small TWEAKS for big RESULTS


Get rid of these, hairbands, hairbands with pretty things dangling of them, that put pressure on my hair, head back and sides causing unessecary breakage and replaced with



I still get the bun, high pony I want but without the STRESS on my fine stranded 4A hair.
Esp for those ladies who dont really have the length for pony tales yet.

My tweaks:

1. My "war chest" is on the night stand next to my bed. It holds a wide tooth comb,
my dusting scissors, spritz, (2) silk scarves and my overnight ends moisturizer.
2. I keep an extra spritz bottle in the frig in the summer. I love that cool spray on my
scalp. The spritz can be a leave in, spring water or whatever I like.
3. Dusting my ends monthly. And nightly I check for uneven ends on my braids and
clip and moisturize as needed.
4. The night before I do my weekly shampoo I pre-poo overnight.
5. My SO messages my scalp weekly. In the bedroom. Over a shared glass of wine.
My tweaks:

1. Use Kimmaytube's washing regimen.
2. Use Kimmaytube's leave-in recipe
3. I poo weekly (see #1)
4. I DC weekly as part of #1
5. I co-wash weekly (on a different day than poo'ing)
6. Twist hair while washing and conditioning
7. Moisturize and twist hair after washing and conditioning
I've just begun to make sure I have fresh product in my hair before I detangle and that has greatly reduced the hairs that end up on the floor!
I don't like the "feel" of massaging my hair while its wet with product, so I now put on a shower cap and massage - win win.

I massage longer and no messy hands afterwards! :grin:
Using my protein treatment as a pre-poo instead, on dry hair. I would apply my protein condish to my dry hair and afterwards poo, then condition.
The day before washing, coat my whole hair in coconut oil to reduce protein loss of the hair strand while washing, and to melt away tangles
When I use my Denman brush to detangle, I first drench my hair with detangling conditioner. I fill the sink with water and I dip the brush in water before detangling or whenever there is a knot. I move up an inch at time.

Thanks to that technique, I lose less hair and spend no more than 15 min detangling.
Great thread!

- applying conditioner with wet hands on dry hair when I moisturize my ends (spray bottles give me frizz: wet hands are smoothing and eliminate the sticky feeling)

- braiding at night with slimy hands (water + conditioner): it keeps my hair lubricated as it gently gets stretched during the night = with this method I get no tangles even after days

- applying a butter on top when I DC

- applying an egg yolk on top of my ends when I do a moisturizing DC (thickening and not too much protein)

- oil rinsing with ceramides (I feel that they smooth my cuticles, I never skip this)

- adding a pinch of vitamin c if I want to adjust the ph of a product (I like 4.5)

- olive oil in my leave-in

- if I moisturize with wet hands and a normal conditioner that has oil added, I don't need to seal and it works better

- Doing things in sections (I love this one)

- Towel drying with t-shirts and kitchen paper

- Keeping my gel in the fridge: it's always a final step, so it's more smoothing this way

- Keeping conditioner on my length when I'm using a clarifying shampoo.
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Nothing much to add except adding castor oil to my moisture spritz has completely changed my hair! I have tons of moisture now. Also, adding EVOO and honey to my conditioners when I prepoo have also made my hair softer and shinier.
Here's one I stumbled upon a day or two ago.

Add a little jheri juice to a cheapie conditioner for an awsome leave in. This works great for my wash and go's.

I add this to my hair whilst still in the shower and comb thru with a widetoothed comb to make sure its in all of my hair. Then I finger-comb and refluff.

Great curl definition and no crispyness or greasiness
I just replaced all of my hair combs with nubone II and mason pearson combs. This has really cut down on the amount of hair lost during detangling.
my small tweak was consistency, I wanted to do something totally different my hair each time although I already have a reggie. Also... Realizing that cowashing wasn't for me made a big difference and not always shampooing 2x. When I shampoo 2x my scalp is overly dry but when I cowash my scalp is sticky either way it led to flakes now if I dc first shampoo once and leave on about 5 mins and then use an instant conditioner and my moisturizer I'm good. And using a water/oil spritz and then putting on a cramy conditioner or for some a butter it kept my moisture for days.
Putting a dab of leave-in on my ends when rollersetting = buttery delicious ends when I take my rollers out :lick:

Adding a tablespoon of my smoothing/polishing serum to a DC mix - slip city :yep:

I love this Shawn Colvin a Few Small Repairs thread. (I don't expect everyone to get that one--I have had a few Martini Luther Kings.

One tweak for is when I get a really bad tangle is to add a few drops of fabric softener.
I start applying my deep conditioner with a applicator brush when I have a lot of newgrowth and it has done wonders for my hair.
Before I apply my DC in sections I quickly coat the ends with a little DC to prevent the ends from drying out or tangling.
I love this Shawn Colvin a Few Small Repairs thread. (I don't expect everyone to get that one--I have had a few Martini Luther Kings.

One tweak for is when I get a really bad tangle is to add a few drops of fabric softener.

I totally get that reference! LOL. Sunny came home to her favorite roooooooooom! I looooooove that song! So happy someone else knows it! :yep:
Combing my hair only once a week with conditioner on my hair.
Moisturizing daily with Hawaiian silky miracle worker.
If you have tried EVERYTHING(garlic, coffee rinses, tea rinses, protein, etc) and you are still shedding. Try a steam treatment asap! I tried the home grown treatment, and omg what a reduction in shedding, I almost cried.

If you suffer from low porosity/dry hair, again try a steam treatment.

When you DC make sure you pin the ends of your hair with a plastic clip, so that they can equal benefit, as my hair grew longer, I realized I couldn't just leave all my hair down in the plastic cap.
Pinning my twistout up in sections instead of just pinning it back: no more dry hair for my second-day twistout

Diluting Roux Porosity Control with water: no more tangly hair once I am done with the wash process
This thead is fab. Thanks CurlDiva!

I'm stilll learning and had a small fro but these tweaks have encouraged me/mine:

1. Detangle oiled hair and stretch by twists
2. Stop combing wet hair (way less breakage)
3. Shampoo etc hair in small Twists (no need to comb at all)
4. Apply Oil before rinsing shampoo (feels less dry/crunchy)
5. Wait 'til almost dry before applying cream moisturisers/oils
6. Apply Aloe/Moisture while retwisting
7. Sleep in plastic cap to keep moisture.
8. Frequent Porosity control
9. Diet changes too
And most certainly, caring but not caring; ie not worrying and putting it in prayer.

Thanks to all the ladies who have shared great tips. Some which I shall try soon:yep:
This thead is fab. Thanks CurlDiva!

I'm stilll learning and had a small fro but these tweaks have encouraged me/mine:

1. Detangle oiled hair and stretch by twists
2. Stop combing wet hair (way less breakage)
3. Shampoo etc hair in small Twists (no need to comb at all)
4. Apply Oil before rinsing shampoo (feels less dry/crunchy)
5. Wait 'til almost dry before applying cream moisturisers/oils
6. Apply Aloe/Moisture while retwisting
7. Sleep in plastic cap to keep moisture.
8. Frequent Porosity control
9. Diet changes too
And most certainly, caring but not caring; ie not worrying and putting it in prayer.

Thanks to all the ladies who have shared great tips. Some which I shall try soon:yep:

How could I forget the bolded? Making this change has been helpful to me. More hair stays on my head instead of on the comb and in my hand.
Great thread idea, Curli. Here are a few mine:
  • Putting my conditioner on my dry hair then sitting under the dryer for 30 minutes for a deep condition (I've been doing this one for about about 2 years now; can't rememeber where I learned it though)
  • Heating up my hot oil treatment and putting it on my hair after I shampoo (this is a combination of Sareca's oil rinse and an old fashioned hot oil treatment)
  • After rinsing my hair with warm water, I blast it with freezing cold water to seal the cuticle (learned about this lil' gem from Candy_C)
  • Putting my moisturizer spray bottle in the fridge to make it cold (courtesy of Candy_C too)

Do you deep condition after your oil rinse?
Using vinegar. I have not had dandruff in 3 years.

Putting oil in my shampoos and hair washes. No more dry hair.

Pre poo with Red Pimento Hair Growth Oil. Soft fluffy hair even after you clarify!

Using products for damaged hair and scalp, even if you have no damage. Keeps damage away.

Not doing to your hair what everybody els is doing. Keeps my hair on my head.

Deep conditioning for an hour to an hour and 30 min. Not to long but just enough to work on my hair.

Using nothing but castor oil as my main oil. Hair feels great with out build up ALL the time.

Washing 1x on wash days. Don't wash, rinse out then wash again. No more dry hair. Just clean soft hair.

The day before you wash, don't oil your scalp. Your pre poo will work that much better on wash day!

Washing my hair and scalp less often. I have freeform Locs and washing to much, you could see my parts. Now my parts are filling in.

If you have dreadlocks, use a sharpy marker on the lint you can not get out.
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