small TWEAKS for big RESULTS

what does refrigerating moisturizer do?
does it have to be a specific type of moisturizer?

a tip i learned was to use coconut oil as a moisturizer instead of a sealant.
Conditioning on dry hair...GREAT! It, like a lot of things, should have been tried sooner...
Adding Indian oils and powders to conditioners and shampoos...GREAT!
Drinking enough water to make myself sick...may not seem like a small tweak, but it has had BIG results!
Simplifying my regimen altogether...I was on too many pills and using too many different things on my hair...
A small change I made was to stop jumping on every bandwagon I see on the site...sometimes too much information is a bad thing...I mean what's next? Will chicks start squeezing eels if someone went from NL to MBL because of eel farts?
ooh, i like this thread. let's see.

If I'm wearing a chunky twist out for the week such that I have to retwist each night, it's better to twist in slightly smaller sections, like say 18-20 instead of 10-12. It takes a few minutes longer, but the difference in how much tangling I get it's really noticeable.

I know there are more, i'll be back with them later.
Ok....this is my tweak to Southern Tease method of deep conditioning with heat in three 10-min intervals while adding more conditioner to the ends before getting back under the dryer.

I'm trying to USE UP some of my less-than-ideal products, so I did this deep conditioning session - but each time applying a different product - first an oil, then a light protein, and then a moisturizing one.

I first apply Amla oil and sat under heat bonnet for about 20 minutes, then I apply avaeda damage repair (just had a little bit left) and sat under the bonnet again for about 30 minutes......and then I sathered my hair with LaKair Olive Olive Cholestrol and sat under the bonnet again while reading LHCF (so I lost track of time).

I let my hair cool in between each application and then washed with Apohghee shampoo. After rinsing my hair felt so soft I just added some AO Honeysuckle Rose (my new conditioner for 2009) and sealed with castor oil.

My natural hair is so SOFT to the touch and has stayed mositurized for days (since Sunday)!:grin: I can not stress how GREAT my dried hair feels without any additional products. :grin:

My repeating the process as I'm typing this - not because my hair has dried out but just because I'm committing to deep conditioning twice per week.

This time I used the Amla oil (still have some left), then patene R&N mask (I used nearly the whole jar), and for the final (not sure yet - still under the dryer with the pantene) maybe the Olive oil Cholestrol again since I still have some left.

This was about a 2-hour deep conditioning process, but the results are fabulous! :yep:
I switched from satin to silk scarves at night. This made a big difference for me. Also, instead of purchasing a pre-cut scarf (which often times aren't quite long enough one way or another), I went to a fabric store and purchased a full yard of silk and this is what I now use as my scarf. It's a little long, but it covers all of my hair!

Great Thread!!
I was wondering why the back of my hair looks especially anorexic, it has dawned on me that it is not getting enough moisture. When i moisturize i would gather hair like I was putting it in a pony so pretty much just the outer layer was reaping the benefits. Now I take the time to finger part and divide my hair in halves to make sure its all getting the benefit- the hair back there feels better already:yep:.

exactly...ITA. When I stared parting my hair and adding conditioner to the middle of my hair that is the driest, my hair quickly showed improvement
Deep conditoning with heat twice per week and for two hours has made a HUGE difference in my hair this winter! :grin:
why refridgerate the moisturizer?

YAY! I've been thinking about how to word a thread like this....basically little tricks that have made a huge difference to your hair, that many people dont know about-Right?

Here are some small tweaks i've made during my journey that made a big deal of difference to my hair (but im sure everyone already knows these)

-Conditioning on dry hair, adding a hot towel seems to make my hair very soft as well
-Rinsing my hair with oil during the washing process
-At the end of my wash, rinsing my hair in cold cold cold water plus lemon juice, it really makes my hair feel much smoother & silkier

And a small tweak that has worked for me personally

-Shampooing with cream of nature shampoo AFTER i conditon, because no other conditoner detangles my hair

Small tweaks that i got from CandyC and are about to start
-Refredergate moisturizer
-Take vitamins w/warm water to help it absorb better
My tweaks for shampooing and detangling without losing tons of hair: :grin:
*Wash hair under the bathtub faucet rather than in the shower. Before, I would lose clumps of hair because I wasn't fully rinsing out products. (I have thick hair).

*Wash hair in sections to prevent tangles. I don't detangle at all before washing. I simply part it into three sections (left side, back/nape and right side) with my fingers and put a hair clip on each piece to keep it separated (rather than braiding - that took too long for me). Start on the left side: remove the clip, wash, rinse and reclip. Repeat on the back/nape section. Finally, do these same steps on the right side. You are essentially washing your hair from left to right. That way, if one section gets wet or overlapped with suds, it's not a big deal because the previous section has already been washed. I do not detangle during the wash stage!

*Repeat this "section" technique when you rinse out your deep conditioner.

*Detangle when you rinse out the conditioner! Since you are doing this under a bathtub faucet, the water pressure will help tremendously. Use a wide tooth shower comb and "wiggle it" through your hair from ends to root. Do not pull or force the comb through. Make sure you do this process in sections too.

*When you finish all of this, your hair will still be clipped in three sections. Spray in your leave-in and serum. My hair is 98% detangled at this point! This is quite a miracle considering that I avoided washing for two to three weeks at a time until recently because I always lost so much hair every wash due to tangles! :nono: Now, I lose very little hair when I wash, and I think it's only the shed hair that has accumulated during the week (I only comb during the conditioning process on wash day - low manipulation). :yep:
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This thread is really good!

I learned to wet my rollers and it reminded me to add oils and deep condition with heat on dry hair.
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Adding about a tablespoon of Avocado oil to my deep conditioner. Apply to DRY HAIR on small sections and twist each section. Then pop on the plastic cap with my heat cap or hood dryer for about 30 minutes and this is the way I deep condition now. After that I poo or co-wash depending if it is a poo day or not... (Did I say poo day????) :lachen:

I used to have such dry hair. NO MORE!!!!
i love this thread!!

*massaging my scalp when i moisturize in the morning and at night has helped stimulate growth
*not wearing a shower cap when i shower has also helped open the pores on my scalp and the steam is easy moisturizing!
I write down EVERYTHING I do to my hair for washes, deep conditioning, and other treatments.

As a product junkie, sometimes I forget which product did what. This helps me to "remember" especially the "mix of products" that gave me great results!
My Tweaks::
1. adding AVJ to MN+MT mix (MUCH MUCH softer hair especially after wrapping overnight)
2. DCing two days in a row after relaxing or henna'ing (just better results all around)
3. Doing a 30 second straight cold water rinse after each co-wash or anything with my hair
My Tweaks::
1. adding AVJ to MN+MT mix (MUCH MUCH softer hair especially after wrapping overnight)
2. DCing two days in a row after relaxing or henna'ing (just better results all around)
3. Doing a 30 second straight cold water rinse after each co-wash or anything with my hair

What is that?
I gently blot my hair with a paper towel (make sure it's one that won't leave lint) to soak up excess water after washing my hair. It helps cut down on the time I spend using my dryer. I learned this tip from an Infusium brochure I received in the mail.
This may seem like silly to some, but I needed to organize my HAIR RPODUCTS! As a PJ with stuff stashed in a closet, a cabinet and few plastic bins......I could not tell what I had!

I bought a cheap 4-shelf unit from Kmart for my hair products and set it up in my spare bedroom. Now I SEE exactly what I have.:yep:
My right side was shorter, dryer and had more splits until I realized that I treat the right side a little rough -- I am constantly on the phone on that side, sleep on that side and for some reason I was always putting conditioner or moisturizer in my left hand

I just had an a-ha moment along these lines. Why was my hair so beautiful on the left, and shorter, splitter (is that a word?) and coarser on the right. My purse!....more like my "shoulder suitcase" I believe has been grabbing my hair on that side and damaging it! Also, because I am right handed, I was putting the conditioner in my left hand and inadvertently favoring the left side. Now I have to remember to carry my bag on the left shoulder and wear my hair up more so I don't have to worry. THE PHONE. Geez, I never even thought of that. I've just had another A-ha moment...Thanks!
after DCing, doing a quick shampoo then finishing up with a cheapie condi. lately I've been ixnaying the shampoo though and finishing up with a condi. (aussie moist!)
moisturizing with coconut oil at least 2-3 times a week

il rinsing with vatika oil

adding oils to my deepc onditioners

adding a litle extra oil to wet hair before blowdrying