small TWEAKS for big RESULTS

Wonderful thread!

My tweaks are:

Deep Conditioning with Heat --wearing a plastic cap under my hooded dryer--for 30 to 40 minutes at least once a week. After I shampoo, I add my favorite good deep conditioner, plop on a plastic cap and get under the dryer. When I rinse it out, my hair is velvety soft. It seems to penetrate better than body heat alone. I don't do this much in the summer, but I do the other times of the year. And I really notice a difference.

Prepooing with EVOO & Honey--Mix it, heat it and apply it to dry hair. Cover with a plastic cap and let it penetrate for 20-40 minutes. Sometimes with heat and sometimes without. Then shampoo and continue with my regular regime.

Moisturize with Rosewater--Add a few drops of pure rose water to my palms, rub it in and quickly fluff through my hair at night anytime I need a little moisure. Nothing moisturizes like water.
I've picked up on the low mani.

Although I wear wigs, I still used play with my hair too much. It has thicken up since I started to manipulate less and take my time to detangle.
Great thread! I'm bookmarking this one for reference.

Thanks Amwcah!

One more - I never understood the reason why people mixed products together - like adding EVOO with their conditioners, mixing leave-ins etc.

Now, I get IT- most commerical products just need that extra "something" to work even better. I now always mix an oil in my deep conditioner for extra lubrication.

I also try to follow the CH rules for deep conditioner of blending proteins, oils, and stimulants.

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This is a great thread. I don't have any tweaks because I'm still learning but I wanted to say THANK YOU for all the great tips.
WONDERFUL THREAD!! I just began taking care of my own hair full time and could really use gems like these.:grin:
Using (3) 10-15 minute intervals for intense deep conditioning...
(learned from Lisa Akbari)
  • Part hair in four sections to apply DC evenly throughout hair
  • Cover with plastic cap ( I use steam towel & dryer)
  • Sit under dryer for 10-15 minutes
  • Re-apply DC on ends, hairline, line of demarcation (most delicate areas)
  • Sit under dryer AGAIN for ANOTHER 10-15 minutes
  • Re-apply DC on delicate areas
  • Sit under dryer for the last time for 10-15 minutes
This gives you 30-45 minutes total under the dryer...
I do this once/twice a week.

This is an awesome idea.. I can't wait to try it!!!
Moisturize with Rosewater--Add a few drops of pure rose water to my palms, rub it in and quickly fluff through my hair at night anytime I need a little moisure. Nothing moisturizes like water.

:think: Hmmm.... I have some rosewater at home. I had no idea what to do with it. Thanks for the tip. I'll have to try this!
I stopped brushing my hair line with a fine tooth comb to get it smooth. I came to realize that the hair there is the most fragile on my head, and that was why the hair towards my crown never seemed to grow :blush:. Instead, i just wrap a satin scarf around my hair (wet or dry) and get the smooth hairline look :yep:

I stopped combing dried hair...the difference is simply mind boggling :drunk:

Stopped braiding my hair was a hard lesson for me to learn that my hair just doesnt do well with extensions--regardless of who does them, or how much I take care of them :nono:

HTH somebody out there:rolleyes:
This is such a great thread! Some of the tweaks that have helped me recently include:

*Shampooing ONCE on wash day, with a combination of a clarifying shampoo and my usual shampoo. Just one drop of each is enough to get my hair and scalp clean. Shampooing once leaves my hair with much more moisture then multiple lathers. Also, adding the clarifying poo ensures that it gets that squeaky clean (not stripped) feeling.

*Deep condition in sections, after lightly blotting the hair to get rid of excess water (helps the conditioner penetrate better for easier detangling.

*On wash and go days, combing is a no-no! I simply wash as usual, detangling with conditioner while in the shower. Then, I towel blot, apply my moisturizer & oil, and brush my top and edges down before applying a scarf. In the morning, I have a perfect wng.

*Throwing a silk scarf over my shoulders at work if my hair is down to prevent unnecessary rubbing on clothing.
This is such a great thread! Some of the tweaks that have helped me recently include:

*Throwing a silk scarf over my shoulders at work if my hair is down to prevent unnecessary rubbing on clothing.[/quote]

I have to give this tweak a try!

I noticed that even my wigs get all tangled in the nape area, so I defintley need to get this on control before I wear my real hair down.

Thanks OneInAMillion!

A new tweak for me: I add an egg to my deep conditioners ....:grin:
Mixing up my cheapy conditioners, adding oil and a moisturizer and using this concoction to prepoo. My hair loved this ( I tried it today because I wanted to use up my heavy moisturizer and my cheapy conditioners).
This is such a great thread! Some of the tweaks that have helped me recently include:

*Shampooing ONCE on wash day, with a combination of a clarifying shampoo and my usual shampoo. Just one drop of each is enough to get my hair and scalp clean. Shampooing once leaves my hair with much more moisture then multiple lathers. Also, adding the clarifying poo ensures that it gets that squeaky clean (not stripped) feeling.

*Deep condition in sections, after lightly blotting the hair to get rid of excess water (helps the conditioner penetrate better for easier detangling.

*On wash and go days, combing is a no-no! I simply wash as usual, detangling with conditioner while in the shower. Then, I towel blot, apply my moisturizer & oil, and brush my top and edges down before applying a scarf. In the morning, I have a perfect wng.

*Throwing a silk scarf over my shoulders at work if my hair is down to prevent unnecessary rubbing on clothing.

I think I'll be trying this from now on instead of doing 1 of each. Thanks for the tip!!!
There is some good info in this thread!

One thing that I do that just pumps up the volume on my hair and leaves it soft, moisturized, bouncy and smooth is during a DC after I have been under heat for about 15 min, I take off my plastic cap and massage in mildly warmed olive oil, put the cap back on and get back under the heat. I have tried with other oils, amla, coconut, brahmi but nothing seems to do it like the olive oil.

I am now going to add the tweek of warming the conditioner too....yummy. I cannot wait to wash my hair again!
I stopped brushing my hair line with a fine tooth comb to get it smooth. I came to realize that the hair there is the most fragile on my head, and that was why the hair towards my crown never seemed to grow :blush:. Instead, i just wrap a satin scarf around my hair (wet or dry) and get the smooth hairline look :yep:

I stopped combing dried hair...the difference is simply mind boggling :drunk:

Stopped braiding my hair was a hard lesson for me to learn that my hair just doesnt do well with extensions--regardless of who does them, or how much I take care of them :nono:

HTH somebody out there:rolleyes:
I'm the total opposite:yep:
If i comb my wet hair,it snaps and breaks and gets tangled,even when i start form the ends and go up.
When my hair is dried,it combs through smoothly and it feels so strong.I don't know if this is normal yet,but its working for now.
Shampooing ONCE on wash day, with a combination of a clarifying shampoo and my usual shampoo. Just one drop of each is enough to get my hair and scalp clean. Shampooing once leaves my hair with much more moisture then multiple lathers. Also, adding the clarifying poo ensures that it gets that squeaky clean (not stripped) feeling.
This makes so much sense.I'm going to try it and see how it works.
One thing that I do that just pumps up the volume on my hair and leaves it soft, moisturized, bouncy and smooth is during a DC after I have been under heat for about 15 min, I take off my plastic cap and massage in mildly warmed olive oil, put the cap back on and get back under the heat. I have tried with other oils, amla, coconut, brahmi but nothing seems to do it like the olive oil.
This sounds so good.I'm going to try this too!
Using a clear plastic conditioner bonnet for my car's head rest. Keeps the oil from saturating the head rest. :superbanana: They are on sale at Walmart in Los Angeles. Fifteen bags for 95 cents or you can buy them from the beauty supply store.

I never thought of using a satin bonnet for my head rest, but I sleep with those or wear them under my wool hats all the time. :yahoo:
I finally understand the whole moisture/protien BALANCE thing now. As a natural, I thought that I did not have to worry about adding protien to my hair like relaxed folks do - how wrong!

I can tell an immediate difference in my hair strength after I pre-poo with an egg or two aded to my oil mix.
This is such a WONDERFUL & INFORMATIVE thread, I wonder why I didn't see this sooner. It's explains alot more of such methods I had often wondered about! Subscribing to this thread!:grin:
My big one has been when I put my hair up at night I coat the ends and length with coconut oil, bun and wrap my bun in pieces of cut plastic grocery bag.

Granted my hair isn't long but, this is the most length I've retained and the length is silky and fabulous. That has made the hugest difference for me ever.
This thread is sooooo helpful!!! Some things I picked up were:
*adding oils (esp. castor oil) to conditioner
*oil rinses after I shampoo but before I DC
*doing the final rinse in cold water
*lightly blotting excess moisture from the hair before conditioning
*making sure my hair remains dripping wet while rollersetting (this gives such neater, smoother curls)

I really want to try putting my moisturizer in the refrigerator to see the difference.
Ladies, I think the directions for Hair One is the best advice I've seen for CONDITIONER WASHING in general!

Here you go:

Step 1
Rinse hair throughly for at least 1 minute.

Apply 8-10 pumps to the crown of head and 8-10 pumps to nape/back of head.

Message virgorously into the scalp for 2-3 minutes.

Then add extra splash of water to help distribute through the ends.

Step 2
Now add 10-20 pumps (depending on hair length) through the mid shaft and ends.

The more product you use, the better the results.

Comb through with wide tooth comb. Leave on for 3-5 minutes.

For maxium results, the longer you leave it on the better.

Step 3
Rinse completely for 1-2 minutes by massaging your scalp and running your fingers through to the ends.

If desired, apply 1-3 pumps as a leave-in conditioner to wet hair.