I love Giovanni Nutrafix Hair Reconstructor and maybe a week ago, I felt that my hair needed some protein. I started applying it to my hair as I normally would. I was contemplating whether I would follow it up with a moisture DC or just a cowash. I figured, what the heck, and just put some moisturizing conditioners (yes, multiple lol) on top of the reconstructor, and left it on for like 3 or 4 hours (like I normally would). Now, normally when I rinse my hair after a moisturizing DC, it feels okay, but nothing special. When I rinsed this out though! It was amazing how moisturized my hair felt. It was sooo soft. Some things I've noticed lately is, 1. how much my hair seems to like protein, and 2. when I do a moisturizing treatment to my hair, my hair always seems more fragile and will break a little easier (like I would literally hear the little *plink!* of my hair snapping off when combing it afterward). I feel like having the protein underneath the moisturizing conditioners really helped my hair absorb the moisture better (and it was stronger!). So yeah lol. My small tweak to DC'ing is to mix it with a protein treatment.