small TWEAKS for big RESULTS

I just discovered this last night:

I love to baggy my whole head to cut down on the amount of "products" I need to apply and to keep my pillow nice & clean, but I've noticed that my hair was staying WET all day in this colder weather and and my products seem to just sit on my strands. I was afraid that my retention might suffer. I gently undid my two "damp" french braids and decided to sit under my heat cap with warm/low heat for about 30 minutes. My hair dried so LUSH, and SOFT yet strong!!!

I plan to bonnet dry my “baggied” hair at least once per week during the winter months just to make sure all of my products are being absorbed.
Steaming with a real steamer
aloe vera juice right after I finish washing I lightly dry with a t-shirt then spray in some aloe vera juice, helps my hair retain so much more moisture.
I've been experimenting braiding the first inch or so of hair before a roller set. I suck at placing rollers and pinning then so they actually stay in my hair. They used to pop out before I was even done setting my whole head.

Now I part my hair, braid the section to be rolled very loosely at the root and less than one inch of braid. I'll hold the hair at the ends when I'm ready to roll it, which loosens the braid a little, then roll it up as usual. I'll pin the rollers into the braid and they stay. It's sort of like a pony-tail rollerset without all the rubberbands. Since the braid is loose, I don't get any extra kinks in my's actually straighter than if I rollerset without the braided-root.
I love Giovanni Nutrafix Hair Reconstructor and maybe a week ago, I felt that my hair needed some protein. I started applying it to my hair as I normally would. I was contemplating whether I would follow it up with a moisture DC or just a cowash. I figured, what the heck, and just put some moisturizing conditioners (yes, multiple lol) on top of the reconstructor, and left it on for like 3 or 4 hours (like I normally would). Now, normally when I rinse my hair after a moisturizing DC, it feels okay, but nothing special. When I rinsed this out though! It was amazing how moisturized my hair felt. It was sooo soft. Some things I've noticed lately is, 1. how much my hair seems to like protein, and 2. when I do a moisturizing treatment to my hair, my hair always seems more fragile and will break a little easier (like I would literally hear the little *plink!* of my hair snapping off when combing it afterward). I feel like having the protein underneath the moisturizing conditioners really helped my hair absorb the moisture better (and it was stronger!). So yeah lol. My small tweak to DC'ing is to mix it with a protein treatment.
My scalp doesn't like co-washing but my hair does so after i wet my hair i put a small amount of diluted CON Argan Oil Shampoo on my scalp (with an applicator bottle) and then continue with a more irritated scalp/coated scalp.
Adding protein. I used to avoid it because I'd thought I'd overdo it, but my hair actually loves and needs it. My hair feels soft like never before.
Last night after DCing I decided on a whim to rinse out most of the conditioner and then cover it with Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer. I am hooked! It's great! My hair is very soft. I love it!

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Pre-pooing is key for me.

Pre-pooing overnight with coconut oil


Pre-pooing with Plain Full fat Yogurt and oliveoil 2 hours before washing - keeps my hair soft, shiny, strong, dandruff free. Feels like protein but full of moisture.
My scalp doesn't like co-washing but my hair does so after i wet my hair i put a small amount of diluted CON Argan Oil Shampoo on my scalp (with an applicator bottle) and then continue with a more irritated scalp/coated scalp.

Nice tip...I'm going to try this. Thanks!
Combing hair wet is what helps me not get breakage. So I only comb wet (towel dried) and use the tangle teezer when dry (it just glides like butter). If I comb it dry I can hear it breaking.

I use castor oil on my scalp for faster growth and it works, but I dilute it 50-50 with EVOO, so isn't so sticky and just plain feeling nasty on my scalp...

If you use coconut oil as a pre-poo, the shampoo will help penetrating when it lifts the cuticle a little bit.

Always do a protein treatment after a chemical treatment and a deep moisture treatment after henna.

The best deep treatment for me has always been oiling damp hair.

You can baggy just your ends and tuck it in your protective style bun, or fake bun/ponytail.

If you don't have any essential oil you can use the vanilla scent/flavor from the kitchen to mask some awful smelling oils/mixes.

If you dilute MN, use water and a spray bottle. It's way less messy this way (to apply).

If you live in a hot climate choose to store your coconut oil in a bottle. It's easier to melt the oil in the bottle (just place in warm water) in the winter than to deal with liquid oil from a jar in the summer.

You don't need to whip your shea butter mix if you don't want. I don't own a blender myself and I just use a fork/spoon and it comes out the same. Just use enough oils so it's creamy like you want. Beware coconut oil might separate your misture in hot weather.
If a final cold rinse doesnt agree with your hair try warm and even hot. For years i cold wate final rinsed and accepted the rough feel of my hair this year i have rinsed almost exclusively with warm to hot water and my hair is happy!
Placing my scarf near my eyebrows instead of near the hairline. I've been doing this for 5 days and the difference is amazing!
Placing my scarf near my eyebrows instead of near the hairline. I've been doing this for 5 days and the difference is amazing!

sheanu - this. I put my scarf real low, near my nose, then as I tie it I pull it up to my eyebrows. It covers my whole ears and entire forehead - this way there's no friction on the hairline and no slippage when sleeping.
Clipping the "sideburn" area of my hair up above my ears OR piling hair on top of my head before showering . If I don't, I end up scrubbing and tearing that hair out while washing behind my ears. This always happens when my hair is just combed back in a low pony/bun.
sheanu - this. I put my scarf real low, near my nose, then as I tie it I pull it up to my eyebrows. It covers my whole ears and entire forehead - this way there's no friction on the hairline and no slippage when sleeping.

I want to put it over my ears but they always end up hurting and I'm afraid of getting cauliflower ears lol
I want to put it over my ears but they always end up hurting and I'm afraid of getting cauliflower ears lol

:lachen: nothing bad will happen. I've been doing this for yeeeeeears and my ears are still where they should be. Seriously? If I just perched my scarf on my hairline I'd find it at the foot of the bed when I woke up! Only way I can get it to stay on .....and I still have to use a silk pillowcase just in case it slips off! :lachen: :lachen:
:lachen: nothing bad will happen. I've been doing this for yeeeeeears and my ears are still where they should be. Seriously? If I just perched my scarf on my hairline I'd find it at the foot of the bed when I woke up! Only way I can get it to stay on .....and I still have to use a silk pillowcase just in case it slips off! :lachen: :lachen:

Ok :lachen: I'll try it tonight but if those suckers start to hurt my edges will have to suffer! I ain't walking around with bunched up ear lobes :lachen:
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Ok :lachen: I'll try it tonight but if those suckers start to hurt my edges will have to suffer! I ain't walking around with bunched up ear lobes :lachen:

Lol. I fold the scarf place it down past my edges, sort of in the middle of my forehead then bring the ends up And tie on my forehead. Then adjust to make it comfortable. I don't have to tie it too tight and the looped ends and knot are not resting on my edges but on my forehead past my edges. Hope that makes sense. :grin:
Lol. I fold the scarf place it down past my edges, sort of in the middle of my forehead then bring the ends up And tie on my forehead. Then adjust to make it comfortable. I don't have to tie it too tight and the looped ends and knot are not resting on my edges but on my forehead past my edges. Hope that makes sense. :grin:

But how do you tie it so that it's not resting on/hurting your ears though? Does the scarf cover your entire ear when you tie it this way and then rest somewhere on your neck/jaw area?
But how do you tie it so that it's not resting on/hurting your ears though? Does the scarf cover your entire ear when you tie it this way and then rest somewhere on your neck/jaw area?

When I tie it it's usually covering my ear. Then I push up the sides and pop my ears out so they are on the outside of the scarf. Still works as long as the scarf doesn't ride up in front.
I want to put it over my ears but they always end up hurting and I'm afraid of getting cauliflower ears lol

sheanu - lol at the bolded!!! but it's the exact opposite - your ears get trained to lie really flat and neat!

When I tie it it's usually covering my ear. Then I push up the sides and pop my ears out so they are on the outside of the scarf. Still works as long as the scarf doesn't ride up in front.

venusfly - ooh, i can't do this, makes my ears feel really weird lol and also this means my finer hairs where my sideburns are start rubbing away.
After experiencing severe breakage September-October despite 1x or 2x weekly protein treatments, my small tweak is only using protein txs with hydrolyzed protein in the ingredients list, and not just regular protein. Touch-wood I haven't had a single broken strand since doing this, my retention is now 100% except for what I trim myself.
Every three weeks, I use coconut treatment, using yogurt, coconut oil and coconut cream. My hair detangles very easily and I do not get fairy knots any more. The only problem is that melting the coconut cream. I used to get bits, which eventually went away. I still use the method, however I get coconut cream UHT, from Blue Dragon, was available from Since I have incorporated this coconut cream, I do not have any bits in my hair at all. Very pleased with the results.