:sekret: slowing inching up on cold water).

The difference in my hair is amazing. My hair is 4B or something natural so I don't have those big, popping, defined curls, however, my little spiral, one to a strand of hair, curls are showing out. Also my hair is very soft without being mushy.

So I'm asking that we don't bury this thread because it is a wonderful help.
Erm I'm sorry if this sounds dumb but how do u do an oil rinse and what the heck is bagging??? They sound like benefitical techniques whatever they are LOL

An Oil Rinse is when you after washing and conditioning, douce your hair with OIL and lightly rinse it out. It works as an intense method to seal moisture (into the strands) imo.

Bagging is wear a plastic cap for whole head (think old school jerri curl days) or sandwich bag for ponytail ends to help the hair stay conditioned after moisturizing and sealing with oil.
Detangling with my fingers, removing shed hairs then washing hair in loose braids. One final light and easy detangle with conditioner on, section by section. Oh my gosh! no more detangle nightmares and no broken ends!!
Wow, great thread!
My tweaks- scarf and pillowcase at night leads to less unruly dry hair
2.Deep conditioning 3-4times per week leads to stronger hair, less breakage and more moisturised hair
3. No sulfates leading to less dry and less tangled hair
4.Washing hair in plaits as per:yep: Atlantajj's advise leading to less tangles
5.Applying DC onto dry hair and really saturating hair generously inproves conditioning results
6.Using good quality DC
7.Yogurt with Ayurvedic powders trwatment leads to more defined curls and stronger hair/less breakage
My tweaks:

1. Spritzing my hair 2x/day w/ a rosemary-sage herbal mix. Growth accelerated after I started doing this.

2. Sleeping on a satin pillow. Found that my hairline a very fragile, and just noticed a lot of breakage that I attribute to wearing scarves. So now I sleep w/ my hair exposed on a satin pillow.

3. Applying a shea butter mix that consist of (unrefined shea butter, castor oil, glycerin, aloe vera gel, vit E, tea tree oil, and a little EVOO) 2x/day to my hair. It leaves my hair feeling so soft and moisturized. I love it!!!
Wow, great thread!
My tweaks- scarf and pillowcase at night leads to less unruly dry hair
2.Deep conditioning 3-4times per week leads to stronger hair, less breakage and more moisturised hair
3. No sulfates leading to less dry and less tangled hair
4.Washing hair in plaits as per:yep: Atlantajj's advise leading to less tangles
5.Applying DC onto dry hair and really saturating hair generously inproves conditioning results
6.Using good quality DC
7.Yogurt with Ayurvedic powders treatment leads to more defined curls and stronger hair/less breakage
Reading this board tonight has convinced me to get on down to my Indian store to get my Ayurvedic powders and stop playing around...LOL

I would like to try the DC on dry hair too for a change up too. It seems my hair is always wet from just working out or for some reason...:scratchch

EvsBabu, what type of good DC's do you like, our hair types are similar...
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1. Washing, conditioning & moisturizing in sections--Yes, it does take longer, but I can feel the difference.

2. Trimming--I trimmed my ends on Wednesday & I can tell the difference. It moves better & it curls better. I now realize that S&D's aren't enough for me.

3. (The biggest one of them all for me) Using protein consistently--I tried to get away with only using mayonnaise or relying on the aloe vera in my conditioner as my protein, but my hair wasn't having it. Now that I've started using Aphogee (although I'm going to try the GPB to see if I can get my protein the natural way), I see & feel the difference. My hair holds onto the moisture better.
The #1 thing for me so far is DC'ing on dry hair... I really notice the hair feels so much better.

Moisturizing AND sealing daily has really made a difference in my hair and helping me to retain length.

Finally, actually reading the ingredients in the products that I'm using on my hair...even though I don't know about ALL of them..the few months I've been on LHCF has made a big difference:grin:.
Great thread just finished reading it

If your hair needs an extra umpfh just add 2 spoonfus of your fave protein condish (something moderate nothing heavy like that hard aphogee) to your dc mix. Hair comes out strong and frizz free

adding honey and evoo to your DC and wariming it in the microwave also makes it extra moisturising

after a shampoo I add a cheapie condish on my hair right after and rinse off after 2 mins. After i get out of the shower, i wait for my hair to dry a little (damp) before DCing
I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I think it's a good idea to write down what works for you, and what doesn't. Useful if you're just starting out with haircare. How did the product make your hair feel and what you used with the product to get the result you did. If folk are anything like me it's tricky to remember sometimes especially with my growing list of products!
Wow, great thread!
My tweaks- scarf and pillowcase at night leads to less unruly dry hair
2.Deep conditioning 3-4times per week leads to stronger hair, less breakage and more moisturised hair
3. No sulfates leading to less dry and less tangled hair
4.Washing hair in plaits as per:yep: Atlantajj's advise leading to less tangles
5.Applying DC onto dry hair and really saturating hair generously inproves conditioning results
6.Using good quality DC
7.Yogurt with Ayurvedic powders trwatment leads to more defined curls and stronger hair/less breakage

I would like to try this today. How? Do you apply the DC to dry hair, sit under the dryer, and then shampoo? Do then apply the moisturizing conditioner and sit under the dryer again? Do you dry DC with a protein or moisturizing conditioner?

Thanks in advance!
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Doing a cold water rinse as my final rinse-Soft hair & less frizz, and a lot of shine

ACV rinses: soft hair, shine, less tangles