Six month plan to leave. Feedback?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what I need from the forum but I do know that I'm becoming indifferent to this man. Maybe I need similar experiences with a plan to leave instead of an impulsive quick move-out. I have a six month plan before separating my husband. He doesn't know this and he won't until he comes home and I'm gone. I will blog about this once I leave. Not the private parts but the idea of a safety plan for leaving a relationship.

Major things about him that I can't get over or deal with:
  • Told me he had an affair with a 21 year old with serious issues - he's 40. So am I.
  • Eventually claimed he was lying about the affair because I was hounding him about his suspicious email to her stating that 'he's sorry he put her in an awkward position when he tried to give her a ride to work and her boyfriend saw him. Although he'd like to put her in any position."
  • Talked with the girl he was 'lying about' to tell her that I hounded him and she laughed hysterically when I asked her to be honest with me about it after he reneged his confession.
  • Dumb as hell because he doesn't realize that I have keystroke tracker on my computer which he's using to communicate with her and that's how I saw the email in the first place. I bought it to check on my adult son's activity on my computer. Caught my hubby instead.
Things that make my stay a little more bearable:
  • I'm becoming frighteningly indifferent to him,
  • I love my home.
  • I've stopped contributing to the household bills.
  • He's getting a settlement and I want some before I go. I know that I could get half in a divorce settlement but it would be gone by then. We have a joint account so I'll just shop a lot.
  • I'm not in any danger from him. I'm 98 percent sure. I'm watching my back and so is my brother for the other 2 percent.
  • I have support from friends and family.
The safety escape plan:
  • Opened credit cards in maiden name which my mother keeps because they are mailed to her home.
  • Started a new savings account in maiden name where I've saved security, first months and last months rent. Same deal on the address.
  • Let my mother and brother know in case he gets weirded out when I do leave. Even though there's been no indication that he would hurt me and I've known him for a long time even before we were married, you never know what a dude will do when you leave. They schiz on you sometimes.
  • Research and locate affordable housing near my parent's so that my daughter can stay in her great school and I can use them as a support system. I don't want my daughter and I to suffer because he's a butt head.
I really can't stand his punk behind and I want to slap the crap out of him, his girlfriend and bust the windows out of his car but that wouldn't be smart. I have been having sex sometimes using a condom because I want him to think all is forgiven yet I want to be safe. It's scary to detach emotionally during. It feels like rape sometimes. :nono: Sometimes not, which is even scarier because I don't want to chicken out at the last minute over some nookie.

How I'm feeling:
  • I'm beginning to feel silly about the financial and emotional games that I'm playing. I'm having a hard time not just snapping out on him whenever he opens his mouth.
  • I pray every day for strength because I don't want to live with family or friends. I also pray for somebody to give me a car, a furnished apartment and a legal way out of our lease. Still waiting.
  • I feel evil and pitiful.
  • I also feel like I'm in denial.
  • I'm ashamed because I'm getting older and my body will never be 20 years younger no matter how much I work out.
  • I'm sad because I thought that he was my friend and he betrayed me. I miss my friend.
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Sound like you have a plan. Do what's best for you and your kids. Good luck
You sound prepared to do what you have to do. Don't be scared into settling - do what's best for you.
You are on point with your plan. Do what you have to do for you and your children. They are your #1 priority.
You might want to get your mother or brother to open the account in their name, so when you divorce it wont come up, or if it does it can look like you were just "gifting" them the money. It would look harder for him to accuse you of stealing marital funds. After you get divorced put it in your name and keep rolling
Well i'm sure that any married person with kids has tried every possible avenue to keep the marriage together for the sake of the kids, so i'm sure you've tried it and i'm not gonna even insult you by asking you to do that.

You've made the decision to leave, and your plan sounds like it is very smart and will keep your daughter safe and with minimal impact to her schedule. so good for you! I'd say continue planning and carry it out. don't halfstep and stop saving ur money, or stop opening accounts. And hopefully yall will be getting an income tax return and you can take all of that as your starter nestegg and bounce! i wish the best to
Sorry you are going through this. Change is never easy, but its necessary. I can relate to parts of your post. Your a smart girl, planning ahead and putting you and your child first. God Bless, and be safe!!
good for you! and BIG HUGS:bighug:

I do hurt for the fact that you said "having sex with him feels like rape" sometimes. Maybe you could fake an illness or some gynecological thing to get him off of you.

I also feel bad because your last statement sounds like you still have feelings for him? Just another hug for you. like the ladies said, you've planned very well. Do what's best for you and your heart (which has your child in it).
Also, just to add to what oher posters have said, is there a way for you to get some counseling without him finding out? It may do you so good regarding your feelings
How I'm feeling:
  • I'm beginning to feel silly about the financial and emotional games that I'm playing. I'm having a hard time not just snapping out on him whenever he opens his mouth.
  • I pray every day for strength because I don't want to live with family or friends. I also pray for somebody to give me a car, a furnished apartment and a legal way out of our lease. Still waiting.
  • I feel evil and pitiful.
  • I also feel like I'm in denial.
  • I'm ashamed because I'm getting older and my body will never be 20 years younger no matter how much I work out.
  • I'm sad because I thought that he was my friend and he betrayed me. I miss my friend.

your feelings are trying to communicate something to you that is very relevant to your situation

well wishes in whatever you decide to do
Never easy to make the move but you can do it. I was planning for a year before I left my ex. I did not expect the drama which occurred when I told him I was leaving; he was begging me not to leave-did any and everything I had been begging him for years to do-too late..I was done. I left in one day...cleared out what actually belonged to me..had an apartment already. Expect some possibly crazy anger from him after you have actually left. Best thing is your family is on your side. Best'll be OK.
Sounds like you have a good idea of what you need to do, and have the details of your plan worked out. I'm impressed that you are keeping a cool head and planning in advanced, rather than running out with nothing to fall back on.

Just one thing. You were tracking your adult son's activity online? That's kinda :ohwell:
You may want to consult w/ a divorce attorney to go over your plans and to consult any missing pieces you have not considered.

Divorce is different in every state and someone's opinion here may not apply to your state.

Preparation is your best plan.
Sounds like you have a plan.

I just wanted to suggest that it might be better for you to remove the pics in your siggie/ avatar, just in case somebody of his family is on this site KWIM?

Good luck
You might want to get your mother or brother to open the account in their name, so when you divorce it wont come up, or if it does it can look like you were just "gifting" them the money. It would look harder for him to accuse you of stealing marital funds. After you get divorced put it in your name and keep rolling

Such a great idea. I never thought about that. Thanks.
Sounds like you have a plan.

I just wanted to suggest that it might be better for you to remove the pics in your siggie/ avatar, just in case somebody of his family is on this site KWIM?

Good luck

Girl, ain't nobody in his family on this site. I gave his sister the link a few years ago because of her alopecia traction (sp?). When I ask her about it she says she never has time to check it out. That was before I waited for somebody to ask me about hair stuff.
Sounds like you have a good idea of what you need to do, and have the details of your plan worked out. I'm impressed that you are keeping a cool head and planning in advanced, rather than running out with nothing to fall back on.

Just one thing. You were tracking your adult son's activity online? That's kinda :ohwell:

:lachen: Not only him but my stepdaughter as well. My computer was coming up with a lot of problems so I stopped them from using it unless it was for job and school purposes. I found out that my stepdaughter was on facebook most of the time and my son, well, nevermind. I've since uninstalled the trial version because I just didn't want to find out anything else about anyone else's business. Plus i want to remain calm enough and I found something else out about my husband, I might smother him in his sleep.:look:
Never easy to make the move but you can do it. I was planning for a year before I left my ex. I did not expect the drama which occurred when I told him I was leaving; he was begging me not to leave-did any and everything I had been begging him for years to do-too late..I was done. I left in one day...cleared out what actually belonged to me..had an apartment already. Expect some possibly crazy anger from him after you have actually left. Best thing is your family is on your side. Best'll be OK.

He has been so sweet and considerate lately. He hasn't been giving me the indifference thing that he usually does when he's out prowling. I'm not invisible and I feel like a girl. Now I know this is only temporary until he thinks I'm not leaving so I have my guards up. I'm just accepting the massages and home cooked meals because I know he's full of crap. However, I'm afraid that when he knows for sure that I'm gone that he'll snap out.

He's a very proud man who is concerned with appearances so I'm hoping he'll come up with a lie for his family and friends and just let it go. There's a song by Chrisette Michelle called 'Blame it on me' and that's where I am. Dude, whatever, I'm outtie.
your feelings are trying to communicate something to you that is very relevant to your situation

well wishes in whatever you decide to do

I know. The decision to stay is practical just like my marriage to him appeared to be. Spiritually, emotionally and mentally I don't feel so healthy. It's kind of like staying in a job until you're prepared to quit. If I was alone I'd have left right away but i don't want my daughter to be homeless.
U sound as though you have your mind made up and a great plan of action mapped out?

Away from the affair with the 20 yr old is he a good husband otherwise? If you don't mind answering.
I am so sorry this is happening but you seem to have your plan together i hope everything works out for you and your daughter
I know. The decision to stay is practical just like my marriage to him appeared to be. Spiritually, emotionally and mentally I don't feel so healthy. It's kind of like staying in a job until you're prepared to quit. If I was alone I'd have left right away but i don't want my daughter to be homeless.

You are a strong woman and I wish you well.
OP, I am so sorry this happened to you, I hope your plan goes accordingly.

My mother did something similar when she left my dad. It all went smoothly until the day we left and he japped out.

My ex fiance also did the same when I left him, I guess its a man thing, but you stand firm.
You are thinking and not just reacting so kudos to you. Please sit down for a consultation with a divorce atty in your state and review your plan.

I'd hate to be sleeping with dude and you don't seem to enjoy it either so you are 100% justified in not be giving him any at all!!

I hope all goes well for you as you make your exit!!
You might want to get your mother or brother to open the account in their name, so when you divorce it wont come up, or if it does it can look like you were just "gifting" them the money. It would look harder for him to accuse you of stealing marital funds. After you get divorced put it in your name and keep rolling

Yes, good point, I am about to divorce my husband so my mom opened up a saving account in her name so that it would not be considered maritial property. If he or the lawyer questions it.. my mom will say it's hers.
Good planning. Just make sure you are using extra birth control along with the condom. You don't want any surprises at this time.
You may want to get a joint bank account with your mother or brother, because the money you put into your account while you are married is rightfully half his.

Good luck girl and keep us posted.
Anything you open while still married could be considered a marital asset depending upon the state you are in. Also, if you plan to file for divorce, before you leave, you should make an appointment and meet with EVERY top attorney in your city. That way, once you leave and file, he will be severly limited as to who can represent him. You want to pick somebody who is good with contested divorces, has a good reputation, and is over at the courthouse all the time.